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My wife almost died...That's why we cruise every year!


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My DD and I cruise becuse we love it and do know how short life is

We were planing our frist cruise with my mom 3 years ago.

We were also planing a huge family get together in nov of that year

My Mom didnt make either one. She went so fast frist found out about the cancer Oct 12 and she was gone Dec 27. She was only 61 way to young.

This Dec were taking the DHs for the frist time.

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These are such great inspirational stories! I totally agree with the poster (I can't remember the name) that said they could have saved all the while their kids were little, but it was so much more important to take your kids traveling! Amen! My girls are 20 and 16 and we have some of the greatest memories and stories from traveling. I love it when I hear them say "remember that time...." Also, my husband and I want to be able to travel and experience things while we are still physically able too! My parents didn't really start traveling until about 10 years ago, and luckily for them, they are still able to travel. It makes me so happy to see them in their retirement years getting to do all those things that they said they would do one day when they could.

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Why do you cruise?


We had a wake up call about how precious life and our relationship is.

It was a MIRACLE she survived, thought we plan a group cruise the MIRACLE...

Next up our CC Group cruise 2/27/08 "It's a Miracle" 8 Days>>

Never really took vacations as our kids were growing up...Now we do what it takes to sail away together instead of taking everything for granted.


So, why do you cruise?




Thank you for sharing your story.


I am hoping that my husband and I will learn to do a better job of enjoying the moment and stop worrying so much about the future.

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As an extended family of 12 we took our first cruise to Alaska after our son went through basic training in the USMC. We all fell in love with cruising and it was far the most memorable vacation we have ever experienced.


He is now serving in Afghanistan and will be back home April 2010. It was agreed by all with his safe return we would once again be cruising to another destination of his choice.

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i live to travel...growing up as military dependant i was fortunate to do so

when i married, had my son we traveled around did what we could on vacation then son grown and no longer those 'family vacations' and we took our first cruise....alaska...hubby was hooked and basically these days if i want to travel...this is the way he wants to go and i tag along....lol...

actually to be able to see all the different places in a short time and when the rates are reasonable you cant AFFORD to stay home!!!! hubby will say too...for all the FOOD!!!

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I got hooked on cruising in 2002. Never thought I would like it, but I was wrong. My husband and I never took very many vacations and I regret that we did not take my son on a lot of vacations either when he was a child. I know I should be saving more for retirement, but I am reminded that my Dad died at 55 and Mom at 73 (however she had MS since she was forty-something) so we are spending our money now and having fun. I just turned 50 and I know I am not guaranteed anything. I am thankful that I have the health to go and I will have no regrets later. Money saved is not everything.:cool:

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I have a life motto, I've been saying for years, "If we live long enough, one day all we may have left are memories so we need to be making them now." Thankfully, my husband feels the same way. Sadly, it took the death of my mother 14 years ago, at the age of 61 (breast CA metastasis) to change my husband's way of thinking. My mother and father were going to Alaska, "one day", going to Canada, "one day" and they never made it. When my father and my dear stepmother cruised with my husband and I (and about 30 other family members) to Alaska, it was bittersweet for me. Though I was grateful that my father was able to enjoy the cruise, it was another reminder that my mother never got to. I've had 3 breast biopsies myself, all negative, thank the good Lord, that, and some chronic illnesses that I do have (and I'm only 54 - old to some, but young to me, {grins}) are constant reminders that we only live once; life is precious; we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Travel is a passion of mine and my husband, and particularly cruising. We've been extremely blessed to be able to afford to travel and create memories with our children when they were at home and now as a couple. Next cruise is booked for 8/30/09 and we are as excited about this cruise as if it were our first (it's our 11th). This year, with the tough economic times, we had to really think about whether we "should" spend the money. I reminded my husband of times when we were very young, didn't have a lot of money, but took our children on vacation. I asked if he remembered that we weren't sure we were going to be able to afford the trips, but "somehow" we managed. Then, I asked if the money we spent on those trips, made a difference in our lives now? Nope. Truth is, neither of us could say how much we even spent, but boy oh boy, do we have the memories.........and those, are priceless!

Edited by donnap
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I've had the year from hell and my husband has gone through it with me. I was diagnosed with cancer in Feb., had surgery in March, radiation following that and will be in chemo until November. Also this year, my son had major back surgery and my dear mother-in-law died.:( I characterize my treatments as "slash, burn and poison" although I have reason to believe they saved my life. WE ARE CRUISING ON THE QM2 over Christmas and New Years --- Carribean here we come! My prognosis is excellent -- doc says I will be cured. However, I have a concern. One hears so much about the Swine Flu. I hope that settles down. My immunity will be getting stronger by that time, but not at 100%. I'm just going to wait and see. (I just bought a new evening gown and my wigs are adorable)!

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  • 4 months later...
These are such great inspirational stories! I totally agree with the poster (I can't remember the name) that said they could have saved all the while their kids were little, but it was so much more important to take your kids traveling! Amen! My girls are 20 and 16 and we have some of the greatest memories and stories from traveling. I love it when I hear them say "remember that time...." Also, my husband and I want to be able to travel and experience things while we are still physically able too! My parents didn't really start traveling until about 10 years ago, and luckily for them, they are still able to travel. It makes me so happy to see them in their retirement years getting to do all those things that they said they would do one day when they could.


Anyone else? This is great stuff!!

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In October 2008, my mom died unexpectedly. At the funeral, my two girlfriends (who live elsewhere) and I decided to start getting together more often---something we used to do a few times a year.


Several months later, during a horrible cold spell in January (2009), we met at a casino for a weekend and decided that the following January (2010), we wanted to be somewhere warm having fun together. None of us have ever cruised before, but it sounded like a blast!


Each of those friends lost someone special to them in 2009, so we are counting the last 30 days until our cruise to the Bahamas in January 2010.


Life is short. Hug those you love often...

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My mom, who's 71, has had a lifetime of health issues. Last year around this time, we weren't sure she'd survive to see Christmas. But thank God, she did. Once she recovered, she swore not to let another year go by without taking spending real quality time with her daughter (me!) and her granddaughter (who'll be 24 y/o in 3 weeks).


She knows we can't really afford a vacation, but have always desired to take a cruise. And when we couldn't afford the cruise me and my husband wanted to take this past year for our 25 anniversary, mom said to us "be patient, you never know, maybe next year you can go".


Not too long after, she told us she wanted all of us to take a cruise together, and that she wanted to pay for me and my husband, as well as my daughter - as her graduation gift from college next May. So she's footing the bill, including the limo to and from port, for all 5 of us (daughter is bringing her bf who's paying his own way). Our cruise is scheduled for June 5.


But yesterday, she got what may turn out to be bad news regarding her health. We won't find out for sure until after a biopsy planned for Jan. 8, but I'm so scared that my mom won't get that chance to do the family vacation that she's been dreaming of. She told her husband "if anything happens to me, please make sure that you give them the rest of the money to take this cruise".


The idea was her, and for all of us to go together. So please keep positive thoughts that we can make the memories we so desperately

wanted to.


A good example why none of us should put off things we want to do.

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I had to look back at this thread and see what I posted the first time - it was #44.


In October we took our 3 adult kids and our son-in-law on a 2 week Mediterranean adventure that was fabulous in all respects. Everyone has great memories that will take us well into the future. We've instilled the cruising bug in each of them and are planning on more in the future.


Two weeks ago we lost a dear friend - we all got married at the same time, had children at the same time, and have gone to each other's children's weddings. He was 63. His plans were to retire next year, then he and his wife could start travelling.


That's why we cruise.


Smooth Sailing! :):):)

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As I sat at my grandmothers funeral, I thought about all the times she complained that she never went anywhere when she was able, and kept putting off her dreams until "later" well, later never arrived for her, and she never got got out of that little Texas town. I made a decision right then and there, that I wouldn't put off my dreams, as for "tomorrow" might not ever come!


Thank you Grandma for being my traveling insperation!

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My mom, who's 71, has had a lifetime of health issues. Last year around this time, we weren't sure she'd survive to see Christmas. But thank God, she did. Once she recovered, she swore not to let another year go by without taking spending real quality time with her daughter (me!) and her granddaughter (who'll be 24 y/o in 3 weeks).


She knows we can't really afford a vacation, but have always desired to take a cruise. And when we couldn't afford the cruise me and my husband wanted to take this past year for our 25 anniversary, mom said to us "be patient, you never know, maybe next year you can go".


Not too long after, she told us she wanted all of us to take a cruise together, and that she wanted to pay for me and my husband, as well as my daughter - as her graduation gift from college next May. So she's footing the bill, including the limo to and from port, for all 5 of us (daughter is bringing her bf who's paying his own way). Our cruise is scheduled for June 5.


But yesterday, she got what may turn out to be bad news regarding her health. We won't find out for sure until after a biopsy planned for Jan. 8, but I'm so scared that my mom won't get that chance to do the family vacation that she's been dreaming of. She told her husband "if anything happens to me, please make sure that you give them the rest of the money to take this cruise".


The idea was her, and for all of us to go together. So please keep positive thoughts that we can make the memories we so desperately

wanted to.


A good example why none of us should put off things we want to do.


I said a prayer for your mom--keep the faith.

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I was next to the youngest in a large family of six children. My father struggled hard to provide for the family and always took his "vacation" as an extra paycheck, while he kept working and received his regular paycheck. Then when I was about 7 years old, my father had a complete physical breakdown requiring a few weeks in the hospital. His kind and wise employer told him, he would no longer permit him to work thru his vacation time and we began taking a 2 week vacation at Rice Lake, Canada the same two weeks every year. It became not only a wonderful vacation for our family with camp fires and fishing, and boating but also a reunion with other folks and family from many other states.


I vowed then, that I would always take my family on vacations. We had two boys just 15 months apart, much like Irish twins. We took many vacations together including a cruise. We traveled to most of the fifty states and we literally made a life time of memories. We took many pictures and videos while taking vacations even up into their high school and college age years....


A few years ago, our youngest son, Michael, was killed in a traffic accident just three days before his 25th birthday. We continue to struggle with grief, especially at this time of the year. However; one of the things that make me so very grateful, is that we spent a great deal of time with our children, that we took lots and lots of vacations, and that we made so many wonderful memories with them.......that now truly do have to last a life time.


Don't wait until tomorrow to hug your kids, your grand kids or your wife and do take that cruise or vacation, schedule it today!!


A very wise person once said, In the accounting ledger book of life.....

TOMORROW is a promissory note, while YESTERDAY is a cancelled check.... TODAY is CASH, so spend it wisely.


Happy Holidays to All;


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Thank you for these stories. Here's mine:


My mom had always struggled and sacrified and done without to raise seven children. When we were very small, we went on long car vacations -- once a three-month spin around the US. Amazing.

But as she got older (and more tired, I think), she wouldn't travel. Said it was too expensive. But always talked about wanting to see the world. I traveled a lot with my family and she loved hearing our stories. No matter how I encouraged her, she wouldn't spend the time or money.

Finally, I just started making plans for her and simply sending her tickets. We took her to Disney World (a life dream for her) and I surprised her for Mother's Day by taking her on a cruise to Alaska. Because she had such a great time on that cruise, we bought the NCL certificates for a future cruise. She really wanted to cruise with her grandchildren to Mexico.


We talked and talked and finally -- with two days left before our certificates would expire -- we found the perfect cruise for New Years 2009. All of the kids would be on Christmas break, she would have Christmas at home with my siblings and then meet us in New Orleans (another place she'd always wanted to visit). Two weeks after we booked the cruise, she passed away unexpectedly.


It feels odd to still be going on the cruise without her. But we used her insurance money to pay for the cruise because I know it's exactly what she would have wanted. She was so excited to be going to such exotic ports with her grandchildren. I want them to see these places for her. I want them to understand to never let their world close around them.


We have such a short time. It's important to live every single minute of it.

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  • 2 months later...
Thank you for sharing your story.


I am hoping that my husband and I will learn to do a better job of enjoying the moment and stop worrying so much about the future.


Hi everyone,


Thanks for all your touching stories...

I get to enjoy my lovely wife on our 30th anniversary cruise this Aug!

How great is that?!


Anyone else?


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My family and I discovered cruising 5 years ago and now are going on our 4th at the end of the month. We have two daughters (10 & 12) and have to take them out of school for each cruise (usually 10 day cruises) and don't regret a minute of time or money we've spent cruising.


I totally agree, life is way too short and you never know what tomorrow will bring. Yes, we probably could have used the (literally) thousands of dollars we've spent on cruising on other things. But, I can count many things I regret having spent money on (stupid material things that break or loose value) but NEVER regret our family time. Those are memories we will forever have and will never go away. If tomorrow throws us a curve ball, than we at least made our memories today! I don't want to be one of those people who save traveling until we are retired, because, what if when we retire we are disabled in some way. We are capable now, so we seize the moment now.


Plus, our kids will be grown in a blink of an eye and I want to spend every minute with them we can, before they have families of their own and we'll be on the back burner while they raise their families.


Seize the day!

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I love this thread even though it makes me cry...thanks Mike, for keeping it alive.


I am a breast cancer survivor who decided that life is too fragile to say "maybe next year" anymore. When I started thinking about my upcoming 50th birthday (the day after my DH's 50th birthday) I chose a cruise to Alaska to celebrate. I have had a number of memorable but inexpensive road trip vacations with my young children so I wanted to splurge on this one and do it with my DH, my rock. The kiddos will stay home with Grandma and they are thrilled. When I started searching I found the cruise, which leaves the day before DH's birthday, and it was perfect. It is aboard the Regent Seven Seas Navigator which is about as good as it gets. It will be paid off 3 months before we leave so no stress there. It all fell into place so smoothly I knew it was meant to be. No matter what happens in the future now (and I am hoping for a long one) we will create a memory, a once-in-a-lifetime, a reminiscence that will mean never having to say "maybe next year" again.


I want to encourage any of you that are thinking about doing something like this to go for it. Sad to say, there may not be a next year. You deserve it and I promise you will not regret it.

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There are some wonderful and inspirational stories on this thread!


My DH and I work crazy hours and do not have a lot of time together during the regular work week. I have the travel bug and had to slowly get him used to the idea that an annual vacation was a priority but now it's part of our lives and we really value that time together. We went on our first cruise together several years ago and have been fortunate to have gone every year since. No work, no worries... just us together for a whole week. :)

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Hi everyone,


Thanks for all your touching stories...

I get to enjoy my lovely wife on our 30th anniversary cruise this Aug!

How great is that?!


Anyone else?



DH and I promised each other when we met that we would always try to do things that each other wanted to do. Travel and go places and share the dreams each one had. We never wanted one of us to pass away and the other one to be left behind feeling bad that we had not gone some place or done something that one of us wanted. We will be boarding the Royal Princess for our 50th cruise next month and celebrating 27 years together. We do land travel as well and have made it a point to learn to enjoy things that interest and make each of us happy. And that is why we cruise.


Life is way to short and we are way to blessed to not find happiness in each new day. My wish is that each of you will find a blessing in each new day as well.

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Why do you cruise?


We had a wake up call about how precious life and our relationship is.

It was a MIRACLE she survived, thought we plan a group cruise the MIRACLE...

So, why do you cruise?




DW was diagnosed with "C" after we had tickets by air to Lima, Peru. We were refunded after telling the airline the reason for the request.

First things first. There may not be a second chance.

She has been fully recovered for many years and works for cancer drives.

Edited by Taxguy77
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Anyone else? This is great stuff!!


I need a new box of tissues!!! My gosh, this is better than the Hallmark channel...real life stories...God bless you! and my prayers for every family represented in these posts...counting blessings indeed!

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My hubby and I just booked our very first cruise! It is something that we have talked about for a long time. It has been a rough couple of years for us. We are blessed to have each other, but due to my health, we will only get to have each other - there can be no children in our lives.


It has been hard because, I am at the age where all my friends and siblings are having children - there are 5 expectant moms @ my work as we speak! Although, I love being an aunt to these babies, it is still tough on me that I cannot have my own.


My husband, booked this trip so that I can see that I can still have a very full life, although I will not be a mom - he wants to take me around the world and fill my life with great memories.


My health is a challenge - and only being in my 20s, I have come head first into my mortality, more times than I can count - but we cruise, so that we may live life to the fullest - no matter how short it is.


It makes me smile to think, that if my time comes sooner rather than later, at least my wonderful hubby will be able to look back at our trips together, and smile!


So, why do we cruise.....It's simple...to LIVE!


See you on the water!

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After the "year from hell" concerning my health, my DH and I are cruising. Through it all, we had this to look forward to and I can't wait. Only two weeks to go. My hair has not fully grown back and looks a little funky, but I'm considering throwing the wig overboard! I'm claiming my cure and my life!!!:D:D:D


Love to all and happy cruising!

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