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Was it hard for you to leave kids behind?


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My husband and I are going on our first cruise on 5 days.:eek: The closer it gets the more I am freaking out about being SO FAR AWAY from my daughter. She is staying with my parents--who love her tons, spoil her rotten, and are wonderful with her--so I know she is in good hands. We got passports in case anything happened and we had to jump a flight home in port. I called Verizon wireless to make sure our phones would work on the ship, they assure me they will but I am still nervous. Tell me I am just being silly and we will have a wonderful time! She's 2 by the way.

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You are not being silly and you will have a wonderful time - and so will she!


I started cruising without my daughter when she was about 5 and took her on her first cruise when she was 16. We enjoyed all those vacations - without and with each other. I took her on land vacation in between.


Just have fun. Of course you'll miss each other ... reunions are so wonderful.



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...there is a family cruising forum where this would be more appropriate, but YES, DW and cruised in Dec of 2005 when our little guy just turned one, it was very hard to leave him. So hard that when we cruised six months later, we took him, then after doing that, 4 months later we left him behind...


He survived...:)

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...there is a family cruising forum where this would be more appropriate, but YES, DW and cruised in Dec of 2005 when our little guy just turned one, it was very hard to leave him. So hard that when we cruised six months later, we took him, then after doing that, 4 months later we left him behind...


He survived...:)




Thanks for your responses though! I really appreciate it!

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Grandma and grandpa will spoil her rotten.....that is their jobs. :p I can understand you are worried but try not to worry too much.. My kids are older now but when they were your daughter's age, I would leave them with my mother. Never for a whole week or for a cruise.....but that was only cause my mother couldn't handle too many days alone with my boys. They were a handful at that age. :eek: Now that they are 19 yrs and 14 yrs she will be watching them (well at least the 14 yr old....the 19 yr old watches himself), so hubby and I can finally have a vacation alone after all these years.


You will have a great time. Don't worry.....everything will be just fine. Enjoy your cruise and have lots of fun. :D

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I left my son for the first time at about 4 months, but he was 13 months when we went on our first cruise since having him. He stayed with my dad and stepmom and he had a wonderful time. He'll be staying with them again this October, and while we do miss the little guy tons, my dad was good about e-mailing us pictures so we could see what he was doing throughout the week.

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if you have never cruised with them, then you'll be fine (at least i wld be). i was upset about leaving them for a couple of short "land" getaways that DH and i took to bermuda and puerto rico, but once we were there and i spoke w/ them, and knew they were fine, i was totally relaxed and had a great time.


now cruising on the other hand, is completely different for me. we have been on 2 cruises alone, but that's b/c none of the kids were born at the times we took them.


every other cruise, every one, they were w/ us. so, i don't think i cld be on a cruise w/o them, except maybe a CTN, w/o suffering major guilt. esp a CCL cruise. once i boarded a CCL cruise and saw the gazillions of kids heading to camp carnival, i'd be ruined. but again, this is b/c they have always been w/ us on those vacations. and, i think that makes a huge difference in the guilt meter. if this is your first cruise, and they have never been w/ you, i'm sure you'll do fine.

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My husband and I are going on our first cruise on 5 days.:eek: The closer it gets the more I am freaking out about being SO FAR AWAY from my daughter. She is staying with my parents--who love her tons, spoil her rotten, and are wonderful with her--so I know she is in good hands. We got passports in case anything happened and we had to jump a flight home in port. I called Verizon wireless to make sure our phones would work on the ship, they assure me they will but I am still nervous. Tell me I am just being silly and we will have a wonderful time! She's 2 by the way.

At first it was. Last year I took the kids twice, and I took just one with just my wife and myself. Its nice to get away with just the two of us.

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Trust me on this one. The anticipation of leaving your child is awful...but once you get on the ship, you're going to miraculously feel much better.

No matter how old she gets, you'll always feel dread prior to leaving...crazy stuff will float through your head and you'll wonder why you'd ever have booked this (or any) vacation without your child. Then, once you get on your way, and have time alone with your spouse, your fears will disappear and you'll return to your child all refreshed and a better parent.

PLUS, your child gets that awesome bonding time with a grandparent. I cherish every moment I had with my grandparents. Your child will too.

Have a great cruise!!!

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It's hard, it's scary, but there are plently of things to do once you board your ship that will keep your mind occupied. I'm not going to warn you when the hardest time was for me, but I did go thru it everyday at a certain time, if I told you when....you'd look for it, & I'm trying to help here.


Let me say though, I am sure her grandparents will take good care of her! You will come home spoiled from going on the cruise & she will come back to you spoiled from being with the grandparents.


Did I mention my kids were 13 & 10? I still worry over them, & you know my gosh it's my job! If I didn't worry & you didn't worry, we'd be kinda weird wouldn't we? ;)


One piece of advice....find another mom......tablemates are good options and talk to her about it. Our last cruise on the 2nd nite one of my tablemates came to dinner in tears & I asked what was wrong...she missed her 1 yr old & had NEVER left them.....well we talked & hugged & cried together & it was TERRIFIC! We both felt better & then we both both decided we were good moms for missing our kids & both of us were still SANE even though we felt all alone! Needless to say we bonded & yes we keep in touch!



Good luck, I'm POSITIVE from EXPERIENCE you'll be FINE & so will she! :p

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My husband and I are going on our first cruise on 5 days.:eek: The closer it gets the more I am freaking out about being SO FAR AWAY from my daughter. She is staying with my parents--who love her tons, spoil her rotten, and are wonderful with her--so I know she is in good hands. We got passports in case anything happened and we had to jump a flight home in port. I called Verizon wireless to make sure our phones would work on the ship, they assure me they will but I am still nervous. Tell me I am just being silly and we will have a wonderful time! She's 2 by the way.



When DH and I went on our first cruise in Feb. of 2006, we left our then 2 year old for the first time. I was a nervous wreck. I worried about her so much. The last two days of our trip both DH and I really just wanted to go home. We let all our worries ruin the last part of our cruise.

Well, I have to say I won't be letting that happen again come this Nov. on our next cruise alone. I will go and enjoy myself and not worry at all. I really worried for nothing last time. She was left with my mom and her other sister and she did very well.

Go and have a good time. All parents need time together as a couple. It is good for both parent and child.

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Trust me on this one. The anticipation of leaving your child is awful...but once you get on the ship, you're going to miraculously feel much better.

No matter how old she gets, you'll always feel dread prior to leaving...crazy stuff will float through your head and you'll wonder why you'd ever have booked this (or any) vacation without your child. Then, once you get on your way, and have time alone with your spouse, your fears will disappear and you'll return to your child all refreshed and a better parent.

PLUS, your child gets that awesome bonding time with a grandparent. I cherish every moment I had with my grandparents. Your child will too.

Have a great cruise!!!


Halos is spot on! We've done many getaways w/out the kids...our last one was Vegas in March...and up until the day we leave, I have nightmares about every possible thing that can happen. But the minute I get there, it all goes away. How fortunate we are to have emails & telephones to check in. Otherwise, you may not get to realize how much you miss just being with your spouse...and that's OKAY! Be prepared to not miss your child as much as you would expect...and that won't make you a bad mom!! Enjoy your time with just the 2 of you.


First cruise, left 2 kids behind: 6 & 3 yrs.

Second cruise, left 3 kids behind: 8, 6, & 4 months...and baby was still nursing!

Third cruise coming up, 3 kids staying behind: 11, 8, & 2.


One of these days we'll bring 'em along! We do get lots of family vacations together, so the kids don't feel deprived when we go away without them...plus they have fun staying with someone else for a few nights.


So have a blast!!!!

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Having kids can be tough on a marriage. You need time to reconnect together as a couple.


She'll be totally fine while you're away and she'll be pampered to death. She may very well cry when you leave and cry when you come back but in between she'll be very happy. This comes from someone that used to do daycare (for 13 years) so I know what I'm saying here. It's NEVER as hard on the kids as it is on the parents, especially the mom.


But you and hubby matter too. Remember even though it feels like it's a lifetime away, one day it will just be you and hubby again, so it's important to take little holidays together without the kids and rekindle the love and closeness. The whole family will be the better for it. AND the grandparents get this very special time with your child too and I'm betting that delights them big time!


Win-win-win........that's how I'd see this.



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Whenever I have to (or choose to) leave my kids with their grandparents or their aunt, I honestly don't even think they know or care that I'm gone! :D Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie spoil them rotten and fawn all over them and they just eat up every minute of it.


The last time I dropped the kids off at my parents' house, they all ran off to play. I shouted "I'm leaving!" expecting to get a smothering of hugs and kisses. All I got was an "OK Mom, Bye...see ya later". This was from a 11, 5, and 3 year old.

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I remember my first cruise with my hubby, we left our 2 year old daughter with grandma and grandpa too. I left knowing she was in the best of care and planned on really enjoying "our time" Well the boat we were on was " The Big Red Boat" I believe it was owned or operated with Disney, when we were on the Lido deck for the sailaway, all the Disney characters came out and were dancing with all the kids who did come w/ their parents. Needless to say I started crying thinking : "what fun she would have had" I really hit me hard that I left her and instantly felt guilty. But then I realized she does not know what she is missing and it really is important to have alone time with your spouse, the rest of the cruise I relaxed and it was wonderful. I was glad to see her when I was home, but I realized that once a year I need to get away with only my hubby to strengthen our relationship. I guess it works because we just celebrated our 25th anniversary on a cruise. And you know what I still woryy about leaving them behind:) , it is only natural...

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No. It was not hard. We always took a yearly family vacation together to places like Disney World, or hitting a bunch of amusement parks. We then took a vacation by ourselves such as a cruise, Vegas or some resort.


Everyone needs a vacation and that means getting away. Sometimes you need to get away by yourself. It is a get a way.


As years went by we were talking about our only trip to Disney Land. We live in Michigan and we drove across county seeing the sites. My daughter said she didn't remember it except from seeing pictures. I asked "Don't you remember having dinner in the park and you were crying because a ear ache"? She said "Dad I was only 4". She was 13 when we were talking about it.


I feel for people trying to enjoy themselves and having to put up with a crying child or having to miss out on something because of having them along.


But sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

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My husband and I are going on our first cruise on 5 days.:eek: The closer it gets the more I am freaking out about being SO FAR AWAY from my daughter. She is staying with my parents--who love her tons, spoil her rotten, and are wonderful with her--so I know she is in good hands. We got passports in case anything happened and we had to jump a flight home in port. I called Verizon wireless to make sure our phones would work on the ship, they assure me they will but I am still nervous. Tell me I am just being silly and we will have a wonderful time! She's 2 by the way.



Sounds like she will be in good hands, so go and have a good time!! My baby is 16 now, my oldest is 20, and I remember when we left her the first time, and it was just to go out to dinner and a movie! Parents need time to recharge and reconnect with each other, and IMO, a cruise is a PERFECT way to do that!! Go and have a great time!!!!:)

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It has never been hard leaving them with grandma and grandpa. However, we are taking them with us (kids, and both sets of grandparents) on the Celebration this summer.

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I once saw something at the Philadelphia Zoo, when I was a teenager and had no clue as to what Motherhood was all about, but this totally sums it up.


One of the Siberian Tigers had 3 cubs. They were about 3 or 4 months old when we visited the zoo. They were all in the cage together, Mother and cubs. (all were named after President's wives....cute as hell they all were) As you can imagine, the cubs were playful and curious...the mother just looked exhausted. She was lying on the ground, they were jumping on her head, biting her face, pulling her tail and she had a look that said, "Please take me away from all this!"

Suddenly it was feeding time and for whatever reason, the zoo keepers needed the cubs to eat seperately from the Mother, so they lured her into the adjoining cage area and then shut the door between her and her cubs.

The cubs attacked their portion of raw meat like any wild animal should. The Mother tiger, on the other hand ignored her food, and stood by the door where her cubs were and howled.

It was horrible. If you've never heard a Mother tiger howl for her children, you are fortunate. I've never heard anything so gut wrenching and depressing. It pierced my heart. Anyway, the cubs, totally oblivious to their Mother's distress, gobbled up all their food. The Mother, whose meal was left untouched, just continued howling until they opened the door up so she could rejoin her cubs.


This is motherhood in a nutshell. The kids drive you absolutely nuts yet the minute they're out of sight, you go insane.

Fortunately for us 2 legged creatures, we can cruise and it's a nice distarction from the distress of seperation. ;)

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My parents used to go on cruises without me all the time in the 60's and 70s. I would stay with my grandma. I think I was around 7 or 8 at the time when I first stayed with my grandma. I never ever missed them because my grandma spoiled me rotten and when mom and dad came back.....they showered me with gifts. :p I used to look forward to them going every year. :D It was a vacation for both of us. They got to be alone together and I had the time of my life with my grandmother. Grandparents are great aren't they?

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Grandparents are great aren't they?


I'm 44 and am blessed to still have one grandparent with me. She is my favorite person on the planet.

Yes, Grandparents are amazing.:D

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