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Anyone on Atkins?


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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Ok, this is where one wishes that they hadn't jumped off the wagon & gotten run over:o...we booked our this year's cruise & are planning the same itinerary as the last three years, same ship, same port, but oh well, it is a cruise & we just drive down ~ three hours or so...in fact, all of our previous (seven) have been from there..Sail away 8 ~ 30!:D

Now I want to whip myself into incredible shape in just less than six weeks...you know, it's all those vaca photos that will tell the story...(oh, wait, [I]I[/I] am the picture taker - so, good to go there, whew!):p

However, I have really been eating 'cleaner' these last few days...here's my emergency plan in action...(are you listening, my friend, Jean!?!)
1 drink lots more water, less coffee, maybe add green/white tea
2 ease up on the animal fats some (ie butter, bacon, sausage) for a while, add more
tuna, salmon, olive oil, avacados, chicken...
3 cut down on my weekend cocktail...hmmm...
4 no more gum, tic-tacs, altoids, etc...(maybe I could brush my teeth more, heheh)
5 salads, celery, fresh steamed veggies
6 step up my exercise again, I [I]know[/I] that will bring results...(in fact, just this
morning I watched some of the 'Slim in Six' infomercial, & boy, was I [I]tired:p
[/I]I'm sure there is more, so, feel free to add to! What works for you, what doesn't!?!

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Hello All!!

First of all...sorry to take so long on this but I buy ground flax from Wal-Mart...it's about a dollar per box and I find it in the baking aisle...a good bargain! Made a muffin today with some garlic powder instead of cin., sliced and toasted it and hubby and I shared it along with some chicken salad. Too good!

RE how people interpret Atkins....I will just add this...I was e-mailing with my cousin about how hubby and I have lost weight and his health has improved and she said...and I quote..."maybe I should go on the all you can eat meat diet"...sigh..she was half joking but still. :(

So, just got back from a week in Las Vegas. Had a wonderful time BUT overdid some off plan eating. Hubby gained back 6 pounds and I gained 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: How come we can't lose it that fast????????????? And can't say we didn't exercise because we walked miles and miles through casinos and swam almost every morning. And what the heck happened to what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?? That fat followed us home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOLLOL Oh well...I guess if you play you gotta pay so that's what we are doing. I don't regret it as we had some fabulous treats but have already decided I'm staying on plan all the way on our September cruise. No excuses there...too many good for you choices!

Ok...I've shared my take on what DOESN'T work, LOL...hope everyone has more will power than I showed and is having a great weekend!! :D

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Hello everyone!! I'm still here, just been busy (as we all are) the last few days. Upon your advice I have ordered the book and hope to get it the first of the week. I have also looked at SFS's site (love it!!!) and have started this thread from the beginning (only at March of 2008 right now!)

I work a full-time accounting job and I am also trying to finish college full-time (night classes and online classes) I have my 2 year certificate but want to get my CPA license. This week and next is finals so my idea is to start my new "lifestyle" around the first of August. We just did a cruise and I couldn't bring myself to start before my cruise!!! I will have a break from school until Aug 17th so I think that will give me time to settle into a little routine. Maybe by the first I will have read the book and be caught up on this thread.

Well I have to go now, I have a 10 page research paper to finish and an essay for English. Talk to you guys later.......

Thanks for being here!!!!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well, Looky Here!! Here's where all my low carb buddies are! You guys are just great! I see things quiet for 2-3 days in a row - yes my name stays there moving down the posting list - and I get a quiet afternoon and WOW look at the reading I had to go back and do just to catch up!! Yiippee![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] It IS busy during the summer! In fact my sister came down for the weekend and I had crab and salad the first night (did you like that Cerabella? he he :p) and it went down hill from there! We ate so much stuff! :eek: YIKES!! And nothing rang sweeter in my ears then when my hubby called this morning and said, wow, after that weekend I think I need to cut down on my carbs like I had this weekend! And I had to say "Yeah, YA THINK!!??" He was so bad about bringing in stuff...just in case my sister might want to try it! Oh sure...riiiiiight!! :rolleyes:[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]It's fantastic to see new names and stories - determination and goals! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]It's fantastic to see the regulars and hear their stories - whines - lbs loss ![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]It's hysterical to see Cerebella's list!! I love it!! I'll even Try it!! You crack me up![/FONT] (When are you finally getting on?) And a Cruise Too!!
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Annie...the wire grill thing for the fish...I've got to get one!! I have salmon out for dinner tonight with salad - and hope that it'll drop a bit in temps tonight for a nice long neighborhood walk! - I have to really watch how hot it is when I take Sadie out - it's too hot on her paws![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]And...with that...I'm going to go fill up my water bottle - for the 3rd time today! :D[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Catch ya in the morning! [/FONT] Edited by NMCruzzin
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Well, let me just say I have heaved myself back up on that darned old rickety wagon & guess what ~ it works, [I]it really works[/I]!!:D

I have amazingly dropped about three lbs in less than a week ([SIZE=1]tom [SIZE=2]partially responsible), but hey, I'll take it & run!! Run...yes, that's actually what I need to do, but alas, I am too [I]old...[/I]so, I guess I will just try walking instead!:p Watching what I eat a little more carefully & ramping up my exercise...that part not hard, I had been doing practically nothing in the blazing Texas heat...hot even with a/c running...but it is what it is, so I am hoping for a miracle when I get my swim suits out of the mothballs....

Yes, I know some of us may have even eaten some [I]gross[/I] thing called a 'Klondike bar', or maybe they just photographed it...hmmm, no carbs doing that!:eek:;)

Remember, we are what we eat...(I have been eating a lot of bacon, dur, does that make me a[I] PIG?!:confused: [/I]Keep making forward progress everyone, then there will be no regrets!!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Everyone! How ya doing today?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I did have salmon last night, broccoli and a small salad! And I did zap a potatoe for DH...he's one of those guys that feels he 'needs' some kind of high carb - or it's just not dinner! LOL... [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella...OK! That's It!! ... if you don't just get your own sign in and come on - then I'll make one up for you and keep commenting that 'Cerabella was here!" :p:D:p Ya know...the thing about packaged treats... That is called Portion Control!! LOL We hike so much when we camp - I'm sure I haven't done to much damage - it's DH thinking that he needs to make that a nightly pattern - that's what throws me under the bus![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Photography is a way to enjoy the scenery without adding carbs!!...That's funny! ha![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I have my water on my desk...and now I'm heating up my chicken for lunch and WOW...when it's so hot out...I hate doing errands in the afternoon!..I'm staying inside! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Enjoy your Day! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
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Hey Ya'll !! Just checking in...
Got my Atkins book today and excited about reading it this weekend. Also up to September of 08 on reading this thread (will I ever make it to 2009?). I feel like I know everyone already!

I live in a very small town in Georgia with only 2 grocery stores (Harveys and SuperWalmart) so I am worried that some of the foods will be hard to find. I went by Walmart today at lunch and looked for the sugar-free syrups. They did not have the Divinci, there was a brand called "Toran". I think that was what it was called. Anyone use this kind? On the thread awhile back someone said that they bought some from Walmart and it was yucky so I don't want to spend $5 on a bottle of that!

I just finsihed my research paper for school - now I have to proof it. Did I mention that among the choices for topics was: Obesity in America. So of course I chose that one! It has been enlightening doing the reseach for it.

At the beginning of this month, we went on RCL Monarch and they had the BEST sugar free key lime mousse. I LOVED IT! But I can not find a recipe for it to save my life. It was green in color so I am assuming it probably had jello mix in it but none of the recipes I find list that as an igredient. Can anyone help me?????

Well off to proof my paper.......still dreaming of the key lime mousse....yum.
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Happy Thursday!

Hi Angie...ooo I don't know about that key lime mousse...but it sounds fantastic! Glad you got the book, and if you read the whole thing - it will really equip you with the concept and the understanding on making this a life time change...just not a diet.

We are headed to the mountains again in the morning - I'm so glad it's starting to dry up after a few days of thunderstorms!

Have a great weekend everyone! I will try to be really good this trip!
"I think I can, I think I can...... I know I can, I know I can! " :D
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Hi Everybody!
I'm so glad I found this thread! I have been a yo-yo dieter my whole entire life (60). I discovered Atkins in 2003, when I met a possible romantic partner on-line and wanted to lose very quickly, before we met in RT. Well, Atkins was the right choice. I started induction in April and by July, I had lost 60 pounds. I stayed on induction the entire time and my form of exercise was to put on the music and dance in my living room. What I really missed the most was my gin & diet tonic. But alcohol really slows down the weight loss.

The romance didn't work out but over the years I have kept it off by living the low-carb lifestyle. After awhile, bread and sweets didn't even appeal to me anymore. But that changed when I moved to Chicago in 2006. Lord, I went crazy in Chi-town! They have the best restaurants in the entire country and I have lived all over the Midwest and west coast. I have gained 30 pounds back and can't fit into any of my "skinny" California clothes.

My cruise sails in 99 days. I need to lose those 30 pounds or I will have to buy a whole new wardrobe for the cruise. Do you think I can do it?
I started induction on 7/13 and have lost 7 pounds. My basic staple is eggs in every shape and form and I love the Atkins shakes as a meal replacement. My fav is the Moca Latte.

My son (grown) is dieting with me as we live together. The problem is...he hates eggs. He will eat "sweet eggs" though. He says they taste like french toast. The recipe:

Microwave bowl:
beat jumbo egg with a fork
add a dash of vanilla
a dash of splenda
a dash of cream
a dash of cinnamon
beat with fork

Cook on high for 2.5 minutes
Top with Divinci pancake syrup and a side of sausage or bacon or ham.

I get all my low-carb products from "netrition.com."

I use the ketone strips to gage what I can and can't eat. Dreamfields pasta is awesome, only 5 carbs per serving and it does not effect my ketones at all!!! Linguine tossed with butter and imported Romano cheese, a pork chop and salad, yum! :p

I have been "borderline" diabetic for about 8 years but as long as I stay low-carb, my A1c stays below 6, without meds. Woohoo! Also my cholesterol is well below 200. I should tell you the story of my visit with a nutritionist recently, but I will save it for another day. (she spent 1.5 hours with me, when her usual time is 30 minutes, needless to say, we argued the entire time!) :D

That's my story, nice to meet you all.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Happy Monday!! Is it legal to put those two words together? LOL! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Welcome Huny!! Wow....60 lbs about 5 years ago - you know how the plan works then and Thanks for the quick egg recipe! We love recipe's on here![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]We got back home from the mountains last night and I have to say I felt so stuffed! - UGH!!! And the scales says that we had way to many snacks with everyone up there with us - Double UGH!!! :mad::mad:And boy did I have to have a Good Talking with myself this morning....and it must have worked, because I had an omlette with 1 TBL salsa..for breakfast and I've already filled up my 16 oz water bottle on my desk - twice!! :p I'm geared up for a LONG walk tonight! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]So...yes...I'll be back on here a lot more often...posting or rambling...whichever you want to call it - because I've been enjoying my summer way to much and I have to put the brakes on! And better planning - I've really thrown that skill out the window too! :mad:[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]And....how about you guys? How was your weekend? How are you doing today!?[/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Oooo How Come you guys didn't remind me of the with drawls from - the bad things that tasted good at the time - that I was going to have!?!?! huh!!? :p:o:mad::p[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]But...even with a tough day yesterday...I feel so much better today..and I slept really good last night! yea! :D[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
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[quote name='NMCruzzin'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Oooo How Come you guys didn't remind me of the with drawls from - the bad things that tasted good at the time - that I was going to have!?!?! huh!!? [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]But...even with a tough day yesterday...I feel so much better today..and I slept really good last night! yea! [/FONT]


Ain't that the truth!!!!!!!!!! So easy to get off track...so many regrets climbing back on. And why do I forget how good I feel physically when I'm eating healthy??? Such a difference.

Since our Vegas binge, hubby and I have been doing pretty well...missed a few walks due to the rainy weather but ok other than that. BUT here's the kicker....he weighed in the other day when he had blood tests run...he not only lost the 6lbs he gained in Vegas, he lost an additional lb. for a total of 7!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: And this was in a week!! Thus far I have only lost 2 of the 4 I gained. So, I'm happy for him...really I am...and I didn't call him one bad name...well, not a really bad name...well, sort of a bad name...I was thinking much worse...but I'm happy for him, really I am!:mad:

Having bad cravings for sweets since yesterday so I made some peanut butter cups and they are in the freezer right now. Now I just have to keep it down to a reasonable serving...like 2...or 10.:D

Hope everyone's week is off to a good start! Mary
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Here's my tip if the week...[I]don't[/I] eat at a Chinese buffet! I guess it is all the salt, MSG, mystery sauces, I don't know...I actually had egg drop soup & lots of chicken & shrimp ~ how many ways can they fix chicken & shrimp ~ ( didn't eat the fried kinds) also had the green beans & water with lemon...that was Sunday...still up the three lbs I had worked so hard to lose....grrrr...:(

Going out now to mow because, surprise, we've had rain & been somewhat cooler...hope all that jiggling on my riding mower will loosen some of those darned 'Chinese' lbs right back off...(dur, & I thought I was being sooo good...hmph....:confused:)

Doesn't help that I will be in a bathing suit in about 30 days....help!! SOS!!!!:p
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well, we're getting towards the end of the week. I have been very good...and the reason I always come back to low-carb...it's because IT WORKS!! and my scales confirm that! I don't take the first 4-5 days to serious on the readings...as it's mostly my system re-adjusting to what I should have been doing for the last few months! Ha! But I can tell by my clothes!! :D So now that the weekend is coming close I have already informed DH that I'm staying the course through the weekend so on Monday I'm not back tracking to where I was after the first week!! Weekend cheats are [U]not worth[/U] the heavy sighs on Monday morning when I check to see how the splurges either make the scales stall or start swinging up the wrong way. Wow...Did I just give myself a lecture!?! LOL!! :p [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]So after doing the eggs each morning - as long as I've been doing this - I can't eat them plain. I've had a Tbl of salsa on them each morning but today I had a small piece of pecan crusted salmon that I made for Tues dinner...and wow! That was really good! Pleanty of protein/low cholestrol...works for me![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] Anyone that's been on here know that for me - just because we call our first meal breakfast...it doesn't always mean breakfast foods! That's one of the great things of Low Carb!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]What is the last 'breakfast' that you had...that wasn't really breakfast at all!?[/FONT]

Cerabella....Chinese is so great....but you almost have to make it at home so you can control all of the extra 'stuff' that can be added when your not looking! :0) I have to really watch it at the buffets - they look fantastic - but can be dangerous! Love the Tractor Work Out! LOL!! Edited by NMCruzzin
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Atkins book on ebay $ 4.35
Trip to the grocery store tonight $160
Changing my life - priceless !!!!!!!

Ok, so I'm ready to start Induction tomorrow and of course I am excited and a little nervous at the same time. I will weight and measure in the morning and post then.

I do have one question (situation) that you guys might help with: I hate water. I will eat ice, I will drink flavored water and sugar-free koolaid but I do not like plain water. Problem is that I have checked the flavored waters (like crystal light)and sugar-free koolaids and they all have aspartame. What do I do? Suggestions would be welcomed!! I did buy some Sprite Zero (taste like watered down Sprite but do-able) but I know I am to limit diet drinks so I can't drink that for 2 or 3 weeks.

Found a great deal on ground turkey at the store. Apparently someone screwed up the order and they received way too much. Since this is a really small town, it does not sell well enought for them to keep that much for an extended period so they placed it on sale. It is the Butterball brand in packs of a pound each and it was on sale for $1.24 per pack. We bought a few packs to see if we like it. Made a turkey-loaf with it tonight. It was ok. Seemed like a less flavorfull ground beef. Maybe I needed to spice it up more. Anyway, if anyone has recipes for ground turkey I would love them!

Off to watch a little tv and get some sleep before the big day tomorrow!
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]AngieB, liked your little 'commercial'! Atkins books also can be found in thrift stores for a $ or so, sometimes garage sales...but great that you found one!

As for the water situation, it is so critical to stay hydrated...perhaps decaf of part decaf tea? I don't know, I am a water purist...I like mine with a wedge of lemon or lime. [I]Never [/I]or rarely drink sodas (just a sip maybe of DH"s), don't recommend the flavor additive thingys...but, if you already have it, just dilute it with your water for a little flava'...you're right, too many chemicals & yucky stuff in there...(I do however, drink a couple of small cups of 1/2 decaf coffee every day...)

Also, as for the ground turkey, I have in the past mixed it with some ground beef to add some flavor there, as well as well seasoned with maybe some Mrs Dash...I am a firm believer in mixing things to get the taste just right, or at least to improve things some...

Hope everyone's weekend is going healthy for them! Don't forget the supplements, drink lots of water, eat more cold-water fishies, & lots of greens! Yay!:D
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Angie ~ congrats on the new start! I think you will love your new way of life. I used to never drink water...I hated it too. Since moving to Memphis, I'm grateful for the delicious tap water we have, so that has helped...I used to drink a lot of diet soda, but I realized that I feel so much better with regular water. That said, until you get there:p, how about brewing some flavored decaf tea? Use Splenda or Stevia to sweeten it if necessary, but some teas are so good it's not...my favorite is Good Earth tea. Delicious right out of the box. I do drink decaf coffee as well.

Hi Jean! So glad to see you back!
Hi Cerabella & everyone else!

Today was the first goal date for a weight-loss group I'm part of...my goal was 40 pounds since 1/5/09...I made it to 19.6 pounds lost. We have a new goal date of 1/1/10, and I decided to go ahead & round my number to an even 150, so my new goal is 17 pounds. I'll reassess where things are at in January to see how low I want to go.

It's not as much as I wanted to lose by today, but I've also lost 16.5 inches, and lowered my body fat by over 7%. A good mid-point, and I'm in the Normal range for BMI. So, today is the first day of the rest of the year!!:D
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Hi Everyone.....

Just wanted to check in to inform you of my progress....

I started
at 182lbs... I've planned a menu plan from the Atkins website for PHASE I Induction.....

Today I received an awesome motivation:

Weigh in: 178.2

WooHoo!!! I'm doing my dance!!!!!!
Note: One thing that help with my sugar cravings is the snacks that can be eaten in all phases.....

I'm on my way! Edited by rvalent2
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Hi everybody- I'm in and out of this thread- let's just say I'm a work in progress :o- just wanted you all to be aware of a terrific site run by a CC member- sugar free sheila (.com). She's a fellow cruiser, a beautiful girl, and her site is just so comprehensive and amazing. If you have any questions
she will be happy to answer them, too!

Happy sailing (and scale-ing, groan...)
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Well, hello there Carla! I remembered your name from way back because I used to read this thread diligently for a long, long time before I ever posted...boy, if we could bottle some of the knowledge & enthusiasm from all of those previous posts ~ wow ! (Well, I guess Dr Atkin's book & SFS's site kinda already do that, huh?!) Plus, the pounds gained & lost & gained ...oops, maybe that was just me:p, hehehe....

I cooked for a friend who recently had neck surgery last nite & tried to think what would go down easy? I caved & made spaghetti, but with whole wheat pasta, the sauce had actual grilled steak mixed with sausage, some thinly sliced & chopped squash & other goodies added to a can of spaghetti sauce & Rotel tomatoes...whole wheat double fiber garlic toast, & a large salad with mixed greens, tomatoes, avacado, Ken's ranch dressing....sooo, I am kinda afraid to weigh again. Even tho that may seem somewhat okay if you're on maintenance, I really am super~sensitive to carbs lately...will grit my teeth & report back...ummm, maybe tomorrow after I try to flush everything out with a gallon or [I]two[/I] of water...:eek:
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Well...here we are on Sunday night and wow...where did the weekend go?

Cerabella...bless ya girl for kicking in for your friend and making her dinner!! After surgery...meals are so fantastic because you not only do the cooking..but you clean up too - AND - I'm sure your friend fouind it to be such a great blessing! :D I think that you gave as much thought into what you could make as you could - and I bet in a couple of days...you'll be right back on track!

We love SFS on here!...heeeyyy...where she been lately? Crusing the World?..probably! :p

I have to confess....I've been good 2/3 meals... Wow has it been hard to keep on track this weekend!:mad::o

Lisa - So good to see you too!...I think that you'vedone soo great withyour goals, your plans and your determination! You Rock - RocknSoul!!

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Atkins book on ebay $ 4.35

Trip to the grocery store tonight $160

Changing my life - priceless !!!!!!!


Ok, so I'm ready to start Induction tomorrow and of course I am excited and a little nervous at the same time. I will weight and measure in the morning and post then.


I do have one question (situation) that you guys might help with: I hate water. I will eat ice, I will drink flavored water and sugar-free koolaid but I do not like plain water. Problem is that I have checked the flavored waters (like crystal light)and sugar-free koolaids and they all have aspartame. What do I do? Suggestions would be welcomed!! I did buy some Sprite Zero (taste like watered down Sprite but do-able) but I know I am to limit diet drinks so I can't drink that for 2 or 3 weeks.


Found a great deal on ground turkey at the store. Apparently someone screwed up the order and they received way too much. Since this is a really small town, it does not sell well enought for them to keep that much for an extended period so they placed it on sale. It is the Butterball brand in packs of a pound each and it was on sale for $1.24 per pack. We bought a few packs to see if we like it. Made a turkey-loaf with it tonight. It was ok. Seemed like a less flavorfull ground beef. Maybe I needed to spice it up more. Anyway, if anyone has recipes for ground turkey I would love them!


Off to watch a little tv and get some sleep before the big day tomorrow!


try arizona diet green tea- it's sweetened with splenda. I have a 32 0z container with a spout, I mix my green tea half with water, three of these a day and I've had my intake. I also recommend Morning Star chicken grillers- you can pop them in the micro wave and they have 80 cal each and 2 net carbs- I think they're tofo. I zap them and top them with a teaspoon of mayo & a sliced bubbies pickle.

They are really great cause you can make them so fast when you are desperate!


sw 200

cw 130

gw 115

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Angie B a few more tips- it looks like you are just starting induction- Do WHATEVER you have to to get thru the first 4 days- if you have to eat a dozen boiled eggs a day and a pack of turkey bacon- just do it, once the bad carbs are out of your system, you will be able to do induction properly, and you will feel great- I don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but sugar free sheila is a life saver- just google it. Try and stay away from those bars and fake candy and processed so called atkins foods, chicken breasts, romaine lettuce, spinich (don't forget to measure you veggie carbs) are your friends. I'm telling you, if you are ready, this really works.

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Atkins book on ebay $ 4.35

Trip to the grocery store tonight $160

Changing my life - priceless !!!!!!!


Ok, so I'm ready to start Induction tomorrow and of course I am excited and a little nervous at the same time. I will weight and measure in the morning and post then.


I do have one question (situation) that you guys might help with: I hate water. I will eat ice, I will drink flavored water and sugar-free koolaid but I do not like plain water. Problem is that I have checked the flavored waters (like crystal light)and sugar-free koolaids and they all have aspartame. What do I do? Suggestions would be welcomed!! I did buy some Sprite Zero (taste like watered down Sprite but do-able) but I know I am to limit diet drinks so I can't drink that for 2 or 3 weeks.


Found a great deal on ground turkey at the store. Apparently someone screwed up the order and they received way too much. Since this is a really small town, it does not sell well enought for them to keep that much for an extended period so they placed it on sale. It is the Butterball brand in packs of a pound each and it was on sale for $1.24 per pack. We bought a few packs to see if we like it. Made a turkey-loaf with it tonight. It was ok. Seemed like a less flavorfull ground beef. Maybe I needed to spice it up more. Anyway, if anyone has recipes for ground turkey I would love them!


Off to watch a little tv and get some sleep before the big day tomorrow!



I drink Crystal Light in the morning (because I just have to have something to cut the keto-breath) and some Diet Soda throughout the day- I'm okay with it until and unless I start having headaches. Otherwise, hey, whatever works as long as it's within the carb count. Diet Orange Soda is good in the morning... sad to say...


I hate water, too.


I went to Weight Watchers last week: disaster. You know I was desperate if I went to the same place where I have had very limited success about... 25 times. I stayed for the instructional part after the meeting, even though I could teach it myself :o, and she said something about being addicted to Cap'n Crunch, and allowing for it in her points, and then something else about fake salad dressing, fake this, fake that. Chemicals! If I want chemicals I'd rather eat them in an entire bag of Cheetos, thank you very much ;).


So I gave it my best shot, but by Friday night I was eating oatmeal, followed by bag after bag of fake Kettle Corn, microwave popcorn, carrots... and then i-c-e c-r-e-a-m. Tons of it. I just can't do high volume, carb heavy eating. It makes me crazy for more food.


So this winter, literally the day after I stepped off a cruise on the Majesty (weighing 222.5), I began Medifast. I rolled right into it like a pro (it's ketogenic, like Atkins, but there are many "sweet" options, and you know it's 1,000 calories, period). I did so well! I was on it for... like 5 weeks, lost 20+ pounds. What happened afterwards I can't even describe. It was a hunger for carbs that was completely out of my control. We all know this happens but this time it was AMAZING. Also, the soy in the products made my boobs HURT.


So here I am again, 222.5, leaving on a cruise in three weeks (as IFFFFF I can stay on Atkins on a cruise???), tricking myself into thinking I won't rebound onto carbs like I do every time!!! I've lost a TON of weight on Atkins before, though, and I know ketogenic diets are the only way for me to go.


A HUUUGE part of my problem is cruising. I get on a boat and I'm like an addict from the second I board. I wake up at night to eat. It's crazy :(.

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Hi everyone! Sorry I did not post on Saturday like I said but I know you will all forgive me.


So, here I go with my new "way of eating"....

Just to recap: I am 33 years old, female, live in southern GA (near Savannah)

I am currently wearing 8/10/12 and would like to get down to 115 and size 3/5.

Weighed Saturday morning at 140. Measured my waist and it is 35 inches. I am only 5'2" so in other words, I'm almost a circle !! I will try to attach a pic to this message. I have the "girl gut", "cellulite thighs". "chubby face" and lets not even talk about how my butt looks.....

Need some constructive criticism to help me make sure I am eating ok:


Sat morning:

2 scrambled eggs cooked in a little EVOO


Sat lunch:

3 small chicken fingers (breaded in Parmesan cheese and cooked in EVOO)

I cup green beans



Sat night: I helped with our local beauty pageant there so before it started I went to Dairy Queen and got a diet coke and regular cheeseburger plain. I only drank a little coke and ate the burger without the bun. Then at the reception afterwards I ate a few meatballs and little smokies.


I also snacked on a few deviled eggs throughout the day.


Sun breakfast:

1 scrambled egg

3 pieces bacon


Sun lunch:

grilled steak

salad with cheese, bacon, ranch dressing


Sun night:

2 all beef hotdogs

2 deviled eggs


made a little mock cheesecake for a snack


Monday morning:

2 scrambled eggs

3 pieces bacon


I have been drinking the kool-aid (with aspartame), diet sprite, diet dr. pepper, and a little diet coke.


After writing out what I ate this weekend I realize I need to eat more veggies. Been eating a lot of eggs. I am also planning on getting some of the sugar free syrups so I can try SFS's breakfast shake. They do not sell them around here so I guess I will order online.


I have not had the "hungries" yet or any headaches, guess that is good news. I just stress about what I am going to eat. Guess I need to make a meal plan for the week to help me not stress at the last minute.


I need to get some ketosis sticks today. Are those located by the diabetic supplies in the pharmacy?


I am so glad you guys are here!! I have been lurking on the other low carb sites but they are just not as "personal" as our little group here and from reading the thread it just seems like we all know each other. Thanks for being here!!



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