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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hi Nancy - Welcome. I'm new to the thread too and just started Atkins for the 3rd time last Monday. It looks like I've managed to shake 3-4 pounds loose. Had hoped for more, but will take whatever decides to fall off.


Your quiche recipe sounds yummy; will have to try it. Thanks for sharing the website too. I'm sure that some of the veteran Atkins followers will be posting again soon and will also welcome you. It has been slow this week-end.


Great weight loss and proof that this WOE does work!

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Hi Sue-

Thanks for the welcome. This too was my third time around for Atkins. The first time I did it to get ready for a trip to Mexico. The second time was to get ready for a cruise. This time it is for the rest of my life. I have yo-yo'd up and down so many times in my life that I am fed up. This is the only time I have told myself that this needs to be forever- a lifestyle change. Once I internalized that it just became matter of fact. I told myself the same thing for the exercise, must do forever.


Glad that you are back with Atkins- you can do it! I hope you enjoy the quiche too, it is so good!


Nancy :)

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I'm proud to say I did not cheat once on my first week back on Atkins. I wish the weight would shake loose a little faster, but the benefits are already there. I feel so much more satisfied, not hungry at all, and have a calmer outlook. I know this will work, even if it's not fast. I have been enjoying scrambled eggs and omelets a lot and know they can be a staple for breakfast every day. I find them much easier to eat with cheese on them! Have also been eating some bacon or sausage for breakfast and asked myself the other day "How could I not like this? It tastes great!" The salads are another staple that continue to satisfy. I'm not a huge meat eater, but find I crave it when on Atkins, especially beef. It's nice to know a bacon cheeseburger is part of the plan, as long as you lose the bun and catsup. We had one of those Angus burgers from McDonalds last night and it was really quite yummy.

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Hi everyone! I posted on this thread some in the past...I did Atkins for several months last year, but fell off the wagon. The shock of turning 30 last week, and realizing that I don't want to look like this for the rest of my life has me turning back to this way of eating. I know it works, I've done it before.


So, I've been back on Atkins for a little over a week now, and have dropped 7 lbs. Yay! 3 more to go to lose what I gained back after I lost about 20 last year. I still have a LONG way to go...I need to lose about 80 lbs, so I'm happy to see a success story with you, Nancy! I'm only 5'3", so those extra pounds on my frame are ridiculous. My goal is to get back into a size 6/8.


I have a cruise coming up in September, and I'd like to lose a lot of it before then!


I look forward to getting to know everyone!



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Heather- I am right there with you! You are so lucky that you realized at 30 that you wanted to make a permanent change. I'm 42 and became a grandmother this year. I realized that I was miserable and that when I am miserable it makes others around me miserable too. I didn't want that for me, my family, and especially my grandbaby Lily. You can do this. We all can do this. It is so great to have support systems. Keep up the good work.




I've attached a recent picture of me and my grandbaby Lily. :)


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Hi Heather - Glad to see you back on Atkins and posting here. It's great to give and get support from others. You've made a great start and I'm sure those pounds will melt as the time goes by. Nancy, your little Lily is precious! I wish I could brag of grandbabies, but it hasn't happened yet. My two boys are 28 and 22 and no steady girlfriends at this point. I would like to have nice mommies before we start having the babies. I am continuing to eat on the program, but would like to see some more weight come off. Maybe I'll get a Whoosh one of these days (we can only hope). Keep up the good work everyone. We can do this!

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Thanks for the warm welcome!


Nancy, awesome, we're not far away at all! Thank you for posting that website as well...I found almond flour at the store the other day, and wasn't really sure what to do with it, so I'm thrilled to see it used as a substitute in a lot of my favorite things.

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It's great to see this thread up & running again! I'm having a heck of a time keeping on track this week, due to family being in town...but my brother did drag me to the gym yesterday & I'm definitely feeling it this morning!


I'm very encouraged by all your stories. I lost 24 (technically 27, but since my starting weight was TOM week, I left it lower) pounds last year, and this year I'm hoping to bring out the best athlete I can in myself this year...at 41, I'm too young to stop my sports!


My full story is somewhere in this thread.:p


Anyhoo, looking forward to some great victories here!

Edited by Rocknsoul
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Lisa, thanks for jumping in again. Some of us newbies have been trying to keep it going, but it's nice to see a veteran come back. I've been at this WOE for 9 days and my scale shows 5.3 pounds gone. Wish it was more, but hopefully it will keep going down. I have not tackled the exercise component yet. I've been telling myself to try to lose some weight first and then it will be spring and nicer to get outside.

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I have been an atkins believer for a long time. The first time I went on the diet I lost about 15 pounds. I think most of that weight loss was from not drinking coke. I have been coke free for 7 years. WHOO HOO


I have always basically been 15 pounds over weight. Not alot BUT enough to make me feel over weight. I would go on the atkins diet at least once a year to take off that winter extra pounds that I had put on.


Now since I am 47....I think this extra weight LIKES me and does not want to go away.


I have been doing the atkins for 6 weeks and for the first time have been exercising. 20 minute jog every day....crunchies...Wii fit. The sad part is I have only lost 5 pounds. I try and change up my excersice each day. I have been walking 1 hour each day.for the last week...Wii Fit ect. Have not jogged in a week ( our weather is finally starting to get nice so have been taking the dog for a walk). During the hour walk I will sometimes jog for a couple of minutes then walk some, then jog some. I have problems with a siatic ( sp?) nerve in my hip so I have to watch.


Anyways to get on with my point......this is really getting discouraging. I just can't seem to take any more pounds off. The 5 pounds that I have lost were during the first 2 weeks. Can't seem to take any more off. I am only eating 20-25 carbs a day.


I know that my age has a factor in this and I also realize that I am not that over weight. Right now I weigh 132 pounds and I am 5'2". So I really shouldn't complain but I really want to FEEL good about how my clothes fit.


Any suggestions on how to loose a few more pounds?

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Hi Everyone!

Wow...It's soooo Great to see newbies...!! :D

After reading the last couple of pages (...have I been off that long?!:() it's good to see a new recipe...neighbors & a new house...exercising encouragment (5K wow!) and reports of weight loss...no matter how big or small! :)

Good Job! Growing older....is not for Sissy's!! :p:eek:

I'm off to San Diego for a 4 day trip with Sisters and Friends...I'm so excited!!! :D

So I'll see everyone when I get back on Monday!!

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It hit me this morning that I wish this whole thing was easier. My weight was up today, almost 2 lbs and I've done nothing wrong. I guess it is normal for weight to fluctuate, right? I am weighing almost every day now, and think I need to back off to once or twice a week. How often do the rest of you weigh? I was very tempted to eat off program this morning, but I gave myself a talking to and had bacon and eggs like a good girl!

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I weigh daily although I know that is not ideal. But I have to know. I find that within a week my weight fluctuates two pounds or so. I just look for the trends. I was tinkering between 171 and 174 forever. Now between 165 and 168...it keeps going like that and slowly but surely it moves down some more. After losing 55 pounds I feel good and am no longer in a hurry to get the weight off. I know that if I continue with the exercise and this WOE it will eventually all come off. I have been impatient too many times before and it has destroyed me...falling off the wagon if the scale reflected a gain. Now I just tell my self that I am in it for the long haul- the rest of my life, so what's the hurry?


Sometimes easier said than done though! :o



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Hi Everyone,


I started Atkins for the second time less than a month ago. Last time was a few years ago and I lost 30 lbs. I am down 17 so far. This really is easy and don't remember why I screwed up and stopped. Won't happen again. I do check my BP daily as I am on medication for that and don't want to be passing out if it drops too low. I do keep my Doc in the loop. :):):)

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This WOE is working well for so many of you that it gives me hope and says to keep going. Maybe I was hoping for too much too quick. My first two week total is only 4 lbs and I stayed true. It was tough this week-end to skip the pizza my family ate and I hope that if I see some results, I won't waver the next time. It helps to have support from others, so thank you all for that!

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Happy Tuesday!! "Achooo!"....Spring and allergies go hand in hand for me..and today is a dooozy!! :(


I actually did really well on my trip! Said no to a lot of sugary things...yes to an apple in the store!...Walked and Walked!! Tons! Today I'm really keeping a close watch...have my cold water by my desk!


Pizza- Just a reminder that if you find yourself with it staring you in the face...and nothing else is optional :eek:...you can technically stay on track...how? Scraping the goodies and the cheese off the top...no crust! Yes, it is hard to hand the crust back to someone that wants it...or give it a toss...but a couple of times a year this happens to me, that is what I have done...and the carb count is sure a lot lower then just eating the whole slice , or two or four.... :p Oh...You guys know what I mean!! :)


I just pulled up the information for a new Aquatic Center here in town....does anyone here swim for WOEX?? If so...any info your willing to share?


Keep it Low carb....not No Carb!

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I'm with you, Jean, on the seasonal allergies. I am sneezing up a storm! Congrats for doing so well on your trip. It's harder to resist the temptations when you're away from home. I have done the pizza without the crust option you talked about. It's not that hard, but always wondered how much of the crust kind of "came long" with the scaping trying to get off all of the cheese, meat and sauce!!

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So, two weeks into Atkins, and I'm down 9.5 lbs. Probably would have been more, but my grandfather fell and broke his hip last Thursday, and I spent two days at the hospital eating whatever fast food sandwich someone brought me. But, I immediately got back on track when I got home, and I did avoid a lot of things I could have eaten, so I'm proud of myself.


Nancy, I'm a weigh every day type of person as well. I have to *know* what is going on with my body, and I need to see progress to keep my motivation going.

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Stiffiny you don't need to eat breakfast if you ate protein for supper the night before. Protein doesn't digest quickly like carbs do and you shouldn't be hungry the next morning. I have a cup of coffee wiht light cream. Yes there is 300 calories in the cream, but that's a lot less than most breakfasts you might eat. It takes 3 or so days to get into Keytosis where your body is creating Keytones that will break down fat and start you losing weight. I just posted a long thread about how I stay the same or lose weight when I cruise by staying out of the buffet and eating in the dining room. Holland and Cunnards dining room food is served at an amount the it doesn't cause you to overeat. On my last cruise we had a couple that were both in the upper 200's range and they seemed to be satisfied with the dinner portions although they ate everything on their plates where I only ate the meats etc.:)

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I usually try to go by my hunger level. Some days my body doesn't want anything until 10:00 or later; other days, I wake up hungry and have to have some protein. It seems to me that all cruiselines have the right "stuff" for doing Atkins while on the cruise. You just have to eat it and not all the sweets and white carbs! Hope everyone has a great week!

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Happy Monday Everyone!! So how'd ya do over the weekend?

I was so proud of my self to make sure we had a whole plate of deviled eggs...and when my hubby opened the fridge door...yup...there went the plate & eggs on the floor!! :mad:grr

So...guess what I'm doing again today?!!?

..and this was with wedding cake testing I had on Sat....oy.....:eek:


To steal a phrase from a fellow fast-food chain, KFC2_bing.gif is thinking outside the bun.

The chicken chain rolls out its Double Down sandwich this weekend — although some might question whether it really is a sandwich. It consists of two white meat chicken breast fillets with a filling of bacon, Monterey Jack and pepper jack cheese with Colonel’s Sauce (a spicy mayonnaise).

The company announced the rollout on its Web site with a ticker counting down the minutes until the national release.


Anyone see this today!?!? Wonder.......what's the carb count?

You can have it grilled....or fried....I better have it grilled!!


Heather...so sorry about your Grandpa!!:(

Welcome David....where did you post your story?


I have to say....some mornings...I'm also very hungry...others...10:00 and I realize...wow my morning is almost gone!


Wind is really kicking up today...so it's either...the tred mill....or video for me!

How ya doing - Cerabella, RocknSoul, ScottyG, Cruiser / Teacher, beccafries,...and anyone else lurking!!

We know your out there.....muhahhahahaha!! :D;)

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