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Has anyone been to Chankanaab Park recently?


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I will be in Cozumel on a cruise stop next January with my elderly Mom ** who does not swim **. I am looking for somewhere where we can spend a few leisurely hours just strolling around and relaxing near the water. Would Chankanaab fit the bill? Are there places to lounge ** in the shade ** ? Since Mom is a non-water-person, it's pretty difficult to find stuff to do other than shop (we prefer not to do the all-day tours to the Ruins - too much bus riding). Any thoughts/suggestions?



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We just returned from Chankanaab and loved it. There is shallow water to play in, lots of shade (with chairs), nice paths with lovely flowers, trees and wildlife, a small putt-putt course, nice restaurants, as well as the dolphins and sea lion shows. I highly recommend it!!

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I think you and your mom would enjoy Chankanaab. I've been there twice, and I enjoyed both visits. Y'all would like walking thru the botanical gardens, as there are replicated Mayan ruins and gorgeous blooming plants of all kinds.

Although there's no long beach to walk at water's edge, there is a lovely lagoon with sandy shore that you could wade into. There are two areas (lagoon and snorkeling area) that have many, many loungers to sit in under palapas for shade. The restaurant just past the lagoon is open-air, so you could sit there and have a cool drink, look at the ocean, and listen to the strolling Mariachi band there.

There are several small shops there, as well. And you can see the dolphins perform from a wooden walkway - without having to do the dolphin swim. Then there's always the sealion and bird show.

Chankanaab is the only 'national park' on the island, and it is kept up beautifully. It's a $10 cab ride for the two of you, and the entry fee to the park is $12. Well worth every penny.

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We were in Chankanaab in January. You enter the water by steps because it is very deep and mainly for snorkelers. There is a small beach area where you can walk directly into the water without steps, but it is small and very crowded with families that have children. There are numerous trees for shade, but no umbrellas. Therefore, the shady tree areas are taken first. I would get there early and take a shady spot quickly. Just be forewarned that the walk to the beach is a pretty good one. There is a pretty long pathway that is made out of large flat stones. It winds around with lots of pretty trees and there is even a replica of some old ancient mayan ruins. It's very pretty, but is's a very long walk for an elderly person. I hope you like iguana's because we saw several on the pathway. Our kids loved them, but some people are very frightened by them so I thought I would give you a heads up on that.


If you are looking for a beach that is not so crowded, then Paradise beach sounds like a good one to pick. They also have free umbrellas and lounge chairs for everyone. So you wouldn't have to worry about getting there early to find a shady spot under a tree. And I've heard it's not a real long walk either. Paradise also has restaurants and shops too. We have decided to go to Paradise this time. We like all of the free activities they offer plus it's free to get in unlike Chankanaab's $10 entrance fee. And it's all sandy beach just like you see on a post card, no steps into the water like Chankanaab. I just thought I would add my experience here so you might get a different perspective on it. Don't get me wrong, we enjoyed ourselves at Chankanaab, but after reading all of the rave reviews of Paradise beach, we just have to try it. Plus, we would prefer a normal beach that you can walk right into the water from. We didn't like the steps at Chankanaab. I would definitely give the long walking at Chankanaab some thought. Our kids got a little fussy and we stopped to take a break. It's pretty, but the path winds around for quite a while and there's a lot of walking. I hope this helps. Enjoy your cruise!

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Hi Cruisinqt,



How long a walk would you say it is at Chankanaab (minutes &/or distance)? Mom has no problem walking, just not fast. Thanks for telling me about your experience. I'm trying to gather as much info as possible before we go so we can have a low-stress vacation!



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Leaving in less the two weeks aboard Sensation. Doing Chankanaab because my wife wants to play with the sea lions and my duaghter and I want to dive the reef. Did any of you do the Sea lion thing?? Did anyone notice dive shops on the beach (I am told there are several!?!) THanks much(or should I say Mucho)

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Florida Diver...we were at Chankanaab last month. We were traveling with another couple and the two guys did a shore dive at the park. There were three dive shops located right on the beach side by side. You are required to have a guide go with you on the dive.


Neither one of the guys were impressed with the dive (granted they had just dove at Grand Cayman and Roatan.) Said there wasn't much to see and the coral was dead. Two years ago my husband and I both dove at Cozumel using Eagle Ray Divers...you will see much more doing a boat dive. The guys chose to do the shore dive just so us two gals could have a day on the beach (which we loved!) Hubby also said the equipment that the dive shop rented was't the greatest. He has his own stuff, but our friend had to rent the BC & regulator.


Since getting back, I read that the dive shops had been shut down for failure to pay taxes...not sure if they are open now or not.


Bottom line...Chankanaab is a beautiful park but if you want to take advantage of the really great diving or snorkeling...go from a boat.

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Thanks Mathgal...I am in the same boat...my wife does not dive and she wants to do the sea lion thing. My duaghter and I have dove Cozumel numerous times so we agreed. THe dive guide is a bummer but we will muddle through to keep peace in the family!! Tks again

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We were at both Paradise Beach and Chankanaab last week. I posted a reveiw this week. Paradise Beach appeared to be nice if you wanted to play in the sand and wade gradually into the water, or enjoy the water toys there. We had been to Chankanaab before and wanted to see the tropical setting again. We only had a short walk, shady, tropical setting. The botanical gardens had paved pathways through them and had shorter ones that led to the front gate. The lagoon along the walkway was breathtaking lined with Iguanas, flowering plants,etc. A lot of shrubs.

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There is a small beach area where you can walk directly into the water without steps, but it is small and very crowded with families that have children.


Hey y'all...Cotton here. I'll make my comments in BOLD print.


That is the lagoon. I guess it varies as to whether or not it will be crowded. I've been twice, and both times, I was one of only 3-4 people at the lagoon. There are a dozen or so palapas to sit under, in the loungers.


There are numerous trees for shade, but no umbrellas.


Although I did see many beautiful palm trees, there were dozens and dozens of palapas...thatched roof 'umbrellas' that you sit under. Two loungers under each palapa to sit under.


Just be forewarned that the walk to the beach is a pretty good one. There is a pretty long pathway that is made out of large flat stones. It winds around with lots of pretty trees and there is even a replica of some old ancient mayan ruins. It's very pretty, but is's a very long walk for an elderly person. I hope you like iguana's because we saw several on the pathway. Our kids loved them, but some people are very frightened by them so I thought I would give you a heads up on that.


;) You took the indirect path to the beach area! You went through the botanical gardens. If you go straight through from the entrance to the beach (solid pavement), it's about a one-minute walk.


(They give you a little diagram of Chankanaab as you enter the park.) You obviously turned left as you entered the park instead of walking straight ahead.


......unlike Chankanaab's $10 entrance fee.


FYI - the entrance fee to Chankanaab is now $12 per person.


.......I guess that's the beauty of these boards. You can get different/additional info from different folks who have been to the same place.:D C.

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When we were at Chankanaab in May it wasn't crowded at all. Although it was in the morning and early afternoon. There were several palapas opened to sit under and the lagoon only had about 3 or 4 other people in it. I was thinking exactly as Cotton wrote that cruisingt must of took the long way to the beach. It wasn't far at all. A very nice stroll.


floridadiver- My family did the sealion swim and enjoyed it very much. Here is my review from an earlier post:


First you went and sat on a platform and they introduced you to the sea lion and told you all about them. Ours was named "Karla." Then you got in the water, in a line (8 in our group), put out your arms and she swam past you while you got to feel her. Then everyone individually got to hold her and she gave you a kiss. Then two people held hands way above the water and Karla jumped over your arms, turned around, and jumped back over them on the way back. After everyone had a turn, we got back out of the water and the trainer demonstrated how sea lions will mimick everything you do. If we danced, she danced. If we clapped, she clapped, if we turned around, she turned around...... etc. Then everyone got to individually hug her good-bye.

the whole thing was close to an hour and photos and a video were being taken the whole time. Afterwards you got to go in a little room and watch the video and had the option of purchasing it. Cost was $28.USD (well worth it!) Photos were a little pricey at $19.USD (a little bigger than 5 x 7) but they were very good! We booked through Sherri at cozumelinsider. Price was $56.00 and very well worth every penny! It included $12.00 entrance fee into the park (which is very beautiful ~ you could spend the entire day there if you chose to), and the sealion show. Hope this helps. If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to answer them. You're wife is going to have a great time!

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Thnaks Belle:

My DW was reading over my shoulder and is already drooling!! On so many of these islands it ends up being about my diving, I will happily dive a so so reef so that she can do this. Between the String Rays and the Sea Lions it is going to be an animal cruise!! Tks Again

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Cotton, it's good to know that Chankanaab isn't so crowded all of the time.:) Because when we went, it was extremely crowded! When we looked for a lounge chair, they were all taken. We walked a very long ways down the beach before we found one empty chair. We dragged it all the way back down to sandy beach/lagoon area.:( Someone took pity on our family of 4 with only one chair and gave us one of theirs so we would at least have two. We spent most of our time at the sandy beach/lagoon area and I dont' remember any palapas there. I think there aren't any palapas in the small lagoon area where we were at. But there were probably palapas on the main beach. We probably didn't notice them because we were so intent on finding chairs to drag down to the lagoon, which was very crowded.


I'm also very glad to hear that there is another shorter route for people to take. We never got the map, so didn't know about it. Maybe they were out of maps or something. Or maybe the guy just forgot to give us one. Anyway, I will make a mental note of the shorter route just in case we decide to return. My husband enjoyed the snorkeling there.:D


I think we would have had a much better time if there weren't so many crowds there. Every time I went to take a picture of my husband and kids playing in the water or on the beach, someone would walk by. It was very irritating! I think I was expecting a regular beach like you see in the U.S. I have never been to a beach where you have to use steps to get in. It just wasn't what I had expected. But the snorkeling was good, and there is a small lagoon with a regular beach to play in. Overall is wasn't a bad experience and it is a very pretty area.:) I just think the crowds took a lot of the joy out of the experience for me. I dont' like crowds very much. But thanks Cotton for the heads up! I'm relieved to hear of it not always having so many crowds and there being a shorter path. That's what makes CC so good. You keep learning, even if it's a place you've already been to.:D

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Hi again. I'm really hoping that your next visit to Chank will be much less crowded! I was there in early September both times, and was there most of the day and no crowds at any time.

Hmmmm. There are palapas at the lagoon - I'm sitting here looking at a picture on my bulletin board right now - there are six, with two loungers under each one, w/one person sitting there. ( :DHey, bless your heart, after you lugged that lounger all the way, I'm SURE you didn't notice anything!:D )

Another picture shows a longshot of the snorkeling area - I see two distinct rows of palapas - about 50+ I'd guess........and only 23 people in the picture. I'm sure some were out snorkeling.

On November 1, I'll be going back to Chank to snorkel, then on to Paradise Beach for the remainder of the day....just to try something different. I loved the snorkeling at Chank - my VERY first time, and I'm over 60! ;)

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You mention the Sea Lion Show. Have you (or anyone else reading this) taken this in? What's it all about? Worth the time?


We'll be in Chank the first week of Sept. We've booked the Royal Dolphin Swim, Sea Lion swim and the Sea Lion show through CozumelInsider, but since we had to change our reservations last week when the Inspiration changed it's itinerary from COzumel on Thursday to Cozumel on Friday, the times we had originally planned for the activities were moved around some. As of right now we may have to skip hte sea lion show. We've emailed the folks at the insider to see if they can change something around for us, but just in case... WOuld we be missing anything special if we skipped the show?

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Wooohooo!!! :D Snorkeling at 60? And it was your first time? At 60? Good for you Cotton! My parents just turned 71 and I can't get them off of their butts. They are socially active, they just don't exercise regularly like they should. I would be happy if they were walking, swimming, anything! Regular exercise is what keeps you young and healthy. It is a proven fact that regular exercise will add years to your life. I want them to live to at least a hundred. But that won't be happening if they don't get out and exercise more often.:( It is so important to keep physically active like that Cotton. You won't find many 60 year olds snorkeling. Keep it up, it's very good for you!:D

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Florida diver,

the dive shops at Chakanaab are open and back in business after some problems with the Mexican version of the IRS. We have used El Clavado dive shop at Chakanaab three times and enjoyed it each time. I can recommend Miguel Fuentes at El Clavado, dive master and probably one of the most patient people in Mexico. walk ups are welcome. a guide is required now at chakanaab if you are diving, they do not allow gloves or flashlights while diving in the park. there is one small swim through. i believe it is called devils elbow. (but i am not certain) i hope you and your family have a great day at Chakanaab, as it has something for everyone.

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I have pictures from Chankanaab...just click on the link below and go to the album with Cozumel pictures.


The Paradise didn't dock until noon so by the time we got to the park, many others were getting ready to leave. We had no trouble finding chairs under a palapa. In fact, we parked ourselves smack dab in front of the diving shop so it was convenient for the guys (who did a dive.)

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I didn't go to the sealion show, so can't be of any help there.

Cqt - I fell in love with snorkeling, and will jump right in every time I have a chance. Don't know why I waited so long to try.

Math - GREAT pics of Chankanaab! I even see the lifeguard station. Terrific shots of the palapas!

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Thanks for the info!! Looking foward to some relaxing diving. If I must use a guide..then I must..I saw on another board that at the southern end of the Park are some caves and usually there are some large Tarpon hanging out there. I will ask the guide to head that way. As long as there are lots of pretty fish I am happy. Hey Cotton why not get certified and enjoy the underwater fot lots longer. I am 57 and still diving whenever I can!!

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Hey mathgal/Cotton

Maybe my 57yr old eyes are shot but I was going to check the pics but can't find the "link below". Can you giver me the link so I can really get fired up...8days until Sensation


The link was in mathgal's signature. I'm guessing you have the option to view sigs turned off. If you want to change that, go to 'user cp' and edit your options. Just make sure to save them.


Oh...and here's the link:



BTW, 'user cp' link is located in the blue bar near the top of the page.

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As of right now we may have to skip hte sea lion show. We've emailed the folks at the insider to see if they can change something around for us, but just in case... WOuld we be missing anything special if we skipped the show?


There are sea lion shows at different times throughout the day. We were suppose to see the show after our swim, but ended up doing it before. That way, we had extra time to get back to the port and do a little shopping. They don't hold you to seeing it the time they give you. It was very cute, but if you ended up having to miss it, it is very similiar to one you can see at Sea World here in the states. Have fun!

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