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The Best Things about P&O


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I have been reading and posting on this board since becoming interested in trying out a po cruise.

Some of you are real seasoned po cruisers and swear it to be the best!

so my question is what are your favorite things about cruising po and what do they do better than other cruise lines.


Sorry if this has been posted before


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Ok then Loobylou, where can I start?!!

Firstly a nice taxi ride down to S/H - viewing that waiting ship at the docks then a quick, priority embarkation - yeah! the holiday has started!!

Having familiar faces welcome us onboard - we always feel it's like coming home - being greeted by our names as we have got to know a fair amount of staff over the years.

Then enjoying that glass of bubbly listening to the band playing us off , the throb of the engines and it's off down through Southampton Waters!

We enjoy the familiarity of the layout of the ships - and making for our usual favourite bars.

We enjoy the food - very British in its taste, especially the different curry on offer each day, followed by a "proper pud"!! - then it's time for a nap in our favourite hidy corner on the ship. - Afternoon tea taken properly in the dining room

We also enjoy (and I realise this is going to stop very soon.. ) a few drinks in our cabin whilst getting ready for the evening.


We like the ambience of a British ship. We also appreciate the public announcements spoken in English (have you heard RCI's PA system? ...takes an age getting through the different languages!! We thought it was quite amusing to begin with, but after a fortnight it does grate a bit!!).


We enjoy seeing the officers around the ship and catching up with many of them, and hearing of their promotions/families etc.


We like to see people eating properly with knives and forks - not just shovelling in their food with forks. On a Princess ship one day, we weren't given a knife and were told that most people don't use them anyway .


Most British tastes of booze catered for.


The Bridge announcement with a little humour at noon.


Checking out the lunch and dinner menu after breakfast!! - so that we can plan/count calories (yeah right!) accordingly!!


The lack of American/Spanish/Italian accents (yes, I know, that's a bit naughty, but that's my opinion, ok?!)It's nice to hear one or two different accents, but prefer to have Brit as the majority. Ooooh! now I've said it..eeeek! If I wanted a proper foreign holiday I would have/and do take them for proper cultural holidays - this is a cruise, where I like my British comforts and standards! ! - (and before we get asked - yes, we have many, many friends from all parts of the world ) and we would do "as in Rome" and all that , but, heck, not a Brit cruise ship!!


Knowing that there may be one or two "around the pool" activities but not pushed down our throats all the time to "keep on having fun" - Oh my goodness, on RCI it was terrible - felt depressed, that I was supposed to be doing stuff all the time.. There was no time just "to be" and relax.

A proper library - not just an excuse of a room/shelf full of games and a few tatty paperbacks.

Enjoying lots of peace and quiet to be able to read through a mountain of books over the two weeks - bliss!

Oriana's cinema - lovely! Either a visit in the afternoon or evening - it's lovely.

The lack of enormous film screens on the deck ..particularly showing american football.

"The P&O BBQ" - The very best of any bBQ I have experienced at sea.

..the worst we had was RCI :eek: ..so weird, piles and piles of mashed potato with everything..not just at the bbq's but with every meal.


Proper theatres and not "showlounges."


Oh and finally - waiters (not servers) understanding me when I ask politely for a jar of marmite at breakfast!!


Teaspoons placed correctly on their saucers - not stuck inside the cup! - yep, honest! this was done on a cruise just recently. Looks crude. I wouldn't do it at home - don't expect piggish standards when I'm away:p & in anycase if I wanted to be a slob at home so beit - but not on holiday.


Plated meals with silver service.


Wine Waiters


Lots of choice of vegetables with each meal - thought I was going to get scurvy with a couple of other lines;)


...a nice short ride back from Southampton with fabulous memories of a wonderful cruise!

..then getting that brochure out to ponder over a cuppa when you get home!!

I should think there will be many more comments made by others that I have forgot to include.

P&O is special to us - and even more special to us now that we took the step of trying other cruiselines last year - and realising that there is a difference between them.

Happy memories to you all as you pick out your own favourite bits!:)


PS...can appreciate that some of these points I have raised are available on other cruise lines - but I shall be sticking to P&O in the future...with the exception of Ventura!!:)

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I have been reading and posting on this board since becoming interested in trying out a po cruise.

Some of you are real seasoned po cruisers and swear it to be the best!

so my question is what are your favorite things about cruising po and what do they do better than other cruise lines.


Sorry if this has been posted before







If you consider me a seasoned P&O cruiser, 8 cruises, 2 booked, 1 to book next week. then I will tell you what I think.


First I have never claimed that P&O was the best cruise line. The concept of 'best' is so subjective. I have no doubt that there are newer, bigger, more luxurious and better staffed ships somewhere in the world. There are for instance a number of 6 star ships which most people would say were better, but not all.


For me I can say why P&O suites us.

  1. They have a range of ships which are different to each other. Each having its own character. Many cruise lines have groups of ships which are Identical, Princess, RCI, NCL
  2. P&O offer a very wide range of cruises and each ship offers a range of cruises. There is no short term pattern, although there can be a yearly pattern eg Oriana/Aurora to Madeira at New Year and USA in September. Many of the other cruise lines have each ship with one or two itinerary's which they do all the time.
  3. Many cruises from Southampton from March to December.
  4. World cruises (this one still to come).
  5. Many longer cruises 21 days +
  6. Using Sterling.
  7. Tea and coffee making facilities in the cabin.
  8. No midnight buffet.
  9. Excellent standard of Ships.
  10. Many cruises with lots of sea days. We are looking at a 16 night cruise with only 7 ports. We love sea days and would not like port intensive cruises.
  11. Christmas on board. Everyone I read or speak to say P&O do this so well.
  12. New Year in Madeira.
  13. The staff we have had nothing else but excellent service.

This list is not exclusive yet and not in any order.


I have no doubt that some of the above could be said of other lines but not all, especially 10, 5, 3, 2, 1.


Right who is next.



:):)Happy P&O Cruising:):)






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Yes! Dai! I forgot to mention tea and coffee making facilities - oh pure joy!!..and the gorgeous biscuits of course!

...and not a soggy cookie in sight! -


Oh yes! and also as you mention Dai - lots of sea days! - bliss..!

And two week cruises being the "norm" - no boasting that you are doing a "b2b" when in fact it's just two one week cruises!!

Also to add that if one does what I would call a proper back to back - then it is a smooth transition - no having to get off the ship/unable to use facilites/having to queue up again.

And talking of queues.... not being told to "stand in line" - we do it naturally!!

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Oh!!! Yes!! I totally forgot! - What on earth can it possibly be made from eh? Surely nothing from this world?...




Now that is one of life's many mysteries, like were has my bloody countdown clock gone:mad::mad:


Come on own up who has it.



:mad:******* Cruising:mad:






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Being able to take 56 packets of priory crumble/honey & oat/mild ginger (we do try to swap these ones for H&O/P.Crumble) home after a 2 week cruise! (That's of course if you haven't eaten them!)


The cruise log, printed on 'Proper' card not flimsy paper!


In the afternoon after a few drinks playing 'How many layers does this coaster have' - RCL doesn't have half as many per coaster!:D


And of course we agree with all of the other comments, especially as Dai B said - the use of Sterling£££!



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Now that is one of life's many mysteries, like were has my bloody countdown clock gone:mad::mad:


Come on own up who has it.



:mad:******* Cruising:mad:








..Your countdown clock? I thought I saw a little fella with a blue hat and tinkling bell earlier, sneaking off with with a countdown clock under his arm.

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5% on board discount:D

Drinks prices what they say they are (no hidden 15% tip)


(a theme here!?:p )


plenty of loungers (even if it is at the windy end)

Towels in the cabin, so no fear they have all gone before you get on deck


(another theme!)



dressing up, but not suddenly worried your wardrobe isn't quite formal enough

Cafe Jardin for a civilised breakfast with real coffee when you don't fancy the buffet


and yes, the 3 days there to get used to the ship, 3 days back to recover from the ports.


ohh, and the fridge!




(on a high, decided & put the order in for 2008 :D - now just have to wait til Monday for confirmation, then wait a year for the holiday:( )


Thing I will miss about the QE2 (just in case someone from Cunard board happens over:) )

iced water, freely available on deck.

drinks service in the buffet - that is coffee & juice as well as alcohol (so being solo, no losing my dinner/table just cos I got up for a drink)

SINGLE CABINS (P+O please listen!!)

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5% on board discount:D

Drinks prices what they say they are (no hidden 15% tip)


(a theme here!?:p )


plenty of loungers (even if it is at the windy end)

Towels in the cabin, so no fear they have all gone before you get on deck


(another theme!)



dressing up, but not suddenly worried your wardrobe isn't quite formal enough

Cafe Jardin for a civilised breakfast with real coffee when you don't fancy the buffet


and yes, the 3 days there to get used to the ship, 3 days back to recover from the ports.


ohh, and the fridge!




(on a high, decided & put the order in for 2008 :D - now just have to wait til Monday for confirmation, then wait a year for the holiday:( )


Thing I will miss about the QE2 (just in case someone from Cunard board happens over:) )

iced water, freely available on deck.

drinks service in the buffet - that is coffee & juice as well as alcohol (so being solo, no losing my dinner/table just cos I got up for a drink)

SINGLE CABINS (P+O please listen!!)


How could I forget the fridge?! And beach towels in your cabin too. Plus the three days getting down the Med - a great unwinder, and as you say a relief after the flurry of port visits...wasn't that well planned out by Mother Nature eh?!

...and not forgetting the Danish Pastries in Cafe Jardin!!


..mind you your QE2 compliments sound very good too!! - Lucky you!!


MESSAGE for E201...We now know who to blame when the Priory Crumbles run out don't we?!..However, it's amazing just how many packs you can "pick up" along the way from lonely cabin trolleys...


**** There seems to be an ongoing theme coming through regarding the booze!***** - Does anyone know, if as a nation we drink more than our cousins over the pond I wonder? Anyone in the know have any stats?!

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:) Priory Crumbles!:)


Even though I am (very eagerly) awaiting my first P&O cruise I can say they were definitely a factor in the booking! They are legendary in our family as my Mum & Dad have half-inched them on every trip so far (so don't just blame E201!;) ).


I am currently trying to lose weight to get into my formal frocks and already knew by the end of the two weeks some would be touch-and-go due to the lunchtime curries and fab dinners I've been hearing about. I had forgotten to add in the "Priory Crumble" effect - I now think it's a lost cause!

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Agree with all the comments so far.


Just a point made on the earlier posting re Silver service - Oceana had stopped doing it last year 2006 , compared to our prev 2004 cruise. Not a problem actually preferred it plated service. I think that they are all changing to plated service if not already done so.

Good point re the loungers - all out warfare on Legend of the Seas, RCC - they had to have a deck patrol on each day - took your towel away after 15 mins - loads of fallouts.

Also get fed up with continuous Steak and "shrimp" on RCC - better range of menu on P+O.

Breakfast much better - can't beat a good bacon sandwich or real sausages- plus a decent cup of tea.

Looks a verygood Xmas cruise on Oriana in 2008 ex Soton - can't do re family commitments but maybe in the future.

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I am looking forward to our P&O cruise.


Is there really curry everyday? I hate the stench of the stuff.


As to drink...I know when Legend of the Seas sailed from Southampton on her first cruise a couple of years ago, they started running out of certain drinks after a few days RCI didn't realise how much a ship load of Brits would quaff :)

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Is there really curry everyday? I hate the stench of the stuff.


On Oceana, there was a curry selection every day in the buffet - first time I had fish curry and it was lovely.


There is also a curry night in Horizons (? - only 2 years since I was on board and I can't remember its name :) ) - you pay extra for that one.


I can't remember if it is on the main menu in the restaurant, but if so, I don't think it is every day.



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My twopenceworth!

Plenty of loungers? I find that the “bag a lounger” brigade is rife no matter where you go. Poolside loungers are difficult to come by, being mainly populated by people who never go near the water and leave towels, books etc in situ when they disappear for a while, having “bagged” them before breakfast.

The only time I have seen the “lounger police” in action was on the old Arcadia’s final transatlantic (and their actions were quite welcome).

Perhaps PC Plod could have his duties extended on Ventura!

My other gripe has to be the buffet area for breakfast and lunch. Similar to loungers really. Can’t find a table and when you do find one, an article has been left by someone to “secure” it.

Standards do seem to be dropping, but it looks as if P&O is trying to address that issue. I wonder whether that is a by-product of ever increasing grt? Wouldn’t it be nice to see ships of 30-40000 grt ships again, even if the cruises were to cost a bit more?

I think of P&O as being along Cunard lines, but a bit more mass market.

However, in general, you won’t hear a bad word from me about P&O. Passengers and staff tend to be courteous and friendly. Any niggles are promptly dealt with and usually rectified.


p.s. I have even found the midnight buffet (which does exist!).

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Agree with all the comments so far.


I think that they are all changing to plated service if not already done so.



To my knowledge this is incorrect. Oceana started live as Ocean Princess and the gally was designed for plated service, that is why they changed over on her.


All other ships are designed for silver service.



:) :) Happy Cruising :) :)





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Hi Dai....I know when we were on Arcadia we heard....cant remember who told us now but we were in the dining room at the time...that eventually silver service on P&O would be phased out across the fleet....especially as freedom dining gets introduced. Whether that's true or not, I cant confirm. I remember because some people were upset about it.

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thanks for the response........how could anyone fail to be excited about a po cruise when you have all given such positive info.

Roll on May 2008!!


Just one thing.....are the cabin toiletries replenished?

and is there a midnight buffet...................please,please say yes and it's a chocolate one!:D :D :D

many thanks


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thanks for the response........how could anyone fail to be excited about a po cruise when you have all given such positive info.

Roll on May 2008!!


Just one thing.....are the cabin toiletries replenished?

and is there a midnight buffet...................please,please say yes and it's a chocolate one!:D :D :D

many thanks


Yes! & Yes! Lou, you will be pleased to know!

Just got back from a couple of days away (not a cruise sadly!) so it's been interesting catching up with all the comments re Priory Crumbles/Currys (yep Lou, every day a different curry - harks back to the days of the empire sort of stuff, along with the Indian crew - it's very much a P&O tradition - they aren't too smelly, and there's plenty of alternative choices for those not liking curry - my hubbie included!

It will be a very sad day when plated meals and silver service is dropped from all their ships....that would be the time for us to move elsewhere (Cunard?).

..Hope you will continue to be excited about your forthcoming cruise - I am sure you will be delighted with it!


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Yes there was a chocoholics buffet on a sea day, this was organised at the same time as the galley tour (see my photos on www.sveale.photosite.com)

You will see the galley tour and then buffet.


There was also a 'Neptunes' Buffet - all sea food - held at lunchtime on 2nd full sea day, sadly we were still finding our feet, and hadn't read the ships paper in full and missed it.


We were lucky to be invited to the private Captains party AND Exec pursers party (invite only, about 100 people there - free drinks canapes and chat with Captain). I was posting a daily diary of my cruise for Cruise Connections - the pando internet chat site, and i reckon the Captain was reading my posts from his lap top in his office and said 'hey' invite that woman and keep her sweet ' lol !:D


We loved our 1st cruise, and have since been on a weekender on Aurora in Dec 06, and will be back on Arcadia in 7 weeks for a Med cruise. Have a Ventura weekender booked for Sept o8, and now thinking about a Venice cruise as our main holiday in May/June 08.. Addicted ? you bet!



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Hi Dai....I know when we were on Arcadia we heard....cant remember who told us now but we were in the dining room at the time...that eventually silver service on P&O would be phased out across the fleet....especially as freedom dining gets introduced. Whether that's true or not, I cant confirm. I remember because some people were upset about it.



Is this the same rumor which would have Arcadia leave the fleet last year.:confused::confused:


Will Ventura be plated?????:mad:



We shall see.



Happy Cruising





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Being a fully paid up member of the Chocoholics club I have to say that P&O's is not a very good one.

Unfortunately, if you renamed it cakeaholics it would nearer the mark;)

There is very little real chocolate in evidence even the 'chocolate' sauce is a sort of sugary gloop.

The very best chocaholics buffets I have attended have been on NCL.


Neptune's buffet in my opinion is very good.

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