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Anyone on Atkins?


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Quick chime in here. I successfully did Atkins and maintained for several years. I found my sweet spot for losing was 1800 calories and 40 net carbs. Everyone needs to tweak and find their own magic numbers. Weigh everything you eat and track it as well. Make sure you are definitely eating your veggies to! I was a veggie hater until Atkins.


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You are my hero! I love hearing that you maintained for several years. They're is hope :)


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Thanks! I lost my path when my mother was diagnosed with cancer and it sent me tumbling back into bad habits. After she died I got back on track using a lot of my knowledge from it but on nutrisystem instead. I almost lost my way again after getting diagnosed with cancer for myself... but I learned am important lesson from the time before.


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I am so sorry to hear about your mother and am hoping you are winning the fight. As a two time survivor myself trust me when I say I understand.


It's great that with everything going on you are still able to stay focused and eat healthy.


I say again, you are my hero! :)


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chellebells ~ thanks for asking!


I wish I could say better. :o This winter has been challenging and a little discouraging as I've watched the scale go up...


The good news is that I'm off the steroid for asthma, we switched to a different medication, and I hope that allows some of the weight to come off--but in the meantime, my knee is a mess and I haven't been able to run. I've also developed an allergy to the pool chemicals and it's been too cold to get on the bike.


Don't I sound like a Debbie Downer? Waa, waaa, waaaaaa...:p


Really, though, I have to heal up quickly, my first tri is in the third week of May, and not only does it look like I'll be heavier than last year, I'll also be less prepared for it.:mad:


BUT...I'm off to Pilates this morning & I'm taking it one day at a time. The good news about my knee is that it's gotten my DH to walk with me, and that's good for him and me. The weather looks like it will stay in the 50's & 60's this week which is warm enough to bike, and I have a Neti pot and nose plugs to keep me out of too much trouble in the pool.


Hopefully overcoming these challenges will make crossing the finish line that much sweeter this year. Probably way more than you wanted to know, but, like I said, Thanks for asking!:)

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Being of the steroid meds hopefully will make a big difference! *I was on prednisone for years ago I understand that struggle!



That's great that you have your husband walking with you....it's always easier with someone.



Here's to spring and warmer weather and better health! :-)



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You are my hero! I love hearing that you maintained for several years. They're is hope :)




Hang in there, I lost 80 lbs, b/t 03-05', and 5-6 more since. Now that I have followed a low carb lifestyle for so long, Many people ask how I've kept it off.


#1: It's not a "diet", It's the way I eat. To me, a diet suggests that when you meet your goal you will be going back to your old ways. You must change the way you eat for good.

#2: After all the work I put into changing my ways, I will not be going back.

#3: Eating is no longer an event, just a thing we have to do, like showering and brushing our teeth.

#4: It may not work for everyone. I AM a meat and vegetable eater, I'm perfectly happy w/ the options I have.

#5: I've been at it so long, I no longer have those cravings.

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I'm glad you jumped in!! Welcome to the thread and thanks for the input. Staying away from Splenda is going to be the biggest problem for me but I am going to have to try it. I do get veggies (not necessarily every day but most days) in the form of a salad or grilled asparagus, peppers, etc., so I am getting those. The meals are just so much easier for lunch at work since I don't have any place close to get something, but I will see what I can do now that we aren't buried under a foot of snow! :eek:


Again, welcome and NEVER worry about giving good advice!!!

I would avoid Splenda but I read many times Stevia is OK :)
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Hey low carb groupies!


I made the grocery run today...IDK if it is just me, but as I get older, I dislike more & more the whole shopping experience...it used to be my 'therapy', my time, my get-away...now...more like drudgery...I guess I am in a rut...:confused:


I hope all are on track & eating well! I know for me, spring signals more activity...yes, even in TX we get socked in by cold weather..boo! So, more sun = more activity!


DH has even been grilling more lately! Yes! I am in charge of the veggies, he sears the meat, we eat...everyone's happy, happy, happy!:p


I am still enamored with making l/c smoothies for breakfast most days, sprinkled w/ eggs/bacon every so often...gotta be careful tho w/ adding too many berries, etc., tho! (I am out of strips...couldn't find any in several stores lately...grrr...I like to check ever so often....any one else?)


Way to hang in there LisaRock! You are an inspiration! Sorry for the setbacks, but it is a journey, after all!;)



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Good Morning Low-carb People! Well, I got back on Tuesday night from a 5 day Girls trip in LA and TX...and with truly seafood crazy girls! - I thought I had done a lot of set backs but yay... 2 lbs! I'm sure all of the walking and laughing has to be why the scales weren't SCREAMING at me yesterday!;) It helped that there were some places that we split big portion dinners.... do you do that? Even if there was some no no foods on the plate it limited the amounts! :p So, new jeans & capris still fit and yahoo for that!


I find it harder to grill with 40 mi hour winds and the cold front behind them that give a heck of a wind chill.... so the oven/crock pot is working for me this week!


I'm still chasing my 2 yr old and 5 yr old Grand-daughters 4 days a week! If it ever warms up I plan to lace up my shoes and get walking again!


Just wanted to pop in and say Hi.... Keep on the Journey!! :)

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Sorry I haven't been around lately - it's a crazy time! Hope everyone is doing ok!! I am not going to reach my goal before sail away but I have lost 35-40 pounds I'm happy!!



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Hello Low-Carb Friends!! Haven't heard from anyone in a while. How is everyone doing? We sail away in 17 days!! :):)


I am still dealing with a plateau but it isn't keeping me from following the lifestyle. I just find that I feel better eating this way!!


Hope everyone is doing better now that there is a light at the end of the loonnngggg winter tunnel!!

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I'm still here too. Weight loss has slowed down but I'm not giving in! I'm down about 55 and have between 40-50 more to go. (we'll see once I get closer!)


I wish my cruise was 17 days away! :p Still a long way for me, but that just gives me more time to get into better shape! And then I can buy all new clothes for the cruise!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Helloooooo out there :)


I'm in the midst of a long, slow weight loss. Up and down but the trajectory is overall down. Got off a cruise last July as heavy as I've ever been, went on Optifast and lost 30. Then up ten. Then I just went vegan for lent and lost five.


And now? Low carb high fat. It's a lot easier for me if I go high fat, especially in the beginning. So I'm buttering steak and adding coconut oil to my coffee and blending it. I feel great, the weight is dropping off (okay it's probably water at this point!) and hopefully will keep this up for a few months. I've got to lose twenty more to fit into the vast majority of my work clothes.


Anyone else out there sick of wearing the same three things to work every day? Me tooooooo......


Off I go to eat some eggs ;)

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Hang in there, I lost 80 lbs, b/t 03-05', and 5-6 more since. Now that I have followed a low carb lifestyle for so long, Many people ask how I've kept it off.


#1: It's not a "diet", It's the way I eat. To me, a diet suggests that when you meet your goal you will be going back to your old ways. You must change the way you eat for good.

#2: After all the work I put into changing my ways, I will not be going back.

#3: Eating is no longer an event, just a thing we have to do, like showering and brushing our teeth.

#4: It may not work for everyone. I AM a meat and vegetable eater, I'm perfectly happy w/ the options I have.

#5: I've been at it so long, I no longer have those cravings.


Thank you for the inspiration!!

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Our cruise is finally here!! I didn't lose 50 but I did lose 40 so I'm happy!! I'll pick up where I left off when we get home!!! Hope everyone has a great week!!



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Have an awesome cruise!!!

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Our cruise is finally here!! I didn't lose 50 but I did lose 40 so I'm happy!! I'll pick up where I left off when we get home!!! Hope everyone has a great week!!



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Where are you going?


Guess I need to reread this whole thread and start getting my act together. What I'm doing isn't working on any level.



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Just want to pop in and say I've had a really successful week "back on board." I've lost more in the last week than I did going vegan for Lent! I know it's all water, etc etc etc but is it? And who cares! My work week has opened wide to include four size 14 suits I couldn't fit into before. Bye byyyye 16s.


This is the hundredth (millionth?) time I've gone on Atkins, but I want to say that the last time I did it, two years ago, I lost thirty pounds. I stayed in Atkins for about two months and then transitioned to Paleo, the main difference being dropping the cheese and adding occasional sweet potatoes or fruit. I was still low carb but not Atkins level low carb.


Then I went on a cruise and it all went to hell :D.


Soooo, what I did last time throughout the Atkins and Paleo, and what I'm doing this time, is eating high fat. For example, right next to me now is coffee blended with cream and coconut oil. Sausage would be better than steak, etc. I've read Gary Taubes and all the rest of them and whether or not fat is somehow magical for weight loss or is simply more satiating and ultimately makes me eat less, it works. It also gives me beautiful skin.


So I can't imagine starting off on Atkins again and having boiled eggs, tuna, and steak and calling it a day. I'm buttering the steak, cooking the eggs in coconut oil or butter, and eating sausage and Brie, plus the coffee with cream and oil. It's really helping keep the appetite at bay.


I'll reassess later if I go I to a major stall but this is good for induction and for as long as it works. I can't imagine the calories I'm eating- maybe I'll add them up today and see. Definitely only eating three times a day and the nighttime eating has involved a very small square of 80% dark chocolate and a small handful of almonds. Not good, I know, but up against the ice cream (or tofutti), cupcakes, gummi bears, etc of before it's excellent. I went through a period in January where I ate three packs of treacle toffee, ordered through a British store, per night. For weeks. Come on :mad:.


Ok, sorry to wax on. Good luck, everybody!

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Just want to pop in and say I've had a really successful week "back on board." I've lost more in the last week than I did going vegan for Lent! I know it's all water, etc etc etc but is it? And who cares! My work week has opened wide to include four size 14 suits I couldn't fit into before. Bye byyyye 16s.


This is the hundredth (millionth?) time I've gone on Atkins, but I want to say that the last time I did it, two years ago, I lost thirty pounds. I stayed in Atkins for about two months and then transitioned to Paleo, the main difference being dropping the cheese and adding occasional sweet potatoes or fruit. I was still low carb but not Atkins level low carb.


Then I went on a cruise and it all went to hell :D.


Soooo, what I did last time throughout the Atkins and Paleo, and what I'm doing this time, is eating high fat. For example, right next to me now is coffee blended with cream and coconut oil. Sausage would be better than steak, etc. I've read Gary Taubes and all the rest of them and whether or not fat is somehow magical for weight loss or is simply more satiating and ultimately makes me eat less, it works. It also gives me beautiful skin.


So I can't imagine starting off on Atkins again and having boiled eggs, tuna, and steak and calling it a day. I'm buttering the steak, cooking the eggs in coconut oil or butter, and eating sausage and Brie, plus the coffee with cream and oil. It's really helping keep the appetite at bay.


I'll reassess later if I go I to a major stall but this is good for induction and for as long as it works. I can't imagine the calories I'm eating- maybe I'll add them up today and see. Definitely only eating three times a day and the nighttime eating has involved a very small square of 80% dark chocolate and a small handful of almonds. Not good, I know, but up against the ice cream (or tofutti), cupcakes, gummi bears, etc of before it's excellent. I went through a period in January where I ate three packs of treacle toffee, ordered through a British store, per night. For weeks. Come on :mad:.


Ok, sorry to wax on. Good luck, everybody!


Don't apologize! This is good stuff for all of us, especially me. I am losing nothing, not even after going off the asthma steroid, and it's driving me crazy. Especially since I'm watching my Mom & Dad drop 25 lbs between the two of them doing Weight Watchers. I know that I won't lose on WW, because of the food I'll naturally gravitate toward, and I know I'll be hungry.


I also know I need to add more green & more variety, but adding fat sounds like it may be the way to go. Even a fat fast to get things revved up.


The other issue is that my first triathlon is the 3rd weekend in May, and I have to be in ketosis for at least 2 weeks straight to reap the benefits of ketogenic racing: more energy, better recovery. The good news is that my knee is finally healed! I'm just way behind in my training.


Fitting into smaller clothes is such a great feeling! Way to go!

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