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Anyone on Atkins?


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The best inch loss plan I've found so far is Turbofire. I'm eating normally and I've lost inches all over! Less than 1hr a day, 6 days a week. In my first month I lost 7 inches!


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Don't apologize! This is good stuff for all of us, especially me. I am losing nothing, not even after going off the asthma steroid, and it's driving me crazy. Especially since I'm watching my Mom & Dad drop 25 lbs between the two of them doing Weight Watchers. I know that I won't lose on WW, because of the food I'll naturally gravitate toward, and I know I'll be hungry.


I also know I need to add more green & more variety, but adding fat sounds like it may be the way to go. Even a fat fast to get things revved up.


The other issue is that my first triathlon is the 3rd weekend in May, and I have to be in ketosis for at least 2 weeks straight to reap the benefits of ketogenic racing: more energy, better recovery. The good news is that my knee is finally healed! I'm just way behind in my training.


Fitting into smaller clothes is such a great feeling! Way to go!


Thanks! Well we all know WW doesn't work for us. It works for some but not for us. We wouldn't be on this board if Atkins hadn't worked in the past and worked well.


Try the fat. Yesterday I ate three string cheeses and a handful of almonds (after two coffees with coconut oil and cream). I literally could not force another thing down. That's what fat does- it shuts your appetite down. Not saying that's a good daily strategy by a long shot and today I had an egg and just got a sausage with sauerkraut from a cart outside my office. Tonight I'll "go all medieval", as my son says, on a rotisserie chicken and some sauteed spinach.


If you are on Pinterest look up "lchf" or low carb high fat. Add "success stories" after that. Or you could google. Honestly, it's best summed up by Gary Taubes but there is a Swedish doctor, Andres Eenfeldt, who has a very simple and convincing website (Diet Doctor, I think). The more fat you eat the less hungry you will be, period.


I talk a good game but we all know I'll drift away after a few months. I intend to drift over to Paleo after this. Not looking to do it, just keeping it in my pocket for a Plan B. It's what I did after Atkins in 2012 and it was responsible for a very nice weight loss indeed.


The elephant in the living room is cruises and cruise eating. Every single time I've been "good" I've gone and completely blown it on a cruise and taken that disastrous eating home with me. I am an educated, aware person but my culinary tastes- let's just say I'm one of the people who loves all cruise food. The desserts taste like whipped wax and I'll still eat them. One cruise a year can result in four months of crap eating until I pull myself together, and then the desperate "diet plan surfing" begins. Between 2011 and 2012 I took four cruises in twelve months. Need I say more.


Good to hear about your healed knee and amazed at every triathlete!

Edited by Seago2
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been eating pretty much on track & am starting to get more active now as the days are much warmer - ahhh - & there is a cruise w/ my name on it late Aug/early Sept!


It is hard to stay on track for those of us that just love to eat...I saw this looking back at me the other day as I opened the ice cream. Now I rarely eat ice cream, but I do buy Breyers l/c ice cream for DH...but, this was 'no sugar added' BlueBell homemade vanilla...& it was as if the ice cream was looking back at me saying 'hey, I thought you were trying to lose before you cruise...?!' (sorry if this sends anyone to the fridge! just say NO!):p



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I have been eating pretty much on track & am starting to get more active now as the days are much warmer - ahhh - & there is a cruise w/ my name on it late Aug/early Sept!


It is hard to stay on track for those of us that just love to eat...I saw this looking back at me the other day as I opened the ice cream. Now I rarely eat ice cream, but I do buy Breyers l/c ice cream for DH...but, this was 'no sugar added' BlueBell homemade vanilla...& it was as if the ice cream was looking back at me saying 'hey, I thought you were trying to lose before you cruise...?!' (sorry if this sends anyone to the fridge! just say NO!):p





LOL! That is hilarious. Luckily for me I don't like ice cream. My only use for ice cream is to hold the hot fudge and whip cream. Once those are gone the ice cream goes in the garbage. LOL

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Lol on the ice cream's leering glance!


I've been on Marks Daily Apple dot com reading Primal Blueprint success stories for two days. I think I'm on page 17. Try them- they'll keep you low carb and clean eating for sure!


For my sweet tooth I've been eating either 85% dark chocolate (don't love it) with almonds or Greek yogurt with cinnamon and almonds. Or a hunk of Brie.


It is what it is. The weight is creeping off and that's my goal. Fitting in a new suit today! (By new I mean it hasn't seen the light of day in four years). Just had to pay a massive tax bill and I'm comforting myself by knowing that at least I haven't had to run out and buy suits.


Good luck, everyone!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Congratulations on taking the first step! We all remember how hard it was to actually commit to starting.


Keep us posted on your journey and let us know of you have any questions or need any recipes :)


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Forums mobile app

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I am starting atkins today. I am large and in my 60s. I need this to work.


Welcome! There are plenty of long-timers here who have had great success with Atkins to cheer you on.


Have you ever done Atkins before? Do you have the book? I've found that following Dr. Atkins' advice to the letter has given me the best results, especially when I had to lose after my last two kids were born.


Keep us posted & definitely keep coming back!

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SO a quick update:


My knee has healed completely without needing a doctor's intervention. YAY!


We figured out the reason I hurt my knee (the purpose of it, not how :p) is that it turned out I needed a different procedure done in May--had I not gotten the additional insurance for the knee, I would have paid about $2500 for the procedure out-of-pocket. So my "why God? why now?" was answered.


I finished my first triathlon of the season almost 2 weeks ago, a sprint. It was 51 degrees and raining at the start, water 68 degrees. 51 degrees is very rare here in May. Thankfully, the cold air made the water feel warm.


It went pretty well for being so behind in training, but I learned a big lesson the hard way regarding ketogenic athletics. When racing using ketones rather than carbs for fuel, it's really important to keep electrolyte levels up. My brain was still asleep that morning & I drank coffee instead of my usual bullion. I suffered for it in the run portion and completely cramped up in both legs, and had to walk the first 1.5 miles. I was so mad at myself--until a young woman of 27 caught me and, in laughing about something on the course, I found out it was her first triathlon and decided to run her in. Since my run time was shot, I slowed my pace so she could keep running to the end. I was really inspired by her and her effort! She said she had a lot of weight to lose, and I told her if she keeps it up it will be no problem--by the time she's my age she'll be winning!


I somehow managed to come in 10th in my age group, but a lot of racers were scared off by the rain. It turned out to be very nice to race in the chill, except for the cramps and the MUD. I went back to my hotel room afterward to shower & the little bullion cube was sitting on the bed waiting for me. :p Never again will I forget that little cube!!


We did a 27-mile hilly bike ride on Monday, and our next scheduled tri is July 12th.


I still haven't lost any weight since being off the steroids, but I have lost 2% body fat and the Singulair seems to be working very well. The kids are out of school, my oldest graduated high school & will attend college on full scholarship, summer is here, and life is good!


We're booked for a cruise in December. We went thrift-store shopping yesterday & I found a very flattering black velvet dress in a 10 that fit very well. That was encouraging, since I haven't wanted to buy any clothes until I can fit into the ones I have. The cruise gave me an excuse to buy it.


That's my book for the month! :o How's everyone else doing?

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Welcome! There are plenty of long-timers here who have had great success with Atkins to cheer you on.


Have you ever done Atkins before? Do you have the book? I've found that following Dr. Atkins' advice to the letter has given me the best results, especially when I had to lose after my last two kids were born.


Keep us posted & definitely keep coming back!


My DH is looking at lots of books. Which one are you talking about.

Hard day for me. I miss bread. I hope that the craving goes away soon, but I will try.

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Me too and I live in Clearwater Florida 64

The first 3 days are H---l for me . :o


I am in my third day. This is hard, but I know I must keep going. We are almost neighbors. I live is Longwood, near Apopka. Hang on. Things MUST get better

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Hi everyone, just checking in. The weight is crawling off, bit by tiny bit. I hit the 180's, which is a miracle. I was 236 when I got off the Carnival Glory after 12 days of stuffing myself last July. When I started Atkins/low carb high fat I was 208 and that was Easter Sunday! So even though it's coming off muuuuuch slower than it would if I was younger than my 51 years, the trajectory is downward and I'll take it!


My days have slipped into the same routine: two cups of coffee with coconut oil and cream in the morning with either a string cheese or an egg. Some kind of meat at lunch (or another string cheese). Veggies and meat for dinner. Then some Greek yogurt and berries. I've just cut out the almonds and dark chocolate and maybe that will speed up the loss. But I can't complain!


It's so funny- I have no clothes. I'm pulling out clothes I haven't worn in ten years- and they look it. I'll find a top but no pants to go with it. That kind of thing.


To all you newcomers- stick with it! Especially now- it's grilling season! So easy.

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Hi everyone, just checking in. The weight is crawling off, bit by tiny bit. I hit the 180's, which is a miracle. I was 236 when I got off the Carnival Glory after 12 days of stuffing myself last July. When I started Atkins/low carb high fat I was 208 and that was Easter Sunday! So even though it's coming off muuuuuch slower than it would if I was younger than my 51 years, the trajectory is downward and I'll take it!


My days have slipped into the same routine: two cups of coffee with coconut oil and cream in the morning with either a string cheese or an egg. Some kind of meat at lunch (or another string cheese). Veggies and meat for dinner. Then some Greek yogurt and berries. I've just cut out the almonds and dark chocolate and maybe that will speed up the loss. But I can't complain!


It's so funny- I have no clothes. I'm pulling out clothes I haven't worn in ten years- and they look it. I'll find a top but no pants to go with it. That kind of thing.


To all you newcomers- stick with it! Especially now- it's grilling season! So easy.


Wonderful to hear from a success.

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Hi everyone, just checking in. The weight is crawling off, bit by tiny bit. I hit the 180's, which is a miracle. I was 236 when I got off the Carnival Glory after 12 days of stuffing myself last July. When I started Atkins/low carb high fat I was 208 and that was Easter Sunday! So even though it's coming off muuuuuch slower than it would if I was younger than my 51 years, the trajectory is downward and I'll take it!


20 pounds since Easter Sunday is slow? When I first started Atkins I was 30 years old--my how the years have flown--and I lost 28 pounds in about 3 months.


That weight is flying off your body! Fantastic!:)

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I am in my third day. This is hard, but I know I must keep going. We are almost neighbors. I live is Longwood, near Apopka. Hang on. Things MUST get better


It gets better. Really it does. I have been on Atkins three years now and I am down 125 lbs. have about 30 to go.....

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Atkins has to be the best plan I have ever tried. What I love best - it put my sweet tooth into a coma. I no long crave (and eat) sweets all the time. It was white knuckle time getting through a clean induction, but it was so worth. I can sit right next to a plate of brownies and not give them a second thought. That doesn't mean I don't slip now and then. I eat ice cream once a day on vacation, and I am already planning to sample chocolate in Belgium before our Viking cruise..... The difference is I now have some control.


The good folks on the Atkins Diet Bulletin Board have a lot of great tips, ideas, recipes and support. I never would have succeeded without them. Now I found this board - double the support.

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20 pounds since Easter Sunday is slow? When I first started Atkins I was 30 years old--my how the years have flown--and I lost 28 pounds in about 3 months.


That weight is flying off your body! Fantastic!:)


Thank you! I guess I feel that way because the initial weight loss is so fast that I can't help but calculate where I'll be in a month, two months, etc based on that rate (or even half that rate). The truth is that although it's much faster than WW or some other high carb plan, it's still slower than the first week or two. I don't know. I'm very happy with it! It's funny how some days I eat nothing but a piece of cheese and some days I start out with three eggs and eat a normal lunch and dinner. Learning to go with that and not force myself to eat or restrict has been ultimately very liberating.


There are some excellent success stories at Marksdailyapple dot com.

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Eating just a piece of cheese for the day will actually hender your weight loss. You need to make sure you're getting in enough calories to function properly every single day.


Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk


That was my understanding, too, until I started reading about intermittent fasting (IF). The point is not to say to yourself "tomorrow I will fast" but to go with the flow of what your hunger tells you. Some days I eat a lot, some days I absolutely want nothing. It requires further rejection of the BS nutrition science being pushed on the American public ("eat small meals filled with carbs throughout the day") but we wouldn't be on the Atkins board on CC if we were following conventional wisdom. Some days I want nothing all day but then eat a big dinner. I'm just doing what my body wants.


I was just looking at some pics on my phone of the B2B last July. 50 pounds heavier OMG. One of my sons graduated from college last year and those photos? OMGGGGGG :eek:.


ETA: For those of you just starting out, "what your body wants" will be carbs. Ignore!

Edited by Seago2
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My days have slipped into the same routine: two cups of coffee with coconut oil and cream in the morning with either a string cheese or an egg.



This is probably why some days you only want cheese! I have read on the 'Bulletproof paleo site' & have seen Dave Asprey on tv featuring his version of this coffee - with grass fed butter & MCT (medium chain triglycerides) oil or coconut oil & versions of this. I have tried coffee w/ butter & it actually does fill you up & somewhat 'kill' the appetite for a good portion of the day...however, I am a coffee purist most of the time - I love my one cup in the morning black & strong in my french press & one in the mid afternoon or a latte steamed w/ heavy cream:p


Might be good to have once or twice a week for me tho...glad it's working for you & congrats on your amazing success!

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