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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi gang,


I had a pound gain at this week's weigh in, but it wasn't from cheating or anything...it was the blessed curse, lol...


I'm not worried about it, because it was 5 pounds less than during last month's blessed curse. I always gain lots of water during this time.


I think I'm getting back into the habit of exercising at least 3 times per week...I want to eventually get up to 5. DH brought home a Wii Fit, so that will help when I can't make it to the gym. I can always make it to the basement!


Jocelyn ~ hey girl!! Good to see you!


cerabella ~ what kind of nursery do you have? I'm in the middle of researching fruit trees & veggies to grow in my yard. I'm nervous because I know absolutely nothing about gardening, and most plants I get die. I'm a black thumb. I did manage to keep some things alive at my last house that were already there when we moved in...so I'm not totally without hope. And the crape myrtle I planted from the Arbor Society is still alive. Anyhoo...when I start, can I ask you questions about it?


Jean ~ to answer your question a bit back...only Atkins does it for me. Low-fat just doesn't work for me...even when I am being good with my carbs, and I really can't add grains in until I'm way into pre-maintenance. Induction no longer makes me lose quickly, so once I get into ketosis I go into OWL. That's better when I exercise a lot anyway. I love fish & all kinds of veggies, so I don't feel deprived & I'm not just eating meat & cheese by any stretch. When I try to eat like a "normal" person, not even going crazy, just the "3 squares a day" type thing, I gain very quickly...even if the foods are what's considered relatively healthy by most people. I just will never be able to go beyond 90 carbs a day on a regular basis once I hit my goal. And I can't stop exercising...my youth is behind me.:D


Hi to everyone else & happy Friday!

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Hi gang,


I had a pound gain at this week's weigh in, but it wasn't from cheating or anything...it was the blessed curse, lol...


I'm not worried about it, because it was 5 pounds less than during last month's blessed curse. I always gain lots of water during this time.


I think I'm getting back into the habit of exercising at least 3 times per week...I want to eventually get up to 5. DH brought home a Wii Fit, so that will help when I can't make it to the gym. I can always make it to the basement!


Jocelyn ~ hey girl!! Good to see you!


cerabella ~ what kind of nursery do you have? I'm in the middle of researching fruit trees & veggies to grow in my yard. I'm nervous because I know absolutely nothing about gardening, and most plants I get die. I'm a black thumb. I did manage to keep some things alive at my last house that were already there when we moved in...so I'm not totally without hope. And the crape myrtle I planted from the Arbor Society is still alive. Anyhoo...when I start, can I ask you questions about it?


Jean ~ to answer your question a bit back...only Atkins does it for me. Low-fat just doesn't work for me...even when I am being good with my carbs, and I really can't add grains in until I'm way into pre-maintenance. Induction no longer makes me lose quickly, so once I get into ketosis I go into OWL. That's better when I exercise a lot anyway. I love fish & all kinds of veggies, so I don't feel deprived & I'm not just eating meat & cheese by any stretch. When I try to eat like a "normal" person, not even going crazy, just the "3 squares a day" type thing, I gain very quickly...even if the foods are what's considered relatively healthy by most people. I just will never be able to go beyond 90 carbs a day on a regular basis once I hit my goal. And I can't stop exercising...my youth is behind me.:D


Hi to everyone else & happy Friday!


Hey Lisa, Glad to "see" you also. I am the same way, only LC works for me, any kind of deviation and whammo the scale starts going in the wrong direction.


Hi Cerabella, I like your mottos;):cool: Can you send some of that warm greenhouse weather up here, it is downright FREZZING!


Hey Jean, I also started weighing myself everyday b/c it is a reality check for me. Esp with the dreaded weekend coming up. I always seem to snack more when I am home.


I started my excercise program as of Wed and I feel great. I have decided to start slow ie: walk first instead of run; 25-30 minutes instead of 40; at least 3 days a week instead of manditory 5days.

It helps me b/c I feel that I am not putting so much pressure on myself. The pressure is why I give up after a while, I go zero to 60 right out of the gate and then I feel too pressured. So my new workout motto is "Slow and Steady":D:D:D


Have a great LC Day!

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Ok!! Another new motto!! Slow & steady...well, that's two for Jocelyn & two for Jean, who actually started us 'motto-ing':p BTW, wonder if the miracle happened yet??


Anyhoo, I think any kind of movement is great, as compared to none at all, even if people try to tell you it's not enough. We all have to start somewhere, & overworking at the beginning is not any more beneficial for our muscles, or our attitudes...the days of Jane Fonda's feel the burn are over... not to say never challenge ourselves, we just have to build up to that point...am I making sense?? Sometimes I wonder ...


Lisa ~ we grow mostly bedding plants~ think begonias, impatiens, wave petunias...also, some purple fountain grass, tropical hibiscus, things like that...beautiful baskets & pots with verbena, lantana, ivy, etc...I will look & see what your planting zone is in Memphis & will be happy to offer advice! This year I think we will actually grow something to eat also...it's kinda hard here with deer & fire ants taking out their share & yours too...:(


I have made a conscious effort to cut back on coffee a little..still two cups a day, but now they are only abt 2/3rd's full, instead of all the way...hoping that will help my stall...then I have tried to cut out any alcohol for two weeks...(if that works, I may have a small glass to celebrate)...no gum, no mints, no cough drops...it's down to some serious watching what goes into my obviously cavernous mouth... aaarrrggghhh!! So far, so good this week! Yay!


We can do it!!!;) One pound at a time!!! Let's go girls!! & guys!! Move it, move it, move it!!



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Pineview, hmmmm I think I have cruise envy, my my my...you probably have some tales to tell about cruise food too!! Do share!!


I find that sticking to Atkins WOE is very cruise friendly!! But for many, the saying is true -get on ship-shape, get off the shape of the ship!!:p

Yes, I have lots of tells of cruise food and that is why I'm in trouble and am back here so I'll stay on track.


Yes, if you make up you mind to stay with Atkins it is easy on a cruise.

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Hey Everyone! I'm a Gramma!! :D:D:D

Hannah Danielle 7 lbs-12 oz 19.25 long

I'll get some pics next week! 6 hrs from waking up having a contraction to delivery! First one was at 3:30 am .....they headed to the hospital 7:30 - We got there at 8:30 and she was crying at 9:30 am!!

Daddy's dimples - Momma's singing voice = Lots of Gramma's Hugs n Love!!! :D:D Oh yeah...this a weight loss thread. I had scrambled eggs & bacon for breakfast - chicken & veggies & lots of Iced tea for lunch - ribs and cole slaw for supper!! :p

We left in such a hurry....I didn't even weigh myself!

Catch ya all a little farther down the road...I'm exhausted! LOL!

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Hey Everyone! I'm a Gramma!! :D:D:D

Hannah Danielle 7 lbs-12 oz 19.25 long

I'll get some pics next week! 6 hrs from waking up having a contraction to delivery! First one was at 3:30 am .....they headed to the hospital 7:30 - We got there at 8:30 and she was crying at 9:30 am!!

Daddy's dimples - Momma's singing voice = Lots of Gramma's Hugs n Love!!! :D:D Oh yeah...this a weight loss thread. I had scrambled eggs & bacon for breakfast - chicken & veggies & lots of Iced tea for lunch - ribs and cole slaw for supper!! :p

We left in such a hurry....I didn't even weigh myself!

Catch ya all a little farther down the road...I'm exhausted! LOL!


Congrats on being a new G'Ma Jean!!! And such a beautiful name.

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Yay!! A Grandma!! Warm & fuzzies - pink too!! How exciting for you and obviously them...a supermodel for Grandma's scrapbook/photobooks has been born!!:D:D


Well, have to report that 'being good' paid off this week...down at least two lbs..at this point I will take any loss & celebrate (no, not with a glass of wine, but a stalk of celery!!):p Just goes to show that persistence & being aware of what we put in our mouths, plus some added exercise will work, yay!! I have the goal of losing about 10 ~ 12 lbs...that doesn't seem like much, but I will re-evaluate when I get there.


Hope everyone else had a good weekend too (we know Jean's was)... now it's full moon Monday, time to hit the work week with new determination!! We can do it!!:eek:

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Good Morning All ya All!

It's snowing, cold and windy......I know it's still Feb and we are in the winter months - but just last week it hit 60 degrees and we had to water our lawn! Just remember...what hit's here - moves on east - so Cerabella...I think your going to see a change in a few days!

I tried to watch some of the Westminster Dog Show last night and 15 min after I sat down I was asleep! :eek: So at 8:45...I was in bed and gone for the night! But this morning I did my mile before work - maybe that's the kick in the pants I need to get back to WOEX...I've been a bit distracted with everything and the WOEX was the first thing that got skipped. oh well...we're on to a new day and new choices! And if I had my choice...I'd be holding a pink lil' bundle all day - and hand her back over when I was ready to go to bed! LOL Isn't that what I'm supposed to do!?! LOL!!;)

Cerabella!! Girl!! Congrats on your 2 lbs!! That's a big jump - down the scale!! Good Job! You must've had a pretty big smile to see that you went down 2 numbers! For us slow losers...2 whole numbers is a lot!

Thanks for all of the Cyber buddy congrats!!! aawww - warm fuzzies! :D

Ok, so this morning I have 3 sausages, 3 strawberries and a big mug of hot tea....it's snowing remember....hot tea is my favorite!

I'll check back a bit later!

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For that buff lil'guy at the vitamin store that said that 20 min isn't worth the work, ya gotta do 40.


You handled him well, Jean. ;)


Too many slim, fit people do 20 minutes of cardio a day for that to be true - and not even running at that. He was trying to apply what he feels he's obligated to do to be fit fit to everyone else. For me, abs are made in the kitchen; my thrice-a-week strength training (20. min each for upper & lower), cardio (20-25 min. walking), & ab regime (10 min.) is merely the icing on the physique cake.


I think we all know that when it comes to cutting out starches & sugars, fitness is a whole new and advantage-filled ballgame.

Edited by SugarFreeSheila
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Ahoy all, yay, sticks are purple & I do feel a little slimmer ~ a good week or two can do wonders for the attitude...however, that being said, now I have gotten the 'crud' I'm supposing from DH...yucky, my joints ache, my skin hurts, my hair hurts...other than that I don't feel too bad....:( I'll try to be careful & not cough on the screen & contaminate you guys...;)


SFSheila, good to see you pop in...I visited your site yesterday & see some new things, good for you. Also, I searched the other day for Superbowl ideas, tho it ended up being just DH & I, & I didn't even really watch the game...but I do get lots of inspiration from your pages & pages of great 'stuff'!!


Hope all are sticking with it...Jean, I'm going to hafta go out & blow really hard toward your neck of the woods because it seems spring is bursting out here...even the grass is getting green...horses are happy about that! Don't be selfish with that little bundle of joy, send some of that sweet baby smell my way instead!!:p :D



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hello all,


I have been doing the atkins diet since Jan 20th I have lost around 18lbs feel much better blood pressure down. I am going on a cruise this May I was 244 now i am at 226lbs I am 5-9 my Target weight would be under 200lbs would be great..I need some help for quick breakfast ideas.

I would to hear about any other recipies that anyone has to offer..thanks

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YEA!!! It's Already Wednesday!

Welcome Ace - Check this out if your looking for some variety in your cooking:

http://www.sugarfreesheila.com/ and a bunch of encouragement! Your doing really well! -- and your goal is very do able!

Cerabella - OOO crud is not good...no, no, no....! :( Hope your better today!...but I think your getting our - yesterday weather..- so stay in bed and take care!!

I'm sad, sad, sad.....heard this morning that my FAVORITE Garden Nursery is going out of business !! :eek: Waaaa :( I'm headed over there at lunch...they had some really cool things, plants and .... well...I'll need to just do some therapy over there!:o

SFS - So good to see you pop in! I just kind of figure that I will do what I can and when I can - I will! No 20 min for me this morning...ugh...I slept in and had to make a mad dash to work! Like your new set up for your site - keeps you busy huh!!?

Ok, everyone else that's super busy!! Good Morning! :p

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I did Atkins a couple years ago and lost the weight fast. After a month of unsuccessful weight loss with Weight Watchers I am going to give Atkins another try, its just a lot easier for me. I was wondering if anyone out there is doing Atkins also and if so, do you have any quick ideas for breakfast. I am usually in a rush to get to work in the morning so I really don't have time to cook up a couple eggs or anything. Any recommendations???


I have not tried Atkins, but I have tried another program that has worked really well for me. For me weight loss involved a lifestyle change, along with a specific diet and exercising. I feel better and look better.

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Hey Everyone- Just had to share that I've been doing Atkins and have lost 22 pounds so far!! I started at 185 lbs and weighed in this morning at 163!! My goal was to be below 160 before we cruise- we leave on the 21st!! Hope I can lose those last 4 pounds in the next 8 days!!! :) Nothing like a cruise for motivation!!

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Great job! Just curious, how tall are you? male or female? and your age?, also when did you start on Atkins?



I started at 193 on 1/5, I'm down 16 with 12 to go, I'm male and just turned 50 years old.


Again, great results and motivating for us all!



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Hello & welcome to Ace, Ocean, & CC! Do tell what works best for you, it's encouraging to see the weight come off, especially when there is a cruise involved!;)


I too am down another stubborn lb...I think the rest that I want to lose is concreted on, so I will certainly have to step up my WOEx as soon as I feel a little better...nothing like feeling bad to throw a damper on things...it seems like in life it is two steps forward, three steps back sometimes...but, no on can do it for us, (refer to our mottos!!:p)


The bad weather did come our way -Tuesday night at midnight the big blow hit & we lost power for ten or so hours...Wednesday morn I made French press coffee from water DH so kindly boiled on the wood burning stove, but later I did get to make breakfast, so all was well...


Hope all are sticking with their plan...Jean, how is that little pink bundle doing? I know it must be amazing to have a grand baby! Long time posters & lurkers, come out & play!

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Great job! Just curious, how tall are you? male or female? and your age?, also when did you start on Atkins?



I started at 193 on 1/5, I'm down 16 with 12 to go, I'm male and just turned 50 years old.


Again, great results and motivating for us all!




Hi deckguy- I am female, 5'5" and 37 years old. I started on Atkins right after Thanksgiving- but I didn't low carb at all for 2-3 weeks over Christmas. I ate everything!! I've also been using my treadmill a few times a week. My hubby did the low carb with me- which makes a big difference. He also went from 205 lbs to 184. (6'0" tall) I've also had days where I caved and had the carbs but I just bought a killer size medium dress for our cruise- yay!!:)

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Happy Friday Loser Cyber Buddies!!! Sun is shining and it should be a really nice day... our 60 mi hr winds blew through here yesterday and it just cleared everything out of here - so the sky is clear, calm winds and anything hanging in the air just got sandblasted out of here! LOL!...and it's Friday!

CC's - Welcome and thanks so much for posting your success! What a great encouragement for everyone here - - and be sure to post a picture of you in your new Med sized dress when you get back!!! Congrats!

Cerabella - another pound - WOOO HOOO! That's great...because I think you shot it over the cyber waves and I caught it !! - yup - up one! :( I sure hope your feeling better so you can enjoy Valentines day this weekend!

deckguy- 12 more to go! You can do this!! My DH just saw 199 yesterday...what mixed feelings I have! So glad for him....but so sad that it just doesn't come off that easy for me...he doesn't even exercise!! He just eats what I do ... and no extras...and goes to bed...wakes up 1-2 lb lighter! ok... no more whining...

Hey All....a guy that I works with here - has one of these and he makes the most wonderful meats in the world!.... Chicken, ribs, roasts etc....


If your looking for a new way to cook meats/fish - check this out...and they even have a forum for trading recipes - ideas - questions....very cool! Check it out! I'm getting a little bored with some of the 'same same' ...even though it's good...maybe I can turn it up a notch with this thing!


And.... just for those that are interested - - here's our new addition!



Hannah, Gramma & New Daddy!

Hannah & Daddy




Ok,... I'll catch ya's later!

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I was perusing some of the other Lose Before You Cruise threads today and came across a quotation that struck me as quite motivating. It simply reads,


"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels"


To me it emphasizes the point that "tastes" (while we certainly should relish them) are but a brief enjoyment. The benefits of a little (or a lot) of sacrifice ultimately yield more long term enjoyment.

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hello all,


I have been doing the atkins diet since Jan 20th I have lost around 18lbs feel much better blood pressure down. I am going on a cruise this May I was 244 now i am at 226lbs I am 5-9 my Target weight would be under 200lbs would be great..I need some help for quick breakfast ideas.

I would to hear about any other recipies that anyone has to offer..thanks


My dh and I buy the egg beaters from costco in bulk. You can make a really fast omelet or scrambled eggs with them. They have 30 cal and 1 carb per 1/4 cup. You just shake up the carton and pour it into the pan, very fast and easy. On Sundays we hard boil a carton of eighteen eggs and keep them in the fridge for quick snacks during the week, if I'm running late I just grab one and eat it at work.

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