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Dining Rules


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If it is not technically required than why does it say "required" dress on the Carnival site and on your Cruise doc's??


That's the problem.. some of the documentation says required... and some says suggested. Now, MOST people will hear "formal night" and dress appropriately... some need it spelled out to them, and some simply don't care what their host requests, suggests or requires.

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For the fellow who said he and his whole group dress in tuxes and don't care what others think...we have cruised with other couples before and they wore tuxes and then we did not feel uncomfortable. How can you stick out like a "sore thumb" if the rest of your group are in tuxes. We did not see another tux within eyesight of our table. With my husband in a tux and others close by in tee shirts on formal night, you can't say the picture there was not ODD! We have cruised almost every cruiseline. We are in our late 60's and have been cruising since 1985. We have said we have to change with the times; and I had to agree with my husband, you could not help but to see that he was one of the only ones onboard in a tux. If we were with your group, we would not have felt like we did. And by the way, wearing the tux wouldn't have been so bad if the other gentlemen on the cruise were at least in suits or even sportscoats. I think it is downright rude for men to come to the table not dressed properly! My husband and I agree, his tux wearing days are over when cruising. In fact, we kept telling the tux, it was his last cruise. LOL

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For the fellow who said he and his whole group dress in tuxes and don't care what others think...we have cruised with other couples before and they wore tuxes and then we did not feel uncomfortable. How can you stick out like a "sore thumb" if the rest of your group are in tuxes. We did not see another tux within eyesight of our table. With my husband in a tux and others close by in tee shirts on formal night, you can't say the picture there was not ODD! We have cruised almost every cruiseline. We are in our late 60's and have been cruising since 1985. We have said we have to change with the times; and I had to agree with my husband, you could not help but to see that he was one of the only ones onboard in a tux. If we were with your group, we would not have felt like we did. And by the way, wearing the tux wouldn't have been so bad if the other gentlemen on the cruise were at least in suits or even sportscoats. I think it is downright rude for men to come to the table not dressed properly! My husband and I agree, his tux wearing days are over when cruising. In fact, we kept telling the tux, it was his last cruise. LOL


I'm guessing you weren't referring to me since you said fellow... but I'll reply.... In 7 cruises, I've seen ONE tshirt in the dining room on formal night that I can recall... sounds like you were just on a cruise with alot of ULTRA casual people!!!


I agree... if he is not going to be comfortable because the majority aren't wearing tuxes, he should wear something else.

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I've long since stopped "caring" if people show up inappropriately dressed for dinner. It used to bother me, but I'm worn down. I've given too many lectures about what "business casual" means. Written too many memos to the employees that "no jeans" really means "no....jeans". People just don't get it or they think "they aren't talking to me". Or they think their jeans are special in some way and don't qualify as "jeans". By the way Duck and gang - love the attire...even the kilts!

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One of the most striking couples on my recent Celebration cruise was an Army senior NCO in his mess dress uniform and his lovely wife. They looked sooooo distinguished. For those that don't know, a mess dress uniform is equivalent to Formal. ie., tuxedo.

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The welcome aboard brochure that is mailed out says "suggested" that is what people pack based on, I have never ever seen a capers that stated "required" nobody has yet to post one on line that says "required" it so far an uncomfirmed rumor.


They can't hold people to a different standard once they are aboard it is unfair and wrong.


I do applaud your effort to be comfortable with yourself and enjoy your time, that is the most important!!!


It may not say required but here is another quote from Carnivals site:

For those not wanting to dress up, the Lido restaurants are open nightly (with the exception of the last evening of the cruise), and have a casual dress code.


That makes it pretty clear that they do EXPECT you to dress up on formal nights. It is sad that they don't enforce it or say required but that is probably just more of our politically correct don't hurt anyones feelings menatlity!


For those of you who say I wear what I'm comfortable in, is it ok to dine in the nude? or maybe while jumping on a pogo stick? Havings standards is not a bad thing. Let's face it, this is one of the few areas let where your are SUPPOSED to dress up, eat elsewhere if you don't like it.


Another great one is "I'm an important business man who wears suits daily and I paid 5 grand so I can dress as I please", try that one on your 51 weeks not on a cruise! You wear these clothes because of the look and stature that comes with wearing a suit for your office, boss, and clients; but screw the cruise line and fellow passengers who want to follow the rules, you'll do as you like!

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Dressing up for dinner is a cruise tradition. This is something I am looking forward to.


If someone doesn't want to dress up, they have other options like eating on the lido or room svc.


I say if Carnival is going to make a rule - they should enforce it.


Otherwise, they should have one dinning room formal, one not, or some other compromise.

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mrdood. I can't scan but I can assure you that the Capers uses the word "recommended" resort casual for casual evenings and "Required" for the listing on formal nights. This was the case on Celebration sailing of Dec 11th, 06.

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Oh, so it's ok to wear a kilt but not a nice pair of jeans :rolleyes: . Ay yi yi!



Yes you figured it out! A kilt is considered formal. That is tradition.


YOU might decide that a thong is more formal and nice, but that is NOT tradition. You can wear that thong or jeans to all the great redneck bars on Central Ave all the way to Mayo Beach, just not in the dining room!

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Don't know if this has been covered yet in this thread (medication kicking in and I'm too tired to read it all right now) but last year the Capers for the first formal night said "Attire - strictly formal". Yep we saw blue jeans and t-shirts. Spoke to the assistant maitre'd (we were on the upper level and didn't have contact with the big guy) about what the Capers said and what we saw. Well, the next formal night those tables where passengers had been wearing jeans were empty.


I'll have to see if my brother has the capers so I can scan them and post them.


I did send a letter to Carnival about this. Attire in the dining room doesn't bother us, it's when companies put rules into place and then don't enforce them. Suggested different wording other than "strictly" such as "suggested". Lo and behold, here comes a letter from Corporate office addressing our concerns and giving us a number to call 45 days before our next cruise so that we may enjoy one of their wonderful bon voyage gifts. That will be nice. I'm more interested in whether or not rules will be enforced - even the attire on the F-deck (different thread, I know)


Whatever .......... I don't have to buy, chop, cook or clean at dinner for a whole week, Let them all eat cake for all i care.


done babbling for now

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Is that a yes or no?? :rolleyes:

It doesn't mention in my pamphlet, is it an actual rule? Or, is it just frowned upon?



You are right Amy, no where will you read that carnival forbids jeans, except on these boards where everyone thinks they can tell others what to do!!:eek:


Enjoy your cruise and follow what carnival says !!!;) ;) :cool:

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There are always going to be people who are going to try to "get away" with as much as they can.


Whether it is underdressing in the DR or smuggling the booze aboard or hogging the pool chairs etc. And those very same people will defend to the death thier right to do so.


All of thier defenses, ridicule of others, etc does not make what they do right. And it never will be right!


It is a sad state of affairs that the further along in history we go the lower the bar is going in terms of the standards we live by.


According to some attitudes here going to the formal DR in ripped jeans a tank top and flip flops is okey dokey!


Well I have a rude awakening for you, it is not okey dokey!


What ever happened to "self respect"? And the respect of others?

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Well I have a rude awakening for you, it is not okey dokey!


What ever happened to "self respect"? And the respect of others?


Oh, you hit the words right on the head "respect for others"

on a ship, you are like the guest in someone elses home and should respect the rules, there are to many people who say "if they don't like what i wear than you don't have to look at me" but it all boils down to respecting the hosts rule and the others on the hosts home.

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It may not say required but here is another quote from Carnivals site:

For those not wanting to dress up, the Lido restaurants are open nightly (with the exception of the last evening of the cruise), and have a casual dress code.


That makes it pretty clear that they do EXPECT you to dress up on formal nights. It is sad that they don't enforce it or say required but that is probably just more of our politically correct don't hurt anyones feelings menatlity!


Not clear to me, casual to me is shorts and sandals - not nice jeans and a polo, if I want to wear shorts and sandals, I will go to the lido...


The problem here is Carnival does not clearly define it, and they obviously do not enforce it. Everyone on this site can rant about respect and rules. Until Carnival makes it clear to all cruisers IN ALL DOCUMENTATION, not just on the web, or in the capers (which anyone has yet to produce - I have 4 or 5 scanned in on weshots that do not say "required"), but all documentation what is required, and that anyone not meeting those standards will be turned away, you guys are just pounding sand.


Instead of telling others what they should do, work on the source of the problem, write Carnival, note it in the comment cards, discuss it with each Maitre'D.

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According to some attitudes here going to the formal DR in ripped jeans a tank top and flip flops is okey dokey!



Wow I have been reading these boards for a long time now......and I never seen anyone post that........see how some just blow things out of proportion:rolleyes:

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Not sure how weaing a nice pair of jeans and a polo shirt is disrespectful to others on a ship.....


It absolutely IS NOT, someone that feels disprespected by that has their own problems.


Things change, a hundred years ago people wore white powdered wigs to dinner, do you think one day all of a sudden they published in the capers "No powdered wigs please"? I think some wore them and some didn't, I am sure those that didn't were thought of as disrespectful. The dates change but the same social issues are still in place....


...and the old "what if you were invited over to my neighbors house" and "respect the host" well if my neighbor is crystal clear about the dress code, no problem, if they send mixed signals, you are going to see a mix. And for those that think that is a valid comparison it is not - I don't pay my neighbor $100 a day to eat from his buffet on the back porch...


Again, this is not a fight amongst Cruise Critic members, this needs to be directed at Carnival, the dress code will continue to degrade (maybe there will be a point where people are arguing that jeans are too formal :eek: ). When I have a Maitre'D that tells me jeans are absolutely fine on non-formal nights, nobody here is going to tell me differently.

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Wow I have been reading these boards for a long time now......and I never seen anyone post that........see how some just blow things out of proportion:rolleyes:


...that is French Fry, Model Citizen of the World, actually FF is an alias that someone uses to hide behind and spout their opinion, we have a theory about who it really is...;)

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On the Miracle late November '07, after a 15 minute argument with my 17 y/o son that he could NOT wear his designer jeans to the dining room, he wore his suits trousers, nice shirt and tie. Going into the dining room I counted 9 men in front of us in jeans!!! I felt like I had spent all that time blowing hot air at my son!


(My son works at Hollist...well, you know...and considers himself a fashion expert.)


My son didn't say anything and I'm glad because, if you have ever argued your point with a 17 y/o who's on the debate team....Later in the week after a horrendous day of excursions with no lunch break in Belize, we got to the ship at 4:45pm and had early seating. I told him after all the jeans I'd seen, sorry, but go ahead and wear his nice jeans. They looked a lot better than the jeans the other men were wearing. It was actually unusual to see other than jeans. How some people think wearing black jeans with all those rivets makes them just fine made me wonder. That same group of men wore those same jeans every night including formal night!


Hope they never book QE2!

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There are always going to be people who are going to try to "get away" with as much as they can.


Whether it is underdressing in the DR or smuggling the booze aboard or hogging the pool chairs etc. And those very same people will defend to the death thier right to do so.


All of thier defenses, ridicule of others, etc does not make what they do right. And it never will be right!


It is a sad state of affairs that the further along in history we go the lower the bar is going in terms of the standards we live by.


According to some attitudes here going to the formal DR in ripped jeans a tank top and flip flops is okey dokey!


Well I have a rude awakening for you, it is not okey dokey!


What ever happened to "self respect"? And the respect of others?


Uh yeah so uh who said ripped jeans were okey dokey?

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Sign of things to come ////

The Marte'D Vera announced on the first formal night (Monday) that she would allow shorts in the dining room (Lincoln). Never saw anyone inappropriately dressed, men who wore shirts still typically had collared shirts on... sort of looking like they were just coming off the golf course.

From Valor review from 2/25/2007


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Our group dressed up on the formal nights.


On other nights there was a mixture of jeans/capri's/dockers.


I wore jeans a couple of nights after seeing how many others were wearing denim.


I was focused on my table and my family and friends. I'm sorry if you were on my cruise and spent most of your dinner time giving me dirty looks because I never noticed them.


A majority of the jeans wearing people in my group went out of their way to bring cash to tip the Matri'd and head waiter and his assistant as all they experienced all week was top notch service. When I initially inquired about jeans in the dining room they just smiled and said it's your vacation and we want you to enjoy yourselves.

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