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Poll: Should cabins/balconies be all smoking cabins/balconies?

Should smoking be permitted in all cabins/balconies?  

546 members have voted

  1. 1. Should smoking be permitted in all cabins/balconies?

    • Smoking should be permitted in all cabins/balconies
    • There should be designated smoking & non-smoking cabins/balconies.

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I think they should make all inside and oceanview cabins nonsmoking and the balcony cabins smoking. That way almost all of the cabins would be for the non smokers which should make them happy.



I don't like your idea at all!!! We are non-smokers and cruise in balcony cabins. Why should we have to have our cabin smell like smoke any more than the inside and oceanview cabins?




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I know the subject is beating a dead horse but here's my 2 cents. Why do people think they are breathing clean air when they are not around cigarette smoke? What little smoke you breath is puppy chow compared to what you breathe on a daily basis. What do you really believe the air quality is? You have factories, dumps, cars, trucks, busses, trains, planes, paint, wood preservitives, barbeque fuel, furnace fumes etc. all going into the "clean air" you breathe. What about the fumes from cellar rocks, cleaning liquids, and the list of every day carcinogens goes on. Oh, have you checked the smoke being emitted from your cruise ship and into the air? I guess that ship needs to turn off it's engines so you can't have electricity, air conditioning, casinos, stage lighting for the shows. They need to put up the sails and be pollution free. Come on guys, get a grip! your minimal exposure to smoke isn't going to kill you, but our earths atmosphere will.:D

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I don't smoke, don't like the smell and it makes it tough for me to breath sometimes. That being said, I'm not a strident anti-smoker. If you want to smoke and show consideration for others, be my guest. However experience has shown that not all cruising smokers are considerate. Especially on the balconies. Last summer on the Norwegian Dawn we slept with the balcony door open. Some tool on an upper deck tossed his lit butt over the balcony and the wind blew it onto a towel we had drying on the lounge chair. Good thing I woke up in time enough to stamp out the smoldering towel. Tossing a lit cigarette overboard can be catostrophic, and for that reason alone it should be banned on balcony cabins. Lines should designate certain cabin areas of the ship for smokers and segregate them from non-smokers as best as possible. We non-smokers don't need to be so obnoxious and more tolerant of what is an addiction, but you smokers need to be aware of the danger, and safety issues on ship. Signed, (Cough) Plumloco

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I don't mean to be argumentative but if hotels have managed to designate "nonsmoking" rooms, why can't the cruise lines do the same? Since we've had cigar smokers adajacent to us on two of cruises, we personally would be delighted to know that we could look forward to opening our balcony door to fresh air & the smell of the ocean rather than the nasty foul odor of cigars.

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I know the subject is beating a dead horse but here's my 2 cents. Why do people think they are breathing clean air when they are not around cigarette smoke? What little smoke you breath is puppy chow compared to what you breathe on a daily basis. What do you really believe the air quality is? You have factories, dumps, cars, trucks, busses, trains, planes, paint, wood preservitives, barbeque fuel, furnace fumes etc. all going into the "clean air" you breathe. What about the fumes from cellar rocks, cleaning liquids, and the list of every day carcinogens goes on. Oh, have you checked the smoke being emitted from your cruise ship and into the air? I guess that ship needs to turn off it's engines so you can't have electricity, air conditioning, casinos, stage lighting for the shows. They need to put up the sails and be pollution free. Come on guys, get a grip! your minimal exposure to smoke isn't going to kill you, but our earths atmosphere will.:D


Ruth I don't know where you have been but studies show that second hand smoke kills and is more harmful to me as second hand than to you puffin away...I object!:eek:

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I don't smoke, don't like the smell and it makes it tough for me to breath sometimes. That being said, I'm not a strident anti-smoker. If you want to smoke and show consideration for others, be my guest. However experience has shown that not all cruising smokers are considerate. Especially on the balconies. Last summer on the Norwegian Dawn we slept with the balcony door open. Some tool on an upper deck tossed his lit butt over the balcony and the wind blew it onto a towel we had drying on the lounge chair. Good thing I woke up in time enough to stamp out the smoldering towel. Tossing a lit cigarette overboard can be catostrophic, and for that reason alone it should be banned on balcony cabins. Lines should designate certain cabin areas of the ship for smokers and segregate them from non-smokers as best as possible. We non-smokers don't need to be so obnoxious and more tolerant of what is an addiction, but you smokers need to be aware of the danger, and safety issues on ship. Signed, (Cough) Plumloco



Plum - how do you think that the Star caught fire???? I actually was jut told that all items are banned from the balcony for that reason...Another reason that smoking should be banned from ships...Yes, let's beat this dead horse!:cool:

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Ruth I don't know where you have been but studies show that second hand smoke kills and is more harmful to me as second hand than to you puffin away...I object!:eek:



What study are you talking about?? never heard anything so ridiculous!!


While I'm on I really wish people would stop giving smokers such a hard time.


What about the Obese folks now they really bother me - stacking their plates up at the buffet with enough to feed a small army.


Now you may say it is only their own health they are damaging, however they put such a strain on the health services with all of they obesity related health problems. Should be made to pay more tax if your obese same as the smokers pay duty!!!!:o

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I see the non smokers refuse to acknowledge other carcinogens. All I said is the minimal exposure to smoke isn't going to kill you. My point was all the carcinogens around you in daily life that people fail to acknowledge. Just because you can't see them, does not mean they don't exist and others you accept.:rolleyes:

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Ruth I don't know where you have been but studies show that second hand smoke kills and is more harmful to me as second hand than to you puffin away...I object!:eek:


So how about the rest of the pollution that was mentioned. Are you on the band wagon to ban vehicles?

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Thats the same old tired threat smokers used when they banned smoking in restuarants. Guess what, normal operations have occured.


That's not entirely true! There was an article in our newspaper recently about a chain restaurant that banned smoking. Their business has been markedly down, and they don't expect to recover.

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So according to the following article I think we should ban meat on cruise ships also.



Does barbecuing cause cancer? Let's put it this way. Grilled meat contains known and suspected carcinogens. Grilling meat produces at least two types of potentially dangerous chemicals: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic amines (HCAs). PAHs are products of imperfect combustion found in smoke and burned matter. In large enough quantities they will definitely cause cancer in humans--to cite one famous example, scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps. In barbecue grills they're commonly formed when dripping fat flares up, charring the underside of the meat. For that matter, you make PAHs when you burn a piece of toast.

HCAs, whose possible role in cancer was more recently discovered, are the result of reactions between chemicals in muscle meat produced by high heat or prolonged cooking. In contrast to PAHs, HCAs are found inside the meat, not just on the surface, and can't be easily scraped or trimmed off. Also in contrast to PAHs, HCAs aren't necessarily more likely to be produced during grilling--they can be created when cooking in an ordinary oven or frying pan if you turn the heat up high enough.

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So according to the following article I think we should ban meat on cruise ships also.



Does barbecuing cause cancer? Let's put it this way. Grilled meat contains known and suspected carcinogens. Grilling meat produces at least two types of potentially dangerous chemicals: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic amines (HCAs). PAHs are products of imperfect combustion found in smoke and burned matter. In large enough quantities they will definitely cause cancer in humans--to cite one famous example, scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps. In barbecue grills they're commonly formed when dripping fat flares up, charring the underside of the meat. For that matter, you make PAHs when you burn a piece of toast.

HCAs, whose possible role in cancer was more recently discovered, are the result of reactions between chemicals in muscle meat produced by high heat or prolonged cooking. In contrast to PAHs, HCAs are found inside the meat, not just on the surface, and can't be easily scraped or trimmed off. Also in contrast to PAHs, HCAs aren't necessarily more likely to be produced during grilling--they can be created when cooking in an ordinary oven or frying pan if you turn the heat up high enough.


When I eat barbeque, however, I do not hold you down and force you to partake of some also. It's not about whether or not we take in carcinigens or anything else that is bad for us. It is about the fact that smokers choose to impose their unhealthy life-style decisions on everyone else. I have no problem is you choose to smoke. Just don't exhale or do so in a manner that is considerate of others.


Not sure why the concept that was the original subject of the poll is at all controversial. If smokers just want to be left alone, why shouldn't non-smokers have the same right. The poll merely suggests, and it appears that the vast majority agree, that holding certain cabins out as non-smoking would be a great idea and would be well received by those who purchase the product. I hope RCI is listening . . . if not, I guaranty that some cruise line will soon. :rolleyes:

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:( As a confirmed long time smoker I do respect the non-smoking group and do concientiously smoke only where it is permitted. If I have any complaint it is when people who do not smoke create a fuss in the smoking areas with gestures and facial expressions. To them I say get a life!

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I see the non smokers refuse to acknowledge other carcinogens. All I said is the minimal exposure to smoke isn't going to kill you. My point was all the carcinogens around you in daily life that people fail to acknowledge. Just because you can't see them, does not mean they don't exist and others you accept.:rolleyes:


cigarette smoke is the worse carcinogen that we encounter in everyday life.To suggest others are worse is a bunch of nonsense and only shows desperation to win an argument that can't possibly be won

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Have never denied smoke to be a carcinogen. Funny how non smokers only pick out certain words from a post if they feel it's to their advantage! Again, the world is full of carcinogens, but you excuse them because they are useful to you. I never said ban vehicles, I was pointing out emissions from them, all of which you accept, including the cruise ship . But, let one puff of smoke in the air off a balcony and you say "oh, my goodness, I'll get cancer now"

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The poll merely suggests, and it appears that the vast majority agree, that holding certain cabins out as non-smoking would be a great idea and would be well received by those who purchase the product. I hope RCI is listening . . . if not, I guaranty that some cruise line will soon.


Actually, I think some cruise lines are already listening. Don't Oceania and Disney have all nonsmoking cabins (although you can light up on balconies)?


It seems that this thread is getting away from what the OP was polling about and is now getting into a smoker vs. nonsmoker debate. Let's face it, smoking and smokers will not go away. It is a bad habit that a lot of smokers will admit to. And it is addictive or a lot of them would quit too. Frankly, I think it is just a matter of time until the cruise lines do follow suit and restrict smoking to certain cabins. After all, they did finally ban smoking from the dining room, theater, and most public indoor spaces (except for bars and the casino--where smokers tend to spend more money than nonsmokers for some reason). My beef with some smokers is not really the smoking they do, but the fact that some of them just throw their used buts on the ground, out the car window, or off the side of the balcony. This is what ashtrays were invented for. Fires have started due to this careless disposal.


Here is a side question: Has there been an official cause for the fire onboard the Star Princess? Did it really start due to a careless cigarette butt? Or is that just the speculation right now? Just curious.

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In the case of cars we have removed lead from gasoline,formulated fuel so that it burns cleaner,made cars that get better milage and perform emission test in most areas.Todays gas guzzlers get better milage than most vehicles did 30 years ago.Back then 20 mpg was almost unheard of today average car exceeds that

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I know the subject is beating a dead horse but here's my 2 cents. Why do people think they are breathing clean air when they are not around cigarette smoke? What little smoke you breath is puppy chow compared to what you breathe on a daily basis. What do you really believe the air quality is? You have factories, dumps, cars, trucks, busses, trains, planes, paint, wood preservitives, barbeque fuel, furnace fumes etc. all going into the "clean air" you breathe. What about the fumes from cellar rocks, cleaning liquids, and the list of every day carcinogens goes on. Oh, have you checked the smoke being emitted from your cruise ship and into the air? I guess that ship needs to turn off it's engines so you can't have electricity, air conditioning, casinos, stage lighting for the shows. They need to put up the sails and be pollution free. Come on guys, get a grip! your minimal exposure to smoke isn't going to kill you, but our earths atmosphere will.:D


True, you have a point. However.......not one of your points has made me have to leave my jacket in the garage because I won't put it in the closet to smell up the rest of my coats. Or made my eyes swell shut or my nose plug up because of it. This is a dead horse. If you smoke you cannot possibly smell the stench that comes from clothing that has been around smoke. Not knocking it......just pointing out a fact. But.....to each his own.

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What study are you talking about?? never heard anything so ridiculous!!


While I'm on I really wish people would stop giving smokers such a hard time.


What about the Obese folks now they really bother me - stacking their plates up at the buffet with enough to feed a small army.


Now you may say it is only their own health they are damaging, however they put such a strain on the health services with all of they obesity related health problems. Should be made to pay more tax if your obese same as the smokers pay duty!!!!:o

And this affects you how......???????? If someone eats a piece of cake it surely doesn't show up on my hips.........:rolleyes:

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I see the non smokers refuse to acknowledge other carcinogens. All I said is the minimal exposure to smoke isn't going to kill you. My point was all the carcinogens around you in daily life that people fail to acknowledge. Just because you can't see them, does not mean they don't exist and others you accept.:rolleyes:

For me it is not the exposure. It is the smell. The way it makes my clothes stink, my skin stink and my hair stink. It is the way my nose plugs up and my eyes get irratated. I honestly cannot think of another pollutant that makes my coat stink unless I am sitting around a campfire......then my clothes pick up the smell.

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