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Cheated, poisoned, insulted & ignored.


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Well it certainly sounds as if the Club staff was given the day off and most of us do not react well when called into work, at the last minute. It sounds like the HAL staffer allowed her own dissappointment interfere with her professional manner.


Not to make excuse for this behavior, but I can't help but wonder if the Club HAL staffer was not fully aware of the situation and viewed it as another intrusion on her personal time, due to the spontaneous whim of a pax, who did not pre-register their kids? I am most certain that they have seen and heard it all, before. Again, I am not making excuses. It sounds like she should have sucked it up and rose to the occasion and saved the whine for her management.


My wife ignored the initial burst of attitude from the Club HAL staffer and calmly explained our situation. When the staffer continued to voice her resentment to our children being there, my wife decided to leave. Would you leave young children in the care of such an immature person?


We could have really benefited from the Club HAL service under the circumstances, which is why we went to guest services to voice our concerns. We were hoping someone would come back to us, apologize for the immature behaviour, and rebuild our confidence in Club HAL. We were looking for that mature person to leave our children with. No one bothered to respond.

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Can you tell I do not eat anything from the sea? I thought snails/escargot were shell fish. My bad.
Yes, they're mollusks like clams and oysters, but many people don't think of them when you say shellfish because there are many types of land snails. I think the ones we commonly eat are land snails. :)
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I'm curious about something and I hope you interpret this question for exactly what it is. It is simply a question. No underlying reason; just and attempt to 'learn'.


Before you went on your cruise, did you lurk here and read posts? Try to learn something about HAL? About Noordam? Were you familiar with and aware of this site prior to your cruise?


Or, did you do a search on the internet since you are home to find a BB that dealt with cruises and particularly HAL cruises?


There is no right or wrong answer, obviously. And clearly....either way is just fine.


It is simply something I am curious about and, of course, you need not respond it you do not care to.


Thank you.




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Yes, they're mollusks like clams and oysters, but many people don't think of them when you say shellfish because there are many types of land snails. :)


Thank you. I learn something new every day on CC.

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I'm curious about something and I hope you interpret this question for exactly what it is. It is simply a question. No underlying reason; just and attempt to 'learn'.


Before you went on your cruise, did you lurk here and read posts? Try to learn something about HAL? About Noordam? Were you familiar with and aware of this site prior to your cruise?


Or, did you do a search on the internet since you are home to find a BB that dealt with cruises and particularly HAL cruises?


There is no right or wrong answer, obviously. And clearly....either way is just fine.


It is simply something I am curious about and, of course, you need not respond it you do not care to.


Thank you.




The Noordam and HAL seemed to have a good record, which is why we were on a scouting mission to assess them for a family reunion.


The positive reviews, however, do not invalidate my negative experience on board.

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First of all, sorry this incident happened to you and, no doubt, ruined your vacation on Noordam. None of us would wish that type of reaction upon you, ourselves and/or others!

I have to tell you, like the Fire Lieutenant, the terms you used to describe your symptoms "Unconsciousness", "Shortness of Breath" also caught my attention. I'm certainly not a doctor and/or paramedic but I'm around the latter on a regular basis in the course of my duties. Based on what you're telling us, I would think the medical staff would have you admmitted to sick bay/medical center on Noordam immediately based on those symptoms alone and would monitor your condition for at least 24-48 hours before even allowing you back in your cabin.

The reaction from the Club HAL member was unprofessional as well as uncalled for! Yeah, I can even see that she was disappointed going from a day off to having to work but that's life, that's what she gets paid for (and was for a darn good reason) so live with it! (referring to her).

I've learned that if things don't go right or, in your case, you get unprofessional reactions, go higher up in order to seek a solution and/or bring unprofessional conduct to someone's attention. That means if you don't get satisfactory assistance from the Front Office and/or a FO supervisor, go to the Guest Relations Manager and/or even to the Hotel Manager, if needed. Same goes with the reaction from the C/D. Your case, based on how you describe it, would have warranted daily follow up from, at a minimum, the GRM. Please let us know what kind of response you get from Seattle.

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I am thinking the OP got caught up in the pricing snafu which puts into play dynamics/emotions, not usually experienced before a vacation.


I am thinking the OP had a horrible reaction to seafood and was sicker than a dog.


I am thinking that the preoccupation with the OP's illness precluded the family from pre-booking the HAL CLub, assuming they would have even used it, on a port day, had dad not become so ill.


And it sounds like the HAL Club staffer put her own feelings about having her port day cancelled into play.


It's a one off, in terms of so many different factors combining to create the cruise from hell-o. I always feel bad when anyone's vacation is ruined due to for things beyond their control. That the majority of us have never experienced any thing like this, does not make this less real to the OP.

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I have to agree with Hammybee. The OP reaction was probably from multiple issues. I do think that if I thought I was paying x for a cruise but had to pay an extra $2,000 (yes, it could have been canceled, but those with children usually have limited vacation days and even if an air fare is refunded, finding another one to a diff port is not always possible at the same price), that extra $2,000 would probably weigh on many passengers, since the entire experiance with Hal got off to a bad start.

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We were on the same voyage as the OP. We used club HAL daily for our 3 1/2 yr DS. On port Day's the Program was available for a fee and which we used in St. Thomas, Dominca, Barbados. The Kid Staff was Excellent !!!

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First, I am sorry that you got ill while on the cruise. There is nothing worse than being ill away from home on what is supposed to be a vacation.


I would have thought that the pricing issue would have been settled before you boarded. That is a big discrepany in cost and I wonder why it wasn't resolved when your payment in full was required.


Second, IMHO, you should have been kept in the hospital bay and watched more carefully when you were unable to breathe. Did you refuse such treatment? Were you checked daily by the nurse? By the MD ?


Third, I do think the person in charge at Club Hal acted in an unprofesional maner.Sometimes, people become sticklers for rules and don't realize that in some cases it's ok to break them.


And last, I have found that when you do not get results you desire when you are under a very difficult situation, you need to go to whoever is the TOP person in charge, whether it be a hotel, a ship, or even in a hospital.And while the emergency is underway, not after.


I was on the Noordam in February, and found the staff to be more than helpful and kind. Of course, I did not experience what you did.


Your allergic reaction could have happened in any restaurant, hotel, etc. Especially, since no one else got sick, it must have been a combination of things unique to only you, and again, I'm sorry you had to go through this experience.


I hope your next cruise will be more enjoyable!

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Your allergic reaction could have happened in any restaurant, hotel, etc. Especially, since no one else got sick, it must have been a combination of things unique to only you, and again, I'm sorry you had to go through this experience.


Exactly. Since it was unique to one person only, I was disturbed by the use of the word 'poison'. Somehow that implies something entirely different.....can't even say subtly as there is nothing subtle about poison.


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"while I was unconscious and non-responsive"


If you were unconscious and non-Resposive you would have been medically Stabilized and removed from The Noordam, No Questions Asked !!!

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"while I was unconscious and non-responsive"


If you were unconscious and non-Resposive you would have been medically Stabilized and removed from The Noordam, No Questions Asked !!!


Not necessarily so.....

I asked DH ( used to be a paramedic) about these symptoms. It sounded to him like the OP went into Anaphylactic (sp?) Shock, a rare, spontaneous and potentially fatal reaction to certain foods, latex or bee venom. Loss of consiousness is common.


It's scarry to watch someone in this state, but all that is necessary is a shot of adrenaline, occasionally followed by antibiotics. Those who have experienced this kind of reaction, tend to obtain an EPI Pen and keep it on their person, in case of a repeat reaction.

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First of all, sorry this incident happened to you and, no doubt, ruined your vacation on Noordam. None of us would wish that type of reaction upon you, ourselves and/or others!

I have to tell you, like the Fire Lieutenant, the terms you used to describe your symptoms "Unconsciousness", "Shortness of Breath" also caught my attention. I'm certainly not a doctor and/or paramedic but I'm around the latter on a regular basis in the course of my duties. Based on what you're telling us, I would think the medical staff would have you admmitted to sick bay/medical center on Noordam immediately based on those symptoms alone and would monitor your condition for at least 24-48 hours before even allowing you back in your cabin.

The reaction from the Club HAL member was unprofessional as well as uncalled for! Yeah, I can even see that she was disappointed going from a day off to having to work but that's life, that's what she gets paid for (and was for a darn good reason) so live with it! (referring to her).

I've learned that if things don't go right or, in your case, you get unprofessional reactions, go higher up in order to seek a solution and/or bring unprofessional conduct to someone's attention. That means if you don't get satisfactory assistance from the Front Office and/or a FO supervisor, go to the Guest Relations Manager and/or even to the Hotel Manager, if needed. Same goes with the reaction from the C/D. Your case, based on how you describe it, would have warranted daily follow up from, at a minimum, the GRM. Please let us know what kind of response you get from Seattle.


Copper 10-8: Print a copy of this post to the "Latter", I am sure that they will enjoy this Thread (Medically Speaking) :) :)

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A message posted at 3 A.M. (Eastern Time) is not likely to get many immediate responses.


Glad to hear you have recovered and you and your family are safely home.


Sorry you encountered disappointments on Noordam.


Never having dealt with Club HAL, I have no clue about the children's areas.

However, I have dealt with many HAL crews and specifically Noordam's and we have had a very different experience than you relate here.


Call me cheerleader or whatever. I'm simply saying we adore Noordam and are still awed by her crew. ONE of the finest we have ever sailed with on any ship/cruise line.


The most important thing is you have recovered and seem to now be well.

But poisoned? Admittedly that is the first time I have heard that word used on any cruise BB. Allergy perhaps?


Wishing you all good health and happy cruises.


Agree with you 100% about the Noordam. Couldn't have been happier. Our service was excellent and next year we are planning a Baltic cruise and once again are going with HAL on the Eurodam in august.


Hope his experience was one of a kind and will never happen again.


We also had a problem with a different cruise line when we upgraded from an inside room to 2 balconies. Our son and his wife and our other son and his wife were going to share an inside room. The price was paid by them but we then decided to upgrade each of them to a balcony. Our cruise broker had a three way conversation with us and the cruise line and they gave us a price. Seemed remarkable but they said it was correct. They faxsed us papers to sign and we signed them. A day later they called and said they added incorrectly and the price was not right. Our cruise broker said we had signed the papers, faxed them back and they should honor the price. Within an hour they called back and honored the price. Was a big fan of that cruise line until I hit HAL and now I want to stick with them.


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Not necessarily so.....

I asked DH ( used to be a paramedic) about these symptoms. It sounded to him like the OP went into Anaphylactic (sp?) Shock, a rare, spontaneous and potentially fatal reaction to certain foods, latex or bee venom. Loss of consiousness is common.


It's scarry to watch someone in this state, but all that is necessary is a shot of adrenaline, occasionally followed by antibiotics. Those who have experienced this kind of reaction, tend to obtain an EPI Pen and keep it on their person, in case of a repeat reaction.


Seen it happen many times, assisted with the epi-pen according and with the NJ Protocal, The ("Unresposive") according to the OP is a different evolution if this did indeed occur. Also remeber that we are on a vessel which I am sure that they did have adequate dosage's of Epinephrine.

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Seen it happen many times, assisted with the epi-pen according and with the NJ Protcall, The ("Unresposive") according to the OP is a different evolution if this did indeed occur :)


Small world. DH was a volunteer EMT and then paramedic in NJ, before we relocated back to the Chicago area. Of course "unresponsive" means different things to different people. If one is unconsious, I guess they are unresponsive from my standpoint, but I have absolutely no training beyond basic CPR.


The protocol is to administer the shot and get them to the ER, asap. According to DH, patients are stabilized, monitored and usually released for rest, at home, unless there are other factors that create a high risk situation.


Regardless, I can only imagine how frightened and understandedly anxious and well, hysterical this family was, given what happened. Yeah, the choice of language in the title is alarmist, but I am going to take it at face value- the ole Karma thing. That a physical reaction like this, can be so spontaneous, after a lifetime of exposure to the trigger, is unsettleing, to say the least.

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Small world. DH was a volunteer EMT and then paramedic in NJ, before we relocated back to the Chicago area. Of course "unresponsive" means different things to different people. If one is unconsious, I guess they are unresponsive from my standpoint, but I have absolutely no training beyond basic CPR.


The protocol is to administer the shot and get them to the ER, asap. According to DH, patients are stabilized, monitored and usually released for rest, at home, unless there are other factors that create a high risk situation.


Regardless, I can only imagine how frightened and understandedly anxious and well, hysterical this family was, given what happened. Yeah, the choice of language in the title is alarmist, but I am going to take it at face value- the ole Karma thing. That a physical reaction like this, can be so spontaneous, after a lifetime of exposure to the trigger, is unsettleing, to say the least.



We live down the road from you in Brick. Wife is originally from Middletown,

Resided off of Harmony Road. Had dinner many times @ Various Restaurants off of Route 35 & 36 !! :)

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We live down the road from you in Brick. Wife is originally from Middletown,

Resided off of Harmony Road. Had dinner many times @ Various Restaurants off of Route 35 & 36 !! :)


We were one mile off Exit 114/ GSP, near St. Catherine's, off of Middletown Rd.


This was our third and maybe last relo to/from the East Coast. :(

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First of all, sorry this incident happened to you and, no doubt, ruined your vacation on Noordam. None of us would wish that type of reaction upon you, ourselves and/or others!


I have to tell you, like the Fire Lieutenant, the terms you used to describe your symptoms "Unconsciousness", "Shortness of Breath" also caught my attention. I'm certainly not a doctor and/or paramedic but I'm around the latter on a regular basis in the course of my duties. Based on what you're telling us, I would think the medical staff would have you admmitted to sick bay/medical center on Noordam immediately based on those symptoms alone and would monitor your condition for at least 24-48 hours before even allowing you back in your cabin.


The reaction from the Club HAL member was unprofessional as well as uncalled for! Yeah, I can even see that she was disappointed going from a day off to having to work but that's life, that's what she gets paid for (and was for a darn good reason) so live with it! (referring to her).


I've learned that if things don't go right or, in your case, you get unprofessional reactions, go higher up in order to seek a solution and/or bring unprofessional conduct to someone's attention. That means if you don't get satisfactory assistance from the Front Office and/or a FO supervisor, go to the Guest Relations Manager and/or even to the Hotel Manager, if needed. Same goes with the reaction from the C/D. Your case, based on how you describe it, would have warranted daily follow up from, at a minimum, the GRM. Please let us know what kind of response you get from Seattle.


I have no complaints against the ship's doctor. He immediately realized I was going thru a major allergic reaction plus some other stuff he could not explain. He prescribed heavy duty steroids as well as antihistamines to be safe. The difficulty breathing came later (note I did not say shortness of breath)... my lungs hurt when I tried to breath lying down, making sleep almost impossible. Strange, but not indicative of an anaphylactic reaction that would mandate close monitoring (sorry if I butchered spelling of medical terms... I am a layman).

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I am thinking the OP got caught up in the pricing snafu which puts into play dynamics/emotions, not usually experienced before a vacation.


I am thinking the OP had a horrible reaction to seafood and was sicker than a dog.


I am thinking that the preoccupation with the OP's illness precluded the family from pre-booking the HAL CLub, assuming they would have even used it, on a port day, had dad not become so ill.


And it sounds like the HAL Club staffer put her own feelings about having her port day cancelled into play.


It's a one off, in terms of so many different factors combining to create the cruise from hell-o. I always feel bad when anyone's vacation is ruined due to for things beyond their control. That the majority of us have never experienced any thing like this, does not make this less real to the OP.


Would have been nice if guest services, the cruise director, or even the captain had addressed any of these concerns, or even responded to us. Very unprofessional, very uncaring.


Seems to me that when so many different snafus combine together, it is not a "one-off", but a disturbing pattern that is bound to repeat itself.

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Copper 10-8: Print a copy of this post to the "Latter", I am sure that they will enjoy this Thread (Medically Speaking) :) :)


My twelve year old son wants to you know that he was terrified when my wife could not revive me for several minutes and he cannot understand how you can find this all so amusing, or why you doubt something he saw with his own eyes.


Enough said. I will stop wasting my time here.

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