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Anyone on Atkins?


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I just finished my first week and I lost 9lbs. I am so excited. I know it won't be like that from now on but I will take it. If I can lose an average of 2lbs a week I will be very happy. We cruise May 18th. So excited and want to feel good.


A 9lb loss is great! Congrats! You definitely will not lose 9lbs every week, but sticking with Atkins and exercising, you can lose 2lbs a week. =)

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Hi low carb afficianados! Good job on the motivation & effort to lose before we cruise! I have not made cruise plans yet for this year, but hope to go late Aug/early Sept once again on Carnival Magic. I see AmandaBlue will be on her in May - hope you get to your goal...I think it is doable if you lose ~ 5lbs a month, you will be close. (btw, Magic is now our favorite ship!):D


Working out certainly kicks it up a notch & makes ya feel great too!


Funny new commercial w/ Sharon Osborne & 'the bunny' having lunch...cute & so true.





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Hi low carb afficianados! Good job on the motivation & effort to lose before we cruise! I have not made cruise plans yet for this year, but hope to go late Aug/early Sept once again on Carnival Magic. I see AmandaBlue will be on her in May - hope you get to your goal...I think it is doable if you lose ~ 5lbs a month, you will be close. (btw, Magic is now our favorite ship!):D


Working out certainly kicks it up a notch & makes ya feel great too!


Funny new commercial w/ Sharon Osborne & 'the bunny' having lunch...cute & so true.






I am definitely trying! I cannot wait to go on the Magic. This will be my first cruise and I am beyond excited! And finding this site has made it even better.

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Hope everyone's on track! I've added exercise to Atkins and really hoping to lose another 20-25 before our cruise on 4/27 (may not get there, but I will try!!).


I saw the YouTube video of the woman who took the 100 Day Challenge and decided to do the same kind of thing (although I will NOT be video taping myself! :eek::eek:).


I have committed to myself to go to the gym or walk outside (not easy to do in St. Louis in the winter - hence, the gym) every day for 100 days. Right now I'm only doing 20 minutes on a recumbent bike, but every little bit helps!! Day 4 completed - only 96 more to go!! :rolleyes:


This will take me right up to my cruise on Allure!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

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I saw this board and thought maybe it would give me some much needed motivation! I was doing really well until about six weeks ago and have managed to put the 10# I HAD lost back on! My biggest issues are poor choices and fast food. Mix in a healthy dose of knee, bursitis and back issues and my motivation to move it more goes out the window!! I'm having rotator cuff surg next tues so going to be limited to a recumbent bike and home yoga/Pilates stuff for awhile but even that is effective if I'd get off my fat butt and do it!!


I have a PC cruise coming in 60 days and NE/Canada in Oct and sure would like to be in better shape for both of those! The pix from the cruise I just returned from are totally disgusting!!


I'm not a fan of hardcore Atkins program but limiting carbs and simple sugars is certainly the road to long term success!



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Looks like we have a great support group, and boy do I need it! I have found that my trigger is alcohol. Even though I drink approved drinks (Bacardi cherry rum and diet coke) on the weekends that we go out and I have one or two then I seem to lose all will power and want to snack.


Well, it's a new week and I am refocused and already told my husband we can't go out this weekend lol.

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Great to see so many motivated Atkins followers! The new year looks like it's off to a good start!


After eating terribly and not exercising over the holidays, my weight got higher than it's been in a long time, and I felt like a slug. I started eating right again on the 2nd, all the festive food was gone, and I'm back to my schedule of swimming & running. I do need to go to spin class until it warms up enough to get on my bike so I'm ready for triathlon season when it starts. It hasn't been easy the last few days, the activity hurts, but I know it will feel better soon.


The best part is that I'm down 3 pounds already! Woohoo!


I recently read a very interesting blog by a chiropractor in MO who is a strong proponent of low-carb eating and who specializes in inflammation and tissue remodeling--anyway, he offered an interesting perspective on current standards for blood sugar levels. His thought is that the high end of what's considered a "normal" glucose reading should really be considered pre-diabetic; that the chart should be shifted a bit lower.


The reason it's so interesting is that I've suspected I'm insulin resistant for a long time--Dr. Atkins' description of it fit me to a T. The fact that eating a "balanced" diet makes me quickly gain weight confirmed it---but my "normal" glucose levels always confused me. According to the chiropractor's theory, my levels would be pre-diabetic, which makes so much more sense. And it just gave me a sense of relief, finally being able to understand why I will never be able to eat "normally", that low-carb really is my lifestyle, that the way of eating I have followed for the past 15 years really is my path to health and wellness and continued fitness.


Add to that Stephen Finney's research on the effectiveness of training in a ketogenic state, and it all adds up for me. After a week of eating clean, I already feel so much better. The fog clears up & the energy returns. Anyone else feel this way?


I'm not a fan of hardcore Atkins program but limiting carbs and simple sugars is certainly the road to long term success!


Welcome hockeygal! Ouch, bursitis and rotator cuff aren't fun. I hope your surgery goes splendidly & you're able to move again to your heart's content. I had shoulder surgery over a year ago & was worried I might not be able to use it again--but it's all healed after much physical therapy. It still gets tight & affects my back, but as long as I work it out I'm good!


May I ask what you mean by "hardcore" Atkins & why you're not a fan? :)

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ROCKNSOUL--by hardcore I was referring to some of the real serious limitation of carbs to the detriment of other organ function when Atkins first came into vogue. It takes a minimum of 50Gm/day for brain function and I've known people that even undercut that. For me tho I am that person u described in that Chiro piece. I do not metab simple carbs well and am fighting the diabetes thing. Between getting older and being overweight for too many years, that is just where I'm at. My IM Dr wants me on Metformin and I've resisted since Oct. I know I can manage without that nasty drug (sorry but it is!!) if I'd just get my ass in gear. I also think lots of my joint dysfunction and pain are related to the inflammatory response caused by poor diet, fast food and no exercise. DUH. Like that's rocket science!!

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I have Type 2 Diabetes and am on Metformin once a day. Would there be a problem not getting enough carbs while on Atkins? Anyone on Type 2 and on Atkins that could give me some guidance?


I would strongly suggest getting your doctor involved. Dr. Atkins always recommended anyone taking diabetes meds to do his plan under a doctor's supervision. :)

Edited by Rocknsoul
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ROCKNSOUL--by hardcore I was referring to some of the real serious limitation of carbs to the detriment of other organ function when Atkins first came into vogue. It takes a minimum of 50Gm/day for brain function and I've known people that even undercut that. For me tho I am that person u described in that Chiro piece. I do not metab simple carbs well and am fighting the diabetes thing. Between getting older and being overweight for too many years, that is just where I'm at. My IM Dr wants me on Metformin and I've resisted since Oct. I know I can manage without that nasty drug (sorry but it is!!) if I'd just get my ass in gear. I also think lots of my joint dysfunction and pain are related to the inflammatory response caused by poor diet, fast food and no exercise. DUH. Like that's rocket science!!


Hmmm...there are some great studies showing how ketones are actually better "brain food" than carbs. I love "The Art and Science of Low-Carb Living" by Stephen Finney. It's very in-depth as far as the science goes. They have done long-term studies on the effects of carbohydrate restriction, even in ultra athletes. Ketones are wondrous little things!


Thanks to that book & its complement, The Art & Science of Low Carb Performance, I learned I can run long distances without eating any carbs at all (which I learned, unfortunately, after gaining 10 pounds from thinking I needed more carbs to run & bike longer distances). It was kinda cool during my last 2 10-mile races to see folks glugging down sugar gels--blecch--and Gatorade to keep up their energy while I ran the whole thing having had just a protein bar for breakfast. And I'm a really bad runner! :p


I so hear you on the joint pain. The first thing to go when I eat badly is my joints...thankfully they feel so much better when I start eating right again. WHY does junk food have to taste so good and be so BAD?? Lately I've been picturing all those preservatives and chemicals just sitting in my body and messing it up. It actually helps!


So do you play hockey, or a hockey fan?

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Do I play hockey???? HA! I wish! No just big fan but not as much as I used to be. Had half season Stars tickets for years but let them go back about 3-4 seasons ago. My younger daughter played briefly with a rec group to help her soccer skills. I never could skate that well cause of weak ankles but sure wish I could have.


Thing with ketones is you have to watch out for the kidneys. Ketones r produced from protein metabolism and that stresses the kidneys. Lots and lots of water. I was a dialysis nurse many moons ago and won't ever take my kidneys for granted ever again.

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Hockeygal54-You Really need to read up on keto adaptation ! The books rockandsoul recommended are superb! I have been doing lo carb/ high fat for years! No ill effects. In fact feel so much better when doing low carb! Have also been doing Insanity workout with low carb and have managed to lose from 157 to 135 by doing this.! Am at goal weight and have transformed my body shape. Less body fat/ more muscle. I don't lose any other way. Tried the 5 meal nutritional plan when I first started this workout in Sept 2011. Never lost a single pound. Ketones are not bad. Only when it's ketoacidosis(mostly seen in type 1 diabetics) you will never reach that level of ketones from lo carb. Also Sweden is now recommending this WOE officially as the best for overall health! Several others are writing books related to - Grain Brain. The tide is turning! Good luck everyone!

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Do I play hockey???? HA! I wish! No just big fan but not as much as I used to be. Had half season Stars tickets for years but let them go back about 3-4 seasons ago. My younger daughter played briefly with a rec group to help her soccer skills. I never could skate that well cause of weak ankles but sure wish I could have.


Thing with ketones is you have to watch out for the kidneys. Ketones r produced from protein metabolism and that stresses the kidneys. Lots and lots of water. I was a dialysis nurse many moons ago and won't ever take my kidneys for granted ever again.


Ice skating--ha! I was so excited to ice skate on Navigator OTS & was having a merry old time until I tripped on the toe pick & fell flat on my face!:D I was scraped up & bruised but of course the biggest bruise was my ego.:p I made myself get up & keep skating!


From everything I have read, you are absolutely correct: too much protein definitely stresses the kidneys. The books I mentioned go into that & stress that instead of replacing all the carbs with protein, a large percentage should be replaced with fat. Their studies indicate that it's the protein, not the ketones, that stress the kidneys. I'd love to get your thoughts on their research. In all your spare time. ;)


I'm being spoiled by my hubby right now. He just scrambled eggs with sausage, tomato, cilantro and cheese---YUM!

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In fact feel so much better when doing low carb! Have also been doing Insanity workout with low carb and have managed to lose from 157 to 135 by doing this.! Am at goal weight and have transformed my body shape. Less body fat/ more muscle. I don't lose any other way. Tried the 5 meal nutritional plan when I first started this workout in Sept 2011. Never lost a single pound. Also Sweden is now recommending this WOE officially as the best for overall health! Several others are writing books related to - Grain Brain. The tide is turning! Good luck everyone!


I had a great time doing Insanity, and I definitely got stronger over the course of doing it, but my body didn't change. My brother has really great results with P90X, so I'll be starting that soon--I just got back to my early morning runs & swims this week after the break, so I'm giving myself some time to adjust before jumping in. I think Monday I'll be ready.


Those books changed my life & I can't tell you how grateful I am you suggested them! They were just the inspiration I needed to continue to eat the way that's best for me for the rest of my life. :)

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I had a great time doing Insanity, and I definitely got stronger over the course of doing it, but my body didn't change. My brother has really great results with P90X, so I'll be starting that soon--I just got back to my early morning runs & swims this week after the break, so I'm giving myself some time to adjust before jumping in. I think Monday I'll be ready.


Those books changed my life & I can't tell you how grateful I am you suggested them! They were just the inspiration I needed to continue to eat the way that's best for me for the rest of my life. :)[/quote


Glad you liked my book recommendations. They've helped me also to reaffirm what I knew and helped me tweak it a little! Good luck on P90x! Not that my body changed as much as they advertise. It has taken longer and I'm still not ripped by any means. Tried T25 focus for a month but went back to Insanity. I felt as though they skimped on the warmup and stretching along with rushing the moves to the point of not being able to get any strength training out of it. Went back to insanity and could feel the difference in my mucsles the first few days! I am 53 and also felt like I was going to hurt myself doing t25 because of the speed and lack of stretching and warmup. Anyway good luck! Keep moving!

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I am not really losing a lot of weight, but I am losing inches. So I can't complain too much. I am working out daily on my Gazelle for 45 minutes. I also started a 30 day thigh workout yesterday. OMG...I am feeling the pain from that one. But with Atkins and exercise, it will be worth it in the end!

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The art and science of low carb living. And the art and science of low carb performance by Stephen Finney.


Thanks! Wonder if HPB carries them?


I made my lean version of breakfast burritos yesterday. There is a real good tortilla wrap low in carbs, high in fiber and I use leanest ground turkey I can get (like 97% perhaps) and 2% cheese with Costco eggbeaters product. Made 10 and put in freezer for later. I'm having rotator cuff surg tomorrow so need some quick go to things for awhile.


Anybody use Dreamfields pasta? Low carb and low GI.

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Anybody use Dreamfields pasta? Low carb and low GI.


Dreamfields always makes my blood sugar rise. I don't think it's as low carb as they want people to believe. Miracle noodles or shirataki noodles are a good substitute. You can find them at Sprouts. I like using spaghetti squash. I just put it in the crockpot in the morning and it's done at dinner time.

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How's everyone doing on their low carb/Atkins lifestyle? Hope everyone is seeing success. I am focusing on my April cruise to get me through all this awful weather and help me to stay focused!!


Lol, I hear you! I booked a weekender on 1/31 as a motivation to stay on track. Lol, kind of funny if you think about it because it is from NYC so expected temps will be in the teens. :)


I am losing again after an almost two week plateau...funny I bumped up my calorie intake and it worked, down another 5lbs.


Now if I can only lose 20 more by April 1st Aruba trip I will be a happy happy girl!

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