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Calling Rhapsody 1/19/03 Gang

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A Big Texas Howdy to the ole gang :)


I'm so upset that we lost our wonderful thread when they transferred over to the new boards, but I do like the new boards......sooooo...I just decided to start us up again.


Where is everyone! I want to hear from everyone. I do hear from tugboat every once in a while. He's getting ready for their Hawaii cruise.


Karen Hope how are things going with you?

Yvonne, I haven't heard from you. How was your trip to London?

Julie, what's going on in Oklahoma?


Arthur and I are doing fine. His mother had a massive stoke that left her paralyzed on her right side and she can't talk or feed herself. We had to place her in a long-term care facility. She is stable now, but the prognosis doesn't look good. We do not have a cruise planned and I wish we did. I've got to talk cruising to someone.


Hope to hear from everyone and let's stay in touch. ;)


Take care everyone


p.s. I changed my cc name to cruizinmimi instead of arturom, but I'm the same person :D

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Do you guys think it's possible to get together on the Rhapsody again? I would love to be on the Rhapsody in November. I've got to talk Arthur into it because of his mother. He's afraid to leave right now. But I really think she is stable now and the nursing home is taking great care of her.


Yvonne, I'm dying to hear all about your London trip.


I know Tugboat is getting ready for his upcoming Hawaii cruise and their daughter just got married. I'm sure Kathy is ready to go also.


Karen, how is your health and your weight loss going?


I hear they are going to put Rhapsody in a scheduled drydock. :eek: I emailed rccl and asked what they were doing to the Rhapsody and they just said scheduled maintenance (whatever that means).


We went on the Navigator in May and it was beautiful. Really like the voyager class, but it's so easy to jump on the Rhapsody. Only 5hrs away.


Take me away.....Rhapsody. :D


Keep in touch

Linda ;)

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Hello Linda... and everyone!


Since our last cruise aboard the Mariner in December, we have done a bit more traveling. In March, I spent about 10 days in England. Four days in the Lake District which is absolutely incredible. The beauty of the rolling hills, the miles of green grass, the beautiful daffodils... ohh I could go on. It was wonderful. Then onto London for a week... and of course as it is my favourite city in the world.. I had a fabulous time. I had the priviledge of seeing Dame Judy Dench on stage in All's Well That End's Well... from my seat I felt as though I was on stage with the rest... wow! So that was my London trip... transcending...


In April, we took Casi to Mexico for 9 days (Alexei was a french exchange trip)... this time we stayed at an All-Inclusive and boy were we ever surprised. We thought that being landlocked would instill a sense of cabin fever... but not for us. In addition, unlike cruising we walked away having only spent an extra $150... on everything! (tips are included, alcohol etc.) What a fabulous holiday... sitting on the beach, reading, eating, drinking etc...


Still trying to plan our next trip... potentially in November. We have the Jewel booked for the Thanksgiving weekend trip but not sure about it... we may still cancel although we do have those coveted corner aft cabins and the rate is fabulous. We are considering London with the girls... ooohhh just not sure... but we need to travel over the Thanksgiving week... so Linda, I imagine that wouldn't work for you guys... sorry.


So how is everyone else? Would love to hear more..


I will keep watching...



thanks Linda for getting us started again!

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Yvonne, thanks for posting. Your trip sounds absolutely lovely. The Mexico trips sounded great also. Did Alexei graduate this year? Or Casi? I forget who's the oldest.


I've got to stay with the Rhapsody since we can drive and it will save on airline tickets. But I do feel the sea is calling me.


Okay...where is everyone else!!! :)



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Actually neither of the girls have graduated yet... and actually I am glad. It all happens much too soon. Casi is a senior this year and Alexei is a junior.


I wish there were inexpensive cruises that we could take without purchasing airfare... unfortunately both the Bermuda and Caribbean cruises out of New York are rather expensive... so airfare always comes into the mix.


So where is everyone else... out cruising?



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Yvonne, I know what you mean about your girls growing up too fast. Our one and only has grown up (31) and now our grandson is growing up too fast. He will be here this week to stay with me starting tomorrow. He gets to spend about 4 days with me. We're going to have great times. Can't wait. He is already 6 and it's hard to believe.


I talked with Tugboat today. He and Kathy are getting ready for the Hawaii cruise in September. I think it's a 14 day one. He can't wait.


Okay, everyone else where are you guys. I don't have KarenHope's email or Julie. Hope to hear from you guys soon. I'm still working on Arthur for booking Rhapsody maybe in November.


Linda :)

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Hi everone glad to hear Linda started this new thread.

Yvonne what Resort in Mexico did you stay at? also may I ask what the cost per person was for your trip.

Where will you be going for Thanksgiving on the Jewel?

By the way the Rhapsody has fares of 490. for the first week in December.

By the way our cruise is a 11 day cruise we will be staying over in Honolulu for 3 days after the cruise. Just 8 more weeks to go, WOW.

Maybe the rest of our group will see this thread and get back onboard, I will keep my fingers crossed.

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I've been watching y'alls roll call board and there's a bunch of you guys. It sounds like fun. But I think we're looking at November, if we can go at all.

I hope you guys have a ball....I know you will.



Tugboat, I can't find any deal for $490 for Rhapsody. Where are you looking?



Oh my, grandson just went home last night. We had a great 3 days together. But he wears me out! We've been to the movies and to Dave&Busters and in and out of the pool so many times, I thought I was going to turn into a fish. What great fun we had.


Gotta run...it's time to clean up after the grandson.


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Linda I found that price on southwest.com weekly specials. I have went back and look and that sailing is all but sold out except for balconys. The Radiace of the seas as the week after Thanksgiving for 499.00. Give me a call and we can discuss it. Tug

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Good Morning to all,


What is going on with all this "no discounts", etc.? I'm trying to get on the Rhapsody for Nov. and on rccl pricing it just keeps going up. I guess that's what I get...."when you snooze....you lose"! Now for an inside cabin it's $729, that's ridiculous.


I need to be on a cruise............can I stow away with you guys Tugboat



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  • 2 weeks later...

We are doing the doc dance in Houston, recieve them yesterday only 4weeks and 6 days left.

It dosn't look like they are going to have any cheap cruise in the near furture, Linda you will have to keep and eye open for some last minute deals coming your way. I made my last trip to Fort Worth last week.

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Congrats Tugboat and Kathy :D


I wish I were doing the doc dance. I haven't been able to find any good deals for the Rhapsody. I would still like to go in November. I don't know what's up with all this new pricing policy either.


I'm back to work at the school system. I've been subbing alot since school started. Oh well, it keeps me busy and away from the boards searching for that special :rolleyes: deal.


Take care

Linda :)

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Branson here and accounted for!!!!!...Hey y'all......Linda, I am in such withdrawal it's ridiculous.....since daughter had a baby two weeks ago, we didn't get to do a summer trip and I am dying for one....Baby won't be 6 mos old in Jan so we can;t do a cruise.....tentatively have a "land vacation" planned for going to Los Angeles again....Justice had such a great time there in May and that's all he talks about is California.....


Yfraser, sounds like you guys have been too busy traveling....I'm jealous!!


Tugboat, we could be ur way in October, they are moving a trade show to Houston there the first week, boss hasn't decided if anyone's going to that one or not.....I told david, we should go and then go on Rhap the next week :):)


Sounds like everyone's doing well......we're busy as usual although tourism is definitely down compared to last year, but somehow it doesn't mean we work 20% less....don't understand that part!!


I'll keep watching the site from now on......I hadn't been on the boards goofing off in almost 2 months....


Thanks Linda for starting us up again!!



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Hi Linda and Juliie, Just checkin to see how eveyone is today.

Just 26 days to go, I have been waiting a year to write that.

Hey Yvonne I hve not forgotten about you either.

I know how you ladies feel the dog days of smmer and not a cruise planned.

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Hello Julie, I'm so glad you posted and congratulations on your new grandbaby. I'm sooooo going thru withdrawals. Just this weekend I think I've almost Arthur convinced I have to get back on a ship! :D Hopefully, the Rhapsody since that would save airfare. Still looking at Nov.


Curtis, you dog! Only 27 days. I'm definitely jealous. You and Kathy are going to have so much fun.


Well, I gotta go check on dinner. Just dropped in to see what's going on , on the boards.


I need a cruise :eek: now



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Tugboat, I am soooo jealous of u.....less than a month and you'll be sailing away.....maaaaan, wish I could go....


Hiring help has been so rough this year that I barely get a day off and have so much stress am now on bp pills trying to lower it....I told the doc that a cruise will lower my blood press very quickly..just write a presc for it ;):)


Linda, thanks for starting the thread again.....it's nice to keep chatting....Tomorrow a couple from our dinner table on the Sensation (6 yrs ago or so) is coming to Branson and looking us up....Can't wait to see them... It's so neat how fellow cruisers keep in contact...


If we don't do our Cali trip, we WILL be doing the Rhap again....a bunch of girls are doing the Celebration in Jan and I told them they are making a BIG mistake doing that one and not Rhap, but they don't think I know very much!!


I'll keep checking in with y'all....have a great week.....cooler weather is finally here.....




btw, i had the thing marked for email notif...is that working???

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  • 3 weeks later...

You would know it, three weeks ago, I step on a nail on the jobsite. It was healing ok up till sunday when a tendon and nerve became infame. So I am hobbling around the house now.

After a closer look at my plane reservation I leave houston a 8:41 pm not am

I don't know why I don't just stay home.

I know it will work out and I hope my foot heals by then, didn't someone on our cruise have a broken foot it could be worse I quess.

Have a great day anyway. tug

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Tug, what are we going to do with you! Do you remember the story of Arthur's foot. Well, it has never been the same. :D BUT that shouldn't stop you from cruising :eek: What are you thinking??? I read where you went to the doc...just take those antibiotics and you and Kathy go and relax have a great time. And by the way..get a lei :D for me too!.


Linda :)

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You know we always go end a day earlier. When I may my air arrangements with RCCL I requested a am flight they said no problem. Well I reading my doc again today just to past the time. And what do I read, departing Iah at 8:41PM AND arriving Vancouver at 11:11PM. So much for arriving the day before by the time we get our luggage and make the drive downtown it will be Saturday, I told Kathy we didn't want to see Vancouver anyway. I will be working on it the next few days. tug.

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  • 1 month later...

I am so sorry for not checking in...


Tugboat... we stayed at the Riu Tequila in April. It was an all inclusive that included airfare from Boston, all transfers, hotel, food, drinks, and tip. The price for 9 nights including insurance was $1000.00 (and we spent less than $200 on excursions and souvenirs). We had a fabulous time!


As far as cruises... we are down to 26 days! We are cruising aboard the Jewel in another aft cabin on deck 9. We will be visiting San Juan, St. Thomas, St. Maarten, Nassau, and Antigua. It is an 8 night cruise and over Thanksgiving so the girls will only be taking 2 1/2 days off of school! We got a great price considering the holiday week about $1000 for a D1 and our airfares are unbelievable - only $105 return! So all in all a cheap cruise for us!


We also have another one planned for June. Our graduation gift to each of the kids is a choice to travel wherever they like but with one hitch... they have to take their mom with them (oh poor me). So, since Casi is graduating in June she has chosen to take me on a Mediterrean cruise!!!! 12 days out of Barcelona aboard the Millennium.. we are both very excited.


So no cruising blues here... and I will keep sending good thoughts to you all to fix the cruising blues! Although keeping busy with grandchildren is the best compensation in the world! One day...


So Tugboat how was your cruise? How is your foot?


Mimi how is your grandson?


And hello to everyone else!!!


I will keep checking in!

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they grow up so fast! It seems like only yesterday when Stacie was graduating. Oh what fun and then on to college and oh all of those tuitions :eek: You guys enjoy your cruise on the Jewel. Arthur and I are back on the Rhapsody the end of Nov. It saves in airfare. It's just the two of us going. Of course, Stacie and grandson are not happy about that. Speaking of grandson.....Colby is in 1st grade. He's doing great. I think he's the smartest in his class, but of course, I'm not bias. He plays baseball on the weekends and it is a hoot to see all those little 6yr olds running around.


Tugboat, I'm mad at you! You and Kathy have not even posted lately. How was your cruise to Hawaii? Post soon and tell us all about it.


Take care everyone.

Linda :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hawaii was, and when you take two weeks off back to back you have to pay for it when you get home.

I haven't wrote much about Hawaii because soo much happen during that two weeks. Linda I will fill you in during our visit to Dallas over dinner of course. Kathy and I are still here busy as always been in Dalllas and Orlando every week since I have been back. As far as the next cruise I am not sure I will do another one anytime soon. Linda what week in November are you taking your cruise? Everyone take care keep in touch. tug

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It's great to finally hear something from you. I can't wait to hear all the details from you and Kathy. We're supposed to go on the Rhapsody Nov. 28th BUT Arthur's mom had to have surgery Monday morning and now we're waiting to hear results from that. They think it might be cancer on top of her already severe stroke. Arthur is having a real hard time with all of this. I still want to get on the ship, but we did get insurance and we'll have to wait until the results come back (hopefully Friday). If it's not cancer, I'm sure we will still get on the ship Nov. 28th.


Good to hear from you


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