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Back home from the Miracle - Mar.11-18


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This review is going to have to take a few postings I think. I can't honestly describe an entire week in just one! But if there are any questions along the way, feel free to post them and I'll do my best to answer.


Oh background: Hubby and I plus my son and his girlfriend. Dh, DS and I have been on one cruise before but it was the cruise from he## so we we very hopeful this one would wipe out all memories. DS's gf - first cruise/first trip anywhere.


First of all we flew down the day ahead to Tampa. Stayed the night in Chase Suites. They were great. Shuttled us all around so we could load up on soda/water/wine, etc. Tried to go to Bahama Breezes for dinner but there was a TWO HOUR wait. So we ordered a take out (20 min wait instead) and took it back to our suite. Delicious food but wayyyyy too big portions. Getting us in the cruise mood I guess! LOL Drinks were good too that we had while we were waiting.


Next morning had breakfast - pretty decent freebie breakfast I think. Even had homemade waffles as a hot offering and the usual cereals/granola/yogurt/pastries/hard boiled eggs/fruit. As I say, pretty decent.


Took the free shuttle to the port. Had our choice of 11, 12 or 1 pm. Took the 12 pm one because the night before we had to move our clocks ahead and dh and gf didn't get in to Tampa till late the night before so we didn't think they'd appreciate going TOO early. Shuttle left on time and before we knew it we were there.


We had VIP check in (we were in a cat. 11 and kids got a visit from the upgrade fairy to a cat 11 too). It was great to bypass that big line BUT in reality, Carnival has embarkation down to a fine art and people that we came to the port with on the shuttle were on the ship no later than about 1/2 hr. after we were. Still it was nice to feel special.


Took a stroll around the ship while people were eating, visited the pursers desk to dump my fun ship dollars on my account and then hit Horatio's (the buffet). Had a leisurely lunch and realized I was going to be gaining weight this week!


All the little tips I had learned over the months from Cruise Critic came into play and we wound up going to the Casino for our lanyards, to the purser for our free deck of cards, etc. etc.


We went to check out our cabins after lunch and they were ready for us. We were in 8273 on the Panorama Deck. We had that lovely aft wraparound deck cabin. OMG it was heaven!! The kids were in 7296 on the Verandah deck (port side right beside an aft wraparound). I loved their cabin too - quite different from ours, but wouldn't have traded my balcony away for anything. We were all on our balcony for sail off (after muster of course) and it was everything I had imagined it would be.


Dinner that night was the late seating. There are only two seatings on the Miracle. That was news to me because I thought there were more. There was 5:45 and 8:15. Worked just fine for us to have the 8:15. Our waiter was Anthony and Paula was the assistant. They were both terrific. The drink dude, Adi, was less than efficient however and I think he knew it. At the end of the week he was apologizing for himself but I honestly think that they need more people doing drinks.


The rest of the night was just getting to know the ship. I'll post more tomorrow. For tonight, I'm just very tired so it's off to bed for me.



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The next day was a sea day. We had room service (I was still full from dinner the night before). We did a little more exploring then changed to swim suits and went to the Lido deck. There were a lot of activities going on. We missed a few but did see the Hairy Chest Contest. Well we more than saw it -- I was reloading a drink when I walked by just in time to hear an announcement asking for anyone that would like to be a judge. Well wouldn't ya know, my hand shot up like a lightening bolt and before I knew it, there I was! haha It was a lot of fun (those poor guys) and then I had to relive it all week when I saw it playing on the tv in my stateroom. Talk about having your 15 minutes of fame. Seemed everyone had either been there or saw it and many chats beginning with, "Aren't you???" happened throughout the week.


Dinner that night was formal night. Tons of different photo opportunities. Take part in all of them - you don't need to buy them if you don't like them but it's a good opportunity to get some good pictures of you and hubby or your family. We did change after pictures into comfy clothes. Seemed to be about 1/2 the people changed and the rest just stayed that way. We wanted to go dancing and after eating my face off yet again in the dining room I wanted to be comfortable doing so.


I can't remember what night had what entertainment, so here's what we did see: Two different comedians had family shows and later R rated shows. Both were different but good. Welcome aboard show was on with dancing but we didn't make that one. There was a comedy hypnotist on one night (and a R rated show the next). We went to the family show and when they asked for volunteers there I was again - and amazingly enough it actually worked!! I never would have believed it had it not happened to me. Great fun and quite harmless. I don't know if that was filmed but I'm pretty sure it would be. I bought the fun ship video but haven't had a chance to look at it to see if it's there but I can't see them missing that.


On to excursions. First excursion was Grand Cayman. We were tendered but they have this process down to a fine art. Very painless. We went on a snorkelling/stingray tour with an independent. I have to say I was rather disappointed in our tour operator. We got what we paid for - an excursion. But there was absolutely NO ambiance or extra effort on their part to make it a fun day for everyone like lots of places do. The stingrays are abundant and love to just swim around you. We did manage to get one and got a picture of us holding it and giving it a kiss (blech). haha They are smooth as silk on their bottom side and bigger than I had imagined (the females anyway). Got back and did a little shopping at the pier. Not too much other than the usual Diamonds International and the souvenier places. All we wanted was a mug and a tshirt so we were fine. We bought those two items at each port.


Next day was Cozumel. Tendering here was a bit of a nightmare. We were lucky enough to have Carnival excursions booked so got priority tendering but the poor people that had independents - not sure how long they would have had to wait. Son and gf went to the beginner scuba diving excursion and they said it was wonderful. Very attentive to them and they learned a lot and had a blast (excursion 2 hr.). We went to Playa Mia Park and did the Mexican Cooking excursion with Chef Luis. There were 8 of us from our ship that went. Now from what hubby told me it was a FANTASTIC day, but after the third marguerita, I honestly don't remember a whole lot except for laughing. We cooked a three course meal, appy, entree (choice of fish or chicken in a mango sauce) and dessert (rice pudding tower). I didn't eat much but hubby said it was very good. Luckily we had done our mug/tshirt shopping ahead of the excursion because after it was all we could do to get back on that tender! Came back and had a "nap" and then went for our dinner. I admit I was a tad hungover and there were about 1/2 the people missing from the dining room that night so I know I wasn't the only one. I retired early while the rest of them went to a show.


Next installment: Belize and Costa Maya



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Belize: Tendered again, but wasn't a bad process. The tender trip was a bit longer in duration but that boat moved. We went downand just got on with the rest of the people there and didn't realize until the boat was whisking away that everyone (most anyway) seemed to have tender stickers on them. So I think what must have happened was we snuck into a Carnival excursion tender. No one said a word and I think that if there's room they honestly don't care.


We went right outside the pier and there was someone waiting for us with our name on a sign from cave-tubing.com. Took us to a bus and we waited a bit for some more then off we went. Now THIS tour outfit was fantastic. Dennis and his buddy Melvin worked their tails off to make sure we had a wonderful time. They were enthusiastic, funny, very safety conscious, gave credit to Cruise Critic for their success as a tour company and generally impressed everyone that was there that day. We walked for about 25 minutes and the guys wound up taking so many of the tubes from the ladies to carry we were amazed they could still move. When we got to the water they us hook together (feet under the guy in front's armpits) and they towed us through two caves. We saw crusie ship excursions that went to one cave only (the larger one) BUT those poor people were plunked in the water and then told that they would be met at the other end. I swear not only were their arms most likely falling off by the end of it, there were places that were really dark and while they did have little lights on their heads, we had those AND a big flashlight that we used in about 3 areas to help show the way so no one bounced off the walls. We got to just lay back and enjoy. And it was BREATHTAKING in some areas. There was one area where all you heard was people sucking in their breath and then whispering, "OMG" or "Holy (whatever)". It was incredible. Afterwards we all took a vote and decided to stop for a lunch and Dennis/Melvin were THE fastest servers on the face of the earth. Great tasting lunch and we were back to the pier in time to do our mug/tshirt shopping with time to spare.


Costa Maya: NO TENDER. Walked off and found the shuttle to take us to Mahahual Beach ($3). Found out after taxis were $2. Shuttle was cool and painted to look like a zebra. Found George at Cat's Meow and everything I ever read about him and this place was true. What a fabulous day. He got us drinks/food (Corona were 6 bottles/$10 in a bucket) and Margueritas that you could take a bath in they were so big were $4.50 each. Told George we wanted GOOD massages and he gave us Alphonso and that man had magic hands! Our massages were 45 minutes (at least) and were only $20. While hubby was having his I took advantage of going to the shop directly across the road which you bypass as you go to the restroom).


The owner of this shop is Miles. He sells the most unique dresses/coverups I've ever seen and they are gorgeous! He has two styles - long one and short one for the younger girls (teens and young adults I would say). They were beautiful, two tiered and the most beautiful colours. He showed us five different ways we could wear them and I had absolutely no problem coughing up the $60 for this unique piece of clothing. Miles came over later and sat down for a chat. The people we encountered were very friendly and nice.


One word of caution. Cat's Meow is situated near the beginning of the street as you leave the shuttle/taxi. There's really NO need to go further. It's all pretty muc the same type of offerings but the shop keepers will drive you nuts trying to get you to "Come in and see Momma!". When you say no thanks they tell you to be nice. haha they don't WANT to see not nice! Anyway the four of us sat, drank, ate, were massaged and hung out and it was a wonderful day. Barbara, the Canadian owner, came by for a visit too. All in all $150 for the day for massages, drinks and food. Worth every cent.


Back to the pier for some great shopping. There are the souvenier stores but the very FIRST one you see coming in from the port is the best quality one. Ask for Jose. He gives the best deals. DS tried another guy for something and it was no deal. So we went to Jose, no problem. Beautiful things. Also went to Tanzanite International (part of Diamonds International). As you leave the ship you'll get coupons for $100 off at DI). Other port days you get $50 coupons. So wait till the Costa Maya day and the shop seems to have more variety there too. I bought a beauty of a tanzanite/diamond/14kt gold bracelet - good price AND no tax.


Next (and last) installment: Last sea day and debarkation - where did the week go???



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Took the free shuttle to the port. Had our choice of 11, 12 or 1 pm. Took the 12 pm one because the night before we had to move our clocks ahead and dh and gf didn't get in to Tampa till late the night before so we didn't think they'd appreciate going TOO early. Shuttle left on time and before we knew it we were there.





Kim, you are a very understanding wife to allow your hubby to bring his girlfriend on the cruise with you :D :p (sorry could not resist)


Great review, thanks for posting it.

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Kim, you are a very understanding wife to allow your hubby to bring his girlfriend on the cruise with you :D :p (sorry could not resist)


Great review, thanks for posting it.


ROFL - what a difference a tiny little letter makes, eh? haha Yes, I did mean dear SON and his girlfriend.



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Hopefully this is the last installment. There's just so much to tell!


Anyway one evening towards the end (honestly my days are a bit jumbled) there is a midnight buffet that is a wonder to behold. Takes 120 man hours apparently to pull it off and it's incredible. Talk about a kodak moment.


Last day at sea: We had (finally) breakfast in the dining room. I didn't like it as much as I thought I would for the silly reason is "it wasn't our waiter". The experience just wasn't the same. I heard others say the same thing. Talk about getting spoiled quickly.


At lunch at Horatio's (buffet) there is a chocolate fountain. Delicious. Was too full to truly appreciate it but I gave it the best I had!


More poolside activities that afternoon - fear factor was really fun. DS put his name in but it didn't get pulled to be a contestant and after I think he was a tad relieved! haha Later there was tea in one of the lounges but we were late, all the tables were filled, so we just went back to our wrap deck and ordered yet more food from room service.


We packed our bags before dinner because we knew we wouldn't have time later so it was all basically done with just a few last minute things to put in.


Our last night for dinner was lovely. Our TA had sent us a bottle of wine and we chose to save it for that night. After dinner the waiters all sang to the guests and I have to admit it did tear me up a little. Mean ole Carnival said I couldn't take our server home either!! Not fair.


After dinner we went to a final Bingo game then directly following was the Legends show. GREAT show. All the Legends were Carnival cruisers that had done try outs over the week. Great fun.


Debarkation: Painless but we had to get up really early for Immigration. Had to be downstairs for 6:45 am. That lasted about 45 minutes then we had breakfast and it was time to go. Self debarkation was first but we couldn't do that because we're not U.S. citizens. We stood in this huge line at first then saw the "priority" line where early flights go. Anyone with a flight before 12:30 could go and they were leaving immediately and bypassing the long line. Our kids had a 12:25 pm flight and apparently that qualified so we joined the line and got right off. In reality, no one checked our tickets so anyone could have joined. Obviously the honour system and it seemed that most observed it.


Grabbed a porter to helped us with the bags and whisked us out the door and across the street where the shuttles were. Chase Suites were going to come and get us but it would have been a 45 minute wait so we just grabbed a cab ($22 total) and were at the airport within minutes. All in all, very easy.


Last thoughts I forgot to include:

We had the galley tour on the first sea day - great fun to see

There were lots of deck chairs available - never a problem to score one

March Break for Canadians but hardly saw any kids or teens - Camp Carnival does a great job.

No rowdy folks sailing and we encountered absolutely NO rude people either.


ONLY complaint and yes I know if this is the worst I have to say then shut up, but it did bug me so I'm saying it: My son's gf is 19 years old. This means she cannot drink alcohol. OK not a problem. So she goes to buy a soda card and because she's over 18 yr. old, she must buy an adult card. Now this isn't a huge $$ difference (about $10) but it's the principle that bugs me. If she is not considered an adult, then she should at least be able to get the soda card for the reduced price. I don't see how she can NOT be an adult and still NOT be considered a child. Small complaint as I said but it's been said now and I'm past it.


Anyone have ANY questions at all, I'd be pleased to try and answer them. We had a fabulous time and I'd sail this ship and this itinerary again in a heartbeat.



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Hi Kim, sounds like you had a wonderful cruise !! Good for you. I was so excited to read your review given that we have booked cabin # 8266 on the same ship for July, which is exactly one deck above where your son and his girlfriend stayed. We've been in a cat #11 on the Glory and I guess I'm wondering (hoping) that I can expect the same accomodations, if not better. Bathroom with double sinks, whirlpool tub, etc. Any and all information you can relay would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much !


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We've been in a cat #11 on the Glory and I guess I'm wondering (hoping) that I can expect the same accomodations, if not better. Bathroom with double sinks, whirlpool tub, etc. Any and all information you can relay would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much !



Yes, that's EXACTLY what you can expect. Their room was wonderful. It was very large and had tons of room for storage, etc. Double sinks with plenty of mirrors, a make up area, whirlpool tub with sliding doors to close it (no friendly shower curtains). It was quite different from ours so it was nice to see both room make ups.


We took a stroll down the hall peeking in the rooms, of course, along the way. I was surprised to see the different layouts on the various balcony rooms and the various inside rooms. VERY bright and spacious in al the rooms, I thought.



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Hi Kim, thanks so very much for the prompt response. I'm sure the cat #12 was exceptional, we'll get there some day !!


I'm sure it would have been too, but we were in a cat. 11! LOL Since I don't know the difference it was plenty exceptional to us though.


We're cruising again in July (25th anniversary) with Princess and we're in a balcony room for that - full aft for that one too, just no wrap.


Hubby tonite was talking about when he retires. Said wouldn't it be nice to pick two of the cheaper times to cruise each year and then book gty's and just do it! OH YEAH - I'm there!!



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I'm sure it would have been too, but we were in a cat. 11! LOL Since I don't know the difference it was plenty exceptional to us though.


We're cruising again in July (25th anniversary) with Princess and we're in a balcony room for that - full aft for that one too, just no wrap.


Hubby tonite was talking about when he retires. Said wouldn't it be nice to pick two of the cheaper times to cruise each year and then book gty's and just do it! OH YEAH - I'm there!!



Ah, so my understanding is incorrect ! I assumed that the wrap arounds were cat 12, given that it seems there is so much more cabin space, (separate living area????). How wonderful that you are cruising again so soon, good for you ! I'll admit that I just emailed our "personal vacation planner" to see if any of the aft wrap arounds are available on our July cruise. You made it sound so wonderful and hey, you only live once right? .......... so addicted !!!

I have sailed on the Grand Princess, lovely ship and the balcony cabins are very nice, although I think a bit smaller than Carnival. Thanks again !

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I really enjoyed your review, it was very well written. Loved hearing about the stops we will be making in a few weeks. Any chance you can tell me what tour you used in the Caymans? We are going with Cpt Marvins, second time for me and hope that they weren't the tour you had bad luck with.

Again thanks for taking the time to write a review~

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I really enjoyed your review, it was very well written. Loved hearing about the stops we will be making in a few weeks. Any chance you can tell me what tour you used in the Caymans? We are going with Cpt Marvins, second time for me and hope that they weren't the tour you had bad luck with.

Again thanks for taking the time to write a review~


Nope it's not Cpt Marvins. We used Island Marketing and whoever they contracted to. I'm not saying it was "bad". We got what we paid for which was an excursion. It just didn't have that extra OOOMPH that usually the tour operators put into it. Kind of left us feeling rather dry.


The only time any of us got extra attention was when they were trying to sell the pictures that they took. Also they didn't even give you a bottle of water - you had to pay for that and even the little bags of chips that they had. For the price of $40 I didn't expect a lot of extras, but a little enthusiasm and perhaps a bottle of water for each person would have gone a long way.



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I think we were the week before you on the Miracle -- and I have to agree -- we took the same excursion in Cozumel -- take the cooking class -- it is a blast! Also almost no kids, the said there were 350 kids, but good lord we never saw most of them -- it was great (and we have a 4 year old DD that went with us)


We did not do cave tubing in Belize and I think we should have!

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I really enjoyed your review, it was very well written. Loved hearing about the stops we will be making in a few weeks. Any chance you can tell me what tour you used in the Caymans? We are going with Cpt Marvins, second time for me and hope that they weren't the tour you had bad luck with.

Again thanks for taking the time to write a review~


We used Capt Marvin last fall, we thought they were great! Very friendly and attentive.

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KAWS, we used cavetubing.com also and love it! What did you think of the cashew wine?? The resturant that you stopped at... wasn't the food wonderful and very inexpensive!!! We used Cap. Marvins for the stingrays and they were wonderful. I also went to Cats meow on Costa Maya... The margarettas were large and strong! I had two and I was feeling no pain! They take very good care of you there! I agree with everything about the Miracle.. It was our first cruise and we are hooked! I am afraid to go on another ship or even another cruise line because I do not think that it could be any better! :D

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Great Information:


I have a question for debarkation for non-citizens. We are leaving 03/25 for a Miracle Cruise.


My wife is non-US and we have been through the early morning customs thing before.


Our flight is at 1:50pm from TPA. We'll just grab a cab to the airport.


Question: If we want to avoid the chaos of debarkation (since our flight leaves later) what would you suggest so that we don't have to wait in line (like a cattle call) for a smooth relaxed departure?


This is really important to us because the last time we went Customs were looking for two people and that delayed the debarkation by an hour (until I told them to turn the PA on for the whole ship and not just the auditorium) and people were pushing and shoving and it was awful since you go from relaxed to tense very quickly.


Thank you

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Great Information:


I have a question for debarkation for non-citizens. We are leaving 03/25 for a Miracle Cruise.


My wife is non-US and we have been through the early morning customs thing before.


Our flight is at 1:50pm from TPA. We'll just grab a cab to the airport.


Question: If we want to avoid the chaos of debarkation (since our flight leaves later) what would you suggest so that we don't have to wait in line (like a cattle call) for a smooth relaxed departure?



After you go to the early morning immigration meeting, then just go back to your room for a bit (you can stay there till 9 am) and then take your carry on stuff with you and go and have a leisurely breakfast. There will be a general call to debark. Of course the line ups for that start well before the call, so if you just sit in Horatio's and have your breakfast then when you're done you can pretty much stroll off the ship.



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We have the same cabin booked for a July cruise out of NYC for 8 days. Is the room as great as it looks in the pictures I have seen on webshots? Any suggestions on what we should do with the balcony? We have a family group and would love to have a sail away cocktail party on the balcony. We would like to do some sun bathing on the balcony, how many chairs are there?

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We had the AFT wrap Cat 11 as well and it was incredible. We were on the Pride. It was such an amazing suite!!!! GO FOR IT, guys!


My question is more about the decor of the ship. Was it pretty or gaudy? We loved Pride and some say it is similair, it is has a more muted decor. Was your son's balcony small? The one behind us was a Cat 11 but it was one big room with a small balcony. Same?

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We have the same cabin booked for a July cruise out of NYC for 8 days. Is the room as great as it looks in the pictures I have seen on webshots? Any suggestions on what we should do with the balcony? We have a family group and would love to have a sail away cocktail party on the balcony. We would like to do some sun bathing on the balcony, how many chairs are there?

I wonder if room service is delivering on the first day? If so, you could place a few orders for cheese trays, cookies, veggies with dip. Someone else will have to help out with a room service menu and info on when RS begins.

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