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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hello Jocelyn :)


I had a cholecystectomy about 10 years ago and, like you, my first pain felt like a heart attack. I was a bit young for gall trouble but knew what it was because my Aunt had suffered the same symptoms. Definitely a no no on the fat...I ended up in the ER after ordering a grilled chicken sandwich that came on a croissant. :( I haven't ever had any issues post-surgery while following Atkins.


I would suggest you do some research on adhesions (scar tissue that can form inside of you after surgery). The surgery was such a breeze that I went to West VA. shortly after and climbed around on rocks by a river. Not sure if that's what caused them but I have them and they act up every once in a while (a "pulling" feeling accompanied by pain). I'm sure there must be advice online on how to avoid them post-surgery...wish I had read up then, LOL.


Also, about a year ago I started having pain in my upper right back quadrant that felt identical to the gall bladder pain although I knew it couldn't be pain from something I no longer had. Long story short, I did some research which led me to something called Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction...very interesting and several people feel that their pain was from SOD and that they did not need to have their gall bladder removed in the first place. I will include a link here http://yourtotalhealth.ivillage.com/sphincter-oddi-dysfunction.html for you...I always feel best if I gather lots of research, whether it be a health issue or anything else. I was never tested and the pain only bothered me for a short time and I have no idea why it happened or if it was diet related at all (I was not low carbing at the time). I include the link for you simply because it took a lot of searching to find something that matched my symptoms and thought you could file it away just in case.


I have to say that my health has been great since I started Atkins and exercise in Feb. of this year so, as a fellow GB sufferer, I can't recommend it enough. :) I wish you much success!



Hi Mary,

Thank you so much for the information and the link. I really do appreciate hearing from someone that has had the surgery and is still doing Atkin's. Atkin's is the only thing that works for me; case in point I am down 2 lbs since mon:) I do feel relieved to hear that you were up and around right after the surgery. I am getting a new procedure where they do only one cut, so the recovery time should be less. Hopefully:)


I have done some searching on the web and heard about SOD. That is what I am a little leery of, but I have a large stone so I have to get my gb removed:( I did try chinese herb and accupunture and it did help the symptoms but they do come back. I am glad to hear that your symptoms went away and that you are doing great!


Thank you again.


BTW, I think the picture at the bottom of your page is HILARIOUS!

Edited by jbrambach
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Hi Jocelyn :)


So glad my info helped a bit. The internet is such a comfort...just when you think you MUST be the only one experiencing whatever...you find a huge group of people who "been there, done that" to help you through. :D


That pic always makes me smile...it's my nutty Mom in Cozumel...where I will be again exactly two weeks from today!!!!!!!!!!! My husband will be with me and the last time he was there was post-Hurricane so I'm excited to show him how beautiful it truly is!


Anyway, I'm sure your recovery will go super smoothly and congrats on the weight loss!



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Hi Jocelyn :)



That pic always makes me smile...it's my nutty Mom in Cozumel...where I will be again exactly two weeks from today!!!!!!!!!!! My husband will be with me and the last time he was there was post-Hurricane so I'm excited to show him how beautiful it truly is!






SO FUNNY! I remember Cozumel, well that is before I went to Carlos & Charlie's, then it is all fuzzy from their:eek::D


Have a great trip!

Edited by jbrambach
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Hi Everybody,

I haven't been around because I got off track and haven't been able to get back on. Damn those carbs are addicting! The good thing is...I didn't gain any of the twelve pounds I lost in July. Now I am down to two months before I cruise. My goal was to lose thirty pounds. That would be 10 pounds per month. I will have to stay on strict induction and exercise like hell to accomplish that! :rolleyes:


I wonder how AngieB is doing? I am so excited as this is my first cruise, have been busy shopping for shoes and planning my outfits. I am back on Atkins today, so far. No more movie night (popcorn, Ben & Jerry's) with my sons, like last night. :eek:

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Hello, Hello, Hello!

Hey! It's really great to see everyone again! I've had the best 3 weeks and really this is the first morning that has been a good time for me to come and not just drive by (which I have to do sometimes) but actually post too!

Two weekends ago our kids threw a surprise Anniversary party for us and family from Colorado came down and lots of friends from living here for 23 years! It was a blast and bless my son's heart for ordering Brisket & Pulled Pork! Yum! But the killer cupcakes were so fantastic! At least I had a cupcake and not 1/2 of a sheet cake...right?! So a weekend of company...a short work week because we headed to San Francisco for a 4 day, 2nd Honeymoon trip - - and that was great too!

We did not rent a car in SF...but walked a bunch and rode a Cable Car, Trolley or Bus when it was to far to walk..or somewhere we would have pretty much got lost getting to! LOL! SF is the land of Sourdough bread! Yes I had a few bites on Wed and Thurs - but by that night I said...uh,uh...No more! AND I DIDN"T! But we still had a blast and ...waa laa.... I'm only 1 pound up from Aug 1st! So...I'm being good and I know that will start to work in my favor and that pound will go away!

How fantastic that Cerabella has a Cruise - Seabunny - GOSH I wish I had one booked! ha ha


Jocelyn - Heyyy Girrl! Wow...so sorry about the Gall Stone! Been there Done that and have the old school 5'' scar on my right side to prove it! Gall stone was the size of those big green Italian olives!! Ouch! And after mine came out - others of my family were a bit jealous of the attention and so...whoosh their Gall Bladders all had stones and out they came too! Actually...it seems to run in both of my Mom & Dad's family ... so I think it was just my turn. But! It happened way baaaack in 1985! And see...I'm still alive! And Atkins will still be fine!... Now roughage for awhile until your system is settled down will be... let's say...rough! :p

The surgeries for Gall Bladder and Appendixes have really improved - I think your going to be surprised - after you recover from your surgery - how much better you'll be feeling...and your energy will be up again!


Ok, it's my day off - and I just came in from a hour and 1/2 of yard work...time to get back at these house chores... when I'm away, for some strange reason - they don't get done!! :eek::D

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Wow! Just be glad you have two months, Seaside! It is definitely doable in that time period...however, two days, ummm IDK!:p:o


Jean, I know you have to be back from your anniversary trip, how goes it!?? Don't be shy, check in, girl!! I know you are probably sooo busy getting back in the routine...


DH & I don't travel very often so it is a major pain to get it all together & go...someone to feed the 2 doggies, water the plants, (yard, porch, & greenhouses)...plus, we live on a farm/ranch & it is just hard to go off for a week...I have feeders for the hummies, seed for the other birds, etc, etc...if it wasn't sooo hot/dry here in Etex, I wouldn't 'worry' so much, everything could just fend for themselves while we are pampered at sea!


But, it is what it is, & we are packed (nearly) & ready to go!!:D



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See, Jean, I was thinking of you & we were apparently typing & posting near the same time, so, it would have been more fitting if my post had actually went thru when I tried to send it, but nooo, it just sat there for an eternity!:p;)


So, way to go on your vacay! DH & I are coming quickly upon our 25th! It is actually Oct 20th, but this is like our anniversary cruise...it is the first time in seven previous that we 'splurged' on a balcony! Since we will be knee deep in pansies in Oct, this will just have to do! Yay! I am a little excited! I will stay pretty much on plan, but my splurge will be Warm Chocolate Melting Cake!:D

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Hey Everyone...Hope your all having a great weekend!:D


Cerabella........Hope you have the BESTEST CRUISE EVER!! I just wished that I had a cruise booked too! Can't wait for you to come back and tell us all about it! :D:D


Hi Lisa!! SF was really fun...and being with my hubby ....makes it that way --- But ummm....I have to say... San Diego is still my all time Favorite!!! Maybe because the Temps are more consistant?!


Well...just wanted to wisheveryone a great weekend!

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Hi all, been low carb lifestyle for 6 years now started 464 lbs got to 250 after 2 years but that's a little thin for me so I took it up to 270 (6, 2" large frame and 30 to 40 lbs of extra hide:o) I usually keep my intake to 2500 calories with 50 to 60 grams of carb a day but I had gone off the wagon a little and got up to 286. went to induction cut down to about 30 grams a day on june 15th to try to cut down to 265 before the cruise should hit goal right before 267 yesterday. Atkins works just not everybody can do it.

Edited by chefmichael
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Hi Chefmichael! Welcome! Thank you for posting your fantastic success story!! You got down to where you wanted to be...even though it was a little thin!! Gosh..I need to have that problem! ;)
Atkins does work!! But, I also agree here... that not everyone can do it.
I am a true believer about carb control as a way of weight loss, but for some people you have to figure out which foods are the friendliest to your body! I'm leaning more towards the fish/chicken protein because of some cholestrol issues. If you have any tips - snacks - recipes or suggestions...please post them!

All California posters that are in danger of the fires....Our thoughts and prayers go out to you that no more homes will be lost! :(

How's everyone else doing this week?
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Hey Jean! Glad you had a great time in San Fran, definitely on my list of must see places.:) Thanks for making me feel better about this surgery and still being able to do Atkins. And thanks for the tip about the roughage:eek::D

Cerabella, have a great (and well deserved) vacation.

Just back to work today after a few days at home with hubby just lounging around. Sometimes that is just so great to do. I did stick to my WOEing with a few glasses of wine added:eek: But I am happy to report that I did not gain:) Now back to Induction.;)
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Hello All :)

Saw a recipe on foodtv the other day for a beef and butternut squash stew that I thought could be modified easily to be low carb and looks so delish!! It's a fall/winter type dish and that is right around the corner...ok, little longer than that for us Floridians but cooler weather IS coming! :D Anyway, I looked up Marsala wine online and saw that dry Marsala is available for low carbers. Here's the link for anyone interested:


Also, planning ahead for the holidays...looking for things that our family members who aren't low carbing would love as well. Has anyone tried this pumpkin pie or something similar?? What did you think?? Any advice would be much appreciated!


Hope everyone had a great week!

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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella......Are you Back?!?! Did you have fun?? Come back and tell us all about it!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lisa - Are your kiddos back in school yet?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mary..I love the Food Network! I think the "Best thing I ever ate" is on tonight - are you going to watch?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Joceyln - San Francisco was really a lot of fun! We had a blast each day![/FONT]
It is nice to just relax! Yesterday was Labor Day...boy - we Labored all day! Cleaned carpets, worked on the Trailer, Re-arranged things in the back yard...whew...good thing we had to come back to work today! LOL!
Seaside Bunny - ChefMichael...How are you guys doing?

How was everyone's weekend? Did you stay on track...waiver a little? Edited by NMCruzzin
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[quote name='NMCruzzin'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella......Are you Back?!?! Did you have fun?? Come back and tell us all about it!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lisa - Are your kiddos back in school yet?[/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Mary..I love the Food Network! I think the "Best thing I ever ate" is on tonight - are you going to watch?[/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Joceyln - San Francisco was really a lot of fun! We had a blast each day![/FONT]
It is nice to just relax! Yesterday was Labor Day...boy - we Labored all day! Cleaned carpets, worked on the Trailer, Re-arranged things in the back yard...whew...good thing we had to come back to work today! LOL!
Seaside Bunny - ChefMichael...How are you guys doing?

How was everyone's weekend? Did you stay on track...waiver a little?[/quote]

Thanks for asking, NM!
Lordy I have been having a hard time. Did induction in July and lost 12 pounds. Lost track in August (was on and off) but still managed to lose 4 pounds. That's 16 of my goal of 30 before I cruise on Halloween. I have lost my motivation and have been shopping around for elastic waist stretch knits for the cruise. :rolleyes:
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hi Huny![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] OOO....Scoot over a bit...I'm in that same boat with you right now! :(:o I did really well last week, we went camping...and BLAHHHHHHHHH!!!! Argh!! :mad:Ok I gotta get my act back together...the jeans are just a bit snug now! I think Friday..it's clean out that pantry day!! I'm gonna do it too! :D[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]C'mon Huny....let's get back in the groove of eating right again! No more white, sweet or junk! ooooo I'm getting pumped!! But now my allergies are so bad...I need to go to bed![/FONT]
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Whaaaat??!! Are some of us peeps in the same boat??!! Well, my cruise was all I had hoped for & more! I felt like I was at a special private retreat with our balcony & fabulous weather!

The food was sooo yummy, I can't even apologize for eating somewhat off plan...not too bad, just special treats here & there & yes, Warm Chocolate Melting Cake every nite!!

Nonetheless, I am only up about 2 lbs, & [SIZE=1]tom[/SIZE] could be part of that! We did walk a lot & snorkeled @ Grand Cayman & Cozumel...thank goodness being very active can cancel some of those 'bad' calories!:p

Tomorrow I will have to go to the gro store & load up on low carb goods. Welcome new posters & thanks for the recipe links Mary!! I must try to prepare the pumpkin pie ~ sounds to die for! Hope all have a good rest of the week!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Yea!!! Cerabella!! your back....and even more so...your Cruise was Fantastic!! That's what I love to hear! Snorkeling is just the best!! :D[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]This morning...back to a spanish omlette and 1 sausage patty, and I'm drinking my water.......All Day!! :p[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I know this works....and I forgot to tell you guys that my cholestrol counts are back in the 'normal' range - tri levels are still a little high...but Dr was very pleased! So...what worked? 80% chicken, turkey & fish - and beef only 2 times a week. Everyone is different...and if this keeps my Dr happy with my levels and I keep my hands and fork away from the No NO foods...it's gonna get better from here! ;)[/FONT]
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Good to hear about your good numbers, Jean! It is really comforting to know that eating 'right' can have such good benefits, even if it takes some adjustments & time! Just keep reminding yourself...'I love, love [I]love [/I]chicken, turkey, & fish & all those yummy veggies!!' & then we will be sooo far ahead of the game! :p

I have been enjoying your pics on the photo thread! Love the balloons! I only took about 200 pics this go round. I will upload a few to my web page & then give you a shout out!;)

I still haven't gotten to the grocery store! For breakfast I had a tin of sardines in hot sauce...IDK what I will scratch up for lunch...the cupboards & fridge are a little bare!:confused::eek:

It seems I have had a case of [I]'mal de debarquement'...[/I]I had no problems on the cruise, but since I have been back, I have had a few mild dizzy spells, some sinus headaches, & spent yesterday morn in bed til noon...aaargh! Trying to double up on my water, make sure I take my vitamins, supplements, & take it easy!! This too shall pass!

Keep up the good WOE guys & gals! Then you just might look as [I]hot[/I] as I did in my bikini:rolleyes::cool:....([I]well, the Caribbean [B]was[/B] hot! Hehehe!)[/I]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Happy Friday Everyone![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] A busy weekend here...but that's great![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Low carb breakfast - - and a big glass of water![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I did breakdown and have a diet soda yesterday afternoon - somedays..it really hits the spot! :p[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella...You have started a Site??!?! OOOO Me! Me! Send me a link!! :D Isn't it so much fun!?! And I hope you have a great grocery shopping trip!.... Remember to hit the Produce aisle!! LOL! :D [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I will be back a bit later...but gotta scoot!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
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