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Anyone on Atkins?


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Some days I watch Dr Oz ~ I have it set to to auto tune (not record, tho)...a few thoughts on recent shows...feel free to add your 2 cents if you saw or have heard similar...


Fake food - yes, the big commercial corps have decided its in their best interest apparently to give us 'fake' foods...ie, you think you are buying ( & paying for) salmon, but 'they' fake us out w/ different fish altogether...in the stores & restaurants...how nice of them... also, olive oil - yes, 'watered' down w/ other lower cost oils & there were/are many more, but those in particular really gets me...grrr

(not to mention the horsemeat 'scandal' in some other countries):confused:


Dash diet - I didn't watch too carefully, but the first two weeks seems awfully close to Atkins, but then it digresses...but it does show that a lot of people - Dr's, nutritionists, lay persons seem to admit that low carb has some tremendous health benefits - who knew?;)





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Hey all! Jumping onto this thread ... nice to see all the low carbers here! The first time I did Atkins, it was from Jan to Mar before our Spring Break cruise in 2007. I lost 26 pounds in three months. Since then, I've tried Weight Watchers along with good, old fashioned exercise. The weight just didn't come off. :mad: Soooooo back to low carb I go! I don't know about all of you, but sometimes when people ask me what diet I'm on, I get a disgusted look back from them and an "OHHHHHHHH". WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Do people think low carbers eat a pound of bacon at every sitting??? Any who ... I started low carbing again on Jan. 21st and I've lost 14 pounds! Yeah me! I am still doing regular exercise (Zumba 3x a week), drinking tons of water, measuring everything I eat and logging it into My Fitness Pal (Love that app!), and eating LEAN meats, not bacon, sausage, etc. In fact, I can't remember the last time I even had bacon or sausage! I eat tons of veggies/salad, but I also eat fruit in moderation. My favorite breakfast is a low carb smoothie made from Krogers' vanilla low carb yogurt, some fresh fruit, and a bit of almond milk. I top it off sometimes with some *real* whipped cream. My 12yo son even loves these and just yesterday asked me to show him how to make them! Love it!


So, I'm all for low carbing! Let's do this!

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Fake food - yes, the big commercial corps have decided its in their best interest apparently to give us 'fake' foods...ie, you think you are buying ( & paying for) salmon, but 'they' fake us out w/ different fish altogether...in the stores & restaurants...how nice of them... also, olive oil - yes, 'watered' down w/ other lower cost oils & there were/are many more, but those in particular really gets me...grrr

(not to mention the horsemeat 'scandal' in some other countries)

Dash diet - I didn't watch too carefully, but the first two weeks seems awfully close to Atkins, but then it digresses...but it does show that a lot of people - Dr's, nutritionists, lay persons seem to admit that low carb has some tremendous health benefits - who knew?

I have seen a lot on the fake foods lately and yes it is very upsetting they can get away with this. Coffee was a biggie for me for what I pay for my decaf.

I also find it funny how many people doing low carb (gasp, can we say Atkins, but they don't )

Hey all! Jumping onto this thread ... nice to see all the low carbers here! The first time I did Atkins, it was from Jan to Mar before our Spring Break cruise in 2007. I lost 26 pounds in three months. Since then, I've tried Weight Watchers along with good, old fashioned exercise. The weight just didn't come off. Soooooo back to low carb I go! I don't know about all of you, but sometimes when people ask me what diet I'm on, I get a disgusted look back from them and an "OHHHHHHHH". WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Do people think low carbers eat a pound of bacon at every sitting???

I hear yeah! I Did Atkins for the first time in '03. I Lost 17 pounds in 17 Days and 30 in three months and 60 in six months. My doctor was dead set against Atkins. She realized I was going to give up on the first thing that worked so she did the labs. After the first year down 60 pounds and GREAT labs, she just shrugged and said keep it up. I did for two year until I gave in to the carb Monster. I thought I could handle it. A "healthy diet" and exercise didn't work for me. I use to run 3-4 miles 5-7 days a weeks and just had wreaked knees to show for it.

As you can see from prior post, I started back hard core last January with good hard work (yard work and swimming) and lost 60 last year. Went off the deep end for 5 weeks and gained 30 back. Knuckled down this January and all 30 are gone. I am now back to a set point I haven't broken in 31 year since the birth of the second DD. (except during a divorce 18 years ago for a few months.)

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Happy Monday Ya'all!!!

So.... ya had a few extra carbs on the weekend.... and this morning it's back to a nice low carb start?!... Hey! Me Too..! :eek: It happens! :o

Seago....Welcome.... so many stories are through this whole thread! Take a little time to look! For me... 2004 was when I picked up the Atkins book to read and really understand why so many people where I work were really losing and looking great! I had a family meeting .... said I'm cleaning out that kitchen and this is what is the new plan! I started walking.....and took off about 45 lbs! Well..... that was 9 years ago!

I did give into the crazy holidays and had surgeries, family situations...etc... so I continue to carry 20 re-gained lbs....that I continue to keep the battle with!!

And even without the extra lbs.... I just find that I feel so much better without the extra carbs! My energy level is higher and I feel much more motivated eating low carb!

Pineview....your doing great!!!

jhnsonfamily .... There are a few mornings a week that I use a low carb smoothie too--- they are great!

Cerabella.... FAKE Food!!? Dash Diet................ There is so much that is on Dr OZ....sometimes I think it almost confuses me! ... Well, not the Fake Food....ugh!!:mad:

jameybano....Good Job!!!!

Have a terrific week!!.... It's your fork...It's your choice on what is on that fork!

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Hi all, hope everyone is keeping it low carb!


I love avocados...I buy them by the sack @ Sam's Club...those are big & delish!


I know many have probably seen, or eaten many avocado 'fake-out' recipes, including 'chocolate mouse' or chocolate pudding' made w/ avocados - & others, such as adding to smoothies - ya never taste the avocado!


I have also seen 'avocado' Key Lime Pie which might be phase 2 friendly if made w/ splenda/stevia/xylitol...I will report back! Don't want to blow anyone's WOE !



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Please, please- help! I went crashing off. Argh. This is the only way for me- I know it. I'm calling out for your success stories- please.


Help a sister out ;).


My friend who recently started Atkins has lost at leas 13 lbs in a couple of months...she said she recently bought a weighted hoola hoop (sounds like lots of fun) & she is diligent about walking...kudos to her - she has struggled w/ her weight for quite some time so I know she is thrilled to see success! I know she doesn't do the WOE perfectly, she has her ups & downs, but is determined!

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I slapped myself back into reality. :eek:.... and I've been actually counting the carbs again. :p It makes me feel more accountable!:o

Grilled chicken and salad for supper tonight.....!

LOVE Avacados!!

A weighted hoola hoop --- um... I never got the hang of the light ones so if she can do the weighted ones.... Terrific!!;)

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Ms Jean...hang in there, girlfriend!! We are all in the same boat (well, cruise ship...umm, make that Magic hehe)


I love your tenacity! I went back recently & read the first dozen or so posts on this thread & there you were!


Well, this has to be a journey...we do so very well & then there are those detours & we can't believe how fast we undo all the good that we have done...snap!:p


I did enjoy a low carb day today, tho...


On to tomorrow! Yay!


Time to go get the groceries again...grrr...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, this is a quiet group...please don't get discouraged if ya don't do this WOE 'perfectly'...it's a journey, we all have our triggers...


My recent 'finds'...Duke's real mayonnaise...0 carbs...just now available as far as I remember in my area... I have been getting Hellmanns which has sugar in the list of ingredients altho it is listed too as 0 carbs...


Also, MCT oil ( (medium chain triglycerides) mentioned on pg 186 of my 'older' Atkins book. I have only found it in a 'huge' 32 oz Now brand bottle...really don't need that much, but it is what it is...have heard some who add it to coffee...hmm...tried that (w/ butter or ghee):p


Well, anyone have any success or failures lately?

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I slapped myself back into reality. :eek:.... and I've been actually counting the carbs again. :p It makes me feel more accountable!:o

Grilled chicken and salad for supper tonight.....!

LOVE Avacados!!


A weighted hoola hoop --- um... I never got the hang of the light ones so if she can do the weighted ones.... Terrific!!;)


Ummm...MsJean...are you in 'my' neck of the woods by any chance? Well, have a lowcarb weekend & take lots & lots of pics & don't be tempted by the 'BlueBell cows'...

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Well, this is a quiet group...please don't get discouraged if ya don't do this WOE 'perfectly'...it's a journey, we all have our triggers...


My recent 'finds'...Duke's real mayonnaise...0 carbs...just now available as far as I remember in my area... I have been getting Hellmanns which has sugar in the list of ingredients altho it is listed too as 0 carbs...


Also, MCT oil ( (medium chain triglycerides) mentioned on pg 186 of my 'older' Atkins book. I have only found it in a 'huge' 32 oz Now brand bottle...really don't need that much, but it is what it is...have heard some who add it to coffee...hmm...tried that (w/ butter or ghee):p


Well, anyone have any success or failures lately?


Hey cerabella!


I've been pretty quiet--mostly just busy! I have to say my WOE has been very up & down this winter, which usually happens each year. The difference is that all winter I've been swimming 3 days/week & running 2 days/week. I've only gone on two 16-mile bike rides--it's still too cold. In MEMPHIS for Pete's sake! The cold has really thrown me for a loop, and without all the exercise I'd be a quivering mess on the floor. :o


The bad news is that my weight's up a good 10 pounds, although some of that is muscle. More bad news: I've been diagnosed with asthma, which really, really stinks. Up until last year, I never even had any allergies. I need to figure out how to deal with it and live with it. It's very disappointing.


The good news is that I had my annual physical recently, and while my cholesterol and blood pressure have always been pristine, and still are, the really encouraging number was my triglycerides--up to 150 is considered normal, and mine were 52!! Woo hoo!!


So, I'm not "skinny" on the outside, although most of my clothes are still fitting okay. But I am skinny on the inside, which, vanity aside, is where it counts. :D


With these workouts, I do require more carbs--now that spring is really coming (my lips to God's ears), I need to be sure those extra carbs are the very best they can be.

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How DID YOU KNOW!!!???

Cerabella!!!!!!! You know what...!! I kept thinking...I wonder how close we were and thought --- what a hoot!.. If I came and at least gave you a hug and a high five for hanging in here with me for so long!! LOLOLOL!!!...

Flew into San Antonio.......but went to Gruene and Fredericksburg! Wow... Did we have a great time! 8 gabby ladies of all sizes, ages and goofyness! Fun Fun Fun!!

I'll have to post some pics! .. Bluebonnets out there were ...well.... not bumper crop - but better then the last time we came! :D

Have you been to the Salt Lick???..BBQ...?? OH Gosh!! :eek: Delish! AND..I was with some other low carbers... that helped!! I bought their meat rub to bring home and use as the grill season is upon us!

We did Coopers in Llano......... But it was just ok after being from Salt Lick. --- Ha ha... You'd think this was a food forum or something! :D

Hey... if any of you are on Instagram.... Look me up! Jeansadventures Gosh...I have fun with that! For me... it's a lot of this and that!

SO>>> I think I've hit a wake up call!!!............ I know what the Right things are to eat.................. now I'm seriously going to think about portion control! One of my friends from the trip has lost about 40 lbs...in about 6 months... and we talked about food... she is a great southern TX cook with 2 college boys........ but she talked about what she was eating *** ding ding ding!!!*** low carb .... but she had went from a dinner plate - what she used to eat from, to a salad plate... to a smaller plate and it took her system a while to learn that she just didn't need a dinner plate size to survive... she did it gradually and it has been so much easier ...and she looked awesome! So... I'm putting my Dinner plates on the top shelf tonight! :p

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Just wanted to stop in and say high! Everything is going smoothly. I am hanging in with our WOE and am at the lowest that I get to and am happy with this weight at this point in my life. Down 80 pounds from where I started four years ago. Good luck to all.

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Hey all!


Lisa ~ great post...you hit the nail on the head for many of us, I'm sure...it's kinda funny in a sad way that NEW lowcarbers can really hit the jackpot when they initially change their WOE & us 'old-timers', no matter what our real age just kinda truck along...lose 5lbs, gain 2...etc...but you are very inspirational in the fact that you keep moving! I esp laughed (w/ a tear in my eye) about the 'quivering mess on the floor!':p:eek::D


Jean ~ well, ya hafta know that every once in a while I click on your 'siggy' & I just did some thoughtful guessing where ya might be...My son & DIL live in San Antonio & I love that whole area! I am much further NE...it's a six or seven hour drive for me, but I certainly don't drive @ the speed of light...I take my cameras & travel as a 'photographer', or at least I pretend to be! Glad you had fun! I'm sure w/ you that fun is what you make it, & I'm thinking you made it FUN!!! Great going on your WOE & support on your trip...I know that always helps at least some when the temptations are there! (mmmm bbq!):D


Melody ~ well, what can I say...80lbs is fabulous...simply fabulous!:D

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Lisa!!........ I'm stealing your 'skinny on the inside'..... that is sometimes where I'm at... I'm doing all the right things and my numbers says so... My buttons on my pants are just snug! Oh Goodness... Pollen, Asthma & working out..... You really have some work out there for you!

So last night.... I moved Bricks! Yes.. Bricks... no, not the nice little red ones. The 26 lb... My what a nice Brick WALL that is, brick!..Only... mine is a boarder for a flower/garden bed. I did 26 last week, 21 last night & I'll do 9 more tonight... And that is why it hurts to bring a tissue to my nose... my arms are sore! I'm thinking... I won't set one brick in my boarder....just carry it around they yard all evening... set it down, pick it up. Well, I don't have a Big Tire to move around like on Biggest Loser... so maybe a brick will have to do! :p

Cerabella - I thought you were a little more north & east (east Dallas) ...but wasn't sure... when you said your neck in the woods...does that count at a 7 hr drive? haha! I have LEARNED the hard way to ask my TX friends when they say "Up the Road".... I make them give me miles...because a 3 hr drive up the road.... is 1/2 to Colorado from me and that is not up the road...that is "You better have a full tank of Gas drive!" LOL!!!:D

Oh...and I think of you as I watch my little seedlings coming to sprout each morning, for my NEW flower/garden patch! ;):)

And I got some really pretty shots last weekend...we went to the Lady Bird Johnson Flower Place.... (:o) Since 4 of us had camera's around our neck... we had some good places to practice!

And..I'm glad you come to peek at my site.. My TX trip will be up soon! :D

..............So what are you all cooking for Easter dinner on Sunday?..... Don'tcha love that eggs are on sale right now! I do!! haha!!

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That is not true. Atkins does teach you how to control the carbs, that is the basis of the diet. There are different phases, and in each you have set amount of carbs you can eat, except for the last phase were the amount of carbs you eat is based on your body type. You add carbs back in until you start gaining weight, then cut back a little to maintain weight.


Most doctors have a bias toward low-carb diets, because it goes against all the old school theory they have been taught. But study after study has proven that you need to cut back on carbs, not fat, to lose weight most efficiently.


The health care and food industries would rather you continue eating all those carbs, sugars and saturated fats. There is alot of money in all those packaged products, and the pharmacuticals would rather you buy there colesteral lowering, blood platlet clearing, indigestion stopping drugs than to actually take care of yourself and eat healthy....



Agreed. Atkins does not prohibit carbs; it limits the number of carbs (20) and the type of carbs. I find Atkins the easiest to follow and (at least up to now) it has been successful.


OP: Have you tried any of the Atkins' shakes for breakfast? The ones with the screw off tops are the best. Also, try Dannon's Light 'n Fit yogurt. It has only 50 calories and 3 carbs.

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Agreed. Atkins does not prohibit carbs; it limits the number of carbs (20) and the type of carbs. I find Atkins the easiest to follow and (at least up to now) it has been successful.


OP: Have you tried any of the Atkins' shakes for breakfast? The ones with the screw off tops are the best. Also, try Dannon's Light 'n Fit yogurt. It has only 50 calories and 3 carbs.


Tampa Girl- glad you found the thread. I'll be joining you Monday come hell or high water. Sugar Free Sheila used to be on here but she's never on CC any more. If you go way back in the thread you can find her. If you go to her web site (google it) she has some truly awesome Atkins tips and inspirational cruising/Atkins stuff.


Ok, see everyone Monday.

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Hi Tampa Girl & Seago2! SFS website is very handy...and if you email her.. she is good about replying! I haven't seen her pop in here in awhile...but she may just sail by quietly.... we have a lot of them! Yes,... this thread has been around a long time... Yes... lots to read... Yes!! Everyone is welcome and there are some great tips here!

* I have used the Atkins shakes at times traveling, on the go... maybe an afternoon snack. I did not use them as meals.

Don't forget that Almonds and Pistaschio's ... are a great snack to keep on hand, glove compartment, back pack... when you feel that 'Oh my gosh...I need something NOW... feeling!"

Will look at the yogurt too!

Happy Monday Everyone!

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Hi Jean, hi everyone- yes, I emailed SFS a while back and she said she lost her CC PW and for some reason didn't have any interest in coming back. You can spend hours and hours on her site!


Sticks turned purple this morning. Thank god. Last bit of carbage was Sunday night, feeling like hell, just- horrible. Tuesday mid morning purple sticks- I'll take it. The only problem has been a headache but I know to expect it.


Onward. :o

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Thank you! Headache is gone. Appetitie is also gone thank god! It's all fine. My husband rescued four 2 day old kittens from a garbage truck last Wednesday and I've been bottle feeding them round the clock. They are so cute but I think I might be losing my mind. I left work early to come home "in case" they need me..... They might as well be babies!

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Hi all l/c'ers...I have been having some ups & downs...I am attributing it at the moment to ....well, if there are men who lurk, ya might wanna skip this part....


peri-menopause... I am just at that age...grrr...I mean, it's ok, I'm ok w/ this life transition in the span of time, but not so much w/ the affect on my feeling of well being - emotionally/physically... I am at the point where I need a reality check. I was talking w/ a friend who related the experience of an actress - Regina King - who just took control of her health & 're-made' herself...I don't know all the details, but I should research it more...


Lisa ~ I was wondering if asthma has any connection w/ your swimming...I'm wondering about exposure to dampness - i.e. fungus ...IDK...:confused:


Jean ~ you earlier mentioned the salad plate change...funny, because we have been doing that for years...my poor 'Fiesta' type dinner plates rarely, I mean, never get used unless company comes... I have even resorted to eating my 'gently sauteed egg over easy in coconut oil' in a small bowl...yummmm...then I can really get all that yellow goodness w/ my spoon! :p


Seago ~ way to go! doesn't it feel really good when ya undo all the 'bad' you've done!? Now let's hope we can all stay on track!:D

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Thank you! Headache is gone. Appetitie is also gone thank god! It's all fine. My husband rescued four 2 day old kittens from a garbage truck last Wednesday and I've been bottle feeding them round the clock. They are so cute but I think I might be losing my mind. I left work early to come home "in case" they need me..... They might as well be babies!

I remember the Headaches when starting. Glad they are gone. We have friend that run a "corner store" The found four kittens in their dumpster. Went to dump the trash and hear mewing. She bottle feed them until they were old enough to be on their own. They also had a momma cat get under their poarch at the same time and have five kittens. They asked my hubby to take them, we have three barns. I saw them leaving one day, saw the look on hubbies face, I new that he had done something other than have friends over to see the baby goats:D Found a group that fixes feral cats. They said as I didn't now gender and had ten they would do them for $35 each. Boy did I lucked out as 7 were female. They usually charge $65 for females.


Your a saint to take that task on!


Your lucky, I never get them to turn :(



peri-menopause I am just at that age...grrr...I mean, it's ok, I'm ok w/ this life transition in the span of time, but not so much w/ the affect on my feeling of well being - emotionally/physically... I am at the point where I need a reality check. I was talking w/ a friend who related the experience of an actress - Regina King - who just took control of her health & 're-made' herself...I don't know all the details, but I should research it more...

I understand what you are going thru. peri-menopause, than menopause took and health and emotional tool. I was cool with my place in time but, nothing that worked pre including Atkins works to stop the weight gain and the emotions!!!! My Doc doesn't do hormone replacements due to cancer rates. So I was trying to tuff it out. I did have to break down and get help with the emotional issues. The bad thing is the meds cause weight gain. The circle just went round and round. I went thru a few bad years but, thanks to Atkins and Medical help, I have a handle on things now.

Edited by PINEVIEW01
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