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Anyone on Atkins?


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It's been a while since I've visited the board and thought I would stop by and say hello. I've been doing well, and much to my surprise, have added in some activity. I'm walking six blocks every night. It's not showing up on the scales yet, but I know it well.


I'm used to quicker weight loss, but I'm stuck with a couple of pounds a week. A 6' male at 300 lbs. should be loosing more weight than that but any in that direction is good. I'm sticking to it and doing well. Now to portions, as the previous poster made mention. I'm doing pretty good in that area, but could be better.


I suppose everyone has heard of lowcarbcafe.com? I have been using quite a bit of their recipes. There was a faux scalloped potato recipe which was very good the night off, but didn't care for the left overs. The chicken cordon bleu was fabulous.


Take care all.



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Hey!! Where is Everyone!!??



I'm back - you and pinkbikini are the only names I recall. If the Search function is accurate, I haven't been here since April, when I was getting ready for my HAL trip to the Norwegian Fjords, Scotland and the English coast. Terrific trip and I kept closely to my WOE.


But in December I decided to stop smoking (again). Figured it was a good time because I was down to 120, 10 lbs under my "just right" weight. Worked fine until recently, even though didn't think I was eating any differently, but found the scale registering 140 and sometimes a bit more.


My friends are no help - most of them either need to lose but aren't trying, or are just naturally thin. So back to this board, where I knew I'd find people dealing with the same issues and pursuing a WOE that works.


Looking forward to catching up, sharing recipes and tips, and encouraging each other.

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Hey gooselace! Congratulations for quitting! And for getting back on the horse. :) Welcome back! The board has slowed down a little, but we're still hanging in there.


Danny ~ Great job adding in the activity. I know men do tend to lose more quickly, but even for a woman I'm losing very slowly. Must have something to do with turning 40. With your added activity, the pounds should start to come off. But consistent weight loss is better than no weight loss! :)

Edited by Rocknsoul
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  • 2 weeks later...

Heeeeyyy!! It looks like this thread is having the same problem as my weight loss, sloooow! :eek: However, I am soo glad to see some old timers here, OMGosh, Gooselace ~ of the famed baked, seasoned nuts! Perhaps you have some new awesome low~carb recipes to share?!! It is soo good to 'see' you, I have read this thread for several years before actually posting, so I do know you are successful in your WOE despite some 'recent' set-backs...;)


Ithocles, six blocks is a great way to get moving, way to go! I am a very active person, with some 'structured' exercises thrown in for good measure, so, I know what you mean about it not showing up on the scales... being in ketosis is so very helpful...get the keto stix if you are not sure, & follow the directions...hopefully the lbs will start to go...



I have started re-re-re-reading my Atkins book...I find that it is especially helpful when cooler weather hits & I get the desire for warm, yummy comfort food...uummm perhaps a nice chicken soup?! Ha!:p Sorry I haven't been posting...work @ the plant farm is in full swing - pansies are a bloomin', (look kinda like a patchwork quilt in each greenhouse), snapdragons are also blooming, & the ornamental cabbage & kale are beautiful (also, all are quite edible as well, hehehe!)


Come on out to play, post your results, post your recipes!:D

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Today in the last vestiges of the garden I found a couple of late zucchini squash, sooo, tonite we had creamed squash soup w/ grilled chicken...yumm...the squash was like a 'free' deal because of the late fall rains...yay!:D


Lisa~Rock, you are sooo getting ready to cruise I can see by your ticker...hope you have fun, fun, fun!! I have never cruised later than Sept., report back & tell us how everything goes...( & you are also very close to your goal, congrats!):D


Hope all had a low carb weekend!!

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Hey Cerabella, thanks! I'm trying to avoid the Halloween candy (tons of it) in my house. Success so far.


Also trying to tighten up for the 'ol swimsuit this weekend! Ack!


For some reason I'm not getting my updates from CC in my email.


How's everyone else doing?

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Heeeeyyy!! It looks like this thread is having the same problem as my weight loss, sloooow! :eek: However, I am soo glad to see some old timers here, OMGosh, Gooselace ~ of the famed baked, seasoned nuts! Perhaps you have some new awesome low~carb recipes to share?!! It is soo good to 'see' you, I have read this thread for several years before actually posting, so I do know you are successful in your WOE despite some 'recent' set-backs...;)


Yes, I still make the spiced pecans (friends request them for parties and no one seems to realize they are sugarfree). Don't know what other recipes I shared here - maybe crustless spinach quiche, probably the meatloaf made with crushed barbecue pork rinds instead of breadcrumbs, and halibut topped with ground macademia nuts spiced up with cayenne pepper and garlic or whatever. If anyone doesn't have these, just let me know.


I use the plain pork rinds in place of breadcrumbs in several recipes (crabcakes, breading for chicken "fingers"). But recently, I found that canned fried onion rings make a better topping for macaroni & cheese (Dreamfields pasta, of course).


I've got until April to lose 10-15 lbs, so I can enjoy my TulipTime river boat cruise from Amsterdam with having to count every carb. So new recipes and suggestions are welcome.

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Hey You all!!

Long time no see! :( It's just me. Lots going on and as the weeks pass by...it's getting faster and faster!

Gooselace...Hey Lady..so good to see you back on! OO...could I bother you to post your pecan reciepe again.........so so good!! And I'm going to need a batch or two of those for around here for sure!...and my FIL loved them so much when I made them for him...and he never knew they were sugar free! :p And...what give me the tip on making them a little on the spicy side too! yum!

Lisa...good to see you around...we bought some candy...but gave it all away!! So why did I get a kit kat at work?!?! Well...better just one...then the whole bag, right!! LOL!

Cerabella!! Hey Girl!! I've been waiting for that invite...to your site!!!!

Guess What...I'm meeting some of the Sfly girls and we are headed to Fredricksburg the weekend before Thanksgiving and...in Dec... right after a trip to Colorado - we go back to San Antonio for 3 quick days for my DH's birthday!

I'm doing all I can to help support the tourism dept in Texas!! ha ha

Danny, Jocelyn, Annie...and so many others.............HOW ARE YOU!?!!?

Be back soon...probably Monday!

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Here's the spiced pecan recipe:


Spiced Pecans

1 egg white (or equivalent of "Just Whites")

2 Tbsp water

1/4 cup Splenda

Beat egg white with water until foamy, gradually adding 1/4 cup Splenda. Add 3 to 4 cups whole pecans.

In a medium size bowl, combine:

1/2 cup Splenda (spoonable)

1/2 tsp. ground ginger

1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg

1 tsp. ground cloves

1 Tbsp ground cinnamon

(for a spicier version I just add more of these, plus a 1/2 tsp. allspice.)

Add the nuts and stir until all are coated. (Or pour the spice mixture over the pecans - seems to work just as well.)

Spread nuts on cookie sheet (lined with Release foil, if you like).

Bake at 250 degrees for 25-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

I also have a recipe for hot & spice Pecans, made with butter and hot spices - let me know if that's what you meant by spicier.

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Hi Gooselace!!

Thanks so much!! This is the one that is my go to recipe for my FIL...he loves'em!!

Yes...the one with a little more heat would be great!

I'm not sure if you use red chili pepper...cajun spices?? I'd appreciate you posting this one too!! Thanks Bunches!!

How's everyone doing?....I'm a bit on the yo-yo...but I'm always amazed how much better I feel the more consistant I am with watching my carb intake!! at Any time!!

Lots of walking right now...I'm thinking of working with a few weights now that I'm indoors a little more now. Thinking and Doing....2 completely different things and results!! :)

Have a great day Everyone!

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Hey there guys & gals! Wow, another week has flown by...oops, I got a little off plan & wham...several lbs just flew back on from nowhere! Well, I actually do know from where!:rolleyes::eek:


Anyhoo, it's a SugarFreeSheila sighting!! Those almonds look to die for! It is always nice to have a yummy, satisfying treat now & then! & we do seem to be on a 'nut' roll! I found some flavored pecans while traveling recently, & they actually had several sugar free kinds, ex., chocolate & a couple of others I forget now, they are sooo long gone ( & somewhat expensive!) So, I guess that is why we do our own, right Gooselace & Jean!?:p


I need a little swift nudge in the caboose to get back in gear, but I am determined...had the talk w/ DH to quit being such a bad influence on me...grrrr...

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Well....How's everyone doing? The posts here are kinda quiet!

SFS!! Hey...nice to see you dropping in...haven't seen those almonds around!

Cerabella....If you have fresh pecans....gooselace's recipe is awesome...my FIL sat and ate the whole bowl!! LOL!! I hope she posts her spicy ones soon...I need it for a few gifts I'm taking to Colorado over Thanksgiving!

I'll be in Marble Falls/Fredricksburg this weekend with the Sfly girls...really looking forward to it !!

Then on the 10-13 of Dec back to San Antonio for the lights on the river and DH Birthday.

If the weather holds out at both places...it's going to be really nice!

I've not had much success...just a holding pattern for awhile. And with the holidays coming - I'm hoping that my jeans feel the same way come New Years!! Then I can work from there!

I do like Thanksgiving because of the turkey! :0)

Catch ya's later!!

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Hey everyone, New to this thread but not Atkins. I've been on maintenance over 3 yrs. I lost a total of 80 lbs. during my first 2 years. Now I just seam to float around 3-4 lbs. up or down as long as I stay in my tolerance.


Taking my DW on a short sail from our homeport in two weeks. We'll be in Cozumel on her B-Day.:D I hope I can keep in fine cruising shape with Turkey Day on the way:eek:!!


I also have a recipe for hot & spice Pecans, made with butter and hot spices - let me know if that's what you meant by spicier.


gooselace, Any type of low-carb nut snack is my rock. The spicier (hotter) the better, Please post your "Hot & Spice Pecan" recipe!

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Here's hot & spicy pecan recipe for NMCruzzin hubby and Markc4:


Preheat oven to 300 degrees.


In a medium bowl mix:


2 TBs melted butter

1 TBs Worcestershire sauce (or Lea & Perrins)

1/4 tso cayenne pepper

1/4 tsp. garlic powder (can substitute 1/2 tsp garlic salt and skip salt)

1/4 tsp. salt



2 cups pecan halves


Toss with 1 heaping TBs chili powder.


Spread coated pecans on baking sheet, bake for 30 minutes in preheated oven, stirring every 10 minutes or so.


Let cool completely before storing in airtight container - at least that's what the recipe says. Wouldn't know - DH polishes these off before they can be stored.

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Gooselace!! Thanks so much!!

I think I have everything........and will make a batch tonight!


I just got back from a trip to central Texas...had so much fun...and tomorrow I head to Colorado for the Thanksgiving weekend!


You all be good - and have lots of Turkey!!!

But most of all...I do wish you a wonderful day!

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Hey Turkeys!


There's something different about me... who can see it??


No, not my belly, that's just a little bloated from those darned sugars...

No, I'm not wearing my skinny jeans...but thank you...


Oh ok, I'll tell you-- It's my ... SIGNATURE!


DH and I just booked our trip! Airfare, cruise, and some preliminary excursions (yeh, we're wussy and we're going on ship tours when we get to Africa!) are going to be great. We're leaving 1/25 and won't be back until 2/15! HOORAY!!!!!!


Hope you all had a great holiday. I'm thankful for so many things this year and I hope all of you can find some too!


Much love and happy cruisin,


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Hey Everyone!! Wow...been pretty quiet on here!


So who's making spicy/sweet pecans for the holidays?? I AM!! They are a wonderful treat!


How's everyone doing? I've kicked things up a bit...my legs are a little sore from doing some really fast walking with my dog...of course she looks at me like.."What's the Rush?....Let's smell stuff along the way!!"...LOL!!

Anyway! I hope everyone is doing well, maintaining, trying to stay on track....or your just doing your own thing and hanging on by a thread! :0)


Pink........What an amazing Cruise you have planned!! Wooo Hooo!! It sounds fantastic! DH is having a company shut down the first week of Jan...to save $$...so they say....it doesn't go against his vacation so we found an el cheapo cruise out of San Diego that week. Just to Catalina and Ensanada....but mostly just where it's warm! We hope! It's 3 degrees here today...breaking the record from 1934!!


How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Do you have Parties planned?

What's your game plan to still fit in your jeans on Jan 2?


Keep encouraging each other...so we don't have to ask for bigger pants next year! :))

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Wow! Things have been quiet here! Here's how things are going with me lately - up and down! Just have to keep reeling myself in here & there before things get too out of control! I did consciously not drink any wine tonite, tho! Woohoo!!:p


Monday I thought I nearly broke a toe, it did turn black & blue & has kept me from doing as much exercise as I would like this week...a small setback, so I tried to go lower on the carbs to compensate...& was actually down a lb or so, so it must have worked...toe is better now, so, back to the grind, ha!


Pink, congrats, that seems like a trip of a lifetime...I really envy those who are able & willing to travel so 'exotic'!


Jean - you have been traveling also, right!? Hope you enjoyed San Antonio - I was there around Oct 20 or so for a few days with my DS & DIL. Loved it!


Made deviled eggs this week for my snack treat & to keep me out of the 'bad' stuff! Yum! Gotta do whatever it takes, guys & gals! Have a low carb weekend, y'all!

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This evening I tried the Gooselace hot&spicy with walnuts...YUM!:D I also added three or four dashes of Louisiana hot sauce, so, it really was spicy! I must say, Jean is so right, it is a keeper! Now the problem that I foresee is trying to keep nuts in the house because I am likely to double this recipe next time...thank goodness for the large bags @ Sams!


Yes, I have been trying to keep on track, & once again, the science proves the logic of this WOE because my stiks were deep purple after only two days of really being conscientious about eating habits..( my, my, how easily we are tempted to deviate at times...):confused::eek:;)


Now that I look back, I see that Jean has been to TEXAS, just not S A yet...well, you missed a smattering of snow this weekend, & some pretty cold temps, but, being Texas, it will definitely warm back up again! Sooo, enjoy your trip, & congrats on booking another cruise!!


Lisa needs to let us know how much fun she had on her recent cruise, & how easy it was to stay on plan, & how much sun did she get, & how cute was her bathing suit &.... !! We're w a i t i n g!!

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Hey Kiddos!

Brrrrr It's cold and was icy this morning!

Walking the dog this afternoon...she's driving me crazy with not getting out and running off some energy. Wouldn't it be great if...every time I rubbed her head and the back of her ears that she would transfer some of that energy to me?!?! :eek: :D :) Oh yea...she's not a Genie in a bottle!!! :p LOL!!!! Oh well...I can wish can't I!!?? :D

Not making any holiday treats until the 17th!....then we can hand them out on Saturday! ...Having the fun making them...but giving them away the next day!

Making the nuts for me!! :0)

Cerabella...San Antonio is about 30 degrees warmer then here!! woo hoo!!

Yep...land trip to TX ---Cruise out of San Diego! What do you guys have planned?

Ok, have a great evening!:)

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This evening I tried the Gooselace hot&spicy with walnuts...YUM!:D I also added three or four dashes of Louisiana hot sauce, so, it really was spicy! I must say, Jean is so right, it is a keeper! Now the problem that I foresee is trying to keep nuts in the house because I am likely to double this recipe next time...thank goodness for the large bags @ Sams!


Yes, I have been trying to keep on track, & once again, the science proves the logic of this WOE because my stiks were deep purple after only two days of really being conscientious about eating habits..( my, my, how easily we are tempted to deviate at times...):confused::eek:;)


Glad to hear you enjoyed the nuts. Yes, when I'm making them just for my and my DH, I sometimes add Tabasco for an extra kick. I've been off this board for so long - had a month-long bout with the seasonal flu, right after I had the flu shot - I couldn't even remember which version of the recipe I posted. One thing about the flu, I was too weak to care much about eating, but didn't lose much weight either.


Recovered enough to have a semi-traditional Thanksigiving dinner. Invited a friend to join us and she brought a delish frisee salad, made with crumbled bacon, pecans, and chopped hard boiled egg with a mild rice vinegar and red wine dressing. Frisee is difficult to find in standard groceries here, but well worth the effort ( Wegmans or Whole Foods, maybe Trader Joe's) it makes a lovely change for a special occasion. One of our local restaurants serves it at brunch with a poached egg on top.


Can't remember if I posted the recipe for the low carb pumpkin pie made with crushed pecan crust. If not, let me know. Guess I should invest in a pecan farm.


And for those who can't resist pizza (my DH is one) I'd recommend trying the "LowCabolicious" brand low carb pizza kit. Can order it online from several websites (Google it) or QVC-TV. The flat crust takes a bit of getting used to, but it beats eating the topping only, and we really like the sauce that comes with the kit. I pile on all our favorite meat toppings plus some colorful peppers, onions, and cheeses. A whole pizza has fewer carbs than a single slice of a typical pizza.


Plus, I can put one together in about the time it takes just to order a pizza from from a carryout place.

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Gooselace, so sorry to hear about your bout with the flu...hopefully you will be fully recovered soon to enjoy the fine pleasures of e a t i n g again!!:p

Ok, I do want the recipe for the pumpkin pie...now my mouth truly is watering! I know SFS has a couple of recipes on her recipe page for simple pumpkin treats...I need to venture out & try more new things from time to time!


I occasionally go back thru a few of the earlier pages of this thread for some recipes & ideas for new or different things...I like things that are basically pretty quick & simple because, like most peeps, of time issues...grrr...


Jean, enjoy your trip to the Lone Star State! Hope the weather cooperates with you...don't have too much fun, now, ya hear!:D


Hope all the Atkin/ low carb peeps are hanging in there!


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Pumpkin Pie With Pecan Crust


Preheat oven to 350

Spray a 10" pie plate with non-stick spray, or butter well.

2 cups pecans

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 1/2 tablespoons Splenda

1 1/2 teaspoons sugarfree “maple” pancake syrup

4 tablespoons butter, melted

2 tablespoons water

Put pecans and salt in food processor with S blade. Pulse until pecans are chopped to a medium consistency. Add Splenda, syrup, and butter; pulse again until well blended. Add water, pulse again, until well combined into a soft, sticky mass. Turn it out into the greased pie plate, and press into place, all over bottom, and up the sides. Try to get it an even thickness, with no holes. You may want to run a finger or a knife around the top edge, to get an even line, just to make it look nice for company.

Bake at 350 for about 15 minutes. Cool.

Increase oven temp to 425

Pumpkin Pie Filling

1 can,15 ounces, plain pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix, which has sugar)

3/4 cups heavy (whipping) cream

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1/2 cup Splenda

l Tbsp Brown Sugar Twin (may also to use a brown Spenda, but I haven’t tried it)

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp (or more) cinnamon (I use a lot more)

l/2 tsp cloves

1/2 tsp nutmeg

1/8 tsp. ginger

OR 1 Tbsp Pumpkin Pie Spice ( blend of ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, & cloves.

(If, like me, you prefer a really spicy pie, increase the spices and/or add 1/2 tsp Allspice or Cardamom.)

Put all ingredients in a bowl in order listed and whisk together well. Pour into

prebaked pecan pie shell. Bake at 425 for 15 minutes.

Lower oven temperature to 350, bake for an additional 45 minutes. (Or until center is set)

Cool before serving. (needs to be kept refrigerated). Serve with whipped cream.


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