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IMO Carnival definitely owes you and the other 17 people on the bus, bigtime! I can't imagine how upset I would be after looking forward to the cruise for so long! Because it was a Carnival bus that was transporting you, it was the "Carnival" company's responsibility to get you there on time, and/or wait for you! I would not give up on this one. I wish you luck and hope you are able to connect with some of the others who are in the same situation.


Please let us know if Carnival comes through with this. I'm sure many people would like to know how they eventually handle it.

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I just doubt the UB ever sees anything, I am sure there is a whole department that deals with his mail. Maybe that department can get results who knows...


I agree with LHP...he sees and responds to more than you know. I got an email from him one time where he talked about his wife. I don't think an assistant would appropriately be mentioning his wife. And it was sent from his Blackberry to me, my PVP, his supervisor, the hotel manager, cruise director and Captain of the Liberty.


My email to him was complimentary - not complaining, however.


To the OP...I'm sorry this happened to you. I would be SUPER mad about it and would be looking to Carnival to make it better. I hope it works out for you and that you'll cruise again.

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Whenever I am in a no-brainer situation like this' date=' I do a little research and find out the top top top bananas, their location and phone numbers if possible. Call or write to them. It doesn't matter who actually reads the letter, just know that someone will give it special attention. cc a few other executive also. Just to be thorough


The only rule is you have to be right to start out with. Based on the particulars of this story, an executive asst will greenlight just about anything to make this go away.


In short, you have to deal with people who are bigger than your problem.[/quote']



I agree! The front line people (at least the ones I've ever dealt with and I'm not just talking about Carnival) either/and or both. A. Don't care. B. Give you the run around C. Don't have the authority to do what it takes to resolve the problem especially if it deals with financial reimbursement.


I've emailed Mr. Dickinson several times over the years. Not to request that they do something for me but just to let him know both the positive and negative things about a particular cruise. Do I get a personal response from him? No, but I do get responses from his assistant. Writing to him about my disasterous Destiny cruise did result in a very nice response from his assistant not only apologizing but giving me a future OBC. I didn't ask for anything.


To the OP, I suggest that when you send your letter, send it certified so that you get a return receipt that it's been signed for.

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I'm sure you were all too upset to be left standing on the pier to get a pic or video of the ship leaving and how close you were to making it. A picture's worth a thousand words, and could have been sent with your letter to upper management. Believe me, it works. On our ill-fated first cruise where the airline lost our luggage for a number of days, my son decided to get even:D . On the return flight, my son looked out the window as they were throwing the luggage on the conveyer belt- these guys were absolutely ruthless and pieces were constantly falling off, breaking open etc.... Soooooo, my son got out the video camera and taped it. This was a chapter 11 airline, and the workers werent in the best mood , but when that video started getting passed around to the passengers in our seating area, they were even less pleased. When we got home my dh (a frugal italian:) ) called to report our lost luggage for the first part of our cruise, and then mentioned the video- gave them a choice-- give us a good reimbursement, or plan to see it aired on a Shame on You or something similar. They gave us a very fair settlement($2,500 USD- even a better deal for us canadians)

So good luck

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Imagine how confused I am. I am still not getting the right answers on bus times. I am told 1:30, 2:00, 2:15 and 3:00 from different people who all work for Carnival!!! I will let you all know what happens, but from what I understand (and the calls I have made to Carnival's 1-800 #) I will not get much. Carnival is blaming American Airlines and vise versa. Thanks for your help. I will definately be visiting this site if I cruise again.


It couldn't be the fault of AA if they waited also for Delta, duh. That should be a no brainer for Carnival, their bus, thier fault.

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I don't think this has been mentioned, but the Captain is not the person to make the decision to wait if the Port officials tell him the ship HAS to leave. There is a hefty fine to stay tied up to the dock after the time the ship is suppose to embark.


It can't be to hefty, I've just been on to many cruises that have been up too an hour late taken off because they were waiting on pax. My very first was an hour late waiting. The Panama Canal decided to leave one day late for hurricans and than several hour the day of because of late flights. Just the last cruise I was on Feb 12th we waited 20 minutes for six pax on one flight with Carnival air There were two others on the same flight that booked themselves from CC, so they nade it too:) There have been others in between too.

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After reading this, I have to ask, why would anyone buy a transfer from Carnival unless it was cheaper than all other options (which in my limited experience and reading, is not usually the case)? Why wait for them to fill a bus (which can take an hour or more) when you could jump in a shuttle or taxi and be there quicker? The transfer offers absolutely no piece of mind.

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I just got my tickets yesterday and If you read the contract that is part of the ticket, it clearly states that even ground transportation is a subcontractor and they are not liable.It even mentions that even though they use the name "carnival", that it still does not make them liable. The ticket also states you are to be onboard 30 minutes prior to scheduled departure or you lose out.

She is fighting an uphill battle.


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After reading this, I have to ask, why would anyone buy a transfer from Carnival unless it was cheaper than all other options (which in my limited experience and reading, is not usually the case)? Why wait for them to fill a bus (which can take an hour or more) when you could jump in a shuttle or taxi and be there quicker? The transfer offers absolutely no piece of mind.


I did not know if we could take a taxi. I also did not know that the bus had to wait to be filled. I never thought to ask such questions. I did not know that each bus was for one ship. I believed the buses tooke you to the port and you would find your ship.

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I just got my tickets yesterday and If you read the contract that is part of the ticket, it clearly states that even ground transportation is a subcontractor and they are not liable.It even mentions that even though they use the name "carnival", that it still does not make them liable. The ticket also states you are to be onboard 30 minutes prior to scheduled departure or you lose out.

She is fighting an uphill battle.



That is my point Steve. I was on board at 2:50pm. The ship was to leave at 4:00pm. The Carnival reps (not the bus people) decided to wait for the other Delta Passengers that were late. They boarded at 3:40pm. So I was on the bus in time to get to the port. Actually 9 people were on time. I don't have any of that on my ticket, but again it was not the transportation, but the Carnival rep (Linda) who said made the decision to wait for the other late passengers.

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That is my point Steve. I was on board at 2:50pm. The ship was to leave at 4:00pm. The Carnival reps (not the bus people) decided to wait for the other Delta Passengers that were late. They boarded at 3:40pm. So I was on the bus in time to get to the port. Actually 9 people were on time. I don't have any of that on my ticket, but again it was not the transportation, but the Carnival rep (Linda) who said made the decision to wait for the other late passengers.

I'm pretty sure Steve is quoting about being on the ship 30 minutes before departure, NOT the transfer bus from the Orlando airrport 45-50 miles away from the ship....70 minutes before the ship is scheduled to depart.


Best of luck.


It is a shame that one of the great, super cheap, Sensation weekend cruises had to be ruined....

(by the way for all the suit happy peeps on this thread. It would cost more to be introduced to a lawyer, than any reimbursement that could be gained from a off season Sensation cruise.)



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Steve is quoting about being on the ship 30 minutes before departure, NOT the transfer bus from the Orlando airrport 45 miles away from the ship....


Best of luck.


It is a shame that one of the great, super cheap, Sensation weekend cruises had to be ruined....

(by the way for all the suit happy loudmouths on this thread. It would cost more to be introduced to a lawyer, than any reimbursement that could be gained from a off season Sensation cruise.)




Maybe I mis-understood, however if we left at 2:50 when we got on the bus (and that was after we talked outside the bus to the bus driver for 5 min and finally got settled in our seats) we would still have made it in time. As it was we left at 3:40 and pulled up to the pier at 4:10. He was driving really fast.


I would not think of suing Carnival. It would not be worth it, however all the info I got from this site is appreciated and that is why I came to this board.

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All I can say is that I am so sorry this happened to you...how sad!


The hindsight, the monday morning quarterbacks are partly right...BUT...

this is still just totally sad and unreal..yes staying over the night before is probably the best idea, but that does not help you. You got on the carnival bus with carnival agents...who were in contact with the ship...and then?? unreal....


I am really surprized the ship did not wait or have a tender take the 17 to the ship or something...10 minutes is very quick...


and having the carnival reps on board ?? Unreal...I hope you got their names and info to call them....I hope somehow Carnival makes this up to you in some way


and of course it is a good but sad lesson to all....allow plenty of time, don't have too much faith in Carnival transfers or even airline arrangements helping you to get to the ship if weather/circumstance/late flights prevail

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All I can say is that I am so sorry this happened to you...how sad!


The hindsight, the monday morning quarterbacks are partly right...BUT...

this is still just totally sad and unreal..yes staying over the night before is probably the best idea, but that does not help you. You got on the carnival bus with carnival agents...who were in contact with the ship...and then?? unreal....


I am really surprized the ship did not wait or have a tender take the 17 to the ship or something...10 minutes is very quick...


and having the carnival reps on board ?? Unreal...I hope you got their names and info to call them....I hope somehow Carnival makes this up to you in some way


and of course it is a good but sad lesson to all....allow plenty of time,

don't have too much faith in Carnival transfers or even airline arrangements helping you to get to the ship if weather/circumstance/late flights prevail



It is a hard lesson. I don't expect a full re-fund (that would be nice) but at least something. They won't even take responsibility, and at one point blamed the passengers. Like I said before I usually research the place I am going too (a bit too much I am told), but this time I only researched what to do on the ship and in Bahamas. I only asked how long the bus ride to the port was (I as told anywhere between 30-45 min) never did I even think we would be late and not our fault. To be blamed like that was really tough.

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It can't be to hefty, I've just been on to many cruises that have been up too an hour late taken off because they were waiting on pax. My very first was an hour late waiting. The Panama Canal decided to leave one day late for hurricans and than several hour the day of because of late flights. Just the last cruise I was on Feb 12th we waited 20 minutes for six pax on one flight with Carnival air There were two others on the same flight that booked themselves from CC, so they nade it too:) There have been others in between too.


A ship can wait, as long as they are allowed, but once they are given the command to leave, that's when they are fined for staying at the doc.


I am really surprized the ship did not wait or have a tender take the 17 to the ship or something...10 minutes is very quick...

I really doubt that there would have been a tender or other type boat, large enough and on hand to take 17+ (the three at the pier) passengers and their luggage to the ship.


cndprincess - I do hope you get a satisfactory ending to your story and please come back and post any progress/answers. Start a new post with new subject, too! ;)

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A ship can wait, as long as they are allowed, but once they are given the command to leave, that's when they are fined for staying at the doc.



I really doubt that there would have been a tender or other type boat, large enough and on hand to take 17+ (the three at the pier) passengers and their luggage to the ship.


cndprincess - I do hope you get a satisfactory ending to your story and please come back and post any progress/answers. Start a new post with new subject, too! ;)


Hopefully the new subject will be "GREAT NEWS"


I did not see a smaller boat anywhere at the pier. The only thing there was a Disney Cruise line waiting for their late passengers.


If we were late and the ship could not wait, I would not be this upset. The problem is that we were told it would wait and it just left. If there was any chance we would miss it I would have found alternative transportation to the pier (not a guarantee, but at least we would try).

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I really doubt that there would have been a tender or other type boat, large enough and on hand to take 17+ (the three at the pier) passengers and their luggage to the ship.





It would have been a piece of cake.I live in the area and one of our largest marinas is also right there.There would have been a dozen that could be called into action in a mater of minutes.


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Hopefully the new subject will be "GREAT NEWS"


I did not see a smaller boat anywhere at the pier. The only thing there was a Disney Cruise line waiting for their late passengers.


If we were late and the ship could not wait, I would not be this upset. The problem is that we were told it would wait and it just left. If there was any chance we would miss it I would have found alternative transportation to the pier (not a guarantee, but at least we would try).


This whole situation reflects poorly on Carnival in my opinion. I think your best option is to respond to the investigative reporter mentioned in an earlier post and see if they are interested in your story. Some posters say "Buy Trip Insurance" but as you can see from another current thread folks are having trouble collecting from the insurance companies because they have so many loopholes written into their coverage. Best bet I guess is to always fly in the day before, and cruise from a port that has vacation options other than the cruise in case something goes wrong.

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If I'm understanding what I'm reading, they are not fined if they just don't leave on time, rather, if they are told by the port authority (or whomever directs that sort of thing) to leave and they don't for whatever reason. It's been ages since I've been on a ship that actually left on time (whether it's a few minutes to an hour or more), I don't think they fine them each time or they would way be in the red, I think.


I seriously doubt that they have to leave at any particular time, after all, there is nothing else that docks in those spots except the cruise ships. It is not like they have tankers and cargo ships waiting to tie up there when the cruise ships pull out.




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I seriously doubt that they have to leave at any particular time, after all, there is nothing else that docks in those spots except the cruise ships. It is not like they have tankers and cargo ships waiting to tie up there when the cruise ships pull out.





Right. The point is not that they have to leave at a certain time, rather, if the port authority tells them they have to go for whatever reason, at that point they would be fined for staying behind. Without that order, they can probably stay as long as they want. I'm guessing. I have no idea how ports or their authorities work.

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Right. The point is not that they have to leave at a certain time, rather, if the port authority tells them they have to go for whatever reason, at that point they would be fined for staying behind. Without that order, they can probably stay as long as they want. I'm guessing. I have no idea how ports or their authorities work.


Sorry but that makes no sense....you say you have idea how ports or their authorities work...yet you just claimed to know how it works??


There have been plenty of stories of ships waiting, of tenders taking late passengers out....this was a matter of minutes...4:10...and the CARNIVAL REPS were in touch with the ship and assuring them they were getting on...

this is totally different and I bet if this happened to others they would be even madder and demanding help and refunds etc...


IF they were back at the airport or hours away....then I guess I can see it, the ship would have to leave...but....they were right there and 20 people is a lot of people to leave behind...


I hope that some fair resolution is made about this...I would also pursue the bus/the carnival reps who were in "touch" with the ship...??

Can't they verify what they told the people on the bus?? This is really a sad story

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