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Does Anyone Think Pulling My Kids Out For 8 Days Is To Long?


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My parents would often take me on vacations during the school year (and my mother is an educator). When I returned I learned that I did. not. miss. a. thing. :rolleyes:





I find it hard to believe that a teacher would even be able to take a week off of school during the school year. I am a teacher, and I only get 2 days off each year. I get sick days but those can't be used for vacation.


As for block scheduling, you may say your student is only missing 2 or 3 days of each class, but that is actually 4-6 days in traditional scheduling. On block schedule, teachers are supposed to do 2 days worth of lessons in each class period - because they are 75-90 minutes long.


May is awfully busy with senior activities - prom, banquets, honors night, etc. I wouldn't want to pull my kids out. Plus, they will be forced to get work completed right when they return. Most teachers that I know are relatively lenient when a student has been gone, but if a student is gone at the end of the year, there's no real leniancy. Most kids wouldn't function well under that stress.


As for "no concepts learned" at the end of the school year.... this is the time for final papers, projects, tests... also stressful to miss. I have a couple of students who are missing 2 days this week for a student council trip and they are worried because they will miss review for a final test. It's not about passing or failing... it's about getting an A or getting a B. To some kids/parents, that matters a lot.

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As many have said, you need to make your own decision. Clearly you do not have children taking AP tests or it would be a non-issue. This week and next week are AP tests and that IS important. Right after that is senior activities and finals, so we can't go until school is out at the end of May.


DS is a junior and DD is a soph in HS right now and I have always been careful to teach them to be a moral person. We are not religious at all, but it is important to make good decisions as an adult. I don't mind them saying I am strict about moral issues. The local school had to turn Good Friday into a school day due to ice earlier in the year. My kids were [all on their own] appalled by the kids not going to school and not going to church. If I break a rule, it had better be for a darn good reason.


As a college professor I think education is important. There are lots of kinds of education and we did take the kids out of school during K - 6 if we thought it would be to their benefit. But HS is serious. I see so many kids here that don't understand what you need to do to be successful in college. It is very sad.


And to bring two friends! That is asking for a lot of planning for those kids too. Just another “what if”, my daughter tore her PCL [yep, not the usual ACL, but the one BEHIND it] and she missed a week of school + various classes due to doctor appointments. It is very risky to take days off for pleasure. I will have to argue with the administration as she missed 13 classes in her last period class. 12 of them were due to the injury. Fortunately we have the MRI scans and doctor notes to prove what happened [plus it was at a school lock-in, so they are lucky we aren’t asking them to pay the bills].


Finally, how much do you save by booking so early? That is a quiet time [as kids are in school!] and you may have a better idea in March next year if this is do-able.



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I know in California that the school gets screwed out of about $70 a day per child for unexcused absenses. Schools in California get per per pupil, per day of attendance. It has been this way in California since 1935.



So... a family of 3 kids missing 6 days of school would screw the school out of $1,200.


I find removing children from school to go on a cruise to be very irresponsible for a parent as it both screws the kids out of school time... and it screws the school out of money.



Unless they're on Independent Study for the period they are out of school. Then the school loses $0.00. ;)

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Or you can teach the kids a good lesson on how to lie and that lieing is perfectly acceptable to do as long as you get what you need by doing it. And make sure the kid knows how to lie over and over again because it will come out that they went on a cruise.



And make sure the kids carry out deception often so they don't lose this valuble skill.

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I would check with the teachers to see what is involved in their classes that week--being a retired high school teacher, I would not take the kid's word for it no matter how responsible they are. Also, if you live in Texas, be sure to watch the absence law. They have to be in each class a certain amount of time. If they have very good grades, all teachers are easy to communicate with, and there is not much going on, I would say go for it and have a good time. Usually teachers will give them their assignments for the week. Then, during the cruise, set aside a small amount of time during each day to complete assignments. Hope all works out. ;)

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Hey CC Good Afternoon, I'm interested in the 8 day carribbean cruise on the Carnival Miracle For May 1st,2008 i'm wondering do you think pulling my kids out of school for 8 days is too long? It's techinally 7 days out of school one is going to be a senior and ones going to be a junior it's going to be the seniors graduation gift and just thought it would be better because it's cheaper in may; as my daughter wants to bring 2 of her friends!!


Any opinions on the ship is greatly appericated also!



I vote no but, Juniors and Seniors at our school are prepairing for finals and May is a major deal in the school year. I would NEVER take a high schooler out for more than a day or two. My kids would and did refuse to miss time as it would just mess things up to bad for them.



Right on Paulmedik;


I wouldn't consider taking a senior out so near the end of school though because as has already been stated, that's a memorable time that will stick with her longer than a cruise would.

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Or you can teach the kids a good lesson on how to lie and that lieing is perfectly acceptable to do as long as you get what you need by doing it. And make sure the kid knows how to lie over and over again because it will come out that they went on a cruise.


And make sure the kids carry out deception often so they don't lose this valuble skill.



But if you put them on Independent Study, there is no reason to lie. Kids learn there is a way to accomplish their goal the "right way" and everybody wins.

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I pull my child out alot but she is only in the 1st grade. ;) She's been on 2 cruises already this school year and she was sick a week too. I went to the school's principal before this last cruise and asked if she was ok to miss (I did send a letter too)...she said "Oh yeah, of course, we know where she is" :D


BUT, my daughter goes to a private school in PA and we have different rules.

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My daughter is a senior this year and is about to graduate. I took her on a week long cruise in Sept. of last year. My husband and I cleared it with school officials prior to taking her. We didn't give them specifics, just said that we would be out of town. It wasn't really a secret though. How can you hide the excitement of a cruise!!?

She didn't have any problems with catching up on her school work. She was also taking some concurrent college courses and they weren't a problem either. She was even able to complete some of it prior to going.

I would say yes, take them. School is definitely important, but they will be grown and gone so quickly and this moment will have passed. Seize it and enjoy!!

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But if you put them on Independent Study, there is no reason to lie. Kids learn there is a way to accomplish their goal the "right way" and everybody wins.


Is Independent Study even allowed that close to finals and graduation??? I guess each district would be different... I would suggest the OP talk to their district rather than listening to the people on CC... as much as we might pretend to know everything about every city, it's simply impossible ;) We are talking about graduating kids here, I certainly wouldn't put the fate of my childs education in the hands of a cruise message board.

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I pull my child out alot but she is only in the 1st grade. ;) She's been on 2 cruises already this school year and she was sick a week too. I went to the school's principal before this last cruise and asked if she was ok to miss (I did send a letter too)...she said "Oh yeah, of course, we know where she is" :D


BUT, my daughter goes to a private school in PA and we have different rules.


I have a third and first grader and take them out one cruise a year. It will end as they advance grade levels. Next year's could be the last we pull them out. Of course, all circumstances are different and depend on ages of children, how well they do in school, time of year, cooperation of your teachers, etc. I pay little attention to those who think they know how to raise my children better than I do. My folks pulled us out and it didn't keep me out of one of the top universities in the country, law school, or anything else.


Our teachers are great and cooperate with us. My youngest was asked to do a journal of his vacation. So, there was a time out from fun for a while. I also worked with my oldest on the math she has been working on. Next year, I have a great eco tour planned for the kids in Antigua. It will be fun and they'll learn.


Okay, back to others to tell you how to raise your kids.

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We tried to plan our wedding around the kids' school calendar but it didn't work out. We ended up having to pull them out of school for five days to attend a family honeymoon (once in a lifetime trip with new dad, grandparents, aunt, etc to Hawaii). The counselor blasted us. I think she still has one of my wedding pictures on her dart board.:D My kids are excellent students and if the counselor hadn't made a big deal about it, no one would have suffered.

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Is Independent Study even allowed that close to finals and graduation??? I guess each district would be different... I would suggest the OP talk to their district rather than listening to the people on CC... as much as we might pretend to know everything about every city, it's simply impossible ;) We are talking about graduating kids here, I certainly wouldn't put the fate of my childs education in the hands of a cruise message board.



Hard to say if its available or not, or even allowed in their state. I was mainly replying to venture_man speaking about how much money the schools in CA lose and stating that there are right ways to do it where the schools lose no funds and the child still gets his assignments done (and it isn't counted as an absence either).


As to doing it for a Senior about to graduate, I doubt I would. Too much going on at that time. But in general, I am not against pulling kids out if your district has a way to allow it to be done honestly (ie: tell the truth about what you're doing).

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I am a school secretary. I do data entry for student attendance. I am also a member of the attendance team. If your student has good attendance the rest of the year, it will probably not be a problem as long as you send a letter to the principal asking for an excused absence in advance. If you want until after the cruise and send a letter that states you want "Johnny" excused because you were on a cruise, that could be a problem. Remember, it is extra work for their teachers preparing their make-up work. IMO seven school days is a lot of make-up work.

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If saving money is more important than your kids' and their friends' education and teaching them that you have to make sacrifices in life, yank 'em out of school.

Teachers have enough trouble teaching those kids who do show up for class to speak English. I don't understand making them also go back and teach lessons to kids whose parents took them out of school for a vacation.

And if your kids aren't learning anything in 8 days whether it's the beginning, middle or the end of the school year, you have problems a cruise isn't going to fix.

This is getting to be the new jeans in the dining room question. People are either completely OK with it or completely against it.

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Hard to say if its available or not, or even allowed in their state. I was mainly replying to venture_man speaking about how much money the schools in CA lose and stating that there are right ways to do it where the schools lose no funds and the child still gets his assignments done (and it isn't counted as an absence either).



The flaw in this approach is that Parents are not going to do it... heck... I bet most people have never heard of such programs existing, let alone jump through the hoops to make it work.


Face it... parents yank their children out of school because of selfish reasons... be it cheaper cruise or vacation prices (probably the most likely reason) or due to a family/personal function the parents want to attend, but can't if they leave their kids in school.

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Just my opinion, but my parents made sure I was in school, not on vacation, during the school year. It's a matter of learning how to meet your commitments, not to goof off when you have something that is expected of you, simply because it's cheaper at a particular time.

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Wow, third time the OP has asked a question about taking kids out of school. :cool:


Maybe they're hoping everyone will change their answers and be in favor of it.

In any of the posts has he/she gotten "too" right? Someone needs to stay in school to learn homophones.

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If your student has good attendance the rest of the year, it will probably not be a problem as long as you send a letter to the principal asking for an excused absence in advance.



Since when is going on a cruise considered an "excused" absence...?


I'd love to know what State... and which Federal matching funds program says that going on a cruise is a valid "excused" absence.



And there is no way a teacher should have to lift a finger for "Johnny" because he missed school to go on a cruise. Just give him F's for any missing assignments and tests that week. Why should it be the Teacher's burden?

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Wow, third time the OP has asked a question about taking kids out of school. :cool:

Or trying to get drinks for under age son.


My son is will be 17 he looks 18 or 19 well over 6 foot.. Do they i.d?

is it strictly enforeced?


Is op even an adult or can we say troll?

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Well I am taking my DD out of school we leave on Friday for a 8 day cruise. She is a junior in High School, I have spoken with her guidence councilor, Prinicple and teachers. They all said the same thing, she is a good student hasn't missed more than a day or two and she is responable for all work. Plus with the way our school runs in blocks she is only missing 3 day of each class.


Weather its right or wrong, people will think what they want. I love her and want to spend what ever time I can with her before she goes off into a life of her own. Plus this is something she will remember the rest of her life. :) So I say go for it!


You must also take into account the fact that teachers, principals, guidance counselors, and superintendents are scared to death of parents. The students all know this. The education community will agree to anything you want them to. My DW is quitting teaching 7th grade this year because of the lack of backbone by school officials. Let's face it, you're going to do what you want. You are just looking for support for your plan, but you don't need it. ;)

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Or trying to get drinks for under age son.


My son is will be 17 he looks 18 or 19 well over 6 foot.. Do they i.d?

is it strictly enforeced?


Is op even an adult or can we say troll?


Pineview, I think you might be on to something. I just glanced at this poster's other threads.

A lot of questions about booze, and how many adults use the term "clubbing" without talking about baby seals?

It would behoove all of you to look at the other posts before rushing to this lad's aid. Here's another of his/her posts:


Hey, I'm wondering the drinking age clubbing age? Is there any clubs? Alot of bars?


Just wondering ... because my daughter will be graduating highschool next year and i'm prob taking her and the family and 2 friends on a cruise to bermuda or one of these fabolous islands..



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I say go for it and have a great time. Your kids are of the age where you don't have to be with them 100% of the time, so you can relax too. Wanna piss them off? Get their teachers to give them some work for the cruise:eek: :D

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