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Anyone have any thoughts on wearing Jeans


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If you have a problem with people that wear jeans, take it up with the cruise line, there in lies the problem!
Actually the problem is in the misinterpretation of the word slacks. Far too many people want to rationalize it's definition so that it includes jeans, when the truth is if jeans were considered slacks we wouldn't have two seperate terms for those two seperate items.


Go into any clothing store anywhere in the world and ask for a pair of slacks and no salesperson is going to walk you to the jeans rack.


But that's just my humble opinion.

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I hate to even try and expand your pinhole view of people, but in some cultures wearing hats during dining is totally appropriate...:)


Please don't insist that we follow your personal view, having a hat on at the table is not a statement of ones character or his breeding habits.:eek:


I agree that it is perfectly acceptable for a Woman to wear a hat and in some other cultures men wear headpieces, but quite frankly, I think we are talking about American society here, and in this instance, it is crude, and rude! At least in polite Southern genteel society it is inapproriate! Did you know that it is even considered rude for a man to offer to shake a woman's hand unless she offer's it first? I daresay, you didn't !

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So here we are back to the same old argument. There are die hard jeans haters who will swear up and down that jeans are "not appropriate, not within the dress code, not what Carnival requests you to wear".... Just because it specifically does not state NO JEANS, and their PERSONAL opinion is that they are crass. It doesn't have to state "no jeans", it will never state "no jeans" because, they are widely and openly accepted by the cruise line as being within their guidelines. Not sure why people still aren't getting that, and continue to beat the drum "they aren't acceptable, they aren't acceptable, they are not within the guidelines".


Carnival doesn't need to clarify this issue. They already have, by allowing them, over and over, every single night. No one has EVER been told by anyone at Carnival that jeans are not within the guidelines and that they could not enter the dining room, yet the jeans haters still continue to try and convince people that they are not ok, because they personally don't like them.


Everyone's definition of "resort casual" is different, yet Carnival obviously feels that jeans fall within that definition. End of discussion. Trying to convince people that they don't fall within that definition is a moot point, because they can walk into any dining room on any Carnival ship and see jeans all over the place.


Jeans. Are. Slacks. They may not be "nice" slacks according to some people, but they are still slacks. Jeans are accepted, everyone knows it, so then we hear "OK fine, maybe they are OK, but if you do wear them you are CRASS or a FARMER or RUDE." Which tells me that this argument is based on personal opinion, argument for arguments sake, and nothing to do with them thinking that the guidelines are not being followed.


You can say until the crass farmers cows come home that they are not within the guidelines and not what is requested, but it just doesn't hold water anymore.


It's a dancing waiter, singing Maitre'd, CARNIVAL ship. If Fun Ship Freddie and a Pirate costumed crew member can come and pretend to slash my throat at dinner, if waiters wear wigs and silly glasses and to the Ketchup dance while I'm eating my entree, if they want people to stand up and do a Conga line and act plain SILLY, them I'm not too worried about the people next to me at dinner appearing too casual.

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Just wear them and if you are lucky no one will say anything


They won't say anything ANYWAY because they are fine to wear in the dining room. Really, ask Carnival, they'll tell ya. Maybe not the people that answer the phone, but the actual people on the ship, the ones who run the whole restaurant and MAKE the dress code, they'll give you the OK, even if the jeans are blue!!! REALLY!

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guess we missed the memo where you became the discussion police

And I guess we missed the memo where you became the post critic?


I'm not upset in the least, just stating my feelings on the issue, which apparantly is OK for some, but not for others (especially the ones who disagree with you?)

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I'm not upset in the least, just stating my feelings on the issue, which apparantly is OK for some, but not for others (especially the ones who disagree with you?)

My mistake. A reply with 6 paragraphs reads with a hint of discourse.


And just so YOU know, I have no problem with someone else's opinion.

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So here we are back to the same old argument. There are die hard jeans haters who will swear up and down that jeans are "not appropriate, not within the dress code, not what Carnival requests you to wear".... Just because it specifically does not state NO JEANS, and their PERSONAL opinion is that they are crass. It doesn't have to state "no jeans", it will never state "no jeans" because, they are widely and openly accepted by the cruise line as being within their guidelines. Not sure why people still aren't getting that, and continue to beat the drum "they aren't acceptable, they aren't acceptable, they are not within the guidelines".


Carnival doesn't need to clarify this issue. They already have, by allowing them, over and over, every single night. No one has EVER been told by anyone at Carnival that jeans are not within the guidelines and that they could not enter the dining room, yet the jeans haters still continue to try and convince people that they are not ok, because they personally don't like them.


Everyone's definition of "resort casual" is different, yet Carnival obviously feels that jeans fall within that definition. End of discussion. Trying to convince people that they don't fall within that definition is a moot point, because they can walk into any dining room on any Carnival ship and see jeans all over the place.


Jeans. Are. Slacks. They may not be "nice" slacks according to some people, but they are still slacks. Jeans are accepted, everyone knows it, so then we hear "OK fine, maybe they are OK, but if you do wear them you are CRASS or a FARMER or RUDE." Which tells me that this argument is based on personal opinion, argument for arguments sake, and nothing to do with them thinking that the guidelines are not being followed.


You can say until the crass farmers cows come home that they are not within the guidelines and not what is requested, but it just doesn't hold water anymore.


It's a dancing waiter, singing Maitre'd, CARNIVAL ship. If Fun Ship Freddie and a Pirate costumed crew member can come and pretend to slash my throat at dinner, if waiters wear wigs and silly glasses and to the Ketchup dance while I'm eating my entree, if they want people to stand up and do a Conga line and act plain SILLY, them I'm not too worried about the people next to me at dinner appearing too casual.


AMEN!!!:D :D

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A reply with 6 paragraphs reads with a hint of discourse.

Nah, I just tend to ramble. I actually deleted two paragraphs, lol. :p Sorry, I generally don't post 6 paragraphs, REALLY. It's rare. I just have a strong opinion on this jeans thing, as many other do as well. Plus I just woke up from a nap and was feeling refreshed and... wordy.

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You would make a good lawyer :D


LOL! My husband tells me that ALL the time! Especially when I'm making the argument as to why we really, really need to book another cruise. :)


Where do you live in the Adirondacks? We go there every year!

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No matter how expensive' date=' this is rude, crude, unacceptable behaviour and shows poor table graces, lack of manners and possible inbreeding!!:D[/quote']

In the old days hats were very acceptable in AMERICA, and at present are also acceptable, its well known wearing dyed hair is a sure sign of inbreeding.:)

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In 1968, I stopped for dinner at a restaurant in Louisiana. There two state troopers at the next table. They thought it was funny that I had long hair and I beard. I thought it was funny that they were wearing hats while eating dinner in a restaurant.


I believe Miss Manners states the corrrect etiquette rule.


"Gentle Reader,

It is a lot more complicated since the proliferation of the baseball cap. Miss Manners is constantly importuned by young ladies who invoke the gender defense when she invokes the rule about removing hats indoors.


It doesn't move her a bit. Your wife is right that what is clearly a lady's hat — something with flowers, veils or other such frivolity — may be worn inside, as well as outdoors (although never at home or after dark). Unisex hats must be removed."



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Nah, I just tend to ramble. I actually deleted two paragraphs, lol. :p Sorry, I generally don't post 6 paragraphs, REALLY. It's rare. I just have a strong opinion on this jeans thing, as many other do as well. Plus I just woke up from a nap and was feeling refreshed and... wordy.
With two more paragraphs I would have thought you were really angry. :D

No biggie, it's just so many people get caught up in these silly debates and get emotional sometimes.

Truth is, until Carnival steps up (and tells you guys you're wrong :D ;) ) and puts exactly what they expect in black and white, the jeans issue will be open for opinions.

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Truth is, until Carnival steps up (and tells you guys you're wrong :D ;) )


Don't get me going, I feel an 8 paragraph reply coming on.... :p Want to know what's really funny? I don't wear jeans in the dining room!! I wear dresses, and usually feel way overdressed!


Lake Placid, nice!! Beautiful area! We usually go to the Old Forge area, late August. I love the cool nights, sweatshirt weather by the camp fire!

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ruth is, until Carnival steps up (and tells you guys you're wrong :D ;) ) and puts exactly what they expect in black and white, the jeans issue will be open for opinions.


There is no jeans issue;) At least not with Carnival LOL!

I agree with you that jeans are not slacks.....

But also neither are dockers and capris and yet no one has an issue with them....

Ya see Carnival can't write down every piece of article for people to wear for dinner. There is too much fashion out there. They just put a few suggestions out there.....

But they can be specific on what is not allowed. And they do:D

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So here we are back to the same old argument. There are die hard jeans haters who will swear up and down that jeans are "not appropriate, not within the dress code, not what Carnival requests you to wear".... Just because it specifically does not state NO JEANS, and their PERSONAL opinion is that they are crass. It doesn't have to state "no jeans", it will never state "no jeans" because, they are widely and openly accepted by the cruise line as being within their guidelines. Not sure why people still aren't getting that, and continue to beat the drum "they aren't acceptable, they aren't acceptable, they are not within the guidelines".


Carnival doesn't need to clarify this issue. They already have, by allowing them, over and over, every single night. No one has EVER been told by anyone at Carnival that jeans are not within the guidelines and that they could not enter the dining room, yet the jeans haters still continue to try and convince people that they are not ok, because they personally don't like them.


Everyone's definition of "resort casual" is different, yet Carnival obviously feels that jeans fall within that definition. End of discussion. Trying to convince people that they don't fall within that definition is a moot point, because they can walk into any dining room on any Carnival ship and see jeans all over the place.


Jeans. Are. Slacks. They may not be "nice" slacks according to some people, but they are still slacks. Jeans are accepted, everyone knows it, so then we hear "OK fine, maybe they are OK, but if you do wear them you are CRASS or a FARMER or RUDE." Which tells me that this argument is based on personal opinion, argument for arguments sake, and nothing to do with them thinking that the guidelines are not being followed.


You can say until the crass farmers cows come home that they are not within the guidelines and not what is requested, but it just doesn't hold water anymore.


It's a dancing waiter, singing Maitre'd, CARNIVAL ship. If Fun Ship Freddie and a Pirate costumed crew member can come and pretend to slash my throat at dinner, if waiters wear wigs and silly glasses and to the Ketchup dance while I'm eating my entree, if they want people to stand up and do a Conga line and act plain SILLY, them I'm not too worried about the people next to me at dinner appearing too casual.


Well said. I understand that some people do consider dinner aboard a Carnival ship the equivalent of a night out at an exclusive country club or expensive restaurant. But the sad truth is it is not. It is an affordable, mass produced eating hall for people who are on a casual, inexpensive, tropical lower end vacation. Yes Carnival cruises are wonderful for what they are, but they are what they are.


Those who think it is their place to judge what others wear as if it somehow lessens the value of their own vacation experience really need to look elsewhere for their self affirmation.

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... And if you ask, they WILL specifically tell you that jeans are totally fine.


And jeans are slacks. Capri's are long shorts. :p


Those who think it is their place to judge what others wear as if it somehow lessens the value of their own vacation experience really need to look elsewhere for their self affirmation

Or, find another cruise line that specifically disallows jeans, so they can be in the company of like minded individuals, and not even have to think about the people whom they consider to be rude, crass, farmers sitting next to them.

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That's great - IF you're going to one of those restaurants. If, like me, you're going on a cruise ship INSTEAD of the "trendier, more expensive, hipper" restaurants, you should probably dress like you're asked to on the ship, not in the trendy restaurant. I fail to see how the way people dress in a "trendy, hip" restaurant has anything whatsoever to do with the requested dress code on a ship.


I hear people wear shorts to Pizza Hut all the time. Does that mean it's OK on a ship?


Regardless of where you stand on the jeans vs. no jeans debate, this "logic" of yours is completely irrelevant to the situation.

Again, if I ever hear of a maitre d on a carnival ship say jeans are against their rules, then I would reconsider. But I have repeatedly read to the contrary. So until them I will defer to their interpretation of the rules rather than that of parrotrob!

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Again, if I ever hear of a maitre d on a carnival ship say jeans are against their rules, then I would reconsider. But I have repeatedly read to the contrary. So until them I will defer to their interpretation of the rules rather than that of parrotrob!


That's fine, but don't try to use the dress code at a "trendy, hip" restaurant as your justification.

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I don't care what anyone else wears to dinner.


At dinner I will not be looking at you or your butt, but I might be looking at your food.:)


It will take about 45 seconds to get to your table if it is at the back of the room, then you will sit down and no one will have any idea what ind of pants you have.


I do, however, care if you stink.


As long as you don't stink and nothing is falling off you that might get into my food, then you're cool with me.


I don't care about your shoes either...well, as long as they don't stink.

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At dinner I will not be looking at you or your butt


I don't know, I've looked at a few butts in the dining room. Of course, they always look better in JEANS!!!! ;) But the all time fav is that white Carnival uniform. Now, there's a nice look. Don't suppose they sell those anywhere? If so, my hubby would be wearing that EVERY night to dinner!

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That's fine, but don't try to use the dress code at a "trendy, hip" restaurant as your justification.


I am not comparing a dinner in the main dining room aboard a carnival cruise line with a trendy, hip restaurant. The point of the "trendy, hip" reference, if it wasn't self evident, was to dispell the suggestion that some people have made that jeans are crass articles of clothing worn by farmers, auto mechanics and people without any understanding of fashion and of what to wear in public.

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