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My wife almost died...That's why we cruise every year!


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i thought after my last post. in jan. 2002 my wifes nona [grandma] passed. in aug. 2002 my mom passed we booked a family cruise. last year at the funeral of my two aunts that were killed in a car crash. all the faimly members said lets all cruise together and we did 36 of us.

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My father, mother, and brother all had cancer at the same time and died within a short period of time of each other. During that same period of time my Dad's brother and sister also had cancer and they too passed away. Yes, FIVE family members all at once! The last thing my brother got to do before he died was go on a cruise. My parents always wanted to go to Hawaii but never made it. My husband and I are high school sweethearts I was 13 and he was 15 when we started dating. When we got married I was 18 and he was 20. We waited three years after that before we had kids. We have always been a very close family and after the deaths of my father, mother and brother it reinforced for me how short life is and how precious our time together is. I will never be the same. Last year we took our first cruise and took our two kids (22 and 20) with us. It was one year after the last death. It was our 25th Wedding Anniversary, our daughter graduated from college and our son was no longer a teenager. Besure to check out my signature...it will be my motto for the rest of my life.

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My father, mother, and brother all had cancer at the same time and died within a short period of time of each other. During that same period of time my Dad's brother and sister also had cancer and they too passed away. Yes, FIVE family members all at once! The last thing my brother got to do before he died was go on a cruise. My parents always wanted to go to Hawaii but never made it. My husband and I are high school sweethearts I was 13 and he was 15 when we started dating. When we got married I was 18 and he was 20. We waited three years after that before we had kids. We have always been a very close family and after the deaths of my father, mother and brother it reinforced for me how short life is and how precious our time together is. I will never be the same. Last year we took our first cruise and took our two kids (22 and 20) with us. It was one year after the last death. It was our 25th Wedding Anniversary, our daughter graduated from college and our son was no longer a teenager. Besure to check out my signature...it will be my motto for the rest of my life.



:eek: I'm so sorry for all of your losses! I could only hope to have the same positive attitude towards life that you have!

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I guess the question is... If something would to happen to you or a family member tomorrow would you have good times to look back on to remember them by.. And for me that would be yes...


I like to travel with family and just my husband and I.. It doesn't matter where it is.. I love to travel.. My husband and I are going to Italy in May. And I would like to do something with my folks in the future. If you want to do travel and make memories or just be with family, you just to have to make it happen.



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Whether its taking a cruise, or flying to a resort, I plan for events year round. I lost a cousin that I grew up with as a child, but lost touch with as an adult. She died suddenly last February and it hurt me so bad. I was feeling so many different things all at once, but I mainly feeling guilty that we did not know each well as adults.


When I went on my last cruise in August 2001, she was suppose to go with me but backed out a few months prior. I so wish I had talked her into going with me. There are many many things I wish we had done together, but did not. We were like two peas in a pod growing up. We went on our first Disney Trip together, and many other trips. I told her older sister that I am happy that I have those memories to cherish, but It also made me realize that memories are forever. No matter what happens in our lives, those family outings, vacations, parties etc are etched in our memories, and no one can take them away. My husband and I travel, and hang out together as much as we can, and I often plan things with my girlfriends and he plans outings with his brothers and friends.


Thats why this upcoming Cruise I will be on in a few weeks is going to be great, because I get to spend some quality time with my Mom, just the two of us cruising the high seas!!!

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This thread is incredible. My DH has cancer. Ironically his mother died on the very day she was supposed to embark on her first cruise. She had colon cancer. DH has something different and for now it's under control. (for enquiring minds = yes they had the cruise insurance that I encouraged them to buy. FIL joined us two years later utilizing some of that money on another cruise.)


You never know how many tomorrows you have. While my MIL was dealing with her colon cancer my SIL flew out to care for her etc. Ironically it was my SIL who died first, in a head on car accident (not her fault). So it just goes to prove you never, NEVER know.


We've taken our kids out of school many times to go on vacation to warm areas in Feb/March. We don't feel a need to apologize. They are all good kids, get their work done etc.


Memories are everything!!! We believe the bonds and adventures we've formed are the glue that holds us together!


The saddest thing I've ever encountered on a cruise was a conversation I had with an elderly man who wondered why he'd put off cruising all these years and here he was taking what would probably be his last cruise.


For those that don't take time off for vacation, the rich shareholders thank you from the private top-of-the-line suite they are enjoying on the cruise paid for by your hard work and sweat! If you have time off available TAKE IT!!!!

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Some of these stories are incredible. Makes me greatful for everything and everyone that I have :)


If I felt guilty before about spending a lot of money on this cruise, I definitely don't now. Heck, makes me want to book another one already!



Some of you guys are truly amazing to have gone through all these things! :eek:

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Actually, my wife had two almost death conditions, during the first one she was on the verge of bleeding to death.

The Dr. said he tried everything to stop the bleeding-nothing was working.

Finally, his last ditch effort and the grace of God brought her back to us!


That's why on 2-27-08 our Cruise Critic group is called "It's a MIRACLE!"

8 Days of a hard to find itinerary; St. Kitts, St. Martin, St. Lucia....

Hmm...All those saints...kind of appropriate:)


Join us if you can, be great to meet you all!



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Why do you cruise?


We had a wake up call about how precious life and our relationship is.

It was a MIRACLE she survived, thought we plan a group cruise the MIRACLE...

Next up our CC Group cruise 2/27/08 "It's a Miracle" 8 Days>>

Never really took vacations as our kids were growing up...Now we do what it takes to sail away together instead of taking everything for granted.


So, why do you cruise?






Thanks for starting this thread!!!!! It really reinforces the importance of not taking life for granted!

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Thanks for starting this thread!!!!! It really reinforces the importance of not taking life for granted!

Amen. It is such an easy thing to do. When I get frustrated with my condition, I remind myself to think of all the things I can still do instead of the things I can't do anymore. Your priorities change. Sitting on a deck chair with a good book and the sun warm on my face is one of my favorite things to do these days. When I hear of people complaining about how old they are getting as their birthday looms, I remind them if they are not celebrating a birthday, then the alternative is not a good one! Hope everybody on this thread keeps on sailing and enjoying every single day of their life.

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What a great thread! My husband and I are also high school sweethearts and have been married for almost 38 yrs. Growing up we took NO vacations, ever, couldn't afford to. So when we got married we vowed we would take at least one vacation a year no matter what and we have. It was usually a short trip to the beach, but at least it was something.


About 4 yrs ago my precious husband almost died. He had gotten food poisoning and was so violently sick that it completely shut his kidneys down. He was on dialysis for over a month, but by the grace of God and some wonderful doctors he is just fine today.


After that we were introduced to cruising by a big group from our hometown who have been cruising every year for 15 or so years. We took our first 2 cruises with them so we could get the hang of it, but the last one we took this past February was just the two of us. It was by far the greatest vacation we've ever had! Now we cannot wait to book another one for just us again.


So I fully agree with everyone else, PLEASE don't put off something you want to do. If you can figure out how to afford it GO NOW!!!

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Thanks to all for sharing your stories. Sometimes it's healing to talk about things we go through, and to know we are not alone.

I have to say, as a family we are very blessed. We have not suffered any premature loss, or terrible illness. DH works in medical field and does see a lot of others misfortune. It is important to us to spend time together and create beautiful memories with each other, and with our son. I hope we can fill books.

I hope you all can fill books.

Happy cruising and memory making.

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:D Again, this thread is great!


It got me to thinking about something else. I read where many people have not been on vacations in years, due to finances, family obligations, jobs, etc. Believe me I know the feeling, putting off things to do other things, and it reminded me of an article I read a few years ago, and that I still have. It talked about "Life is what happens while we are doing other things", and it is soooo true! There will always be bills, family obligations, death, illness etc., but someone else here said, "if you we are not celebrating birthdays, the alternative is not very good" Sooo true also!


We are presently having our bathroom upgraded, and just recently had our kitchen redone, on top of that we need our exterior windows redone. Money,Obligations, etc, but guess what??


I will be leaving for a cruise in 17 days with my Mom, and I am planning a long weekend trip to New Orleans with Hubby, sometime in July, and planning to attend the Cape May Jazz Fest this summer, all on a budget. Do you see where I am going with this???:D

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:D Again, this thread is great!


It got me to thinking about something else. I read where many people have not been on vacations in years, due to finances, family obligations, jobs, etc. Believe me I know the feeling, putting off things to do other things, and it reminded me of an article I read a few years ago, and that I still have. It talked about "Life is what happens while we are doing other things", and it is soooo true! There will always be bills, family obligations, death, illness etc., but someone else here said, "if you we are not celebrating birthdays, the alternative is not very good" Sooo true also!


We are presently having our bathroom upgraded, and just recently had our kitchen redone, on top of that we need our exterior windows redone. Money,Obligations, etc, but guess what??


I will be leaving for a cruise in 17 days with my Mom, and I am planning a long weekend trip to New Orleans with Hubby, sometime in July, and planning to attend the Cape May Jazz Fest this summer, all on a budget. Do you see where I am going with this???:D


Oh yeah!

My parents saved for retirement and planned to finally travel. Mom came down with cancer just as they retired, Dad 42 yrs with the same company.

When mom passed, Dad went into a shell, and never really overcame the grief, and they never again had the opportunity to do all those things you wait for retirement for...

I've got a 'hot' wife who thinks I'm perfect:D and we're best friends with a honeymoon that has lasted over 26 years!

You bet I'm setting priorities...


Listen: some of us need to leave the kids with grandma and go as a couple!



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We all have to remember life is a "GIFT" How to we love a gift?? Cherish it for we do not know how long we will have it.


In less than two weeks my dh and I will be going on a family cruise. Four generations, yes you guesst it, we are the old ones, but the neat part is the family is elated that we will be there with them. [may end up putting them to bed] lol

This will be my dh and my 17th cruise and everyone is just so great. I never go w/o stopping and thanking the dear lord for giving us that special moment, which starts weeks before the cruise.


I think this says alot, by Nelson DeMillie. "Along the way we discover that the journey is more significant than the destination, and that the people we meet along the way will be the traveling companions of our memories forever."

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This whole thread is terrific.

We have our first cruise booked and I have been wanting to go on one for years and just said to heck with it and booked it ...

Why after all these years? Because I work on an oncology floor and this year alone we've lost at least 10 patients (relatively young ones ... even a 31 yr old) to this disease and I decided that you never know ... when your time is up and by golly I was going ... and just booked it ... because as other posters have said ... the bills are always going to be there; there's always something that needs to be done and money to be spent; but memories are priceless and having special time with your loved ones is more important than anything else.

One of our patients was given 6 weeks and the docs told her to go do whatever she wanted to do ... well unfortunately this 31 yr old didn't make it another 2 days so she didn't get to do what she wanted ... so yes I agree, take that vacation ... because we all should "Live Like we were dying".

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What a great thread, I've loved reading each answer :)


My answer is similar to a lot of others. I have always wanted to travel, but for a long while I let the typical excuses keep me home. "I don't have a SO to go with...", "I should save my money for something more practical...", etc. But now I figure, if I wait for everything to be perfect then I'll be waiting forever. Life is too short, I should appreciate it while I can.

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What a shame that so many of us wait till some life threatening disease comes along before we realize that life is short and we need to take advantage of each day. Cruising is my favorite vacation, but any time away with family is wonderful. My three children and their spouses and 5 grandkids just spent two nights sleeping over at one of my daughter's homes. The children had a wonderful time and my husabnd and I are starting to think about celebrating a big anniversary with everyone on baord. Life has a way of doing unpredictible things to us.


On the other hand, we have a first cousin who is in his 70's who was diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumor and most people with this type of tumor are dead within a year. He is alive 4 years after the diagnosis and every year since he and his wife take a wonderful vacation. Last summer they sailed on the Rotterdam in Europe and had a blast.


While I don't believe in creating debt to take a vacation, I do think that it should be part of what we spend our dollars for.

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DH had a history of coronary artery disease, has suffered 3 heart attacks and ultimately ended up with a sextuple bypass. Since that time he's enjoyed nothing but good health - thank God and thank the doctors. Since his health problems have been repaired, we've cruised to celebrate various birthdays and anniversaries, the latest being an early celebration of our 30th anniversary in February.


My sister (who has never cruised) has asked me why we cruise, and why we go to the same places more than once (Caribbean x 3, Mexico x 2, and the Mediterranean x 2, with a third coming in 2009). My response is that we want to travel while we can so that when the time comes that we can't travel any more, we will have wonderful memories and photos to look at of the places we've been. I don't want to sit on a porch in a rocking chair with the love of my life beside me, listening to either him or me saying "Gee, I wish we'd have travelled when we were younger / healthier."

Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)

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DH had a history of coronary artery disease, has suffered 3 heart attacks and ultimately ended up with a sextuple bypass. Since that time he's enjoyed nothing but good health - thank God and thank the doctors. Since his health problems have been repaired, we've cruised to celebrate various birthdays and anniversaries, the latest being an early celebration of our 30th anniversary in February.


My sister (who has never cruised) has asked me why we cruise, and why we go to the same places more than once (Caribbean x 3, Mexico x 2, and the Mediterranean x 2, with a third coming in 2009). My response is that we want to travel while we can so that when the time comes that we can't travel any more, we will have wonderful memories and photos to look at of the places we've been. I don't want to sit on a porch in a rocking chair with the love of my life beside me, listening to either him or me saying "Gee, I wish we'd have travelled when we were younger / healthier."

Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)


You are so right!!! Thats exactly how I feel. When the time comes and we are unable to do as much or if anything at all, at least we will have precious photos, videos, journals etc., of time well spent. It will be especially pleasing to share of this with my future grandkids and if I am not around to see them, at least my Son will have keepsakes to show them how their grandma lived her life!;)

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My husband and I are in our late 20's. We too have put off vacations because of moving, not enough money, or vacation time, etc. 3 1/2 years my father-in-law came down with an auto-immune condition and almost passed away 2 months before our wedding. We almost post-poned the wedding, but he survived and was able to walk with my husband down the aisle. This year we went to Arizona for Christmas with my in-laws because they hadn't all been together since their father/grandfather passed away 10 years ago. A few days after returning, my brother-in-law came down with a bacterial infection and went into septic shock. He nearly passed away, but is doing much better now. It was after he recovered that we decided to go on our first cruise. We just returned 6 days ago and wish we were still there on the boat. We have learned how quickly live passes us by and how you can't take things for granted. I can't wait till our next cruise. We are planning a cruise with my in-laws and my own family in the next few years.


So why do I cruise? To spend quality time with my husband, to relax, to meet new people, to experience adventures that I could never have imagined were possible.

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I lost my mother one month after my 20th birthday and I am now 64. We didn't have the money to go on cruises which were expensive. And on each one of my 17 cruises I have thought about my mother and how my wife and I and my brother and his wife (who have sailed on about 20 cruises) would have really enjoyed taking her and my father on a cruise.


And here is a good time to reiterate what is most important about a cruise vacation...the time that you spend with each other in a wonderfully romanic setting. In short...go and you will have no regrets.


Hope that this helps.



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Well for us, 2 moms, a dad, an aunt, an uncle and a brother all on DWs side, except my mom, all died in there 50s, brother was 42. I'm not waiting til retirement to travel and have fun. We've cruised 5 times, and # 6 is in the works. I don't want to wait and then miss out spending vacation time with her. That's why we're cruising now.

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This thread got me to thinking about my dad. He died when I was 22.(I'll be 26 this month!:) ) But he always like to go places on family vacations- to Florida, the mountains, etc.


I thought about him on the 1st cruise my sister and I went on. I just wondered what he would think about his 2 daughters out in stingray city with these animals!LOL! I am sure he would have laughed and said those are his girls.:rolleyes:

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I've watched this thread since it started, and it has caused me to review my life a bit. I may be ready to add a little bit to the thread.


I have always been bitten by the travel bug. If you look at my sig, you will see some quotations that are significant to my life. As a child, I also heard the call of Mother Ocean, and heard the wild geese overhead and wanted to answer their call as well.


I married, and we traveled. On our first trip, barely married, we bypassed dinner in the lodge at Crater Lake NP in order to afford the boat trip to Wizard Island. I was by then a Sailor -- U.S. Navy kind, although I had been small "s" sailor prior to that. DW and I are two parts of a whole; we are the ones who will "go, and find out, and be damned". (Also a quotation -- Kipling, the Lost Legion). We would go despite the cost in money, time or effort, and we still do. We always volunteered for the different, exotic USN duties. We have lived in Europe (Naples, Italy; London, England; and Stuttgart, Germany) for a total of 11 years. We have lived on Guam, and toured many, many other places. There are many more we would see before the end.


I retired from the Navy after nearly 30 years, and took up another career in order to be able to afford to continue to travel as often and as well as we can. The DW had introduced me to cruising despite my misgivings -- I had been on many USN cruises, of months-long duration, but she convinced me by pointing out that she had not been with me then. We are ever together now, cruising often, but traveling much more in other ways. We age, and our health (mine in particular) is not great but also, not yet, critical. We have lost loved family members and have the time to reflect, and vow to lose no time in wishing we had gone. Gone where? -- anywhere, wherever, to see what's there.


We have been, and seen, and explored, and have absolutely no intention of stopping until we are stopped! The end of the Tennyson poem in my sig reads "Though we are not that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are -- one even temper of heroic hearts, made weak with time and age, yet strong in will;


To strive, to seek, to find,


And not to yield."


Perhaps we, you and I, may meet beyond the baths of the western stars. I would like that.



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