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Fashion pet peeves

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T shirts advertising concerts , marathons , whatever event from years ago. ( i.e. Beach boys east coast tour 1981.)


People wearing faded clothes w/ holes in them, come on you paid thousands for a cruise or a trip to disneyworld you didnt have to scarifice new clothes for 15 years


Pajamas in public


Just say NO to bedazzled shirts, please


Men jiggling in gym shorts in eating areas (or any area ) and women with camel toes.


Families all wearing matching outfits


The tee shirt my son had made with a picture of me half asleep with hair sticking up , That says I love my mommy that is just mean ( he is 20 btw)


What I love to see, elderly couples dressed to the nines holding hands.

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I agree with most of the posts!


Clothes that are too tight - just because you can 'fit' into a size 6 or 8 or whatever, doesn't mean it makes you look like you are that size. It's much better to get a size up and have the clothing fit nicely.


Chicos traveler's items that are too small. The fabric really shows all the bumps and curves if the item is tight.


Fanny packs - they add weight and width!!!!


Women and/or men who are wearing a inexpensive hair piece. Either buy a good one or don't wear one!


An orange glow from too much fake tanning!!


Amy in San Diego

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Fanny packs on me...for me, it's the death of all masculinity!


Acryclic nails that look like "fangs"..(too long and cheap looking as well)


I agree with most of the posts!


Clothes that are too tight - just because you can 'fit' into a size 6 or 8 or whatever, doesn't mean it makes you look like you are that size. It's much better to get a size up and have the clothing fit nicely.


Chicos traveler's items that are too small. The fabric really shows all the bumps and curves if the item is tight.


Fanny packs - they add weight and width!!!!


Women and/or men who are wearing a inexpensive hair piece. Either buy a good one or don't wear one!


An orange glow from too much fake tanning!!


Amy in San Diego

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Many of my pet peeves are already listed, but the biggest one for me is pants, especially women's pants. The high waisted, pleated, straight leg pant doesn't look good on anyone with any kind of weight in their mid-section. I also really dislike jeans without back pockets. Coupled with the high wait, it makes the butt area look like it's sagging, no matter if it is (it does to me and I'm 22). I know that high waisted pants are the norm for older generations, but it really doesn't look that good, especially with tucked in shirts. It just doesn't look right.


I also am joining the croc hating club. I don't mind teva's as much, but I love love love my chaco sandals (so much better) and I think for shore excursions and such, there's no way you can go nicer.

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I agree that uggs are an odd thing..However..I don't think most folks really understand the history of the Ugg,and who were the "original" group that made this fad popular..




My Petpeeve...


Matching decorated sweatsuits...Not the ones now...But the ones that were popular in the early to mid nineties...Made out of sweatshirt fabric,but with an longer unbounded shirt,and straight legs not gathered.

Then you apply some sort of fabric and decorate them with puff paint and the like..Very popular around Christmas time..I loved mine...And we made tons of them...And it was hard to toss them...But seriously..Its time.:p

And I still cant stand spaghetti type shirts with bra straps hanging out..

I know,some wear the clear straps ,some wear the cute colored straps...

I just hate it...Either wear a strapless,or layer it with a tank...Or leave it at home (or go with out a bra if you don't flop...And its lined )

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It's great to re-read this thread without having someone get their britches in a twist because of it :) I've seen threads like this go south so many times, just because people have such different ideas about what constitutes bad fashion. We're all allowed an opinion.


However, around here, low slung jeans (on women) with cropped tops went out of fashion a couple of years ago. Girls now wear layered tops, usually 2-4 at a time and those tops are longer, many of them a tunic length. I pick up my daughter from high school every day and have a hard time picking her out of the crowd, so many girls look the same :rolleyes: . The few who do wear their shirts cropped look very old fashioned now. That her bra straps are exposed would be hard to tell. I buy her bras that are colorful, not white or beige, and I doubt anyone could tell which strap is the bra and which one(s) are the cami top(s).


I'm very happy my daughter missed the cropped top era and so is she. She's pretty modest and probably never would have worn that look, anyway. The only problem I have with her layered look is the huge pile of laundry it produces. She also dresses in layers for bed, too. I really need to teach her how to do laundry :eek:

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My biggest pet peeve would have to be neon. Neon jackets, t-shirts, shorts, oh yeah and tye dye. Is velour sweats still in style? I just got a pair because I thought it would be comfy on the plane but I dont want to look out of style.

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I take birkies and one pair of low strap evening shoes. I'm sorry if sandals offend some people, but if you had my feet and walked in them for 68 years, you'd find that if I wear some classy shoes all day, by nite time I have to crawl to the bathroom (and I'm not kidding)

Wear what you want and I'll wear what I want. I'm clean and neat and thats all that counts. Look at the scenery not someones' shoes:mad:

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It's great to re-read this thread without having someone get their britches in a twist because of it :) I've seen threads like this go south so many times, just because people have such different ideas about what constitutes bad fashion. We're all allowed an opinion


I agree!! so many time on here you can never just get an answer or a reply with out someones character being called out and their morals and/class, this is supposed to be a fun environment with hundreds of people sharing the same common factor "love for cruising"

With that said I will follow suit with many others..Men with socks and sandals, sneakers/gym shoes with any color church socks, Jeans a fleece and sandals with NO socks again as if the person was confused by the weather Maybe I am bias cause I think that woman are great just the way they are and I get on my wife about this but having to wear make up just to run a 5 minute errand!! ladies you look great!! I am sure your hubby B/F G/F or whom ever tells you that offen and loves you just the way you are, all in fun here people anad I dont mean to touch a nerve I wish all a safe and happy future cruise

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Couldn't resist this thread....


  1. Women who insist on going to the pool or beach fully made up..Full face makeup incl. eyeshadow, lipstick- not gloss, and all accessories! C'mon, ladies.. it's not the disco with reeeeally bright lights....Pull your look together and be done with it.Yeessh!:rolleyes:

2. Men/Women( Although men are the biggest offenders) that wear the socks pulled high as they can possibly get them to go with shorts!

It's as if they wanted to test just exactly what the manufacturer meant by 'knee sock'......"hmmm, now far can I get these suckers to go?"

My DH has to restrain me every time to not run and fix....:eek:



3. Crocs....yes, sorry.....UGH...Not a good look, at all.


4. Eye Glitter, too much makeup, someone bring a jackhammer?


5. Animated,bare cleavage......:eek: Lock and load it or please do not show it.


6. Too MUCH cleavage....I do not want too worry all through dinner that one of my tablemates "girls" is going to "whoops" and pop out into one of our courses or wink at somone unexpectedley....


7. Colored opaque pantyhose


8. Sandals(dressy) with pantyhose....makes me nuts, sorry.Hate it.


9. Dirty, unmanicured nails , Dry, scaly skin.( men OR women)!

Hands & feet should be taken care of .... always....GROSS!!!!! (Don't you snag you sheets @ home?)


I could go on....but that should do for now....:D

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  1. Women who insist on going to the pool or beach fully made up..Full face makeup incl. eyeshadow, lipstick- not gloss, and all accessories! C'mon, ladies.. it's not the disco with reeeeally bright lights....Pull your look together and be done with it.Yeessh!:rolleyes:

That's what my mom used to do...in high heels too! Oh, and heaven forbid we splash her hair if she got in the pool. :D

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What bothers me..........?


I am really pretty easy going and try not to judge people, BUT......there are some things that need to go and I just wish that these people's friends/family would say something to them.


1. Mom jeans - I see them all the time at soccer games. (Where do you buy these anymore? Do they even sell them?)


2. Little girls (ages 8-whatever) wearing skimpy, trendy clothing. Where are their parents.....and what are they going to be like when they are 15?


3. Women who 'try to hard' - like Heather mentioned.....they wear way too much makeup, too much jewelry, tight clothing, etc..... you get the point. There was a time when all of us girls played around with Mommy's makeup.....you know the red lips, blue eyes, hot pink cheeks......but that was when we were kids! I guess that some were never taught that less is more.


4. Holiday sweaters....you know the ones with reindeer on them....:rolleyes: 'Nough said.


5. Purses with 500 keychains on them (especially the acid washed ones).....ok....we did that back in the 80's when we were 13......it is now 2007 - that trend is over.


6. Stinky, dirty people...... this is probably the biggest thing for me. I hate to walk in a store and have someone walk by and this wave of ordorous nastiness hits me......makes me nauteous (sp?).

I can understand not having money for some fashionable clothing.....but soap? How about water?

Obviously, if you are in a store.....you must have at least a dollar to spare for soap.


There are more.....but that is all I have time for right now!:D

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Certainly not that I intend to wear UGGS on formal night but once you slip your feet into the heavenly comfort of these boots you will understand the trend! Twenty years ago I would have had every shade!:o

Yeah, but you live in Eastern Ontario! You need UGGS there sometime. OTOH, I wear Birks, so it's not like I'm a footwear sophisticate.


After reading this thread this morning, I went shopping and what did I see? A 70 year old lady in fake Juicy Couture velour sweats. Okay, that covers off at least 4 sins at once!





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Couldn't resist this thread....


  1. Women who insist on going to the pool or beach fully made up..Full face makeup incl. eyeshadow, lipstick- not gloss, and all accessories! C'mon, ladies.. it's not the disco with reeeeally bright lights....Pull your look together and be done with it.Yeessh!:rolleyes:

2. Men/Women( Although men are the biggest offenders) that wear the socks pulled high as they can possibly get them to go with shorts!

It's as if they wanted to test just exactly what the manufacturer meant by 'knee sock'......"hmmm, now far can I get these suckers to go?"

My DH has to restrain me every time to not run and fix....:eek:



3. Crocs....yes, sorry.....UGH...Not a good look, at all.


4. Eye Glitter, too much makeup, someone bring a jackhammer?


5. Animated,bare cleavage......:eek: Lock and load it or please do not show it.


6. Too MUCH cleavage....I do not want too worry all through dinner that one of my tablemates "girls" is going to "whoops" and pop out into one of our courses or wink at somone unexpectedley....


7. Colored opaque pantyhose


8. Sandals(dressy) with pantyhose....makes me nuts, sorry.Hate it.


9. Dirty, unmanicured nails , Dry, scaly skin.( men OR women)!

Hands & feet should be taken care of .... always....GROSS!!!!! (Don't you snag you sheets @ home?)


I could go on....but that should do for now....:D

Oh, here's another one. Horizontal breast cleavage caused by very powerful pushup bras on saggy boobs.



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I am pretty easy going, so generally if you are well groomed and clean--I don't care too much.

What really makes me take a second look, though, is those people who think they are dressing for formal night--and yes, they may be if its for a)an Addam's/Munster's family reunion b) or in something outlandishly illfitting, stained, frayed or so horribly out of date that the word vintage would even be too modern to describe it. Some think if it's a tux/dark suit or gown/cocktail dress that's sufficient--and to me that isn't the total answer.

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I am pretty easy going, so generally if you are well groomed and clean--I don't care too much.

What really makes me take a second look, though, is those people who think they are dressing for formal night--and yes, they may be if its for a)an Addam's/Munster's family reunion b) or in something outlandishly illfitting, stained, frayed or so horribly out of date that the word vintage would even be too modern to describe it. Some think if it's a tux/dark suit or gown/cocktail dress that's sufficient--and to me that isn't the total answer.


Did you ever stop and think perhaps that's the best they could do/afford and they're happy in what they're wearing? Why judge them?

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Did you ever stop and think perhaps that's the best they could do/afford and they're happy in what they're wearing? Why judge them?


I don't think I'm judging anyone any more than anyone who answered the posed question. Sorry you feel so.

If being clean and well groomed and wearing properly fitted clothes that are clean and not tattered is judgemental than so be it!

As far as what someone can or can't afford, that's not my business, but generally if you can afford to go on vacation, you can afford to dress at least well groomed and clean or not torn.

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I don't think I'm judging anyone any more than anyone who answered the posed question. Sorry you feel so.

If being clean and well groomed and wearing properly fitted clothes that are clean and not tattered is judgemental than so be it!

As far as what someone can or can't afford, that's not my business, but generally if you can afford to go on vacation, you can afford to dress at least well groomed and clean or not torn.


Simmer down, sugar britches! I was meaning the "out of date" part. Some people don't use Vogue as their Bible, whether they can afford to cruise or not. And what you think is "out of date" might to them be "dressed to the nines"

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I don't need to simmer down, because I am not simmered. :p but I was asked specifically why judge others--so I answered.

What's someone's pet peeve may not be someone else's-ie--uggs, crocs or wearing pantyhose with sandals etc. :) I think that's the point of the entire thread, :o being able to freely express their pet peeve in fashion.

I don't think I mentioned that my pet peeve was someone not dressing "to the nines" or from the page of Vogue, sorry that was misinterpreted.

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I will admit to pointing you out in a long list of people unfairly and I applogize for that. (big of me, huh?)

I'm just saying that if people are dressed up to the best of their ability... clean, pressed, etc., I don't think it's fair to look down on them if they're wearing older clothes.

Ugly Ugg boots, reds that don't match.. people can fix stuff like that. I've seen kids in school who are doing the best they can with what little money their parents (or single moms) can afford and don't like seeing them made fun of.

You know what.


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