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Anyone on Atkins?


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[COLOR=magenta]Hey Jean, Glad to hear your numbers are making your doctor happy....good job![/COLOR]
[COLOR=magenta]I have included a pic of Sadie...if I did it right, I am not good at this stuff:rolleyes: She is about 22 lbs and nothin' but trouble:D She is a sweetie though. I am trying to teach her to walk on a leash....we are still not there yet:([/COLOR]

[COLOR=magenta]Welcome to all the new posters, I will get caught up on the success stories and the recipes later this week. I just got my internet back....YEA![/COLOR]

[COLOR=magenta]We went to Dallas last month and I had lost a few of the 13lbs that I had gained this year....but I have gained them back and a couple more....up 15lbs now:mad: But, help is on the way!!!!! I started induction again this morning......eggs for breaky, turkey club salad from Arby's for lunch and fish for dinner.....I feel better already:D I am going to a reunion on Oct 31st so I have to get at least the 15lbs off by then. I am glad to have this support group......thanks y'all.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=magenta]I will post later in the week.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=magenta]Y'all have a great low carb week.[/COLOR]

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Hi Gang,
Feeling so much better, a little tired but besides that great. I have been home for a week and I was going a little stir crazy:eek: I am back at work today but taking it easy. I started back up on Induction on Sunday with cauli-mash and grilled chix and I have already lost 4 YEAH!!!

Jean, thanks for the best wishes. I am glad to hear that your levels are back in the normal range and you are back on track;):)

Cerabella, glad you had a great cruise! And I bet you looked GREAT in your bikini.

Hi Annie, glad to "see" you again.:)
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Ahoy all low carb peeps! Hope all is well health & eating wise! I have to admit, work for the fall season here is in full swing...we're planting pansies, & other fall/winter crops at the plant farm ( which is just right outside my doors...), but I am [I]still [/I]in [I]cruising [/I]mode & have to appreciate when jbrambach has [I]a [/I]glass of wine, I have[B] [I]TWO[/I][/B][/FONT][/SIZE];):eek::cool:...[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]I sooo get stressed this time of year...we bring in extra 'help' & work from dawn to dusk & I do know that this pays the bills, but...[B][I] h e l p[/I][/B]!!:o[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]I am still eating pretty much on plan, but I find that as I am getting 'older' that it is harder for me...I don't know how many times I have been on Induction...I did shed the couple of cruise lbs, but now still want to get down to my fightin' weight! So, that means about 10 or 12 more to get rid of...oh the travesty...You would think I would work it off, but noooo!:eek:

Anyhoo, thanks guys for the well wishes on my cruise...it was everything I had hoped for & more! We had a nice M&M for our CC group & had the undivided attention of our CD Kyle & ACD Marcello for about 30 ~45 mins. Our photo also was featured on the CC e-mail newsletter one day last week!
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Hey Cerabella, whatever helps you get through:D (wine). Remember slow & steady, take it day by day. Maybe one day is not so great but the next one will be, plus I hear the last 10 to 12 is the hardest to lose, but you are soooo close.:cool:
My work is the same way, when the weather gets cooler, it really gets BUSY and I sometimes forget what passes through my lips:eek::D.

Keep up the good work.;):)
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Everyone!
So...how all y'all doing? Jocelyn was the last poster and she was down 4!! yea!! And feeling better as the days go by! I hope! :p[/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Cerabella...a busy work time for you! But...I'm having to agree that what used to come off pretty fast....has slowed down!:( When given choices...I naturally go to the low carb foods - I think it will always be in my mind! [/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Exercise....wellllll.....no one will do my work out for me...will they?!?!?!!? :p:rolleyes::p[/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I just had to pop in and say hi!![/FONT]
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Hey Jean,

I am feeling so much better. It is like a miracle:) I think I am down another 1but I have to check again tomorrow to be sure. I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday but that is the only way I know how to keep track and know for sure what I am doing right and what is not so right. My 2 week Induction should be over by Sunday, but I think I will stay on a bit longer then move on to the next level....NUTS:D

I also have to start doing the dreaded excercise again, hey Jean maybe we can trade excercise routines, I'll do yours and you do mine:D

How is everyone else doing?
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Hello all. I just reading back a ways and thought I would say hello. We are heading out on a cruise January 30 and started induction two weeks ago. I need to drop some weight to travel comfortably before we ship off, and also need to rethink my eating for when I return as well. As for what happens on a ship...well as a far as eating goes, it doesn't count! <grin>

I've really enjoyed reading your postings and plan to watch the thread and join in for the support. I need to lose about 100 lbs. I carry my 300 well, but at 36 am thinking more about my health frequently.

While I haven't weighed myself, I did have to skip back a notch on my belt today. I wish I could have seen the grin on my face!

Later everyone.

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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hi Danny...welcome! I hope that you have been able to get the Atkin's book and read up on how a low carb works and if you put some exercise and a drink your water too...your going to see a Lot of those notches on your belt move quickly!:D Low Carb is very Guy Friendly!! (Danny, the note below is not directed to you...but just something that kinda sends me off from another thread)[/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]And just a side note.... Atkins is low carb...not NO CARB! I get so tired of reading how people use the term NO Carbs!! :mad: Anyone that has read anything about healthy eating knows that our body Needs Carbs! ...it's the carbs in Sodas, cookies, cakes, startches, breads, candy etc..... This is where you learn to cut that stuff out! Eating a healthy low carb diet is a portion of protien and then you add some carbs..just keep it low! [/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Right now...I'm doing ok...staying the same - and my clothes fit, so I'm where I am for now! :p[/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Jocelyn, Cerabella, Annie, ....Where is everyone??:confused:[/FONT]
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[quote name='NMCruzzin'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hi Huny![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]OOO....Scoot over a bit...I'm in that same boat with you right now! :(:o I did really well last week, we went camping...and BLAHHHHHHHHH!!!! Argh!! :mad:Ok I gotta get my act back together...the jeans are just a bit snug now! I think Friday..it's clean out that pantry day!! I'm gonna do it too! :D[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]C'mon Huny....let's get back in the groove of eating right again! No more white, sweet or junk! ooooo I'm getting pumped!! But now my allergies are so bad...I need to go to bed![/FONT][/quote]

OK, NM, you lured me back! ;)Time to get serious. I have 31 days until I cruise. I seriously want to lose 10 pounds before I cruise, so I'm gonna start hanging out more with you low-carbers. Bacon and eggs (scrambled with cheese) for breakfast today. I'm not looking forward to the headache for the next three days though. But I can't wait to check my ketone strip in a few days. Hang in there everybody!
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]Up to my keister in work, but, I guess that is a good thing, right!

Holding steady with my eating. When I do add too many (bad) carbs I really get lethargic & funky. Sometimes it just takes one thing (ie pizza or things like that) to remind you that it's just not worth it....blech!!

Let's bring back our slogans, Jean...'your fork, your choice!' Yay! :p
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Hi everyone!
Wish I could say I was new here but sadly I'm a repeater. As much as I know lo-carb is the best way for me to eat for my body... I'm struggling to stick to that WOE. I lost about 30 lbs several years ago and felt great, my numbers were good but fell off the wagon.

I've been on induction for two days now and am in the "I feel like carp" phase, sugar and carb withdrawl. I really think if I can make it through the first few weeks I can settle into a food routine. Any tips??
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey Crusin!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] What I find is a great help is a variety of foods that are low carb and yet filling! SugarFreeSheila has a lot of great recipes...and tips...be sure to check her web site out! Drink Drink Drink your water!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] If you've been on induction for 2 days...hang in there because...the energy and feeling so much better is going to kick in...really it will!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]See...Cerabella is belching white flour from pizza...now if she'd just have had the toppings.....LOL!! :p yeah girl...I'm picking on you!! ;)[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS](Hey..I have a bunch of Texas Travel Sfly Hoppers arriving on Saturday for the Balloon Fiesta!...Now where is your site and where is the link?)[/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lisa!! Wow...you've been traveling!! Very fun![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Huny!!! Your BACK!! Yea!! 10 lbs...You can Do it!! Come and post every day...what your eating..and if you kick up your exercise...That 10 will be history!!...well...don't go looking for it on your Cruise!! ;)[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'll check on ya's tomorrow![/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey!! Where is Everyone!!??[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm headed to the shoe store...I'm getting some new ones for my re-introduction :p :rolleyes: to my tread mill!! :0) :D I gotta start using that thing...everyday!!! :o[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]What about you....what is your WOEX?? Way of Exercising? :)[/FONT]
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Hey gang,
Still holding steady at a 5lb loss. But I haven't been keeping to that WOEing as far as wine:rolleyes: I have made the commitment (in my mind at least) to do 30 min of walking on my treadmill each morning and to cut out the wine for 2 weeks until my cruise. I started today on the treadmill and I have a lot more energy now. If I could be down another 5 by the cruise I will be happy.

Jean, glad to see you are holding steady. How's Sadie?

Hey Lisa.

Cera, I know what you mean about the belching when I eat starchy stuff, yuck:eek::D I don't seem to have any "excess gas:o" when I am watching my WOEing. TMI?:D

Seaside, hang in there, it will pass soon.

Cruisin, welcome back.

Welcome Danny! Edited by jbrambach
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Hey Paula! Welcome! What are you doing for exercise?

I got my shoes...and I'm parking my car and walking over to the plant every day at 9 am...unless it's snowing! or crazy cold temps....
But...that's my goal...and we all need a good goal ...right?:D
I'll post here if I can do it!!

Oooo...I just turned down some peach cobbler....I'm serious!! LOL!!!:o
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Hi all! Sorry I've been MIA...I had surgery, then went to NYC, then came home & got the flu! Don't know for sure if it's the swine kind, but it definitely kicked my tail. Yesterday I finally started feeling like myself again & it's good to be back! Now just need to get rid of the cough & I'm good to go!

As you can see, there's 14 pounds to go to my new goal (by 1/5/10). Kevin booked us a short little cruise in November, so I hope to tighten up & tone before I go. Now that my flu is on its way out, I'm going to slowly build myself back up to my workouts. If I lose a few more pounds on the way, I would be very happy.

Keep on going, gang! You can do it!! Edited by Rocknsoul
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Lisa, sorry to hear that you have been sick...Great news about an upcoming cruise! OK dish, where, when, etc:D

Hey Jean, Peach Cobbler:eek: Good job but I don't know if I would have been so strong:D

Well, I am done another 2. I have been laying off the wine (for all you new posters I am not a wino, just a winer:D) kidding, I just like a glass with my dinner. I have not been doing my exercise though:rolleyes: just can't seem to do both at once. We did clean out the garage for 4 1/2 hours on sunday, guess that counts as excercise right? Anyway, 10 days and 3lbs to my 10lb loss b4 my cruise. Don't know if I will lose much more by then b/c my tom is anyday now.:rolleyes:

Welcome Paula! Let us know if you have any questions. Lots of great people & good info on this thread.

Night all and happy low carbing! Edited by jbrambach
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lisa!! Hey Girl....soo sorry you've been sick! And Surgery!!? YUCK!! I'm glad you felt good enough to post here though!!...Wondering how you've been doing![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Looks like I'll be making 3 trips to Colo between now and first of the year! So you know...he comes the snow storms! :eek::rolleyes:[/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Jocelyn - Only 3 more........C'mon Girl you can do it!! "Winer"...he he...that's pretty funny! Just think if they made a wine that had no sugar, no carbs, no calories....HA! You'd be drinking water!! LOL!! :p:D Yup...I said no to the cobbler!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I think I'm down 3 from the weekend...I'm really watching it...and it's hard! But any goal that we make for ourselves is going to take some work..or it wouldn't be a goal!![/FONT]
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I just wanted to check in and say hello to all.

Good to see some familiar faces still hanging out- eating, exercising?, "wining" :) DH and I made a vegetable stew last week with a few illegal atkins ingredients (carrots, potatoes) but overall pretty healthy! And of course you could add in chicken or other meat to "beef it up" in lieu of those things. Hit the spot. Don't forget to look at some veggie stews to add to your fall recipes!

What else is going on? I'm chomping at the bit for our next vacation. School is overwhelming right now. Work is status quo but I'm also feeling ready to change positions. I know right now I just need to keep on keeping on and hang with this for awhile. The jobs we have here are stable, secure and afford us the opportunity to save and take a really great cruise once/year. Can't beat that in this economy!!!

So we're looking ahead to a 2010 cruise and right now it looks like it will be a January Med cruise with NCL. NEed to confirm time off at work in the next few weeks, then book flights and cruise dates, and then I'll put on a ticker and come brag. Trying not to get too attached to anything until I can secure the dates off from work first :)

Best of luck to everyone braving the holiday season- the big 3 are right around the corner for Atkineers- Halloween treats, Thanksgiving taters and Christmas cookies. Find some tasty fall treats that are legal like veggie stews, creative turkey meals, and sugarfree Christmas goodies!

Much love,
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[quote name='Pinkbikini']I just wanted to check in and say hello to all.

Good to see some familiar faces still hanging out- eating, exercising?, "wining" :) DH and I made a vegetable stew last week with a few illegal atkins ingredients (carrots, potatoes) but overall pretty healthy! And of course you could add in chicken or other meat to "beef it up" in lieu of those things. Hit the spot. Don't forget to look at some veggie stews to add to your fall recipes!

What else is going on? I'm chomping at the bit for our next vacation. School is overwhelming right now. Work is status quo but I'm also feeling ready to change positions. I know right now I just need to keep on keeping on and hang with this for awhile. The jobs we have here are stable, secure and afford us the opportunity to save and take a really great cruise once/year. Can't beat that in this economy!!!

So we're looking ahead to a 2010 cruise and right now it looks like it will be a January Med cruise with NCL. NEed to confirm time off at work in the next few weeks, then book flights and cruise dates, and then I'll put on a ticker and come brag. Trying not to get too attached to anything until I can secure the dates off from work first :)

Best of luck to everyone braving the holiday season- the big 3 are right around the corner for Atkineers- Halloween treats, Thanksgiving taters and Christmas cookies. Find some tasty fall treats that are legal like veggie stews, creative turkey meals, and sugarfree Christmas goodies!

Much love,

Hey Pink,
Glad to "see" you too! Veggie stew sounds good! Esp today, it is so cold and dreary out. Thank goodness no snow yet though;)

Well, better get back to work:rolleyes::D
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[SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Hello Everyone!!! I am new to this board :D. I take my 1st cruise in 6 weeks...I started Atkins 18 days ago and have lost about 14 lbs, and I lost 1 1/2" in my waist and 1 1/2" in my hips so far. I am glad I found this board, I can use all the support I can get. I need to lose a total of about 80 lbs to be where I need to be. It will be a long journey, but I am ready for it!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Happy Monday Everyone!![/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] PINK!! So good to see you stopping by!! :0) And you have to come back and tell us if you book something! [/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Jocylen! Are you Tailgating again? Football season...right?[/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]mjrich73 - Welcome!! You are off to a great start...there is lots to read here of jouneys, successes etc...and websites, recipes....hope you find it all! :0) What kind of excercise are you doing along with your low carb choices?[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm doing pretty good...I've come to the realization for where I am at - that now portions do matter.....:eek::(... and I say this in a very positive tone!! But for me, my age and all of the medical issues - portions are what has been my goal for the last 2 weeks and with keeping up my walking and a few weights - I was stuck for so long with-in the same 3 lbs back and forth and back and forth.... but I've seen a consistant 2 lbs a week, and this morning I'm down a solid 4 lbs since the 1st of Oct! For Me...... I'll take it!! And this morning - I'm still working on the portion goals! :0)[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]So...hopefully...by Nov 1 ..I'll see that I'm actually back on track and moving 'down' the road! :0)[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]How was everyone else's weekend? [/FONT]
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