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Has anyone tried these for a post-Induction treat? They taste like Cocoa Pebbles!




WOW those look great. I have not seen them around where I live. I like the smoked flavor of this brand though. I do have the rare square of 85% Lindts. I am wondering if I would go overboard with the nuts though...

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Thanks so much for the pumpkin pie recipe!! :D I did make the SFS pumpkin pie recipe as muffins yesterday eve...my DH was so impressed, couldn't even tell it was 'healthy'! Now I will gladly make this version, also, as I am now in a baking mode since the weather has gotten cooler!


Peabody, I did see the Emerald nuts at a Krogers, didn't get them, as I was hand carrying as much as I could, & couldn't make room that day, will have to try them, ASAP, as I tell myself... 'self, don't eat the whole thing, girl, save some for another day' speech!!


Also have been a big fan of the Lindts chocolate...the local Walmart supercenter has 70%, 85% & 90%!! Yay me! It is all sooo yummy, it makes for a great no-guilt occasional treat!


Keep it healthy guys & gals!

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Hey There Everyone!

San Antonio was so much fun!....and they have great BBQ! Add some cole slaw and I think we walked about 5 miles a day- but a few 'extras' here and there...and WHAAP! :eek: I'm back on the strict side of things! Big water glass next to my computer too!

Sugar, Sugar everywhere and not a piece of Protein!! LOL...well, that's exaggerating it a bit...but thought I'd throw on here...it's kinda of that time of year! :p

Gooselace you have some very yummy recipes...Thanks so much....But I'm making Nuts tonight! :D

Cerabella - We had a bunch of fun down there...but whatzup with that cold snap coming in the day we get there...and is leaving as we are leaving!!? I really thought it would have been a lot warmer. Oh well..we just worked with the cold and rain the best we could and still had fun!

How's everyone else? I noticed when I wrapped some gifts and my DH said he'd put them away....he stacked them on the TREADMIL!! :eek: Has it been so long that I haven't been using it, that he has mistaken it for a place for storage!!??! :eek::o

Have a great day!

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Sorry about that weather, Jean, but so glad you did have a good time despite those darned temptations! Arrrg, I know the feeling... I am back to fighting the same four or five lbs over & over & over again...has it finally gotten to the point that I just can't eat anything with a carb in it to make any difference?!? :eek: Bah humbug! ! So funny about the treadmill! ( & I was thinking just today that I actually might want a treadmill this winter since we are getting rain on & off & that makes it difficult to go for a walk....ummm, maybe not! hehehe!)


Was reading on the Carnival & RCL threads where both the Carnival Conquest & Voyager of the Sea have been stuck in port @ Galveston because of fog...both were to leave by 5ish Sunday, Conquest did make it out today, Monday around 2, Voyager still there...now that's quite a way to start your vacation, stuck in fog...that must be why I like to cruise in September, hurricanes instead of fog! :p

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When you put your pants on and they are just a tiny bit looser then your used to....That is a reward for being on track! yea!!...:D.I hope to work on baggy pants after the new year...and being very good between now and then! :D:p

I saw those cocoa almonds in the store last night...didn't get them...but know where they are on the shelf!

I actually really enjoy my treadmill......I listen to music or watch TV....for me it was a good investment! When the temps are so cold out...and January isn't going to be bringing in record warm temps anyway....I hope to really get it hummming again. :o But on nice days...I do like the good ol' outdoors!

Cerabella...are you close to San Antonio? Did you get those cold temps!? I know it's temp controlled in the greenhouses...but you can still feel the chill...right? :confused:

It's your Fork...It's Your Choice!!

Have a Low Carb Day everyone!

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Ok, guys & gals, from all I have been reading & seeing lately, P90X apparently is the only way to go..am I right, or am I right?!?:p:confused::eek:


Ms Jean, I live in the East Texas area, I am about 6 hours driving time to SA, where my DS & DIL have lived since April....so close, yet so far....I have been there only three times since they moved...grrrr..(been there plenty tho before they moved there, ha!...) You know how it is, Texas is a whole 'nother country, right?!


I have caught the proverbial head cold now... don't have an appetite, tho I do continue to eat, how wrong is that !? I guess it will take something more drastic to make the scales move, tho I am definitely not tied to them....haven't weighed in a couple of weeks....too scared...:p:eek:


Only have about three more flower beds to plant before the end of the year & I'm done...well, one of them is, you guessed it, mine! I usually get the 'orphans' & stragglers, tho they are always b e a u t i f u l !! I sooo enjoy looking out my kitchen window whilst I do the dishes (after a low~carb meal, of course) & enjoying the view!!


Best wishes to all for healthy eating!!

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  • 2 weeks later...



We have been pretty much housebound all week with 20 inches of the pretty white stuff that this area isn't equipped to handle. We'd planned to go out for Christmas, but are staying home and having roasted chicken, spinach quiche (have to use frozen spinach but it will still be good) with veggies and salad, plus generous slices of low-carb pumpkin pie. Thankful that I don't keep surgary treats in the house, but had plenty of eggs, cream, and cheeses, and well stocked pantry and freezer.


And, of course,plenty of cat food for the four kitties, who got more presents than we did!

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Happy New Year Everyone!

We had a wonderful Christmas time with family and this weekend we head to Colorado for the New Year! Monday we are off to San Diego for our little 4 day get away Cruise. We aren't going with real high expectations since we'll just be off the coast of Calif, but I've never been to Catalina and I have my fingers crossed that the day will be sunny and fun!

How's everyone doing this holiday time?..

..I am thrilled that all of my jeans are fitting normal!! Not super snug like usual when we get to this time of the year! Yes, I've had a few treats...it's the holidays. Yes I've been walking...and Yes! I watch my carbs at all of my meals...I just feel better. Am I at my goal weight....no....but when all of the New Year "I gotta lose some weight" folks start heading back to these boards for a week or two ...whatever they are using... I'll be at a better starting place then I was last year! Well, things have been pretty quiet on this thread and thought that I'd pop on here and say hi and wish you all a very Happy New Year...we'll see what 2010 brings!

2010 another LOW Carb ... not NO CARB year...I feel so much better!

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Menu tonight ~ DH grilled steaks outdoors...yes, it is a bit chilly, but still 36 degrees, so, more power to him! I stayed inside slaving over a hot stove opening two cans of asparagus!!:p


Boy oh boy, MsJean, you are quite the traveler!! I hope you enjoy your upcoming trips & stay away from too many 'bad goodies':eek:...ummm...does that make sense? hehehe!


I hope most 'dieters' realize that this WOE is not a quick fix for over-indulgences, but rather a WOE for life with sooo many health benefits...I hear time & again on health programs or news for people to lower the 'bad' carbs...(& no, that doesn't mean you need to eat a stick of butter or a side of beef daily on Atkins, either!!:rolleyes:)


None the less, I hope all our Atkins friends are doing well! :D

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Boy oh boy, MsJean, you are quite the traveler!! I hope you enjoy your upcoming trips & stay away from too many 'bad goodies':eek:...ummm...does that make sense? hehehe!



Bad Goodies.....LOL!!!!:p:D:p

Have a great New Year!! Did you get snow today?! I know Dallas saw some coming down!

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Hi all,


Yes, I'm still plugging along. Had more than a few treats over Christmas, but got back on track this past Sunday. I wanted to enter the New Year losing instead of starting after the 1st.


So I'm still not back to my pre-cruise weight yet, but I'm not far...only a couple of pounds, and I look forward to losing the rest within the next six months.


I had to put away (or give away) all my 14's, and last month I bought some new jeans in 8's & 10's. They still fit after the holidays, but in about 5 more pounds they will be roomier.:)


Cerabella ~ you asked about my cruise...shame on me for not coming to tell you all about it! It wasn't the best I've ever had, but that was mostly due to conditions beyond anyone's control. I posted a little review here: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1089907

You're right...Atkins is a lifestyle, and nobody's doing themselves any good to yo-yo. I'm preaching to myself!:p I do feel that by tailoring my carbs to lose slowly, I'm setting myself up for a WOE that will last a lifetime! Or at least until I'm 85...I told my husband if I make it that long then I'll eat what I want when I want.:D I'm only half joking.:p


Jean ~ you will love Catalina. Such a sweet & quaint island. At least is was the last time I was there, 12 years ago.:p I know how you feel...I only went a little crazy the week of Christmas, and it does feel good to fit in my clothes and feel like I'm in control heading into the New Year!


Hello to everyone else, I hope 2009 finishes well and all the best for the New Year!

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Hi! I lost weight ages ago on Atkins, then found it hard with a husband and step-son. I've gone on for a few weeks, then off, then tried other things that seemed healthier in the short term, but the only one that works for me is low carb.


So I'm back. I started yesterday and I'm already in ketosis and my heartburn/GERD is so much better! (Nasty sugar!) I'm still drinking coffee, but it doesn't seem to trigger for me (unlike diet jello and macadamia nuts for some odd reason). I'm going to allow myself the very occasional high carb meal...for a Red Hat tea once every couple of months, for instance. I won't be doing that lightly however, because I resent slowing my weight loss for three days.


My initial goal is to lose 30 pounds before my cruise on May 9, which should be very reasonable since I have a lot to lose. I'll allow myself carbs on my cruise, then back on the good eating track. I'm not sure how much I have to lose, as I'll be basing it on how I feel, but I'm guessing around 65-70 pounds. When I reintroduce more carbs at that point, it will be good choices...whole grains, more veggies and fruits.


I can contribute some stuff to this thread because my previous experience has led to some recipes. I have, for instance, a killer cheesecake recipe that I adapted to low carb... :cool:


I, too, am a huge fan of Lindt 85% chocolate...2 squares takes care of those chocolate cravings for what? 4 carbs? Gotta love it.

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Hello all, & welcome Milaandra!! I saw your thread a week or so ago & thought I posted there, but it must have poofed...anyhoo...please feel free to post here & share your ups & downs, what works, what doesn't & yes, recipes are always welcome!!:D


I finally bought the Emerald nuts SFS mentioned...not bad, but I don't seem to like Splenda (or sucralose) all that well, but YMMV! However, I will manage somehow to finish them off over the course of time...:p


Hope all are sticking with the plan...

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Hi! I lost weight ages ago on Atkins, then found it hard with a husband and step-son. I've gone on for a few weeks, then off, then tried other things that seemed healthier in the short term, but the only one that works for me is low carb.


So I'm back. I started yesterday and I'm already in ketosis and my heartburn/GERD is so much better! (Nasty sugar!) I'm still drinking coffee, but it doesn't seem to trigger for me (unlike diet jello and macadamia nuts for some odd reason). I'm going to allow myself the very occasional high carb meal...for a Red Hat tea once every couple of months, for instance. I won't be doing that lightly however, because I resent slowing my weight loss for three days.


My initial goal is to lose 30 pounds before my cruise on May 9, which should be very reasonable since I have a lot to lose. I'll allow myself carbs on my cruise, then back on the good eating track. I'm not sure how much I have to lose, as I'll be basing it on how I feel, but I'm guessing around 65-70 pounds. When I reintroduce more carbs at that point, it will be good choices...whole grains, more veggies and fruits.


I can contribute some stuff to this thread because my previous experience has led to some recipes. I have, for instance, a killer cheesecake recipe that I adapted to low carb... :cool:


I, too, am a huge fan of Lindt 85% chocolate...2 squares takes care of those chocolate cravings for what? 4 carbs? Gotta love it.


Hi Milaandra, and Welcome! Santa gave me one of those Lindt bars in my stocking.:)


Just a warning...those cruises can make it really hard to get back on track! It can be done...it helps if you go into it knowing it's really tough when you get home.:) And of course, it doesn't help when the cruise is right before the holidays, so you have that going for you!:p


Hey Pink! Happy New Year!!

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Okay, I finally had to break down & change my ticker. I'm up 2.6 since my cruise. Considering the holidays followed soon after, I'm actually not too unhappy with that. I know in previous years the gain has been a lot bigger than that.


I've started a new phase between now & 7/1 where I have 15.1 pounds to get to my goal. The great news is that I lost 21.5 pounds in 2009. So I'm happy about that!


I'm going to be adding lots more workouts, because this last 15 is hard to get motivated for. Since I'm so tall, I've started to fit into many of my smaller clothes. My goal is to fit into all of them with a little room to spare.

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Wow! This weather is unbelievable! We are feeling the chill even here in Texas, don't know how others cope who actually have a real winter...:eek:


LisaRock! I know that we are in this for the long haul, and, like you, I've had a few ups & downs lately, so, resetting your countdown clock 'is what it is'...( are we all getting tired of hearing that?!:p) I did read your review...wow! sometimes things just don't go as we imagine, huh! But, probably we will cruise again & hope for the best, right?! Hopefully with no ...ummmm...vomiting...:eek:



Chadci, thanks for the link! I spent more that a few minutes drooling over some of those recipes...I sometimes wonder why, oh why, am I drawn more to the snacks & dessert sections...grrrr...also, congrats on the amazing loss...I am really blown away by the great results many have. I guess I am still in the 'only need to lose 10 or 15 lbs' group, but I seem to lose & gain the same five or six lbs over & over & over again...:confused:



NMJean...off your cruise yet? Do tell - just how much fun did you really have!?!:p

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Hey! Did everyone notice that pinkbikini sighting??!!


Oh yeah, I wanted to ask if anyone has stepped up their exercise routines lately...I guess I am in a rut doing the same things over & over again...guess I should challenge my muscle groups a little more since they get a 'memory'...am I just a little lazy or what??


I remember Jean mentioning a l o n g time ago doing those deep leg bend/squats & I did them also for a while, but sad to say, I get kinda bored easily...Perhaps I should saddle up one of my horses...I remember in the 'day' that was the best & most enjoyable thing ever!!:D





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LisaRock! I know that we are in this for the long haul, and, like you, I've had a few ups & downs lately, so, resetting your countdown clock 'is what it is'...( are we all getting tired of hearing that?!:p) I did read your review...wow! sometimes things just don't go as we imagine, huh! But, probably we will cruise again & hope for the best, right?! Hopefully with no ...ummmm...vomiting...:eek:


cerabella ~ LOL! Thankfully we were not the ones vomiting...but I hate the sight and the smell of it. SO grateful they cleaned it all very quickly!:p Did you notice the color I chose for that cruise in my signature?:p


Yes, we will absolutely cruise again. We came so close to turning right back around & going again with the discount on Triumph! Now I'm stuck in 20 degree weather & longing for a Caribbean coastline..:)

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Chadci, thanks for the link! I spent more that a few minutes drooling over some of those recipes...I sometimes wonder why, oh why, am I drawn more to the snacks & dessert sections...grrrr...also, congrats on the amazing loss..




You're welcome and thanks!


Sweets were not the hard part for me to give up.. I'm more of a comfort food junkie but I did find a few, OK desserts on there and I make a pretty decent, sugar free - nearly carb free cheesecake... chocolate sometimes and it's good when the sweet tooth hits.


One of my favorite "diet" snacks...


Preheat the oven to 450

spray a cookie sheet with Pam

Make little rounds of shredded cheese

Bake it

The cheese will bubble up and then get crispy. I like to flip it once it gets crisp so the other side can get crisp too... eat it like chips or crackers... great in dips too.

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