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Anyone on Atkins?


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Hey Jean! :)


I'm hanging in there, even though I ate at a buffet 4 nights in a row. Long story. :p


Fell off the wagon this weekend in the carb department. Back on I go tomorrow. Some days are just like that. I blame the fact that I ran 8 miles (4 against the wind) in 28 degree weather Saturday. My body thought I needed to pack on fat like I was living in the Arctic. It is either that or the fact that the Girl Scout cookies were delivered. One of those two :D


Andrea, you crack me up! And I'm very impressed with your running!


I'm back today from a week on the Mariner of the Seas, and it was fantastic! I used the stairs exclusively and tried to be very active every day, but it was harder with the kids there. My weight gain for the week was 7 lbs, and I'm hoping at least five of that will come off as water/glycogen storage in the next couple days. We'll see where I'm at after a week back on induction...


Welcome back, scotte! It makes me a little green (with envy), but you'll probably be well on your way after a week on induction. I wish things would work that way for me. :o If Voyager keeps going out of N.O., I hope to sail her someday in the not-to-distant future. But with going to Disney, possibly France, San Antonio, and a fall family (cheap) cruise this year, I think I'm done for 2012. :D

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Happy Thursday!.... Middle end of the week.... How are ya doing?

I went for a long walk last night...it started getting pretty chilly out! As I was headed home, I looked up and saw one of those light air things flying around...one seater kind. It was cool!

It's been a crazy...different...kind of week for me! I'm busier then usuall at work, which is good...but also feeling like there are life changes in the works for me. I'm one of those that find the fun side of a lot of things...and then I find myself doing so many things, that I'm really not enjoying or doing a good job of them! Time to cut back on some things!! I already eliminated about 1/3 of my closet 2 weeks ago! If it didn't fit and look good, out of style, not my color ...etc... out it went!! I have to say that when I get ready for work and take something from my closet...It fits, I like it...and it looks good... HOW WONDERFUL IS THAT!! :D HAHA!

Scott...welcome back... I hope your daughter is being the task master on getting you back on track and your seeing results!

Lisa... FRANCE!!?? We were in Marsielle... last year... so much fun!!

Andrea...got those shoes close by?

Have a great day everyone!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow!! It's been over a week since I've dropped in here!!

HOW are you doing? What have you been doing?

I ventured out on my WOEX....and took a couple of Zumba classes this last week.

I think that they are a lot of fun, it's through our Parks & Rec and so it's in a room that has carpet :eek: I don't know how many of these I'll take...it kinda kills my left knee! However... a new dance studio has opened up in our city - and I saw that they offer these classes too...so maybe I'll check that out!

We are starting to have signs of spring!! No sillies...not flowers or showers!! ;)Allergies...and the Wind!!!! :p I have to have a way to keep moving and it doesn't mean outdoors...unless the wind is calm!

This will be a quiet weekend for us....but after having 3 busy weekends....whew... I'm ready for it!!

For the Cruisers that all went and are back.......................are you on track?

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It's been awhile since I've been on these boards, but I have a totally awesome Panana Canal Cruise booked for 2013 and I want to loose 75-100 pounds....I found lots of support here before and am hoping to reconnect and make new Atkins buddies again.

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Happy Thursday Folks!!

UGG...I am just getting over a crazy tummy flu..... back at work today...but not moving fast! :(

Hey Little Miss....are you still in 4's? That was some pretty dramatic dieting you had going on there! Are you still low carbing?

Swansonia... welcome back! Great to hear that you have a cruise to look forward too! Re-read the book...you have a big journey ahead of you... be informed! You can so do this!... What is your exercise routine?

I missed my Zumba classes this week....really....they wouldn't have wanted me in there!:p

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Bon Voyage, Melody!!

Have a wonderful trip....come back and see us!

Hi I had a GREAT two weeks on my b2b2b, The good news is I came home 2 pounds LESS than I left.


Fell off the wagon this weekend in the carb department. Back on I go tomorrow. Some days are just like that.:D

After I was home a couple days I feel off. I thought I could give myself ONE night off. It turned into THREE days and SIX pounds:eek: Back on I went. Spent the day driving to and from a funeral acroos the State. I think I did OK. I have to do strick induction for the next two weeks to turn this thing around.

If I can do it on the ship, I sure should be able to at home. I'm taking the grandson to Disney in April/May and I have to get back into the summer cloths I was wearing on the ship.:cool:

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It's been awhile since I've been on these boards, but I have a totally awesome Panana Canal Cruise booked for 2013 and I want to loose 75-100 pounds....I found lots of support here before and am hoping to reconnect and make new Atkins buddies again.

I too found great support here before and that is why I'm back here. Also my surgeon wants me on Atkins. They just don't call it that, bad mouth Atkins and than that is the diet they have me on. Go figure.

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I too found great support here before and that is why I'm back here. Also my surgeon wants me on Atkins. They just don't call it that, bad mouth Atkins and than that is the diet they have me on. Go figure.


It drives me nuts when they do that!


I'm heading to Disney at the end of the month, as a chaperon for my daughter's band trip. I have a lot of firming up to do by then! I've begun decorating cakes--a deadly hobby to take up, but as of last night, I might actually be sick of the taste of buttercream. :o


The good news is that my gym is having a March Madness challenge with prizes for people who take 20 classes this month. I'm all over it. Time to get nuts! Nuts are good for me anyway. :p

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Well I haven't gotten the strips to change colore again. But, the scales stopped going up and inched down a little today. The DD did a traditonal T-day dinner tonight. She called it a mid winter dinner. I did great except I did still a tablespoon of mashed taters.:o Bad thing is my body will know!

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I went shopping this evening for low carb foods, been reading the book again and now the journey begins ..... Thanks for the warm welcome back.

Having the right foods at hand are half the battle. GOOD LUCK!


I got the strips to chang, even though the color doesn't match any on the bottle. They are a nice lilac;) Also, I have gotten the opps pounds off and am 1 pound less than when I went on the cruises for two week.


I just love how Atkins works when I stay the course.

I hope everyone is having a great low carb day.

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Three workout classes so far this week, and 3 to go. My gym is having March Madness, a goal for 20 classes by March 31. I feel like I'm back. My shoulder still has a couple of positions to get back to normal, but it's doing so much better.


I went shopping this evening for low carb foods, been reading the book again and now the journey begins ..... Thanks for the warm welcome back.


Way to go! You'll do great!


Having the right foods at hand are half the battle. GOOD LUCK!


I got the strips to chang, even though the color doesn't match any on the bottle. They are a nice lilac;) Also, I have gotten the opps pounds off and am 1 pound less than when I went on the cruises for two week.


I just love how Atkins works when I stay the course.

I hope everyone is having a great low carb day.


You too! You're doing awesome!


Right Food + Exercise = Results!!! Proven !! Keep going!

So..we continue to stuggle with the flu....YUCK!!! :mad::(:mad::( Will be glad when it has run it's course out...and we can get back to LIFE!!


Jean ~ my baby (who's now 7, can you believe it???) had the flu last week. Her fever's gone, but she's still a little under the weather. I hope you feel much better quickly!

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I do Atkins and am currently pregnant. I had been on OWL when I got pregnant.


I switched to maintenance the day I found out I was pregnant. I was overweight to begin with so my total goal according to my dr is to gain 15-25 lbs. I am 30 weeks and have gained 12- much better than with my first son where I had gained 33 lbs by this point!!!


I love focusing on tons of veggies and lean protein, with dairy and low glycemic fruit. Of course dark chocolate a few times a week! I have exercised 4-5 times a week this whole time and feel great!


I look forward to recipes and support. I have loved SFS' site for years and had no idea she posted on here at one time!!!!

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I do Atkins and am currently pregnant. I had been on OWL when I got pregnant.


I switched to maintenance the day I found out I was pregnant. I was overweight to begin with so my total goal according to my dr is to gain 15-25 lbs. I am 30 weeks and have gained 12- much better than with my first son where I had gained 33 lbs by this point!!!


I love focusing on tons of veggies and lean protein, with dairy and low glycemic fruit. Of course dark chocolate a few times a week! I have exercised 4-5 times a week this whole time and feel great!


I look forward to recipes and support. I have loved SFS' site for years and had no idea she posted on here at one time!!!!


WOW! You are doing GREAT!. Keeping a handle on your weight while pregnant pays off for the rest of you life. Take it from someone who knew better but, didn't make it happen.


Keep up the great work and don't forget those prenat vit.

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has anyone done Atkins (low carb) while cruising? I have been on Atkins for about 3 months now.....I'm loosing , but not near my goal. I want to be able to enjoy my cruise, but don't want to gain my weight back. other than eating basic meat and veggies any suggestions?

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has anyone done Atkins (low carb) while cruising? I have been on Atkins for about 3 months now.....I'm loosing , but not near my goal. I want to be able to enjoy my cruise, but don't want to gain my weight back. other than eating basic meat and veggies any suggestions?

I have a few times. In Feb I kept it going as I did so well and came home 1 pound less than I left two weeks before.

The first thing I did was tell the dinning staff I can't eat bread at all. They understand gluten free so that is how I delt with the third dinning staff I had when he asked when I kept turing bread down.


I was even able to order desert most nights and just took a bite. I did order two main courses and asked them to leave off the "stuff".


I made sure I climbed the stairs both ways when I had dessert. I tried using stairs as much as possible.


It is easy to do Atkins in the Windjammer. I got eggs from the station for omlets. I ordered fried eggs or omletts with meat only.


It is doable. It is a mind set though. If you think you are being deprived

than you won't have fun.


Good Luck

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Hey Everyone! Happy Wednesday!

So.. yes we had that stomach flu....ugh ...:mad: and really...it took me like 2 weeks to get things settled...and I really had to watch what I ate!

But over the weekend...yup... so much better ! :)

Monday back to low carbing it...and I think my energy is starting to find it's way back into my life!

So how is everyone!? It's finally really nice around here for a few more days...maybe winter again by Sunday!:( But! I'm taking advantage and getting out while we can!

What about you?... What did you do for Exercise today?

Low Carb... that's what works for me!

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WOW! You are doing GREAT!. Keeping a handle on your weight while pregnant pays off for the rest of you life. Take it from someone who knew better but, didn't make it happen.


Keep up the great work and don't forget those prenat vit.


31 weeks and I've gained 15. I am so nervous it's going to pile on in the next 9 weeks. I've been so exhausted and it's so much more difficult for me to exercise. I can't eat much at one sitting, but I am constantly hungry!!!


I have a few times. In Feb I kept it going as I did so well and came home 1 pound less than I left two weeks before.

The first thing I did was tell the dinning staff I can't eat bread at all. They understand gluten free so that is how I delt with the third dinning staff I had when he asked when I kept turing bread down.


I was even able to order desert most nights and just took a bite. I did order two main courses and asked them to leave off the "stuff".


I made sure I climbed the stairs both ways when I had dessert. I tried using stairs as much as possible.


It is easy to do Atkins in the Windjammer. I got eggs from the station for omlets. I ordered fried eggs or omletts with meat only.


Nice work! Did you exercise at all? Is celebrity good about "leaving the stuff off"? Are all the dining staff understanding about no bread if it's just my DH and I at a table?


Thanks in advance for your responses!


Hey Everyone! Happy Wednesday!

So.. yes we had that stomach flu....ugh ...:mad: and really...it took me like 2 weeks to get things settled...and I really had to watch what I ate!

But over the weekend...yup... so much better ! :)

Monday back to low carbing it...and I think my energy is starting to find it's way back into my life!


So how is everyone!? It's finally really nice around here for a few more days...maybe winter again by Sunday!:( But! I'm taking advantage and getting out while we can!

What about you?... What did you do for Exercise today?


Low Carb... that's what works for me!


I'm glad you're feeling better.


IT's gorgeous here in Ohio, and I am sure we'll be back to snow in no time. My son and I went to play in the park and we are going to take a walk when he wakes up. I'm bummed I have to work tonight-- that means I will be dragging tomorrow during prime outside play time!!!!

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31 weeks and I've gained 15. I am so nervous it's going to pile on in the next 9 weeks. I've been so exhausted and it's so much more difficult for me to exercise. I can't eat much at one sitting, but I am constantly hungry!!!!!!!

You have already made it past that 5 month big gain, so I belive in you and you will just gain baby this last 9 weeks. Keep up the Great work!

Do you have access to any water exercise. The one time I had some trouble, being in the water was a God send.


Nice work! Did you exercise at all? Is celebrity good about "leaving the stuff off"? Are all the dining staff understanding about no bread if it's just my DH and I at a table?


Thanks in advance for your responses!!!!!

I found Celebrity food a little plain. Maybe it was due to the age of the cruisers being older. Yes, they bend over backward to help with any eating plan. The DD got all kind of one of a kind vegin dinners.


I did hit the gym a couple times, but I can't do the gym while cruiseing do to the motion and my stomach:D I just keep draging my fat butt up as many stairs as I can.

IT's gorgeous here in Ohio, and I am sure we'll be back to snow in no time. My son and I went to play in the park and we are going to take a walk when he wakes up. I'm bummed I have to work tonight-- that means I will be dragging tomorrow during prime outside play time!!!!


It was gorgeous here to until the three Tornados hit in our neck of the woods.(They won't know until the Tormado experts get here if there where more) Two where down in the Detroit/Ann Arbor area. The thirds was just ten miles from us.:eek:

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Happy Monday.....well....it would be if we weren't still trying to breath after those 70 mi/hr winds threw sooo much dirt in the air! UGH! Spring is here...sort of...beautiful days and then crazy weather! I'll take some more beautiful days...thankyouverymuch!

LostShaker... The upcoming weeks will be baby weight gain, mostly! It sounds like you have been great about watching what your eating and excersizing too...so your on the right track! :) If your not eating much when your at meals....then that is why you might feel like your grazing, but remember to stay hydrated! - Sometimes we think we are hungry...and we are really thirsty! (My DD is at 9 weeks...she has just started her baby journey! :))

Brought my soft poached eggs to work for breakfast, and have a great salad all ready for lunch. Steaks are on the menu tonight...salad....and probably a veggie too! Big water glass on my desk....and it's time to hit the stairs and get the work mail! ;)

Have a great day Everyone! :D

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Stay true to induction. Got my head streight on what is stage 1/2. Was able to get lots of out door work done which is helping the scales to. I had hoped to be down at least 24 pounds. Yesterday was my goal day (B-day). I was able to hit a 21.2 pound lost since 1/1. Not, what I wanted but, not to bad with a two weeks of cruising in there.


How is everybody doing with their WL and Goals?

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Happy Monday Everyone!!

SO..... Remember when we were fighting all of that flu that was going around - after I started that Zumba class? Well... I realized...last week...Hmm...no, I'm not sick anymore. I don't like doing Zumba on a carpet...my left knee really yelled at that one -- so I was looking on my phone and I remembered that I had the Couch Potato - 5K program on there!.. So this morning - 6:00 am --- I'm on day one, with my tredmil for right now -- and I did the first day! There is a journal, you can use your own music...etc. I remember that I got to week 3 last year when I got this, and ...jeesh...can't remember why I stopped!! Anyway!.. I started that...and it worked up a pretty good sweat!!

How is everyone!?

This is a BIG Egg season, you can get them pretty cheap because of all of the egg hunts and Easter!! -- I love Pinterest and saw a really cool deviled egg post! - After you cook, crack, peel, split and take the yolks out... then with a spoon... dye the egg!!

THEN fill it with the yellow delish filling...and put these on your table for dinner!! They are sooo pretty!! Anyway...that's all I have for today!!

Have a great day...and think about what your putting in your mouth! :p:D:)

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