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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi there everyone-

It has been a very busy couple of weeks for me. Glad to know I can still be a lurker and come back when all is calm in life. Like today.

These last couple of weeks I have had some major issues. Let's start a few months ago. A friend of mine was having her wedding this past weekend. So, that gave me 10 weeks. I was wearing a size 14/16. My hubby was asked to be an usher so I knew he would be looking good that day. He also looks like he's 21 instead of 35. DAMNIT!! lol. Well of course everyone else in the wedding is around 20something. Me being the oldest, 36, wanted to look good and just as young. Soooooo.... I set out at a marathon pace to try and hit a size 10.

I started by posting here for accountability and support...which I got in spades so thanks all of you for being a part of my life.

Next, I went out and bought 4 dresses. I bought one size 14, two size 12's and one in a size 10. I didn't buy accessories or shoes yet because I wasn't sure which dress I would be fitting into. Yet praying everyday for the size 10.

After that I went back to all my old journals and had a good cry. I saw what I had done to my body over the last 8 years all the yo-yo dieting. I counted 4 different diets in one journal alone. None of them in that journal had been atkins. The next journal I had started atkins about 1/3 of the way through. I could see the frustration and sadness with each entry. I also saw the happiness at each milestone. It was all worth looking at, the good and the bad. Like you, EASY_SAILING, I saw what trigger foods hit me hard. Mine was beef as well. Now I just eat it as my late dinner.

Well, I asked a buddy of mine for support. She wanted to lose weight also. We went to target to get new journals together and she wanted something for energy. I bought a bottle with her to show my support of her choice. I was never one for pills and told her so. I figured she just needed someone to agree her "diet" plan. I have always been LC just never really discussed it. Jessica (my friend) and I went over what our goals would be and what we would do to accomplish that goal. I told her that I always eat healthy I just needed to get to the gym again. (my trainer went on a six week hiatus.) She said she never eats healthy and needed to go to the gym too.

I had been steadily losing and she was watching my eating habits at work. I would text her in the morning to make sure she took her pills and she did the same for me. I HATE pills but one bottle won't kill me. OK, so the second day:eek: she decided she wanted to do a different pill because it works better!! Right when I got that text I decided to go it alone. I can't have someone who is not determined. I still would support her choice and be there for her but I realized that I had already headed down those roads.

Two weeks ago she finally asked what I was doing to lose the weight. I always forget what people think when they here that dirty little word "Atkins" . She totally freaked out on me!! :mad:
Really she told me I was killing off brain cells because my brain needs carbs.....ugh!!
I told her(yelled back) that she was retarded:D...lol... what do you think are in veggies!!
She said "Oh you need more than that!!"
So I said, "that piece of cake you're eating will not only make me fatter it'll make me smarter? You ARE retarded."
I tried telling her how too much refined sugar or refined carbs at one time can actually deprive your brain of glucose. She spouted how she read it online how bad it was for you. I told her that all those studies (she mentioned a few institutes, well established ones) had been done long ago and that most doctor's refuse to call it LC but will call it healthy eating. They just have never read up on what is involved.

Well....long story even longer:o I DID IT!!! I fit into the size 10 Thursday night. I went out and got all the accessories Friday and went to the wedding on Saturday. My hubby was so proud of me. He said he was proud because I finally looked like I was happy. He knows what it took these past few years. I was so proud of myself.

Yesterday, she said she was back on her diet again and I told her to try weight watchers. I don't think she'll like it but she can wrap her head around how many points she's allowed. She is 6 feet or so and probably 250 maybe more. I didn't ask... I think it might be more but it doesn't matter she saw my results and she wants to try again. She still told me my diet was killing myself.

My diet... I have my one indulgence everyday.... keep the chocolate I have to have onion rings... I know bad huh! I have three rings per day.

2 eggs
1 Sausage patty
1/4 avocado

House Salad at Applebee's no dressing and no croutons
6 Chicken Wings 1 T BC

WW Garlic Herb Chicken at Applebee's
No Rice
All Garlic Broccoli
1 T Mayo... weird but that is how I eat broccoli. It reminds me of broccoli salad. I just take a tiny dab on my fork and spear a piece of broccoli with it. YUMM

My late night snacking has been a shake of some kind. I have altered only the times I eat the above meals. As you probably noticed the restaurant I work at is applebee's ...lol.

I have the calorie count between 1800 and 2100 calories (for all you calorie counters out there) depending on the shake I choose and if i add another sausage patty...lol... I love 'em.

I walk to work five days a week it's a 3 mile walk. I get a ride home with my hubby. (One car) I am currently at 180. I was walking to work yesterday and a lady pulled over and she told me that she asked the lord if she should pull over and offer me a ride ( I don't think literally) She said she knew I worked at applebee's and saw me walking everyday and that she wasn't sure if I wanted to walk....lol... I told her it was such a beautiful day and I appreciated the offer but said I would walk but save her offer for a rainy day...;) she said you got it...lol.. I was smiling all the way into work...because I finally fit into my size 10 pants too.

A dress in a size 10 can be forgiving. But pants are another matter altogether. I am in a size 10 petite....non stretchy...lol....I am so close to single digits I can taste it. I kept all my size 8 clothes hoping and praying I would someday get back into them. And so that is my new goal for the rest of the year. Eat healthy enough to fit into my nice dresses and suits.

Only people who have gone through this knows what I mean when I say I really appreciate your help and advice and support.... from the person that first started this thread years ago to the last one that posted.

For all the lurkers that come online to read what has been going on in our daily lives I wish you the best of luck. I was there. I am still there. And if the good lord grants it I will be there in a size 8 ;).

Thank you everyone.
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Hi all :)

Thought I would share a funny story...yesterday it was getting close to the time that hubby and I exercise and walk. The sky was getting dark (it's been raining everyday here in the afternoon...typical summer in Florida) and so I checked the radar. I could see big things acomin' but told him if we left right then we could make it. Well, halfway it was sprinking, 2/3 of the way it was pouring! We laughed so hard over me trying to be Meterologist Mary! :o We came home soaked but unscathed by lightning and it was by far the fastest walk we have ever taken! LOL Hopefuly today I do a little better on the planning.


A big, virtual high five on making your goal!! And on your defense of our incredibly dangerous, living on the edge, "are you crazy??" WOE. :rolleyes: I guess if it's not a starvation diet then it's just not mainstream enough. Is not the proof in your making goal?? Congratulations!!

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way to go raquel!

So... What r all of u eating?

Jean... I'm ESP interested in ur veggie choices now that you're reducing meat consumption!

It's hard to give up sugar... I've had way too much this spring.

I'll be having 1/2 pound beef patties, pork chops, eggs, bacon, spring mix salad, bell peppers and broccoli. I also picked up tuna, green olives, and flax seed!

I got diet coke and peach iced tea (sugarfree) in case of emergencies...

But my big news- I'm going to attempt homemade mayo!

Eat clean guys-
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Thank you for the detailed response and trip ideas. Dh and I have enjoyed trips to Amish country, Penn, glens falls, and thruout new England. We recently enjoyed a trip to niagara!

Wdw is expensive... Even with free bday admission. I expect due to airfare it will cost close to 2k for the 4 days we have off.

It's still on the table though since 30 is such a milestone.

We also talked about cape may-has anyone been there?

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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Pink!!!

Did I mention I'm a former Jersey girl???????????:D We did the shore...Wildwood, Atlantic City, Brigantine (back when they had the Brigantine horror castle!), and Cape May every summer. I haven't been in years but you brought back such fond memories. I barely remember as I was so young but we rented a cottage on the beach in Cape May one summer. What memories I have of that are fond but my Mother only remembers sweeping out sand every day, LOL. Oh, and the ferry!!! [URL]http://www.capemaylewesferry.com/[/URL] That was always such a treat! If you've never been, yes, that would totally be a great birthday destination! Of course, I can't say the beaches are anywhere near as gorgeous as they are here and in the Caribbean, but it's apples and oranges as it's such a different flavor up north.

You got me so excited, you'd think I was planning my own trip to one of these places!! LOL

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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Hey all! I had some eating issues all week even tho I was very active & I am [I]up[/I]...waaaahh...Well, yes, I have to take responsibility, I did it to myself. I hate that my body is sooo sensitive to any added extra carbs it just puffs up like a dry sponge in water...:confused: Back to exercising & watching [I]very [/I]carefully what goes in...

Congrats to those who were better than me this past week...

I'm thinking Ms Jean has 'forsaken' us for her new passion on another site!!;) I visited a day or so ago & boy, you photogs are a busy, chatty group!!:p Great work, tho! Keep it up! I pulled out my camera this past week & shot a few pics. I get so overwhelmed at the plant farm - there are soooo many beautiful flowers & plants I could literally take millions of pics...also, there are the humming birds, a couple of green tree frogs, several lizards that put on a show (show me the money!) as well as a big turtle in our water collection pond...You think I would be too busy to [I]eat,[/I] but [I]noooo....[/I]

I got the opportunity to go on a tour bus from Texas all the way up into Canada a couple of years ago - did Niagra Falls too - wow! Would love to go back, just not a week on a bus...hehehe! My mini vacation this summer may just be to go back to San Antonio & visit my DS & DIL...I love, love, love the hill country of Texas & it's 'only' about six hours one way! Gotta love the River Walk too & a nice frosty margarita - oops, maybe therein lies my problem...:p
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Hey All!
Just returned yesterday from 4 days camping - we have been doing some remodeling on our patio and I've been doing some great babysitting time! Whew! - I've been busy! I have popped in a couple of times, but couldn't stay to long - and thought - oh..I'll be right back. Well, time has a way of getting past us pretty quick!

Raquel - Fantastic on hitting your goal - sticking with it - Looking great at the wedding and feeling so good! a Big High Five and congrats!:D

Pink - I'm doing ok....lots of chicken & fish...and in these last 6 weeks I've been able to maintain my weight, (Up 2 today - but that's from the dreaded camping comfort foods DH insists on bringing and it must be that fresh air that lowers my will power!:o drats) and on Sat I do another test to see if I've brought my numbers down at all. Losing...not really...but maintaining is do -able. Just look out your back door - and hit the road - so much to see...just need to go check it out! Happy vacation though! ha! Your doing so good! All of the right stuff!

Cerabella - You Rascal! :p:D Yeah...I've been jumping back and forth! Do you see all of those Texans that are on there?! C'mon! You'd fit right in! I'm serious...YOU Need to be on there! :D Just come post! You don't have to have a site, just come! The girls Barb, Lisa, Starla and Jamie have really some great shots of your back yard!! :) Well, so to speak!

So, I'm low carbing it today - It's Monday! My how my will power re-charges from Sunday to Monday!

Have a great day everyone!
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Hi all!

Well, I've been doing pretty good low carb wise but not so good in other ways. I have IBS and it's been sooooooooooooooooooooooooo quiet since I started low carbing but reared it's ugly head last night. :( I take OTC medication every day without fail (Digestive Advantage) but had really slacked off too much on my fiber the past few days. I eat salad at least every other day and got lazy and did not go out and shop for fresh greens and veggies. I was just relying on frozen/canned veg and have not included any flax lately and apparently my body was really unhappy. The pain hit last night while I was cooking dinner...had to go lay down...screamed for my hubby and he held my hand and comforted me (he is so good when I'm not feeling well) and I cried until the worst of it passed. As usual, felt like butcher knives in my lower abdomen. Anyway, I swung the "other way" today but no real bad pain, just cramps. This afternoon we went out and bought fresh greens and I plan on tuna and salad for dinner. I made a meatloaf for tomorrow with oats and flax mixed in. Well, I got off track and have been punished so I'm just going to have to be more vigilant about what goes in.

Hope everyone had a good Monday...I didn't have to work so it was nice!:)

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I have returned. Wahhhhhhhhh.

The cruise was fabulous. Weather was great all the way. Just kinda cloudy late late in the afternoon on the last day.

I did great with eating and so did DH. I had scrambled eggs and bacon every morning. LOL

We were so active on all our excursions plus we went to the gym a couple of times on the sea days.

Now I have to get back into the swing of things here in the real world.

But, I am going to be booking our next cruise for 2010 to the Mediterranean. It was going to be just me and DH, but DD decided she can't sit home while we go visit the places she has always wanted to see, so she is saving her money and going with us.

I am so excited for her. She hasn't had a vacation in years and has been working 2 jobs 1 full time and 1 part time and going to school full time. She needs this vacation before she gets really boggled down with school the fall of 2010.
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Hi - I happened on this thread yesterday. I am a 57 year old Canadian female, 5 ft. 1 in. tall and weigh 230 lbs. I basically look like I'm 9 months pregnant, but when I was pregnant I didn't weigh this much! I used to love walking but now I'm so heavy that my knees are having trouble supporting my weight. I was on Atkins 6 years ago and lost 50 lbs. but gained it all back and then some. I have been married for 30 years to a man I absolutely adore and we have a 26 year old son that we are very proud of. We aren't wealthy, we don't even own our own home, but we both work very hard and we take cruise vacations - we love cruising! Our cruise line is Princess. Our next cruise is September 14th from Vancouver to Fort Lauderdale. I have a very upbeat personality, I love to laugh and I love to eat!!!

I am now returning to Atkins to save my life - literally. I have had high blood pressure and cholesterol issues for years and on April 23rd, after a battery of tests, was informed that I am diabetic. My doctor did some number crunching and told me, that no one, absolutely no one, lives for more than 2 years with these numbers. My doctor, who is totally opposed to by-pass surgery, has suggested that I consider it. On April 25th we left on a cruise, returning on May 18th and now here I am ready to face reality.

So, I guess I'm here for your support and also to support others. I would also like to know if anyone else out there has considered by-pass surgery. The thought of this scares me half to death.

I have been fairly good this week and have been out for a walk everyday - only for 20 - 30 minutes and not exactly what you would call fast - picture a waddling penguin!

I'll sign off now. I have a few recipes that I can share if anyone is interested. For peanut butter lovers - I make a mean peanut butter cookie that only has 2 carbs.

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Welcome cindy- we r here to support you. Have you spoken to your doc about plans to try atkins? As a nurse I think it's really important for those facing a health crisis to have an open discussion with your doc about your self treatment plans. It could impact your need for medication adjustments if you change your diet and exercise patterns- it could also be nec if you lose weight quickly.

I'm down 6 lbs from where I was a month ago. I'll admit, I waded in slowly this time cutting back bit by bit and just going full force in the past week. DU has been very supportive.

I'm looking forward to losing a bit more slowly this time in favor of staying with it for the long haul. I will not forsake naughty carb forever though- as we travel I like trying new things and I think once I'm at or close to goal I can afford to be flexible a few times each year!

I'm cooking radishes for the first time ever this week. My homemade mayo was terrible last week. I have a plan for the first pound of radishes... Any suggestions from anyone for the 2nd pound?

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Sorry, I have no suggestions for the radishes. I haven't spoken to my doctor about Atkins but she was supportive of it the last time I went on it. I see her again in two weeks so I'll see what she says. I know if I haven't lost any weight she is going to be talking to me again about surgery so I need to knock off a few pounds by the 18th.
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I'm not real familiar with the intricacies of the Can. Health system. But if it's at all possible to call the office and leave a MSG for the doc I advise you to do so. I'm not in the habit of identifying myself as a nurse and dispensing health advice online- and I've counselledpatients towards low carb diets in my practice- but with fragile diabetic conditions and looming heart problems I really think your doc ought to be advised of your diet change before you begin. I truly care and don't want you getting any sicker- particularly as you try to make better choices!

Btw, we had our first princess cruise last fall to the canal. I'd love to go on princess again but can't figure out how I'll ignore the warm afternoon cookies and the daily pizza specials. It was a great ship!
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Hey Pink!
Hope you have a wonderful time no matter what you choose! And, of course, details would be wonderful for those of us that live vicariously, LOL.

Hi Cindy!

Oh, you sound so much like my hubby but sounds like you have your own willpower...I provided his kick in the butt for him! Diabetes was the trigger here as well...I could not stand the thought of him having to live with this disease when the cure, for him, is diet and exercise. As Pink said, so important to discuss everything with your doctor. Having said that, my husband has been doing Atkins since mid-February and has lost 30 lbs., his A1C is down to 5.8, LDL and HDL within normal range (still need to bring the triglycerides down a few points), BP 110/62 on Tuesday, twice daily blood glucose readings are down to double digits with an occasional 105 or so, and his doctors are ecstatic.

I understand about the knees...we tried tennis but it was too hard on his knees. He has gone from spending the entire day in his recliner to walking a mile and 1/2 every day. We started slow and have increased from there...baby steps work. :)

We don't have to worry about any of his medications pushing his blood sugar too low, but some meds do that depending on what you eat, so you'll need to check into that. I think the bottom line is that this way of eating is protein and healthy carbs and most doctors prescribe that very plan for diabetics. Oh, it also helps to keep a record of your blood readings and a food diary so you can see what spikes you and what works better. I made up a "fill-in" weekly chart on Microsoft where I type in his blood sugar readings and everything he eats, exercise, and weight. If you would like me to e-mail you the template, let me know. Whatever you and your doctor decide, I wish you the best on your path to recovery and know that everyone will be rooting for you!

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I found a tasty radish recipe at linda's lowcarb site!

Google linda's low carb recipes for more tasty ideas

Anyway, I'll repost this one here. I agree with linda that it reminds me of a nice side of homefries. However DH said "no, they just taste like radishes baby.". You be the judge!

2 cups quartered radishes- no greens
1 slice bacon
1/2 cup onion, finely chopped

I cooked up the bacon for a few minutes while dicing the white onion. Then I dumped the onion and radish into the pan. I stirred every 3 min or so and kept them covered otherwise. After 10-12 min they were transferred to a plate. Because DH had dissed them and I liked them so much I ate all of it and ended up with 2.5 cups veg in 1 meal. Next time I'd save half of it and then it would count for 1 cup regular salad and 1/4 cup other.

The carb count should be 9 total or 4.5 per serving!

Enjoy and have a great wkend everyone,
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Happy 'hump' day low carbers!:p

I went out of town for a long weekend to visit family, did ok eating on plan, since DSister & Mom have done Atkins in the past - familiar w/ & supportive...however, since I attended my brother's house for a crawfish boil for his graduating son ( yes, that would be my nephew!) I did have to also eat a few of the new potatoes & a small ear of corn! It was very good I must say, hot & spicy. He kindly cooked some shrimp for the ladies too! All good washed down with a light beer or two, & I don't even really like beer!!

Nonetheless, I am about four lbs up from my personal critical weight where I don't ever want to go above again - you know we all have one when we reach a goal we say to ourselves...'self - if you [I]ever[/I] go above this weight again, you are in trouble!!' So, back to the trenches & trying to incorporate some more exercising...Whew! I am tired! I have never had to work this hard to be at a weight that I am not even really happy with in the first place! But I won't give up, gggrrrrr!!

So good to see various new ones trying to eat for their health too! Yay
Yay also for Pink! I thought your radish recipe sounded great, but I don't tolerate onions, radishes, or cucumbers without some issues...the bacon, however - yummm!!

So glad Roadtripster had a great cruise & stayed on a good WOE, WOEx!!:D
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Now, I do realize here are no cucumbers in Pink's recipe, but I was nibbling on some while I was posting & thinking to myself - these are so good & good for you, but there will be issues...somehow that made it from my cranium to my fingers!

I hope the rest of you guys are doing well on this low carb eating plan - post the highs & lows for us all to learn from! Thoughts, recipes, ideas all welcome. But best of all - some easy, breezy exercise for the hot humid weather that takes little effort & gets amazing results!!! Anyone...anyone...!?!?;)
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Everyone! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Good to see ya![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I just keep on holding on - I see our Dr next week about the cholestrol results - It's been 6 weeks![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]We stayed with chicken and fish - beef 2x a week. Gosh I sure hope it is better - It's been hard !! I do enjoy summers veggies though..![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]The Patio re-model is all done..whew..big project, but I'm glad we're done and now we can just enjoy![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]It's been pretty cool here for JUNE!! I think this weekend summer is going arrive in full force! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella - Hang in there girl! I also have those weight checks... If it's ____, then I need to do_____ But if it's _______ then I'm doing _______.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]What a crazy up and down we do to ourselves, huh! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]We went camping and I swear...we had to have hiked 5 miles each day...stayed the same. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]It's good to see the newbies... Love to hear how your doing and what your goals are![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Pink - Always good to see and hear what your up to!
Lisa- How's the summer?
Spades - Read your reply on Scarsdale...very interesting![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Still taking Sadie out to the mesa for walking/hiking - a new family of baby owls are keeping us coming back to check on them! So fun![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Take care!
It's your fork & Your Choice![/FONT]
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Hello, friends!

I just returned from a trip to Las Vegas, and I'm happy to report that I gained less than half a pound!

I did indulge in a few things...I can't go out west without going to In-N-Out & Roberto's Taco Shop...but I kept it to a minimum. Ate the burger protein style, had only a few fries & skipped the shake. Had some wedding cake with a young couple sitting near us who had just gotten married, and a 1/2 mini cheesecake & a tiny creme brulee (not all at once!). If I were on maintenance, I would have gone ahead & had the shake, but I didn't want to halt my weight loss.

I did a 2-hour Pilates & Zumba workout the day we left. In Vegas, I did lots of walking & some exercise in my room, and voila! Not much damage done.

Looking forward to losing more this week!

Jean, I hope your results come out good!
Cerabella, swim! Lots & lots. It's the perfect summer exercise! Edited by Rocknsoul
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]LisaRock! You are right- swimming [I]is[/I] the perfect summer exercise!! :D I could probably get a summer membership to a couple of places available in our little hick town, however, I would have to bundle all my errands, etc on swim days because it is a 25 mile round trip. I will definitely check it out tho!!! Thanks!!

EasyErica - hang in there - no doubt we are all experiencing chaos...the ups & downs, then there is that darned scale - ups & some downs, hopefully! ( Sorry if I maligned your name, I like to mix & match :p)

NMJean, hope your cholestrol is within good margins...I know that must be frustrating when you are on one of the best lowering diets, & it won't cooperate...:( Cool about your patio - I hope it isn't now too hot to enjoy!! I have a back deck redo in the works, but waiting for the 'perfect' time according to DH may mean '[I]never[/I]' even tho we already have 90% of the materials....hmmm, we'll see...my 'honey do' is just about done after a long season in the greenhouse!!:confused::p;)

Keep up the great WOE everyone! It's soooo worth it, even tho some of us ( umm, me?) aren't getting those amazing results we so desperately think we need, like, [I]yesterday...[/I]

Wow, the weekend is just flying by, go figure!! I think I will make a heavy cream latte` & stay inside in the cool for a little while!! Keep it low carb, guys & gals!!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Everyone! Hope you have all had a really good weekend! I had a little extra time so thought I'd pop in.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hard to say ... but I'm going to have to keep working at finding a balance with low carb and keeping my cholestrol down. Now I don't know how these numbers compare to everyone elses - but 6 weeks ago - I was at 304. Did 6 weeks of the oatmeal in the morning - chicken/salad lunch - fish/chicken & veggie in the evening. Beef 2x's a week. No eggs - just Egg Beaters. Some SF jello to keep the sweet tooth down a little. So Thur I got my results back and I got it down to 272....but the Dr is still not happy with that number either. So the results are that I will continue to keep working on this - but will be having to take some Lipitor to get the numbers lower and check again in 6 months. My weight loss - none -- weight gain - none. I'm still the same from 6 weeks ago. I've been on this journey for so long..... I don't know if I just need to keep working at getting as healthy heart wise for awhile and then work on my last 20? Really...that's what I have left to lose...is 20. I would be happy with that weight if I could get it there. So...there's my report. I'm not real sad about it...but I'm not jumping for joy either. My goal is to find a balance that I can start working on getting my lbs to start to drop again. Balance...right? I've really learned to watch my portion controll with having more carbs then I've had in a longgg time. Well, I'll see how things work out and keep you posted.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Lisa - How fun that you got to go - and good for you that you did so well while you were there - and the results are there to be proud of![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Cerabella - Patio - almost done! Hung up the sun shade yesterday - now it's been cloudy and we had a crazy rain storm this afternoon - Wonder how they will work out! LOL! Still working on options for furniture. Table and chairs to eat on? Love seats and chairs to relax on?....back and forth. We'll decide! I know it's hot where your at - keep cool is the name of the game, yes? I left a message for you - you know where! ;)[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Good to see Easy - and wonder about Pine and Curly....how you girls doing?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ok, well that's a long post! LOL! Have a good night everyone...I'll be back by tomorrow![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
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[LEFT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Summer is nigh upon us, & I am still packing extra lbs...boo for me! :eek: I have pulled my book back out to refresh my desire & motivation & see perhaps what gives. It really shouldn't be this hard to drop about 10 ~ 15 lbs...well, 20 would be better, especially if I toned up even more, but hey, there is a rock hard body of steel under this here blubber!!:p[/SIZE][/FONT]

[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]I finally found the 'newer' book at a Goodwill this weekend. I hope that the updated one will be just the ticket. I need something. A ticket, yes... for a cruise - now that [I]would[/I] be the ticket!!:D:cool:

Will check back later to see how everyone is doing...this hot/humid weather is just about taking us out because we're out in it 24/7 or so it seems! Never too hot for my afternoon coffee tho...black, please & strong, tyvm!!
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