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Temporary Suspension of Passport Rules?

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And you know what else? Everyone knew that passports were going to be required and many held off to the last minute to get theirs. Again I say too bad. This has been going on for over two years. Now those same folks that sat around waiting are the same ones complaining. :rolleyes:


I agree with you Gator. This is ridiculous and the government should not change a thing. I got mine about 2 years ago and they had already planned on it being required to travel in and out of the US. Now they want to push the date back further. How many more times are they going to push the date back?:rolleyes:

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how could anyone be stupid enough to want to go to another country without a passport for all those years.

boy we americans are the stupidest nation on earth. on one from any other country travels abroad without a passport.

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OKAY people (too many of you to quote) . . . you're just being plain ol' mean here!! :mad:


Why do we assume that all of these people procrastinated? Do you really think that they've been planning their trip to Mexico for the past five years, and just got around to the passport part of it last month? Many people have never even considered applying for a passport, because they have never even considered traveling internationally . . . until something comes up, then they do their research, find out the requirements, and obey them. Usually with ample time to spare, according to the information they are given. So why are we suddenly calling them lazy, stupid, spoiled . . . I could go on, but I think I'll just not. :mad:


And for those who believe that it's a simple matter to "just contact your Congressman" . . . I'm sorry, that's just not true. The backlog is now so extreme some members of Congress have had to tell their constituents that their hands are tied.


Yes, some of them probably procrastinated. No, I'm not completely convinced that this new proposal is the answer. But for us to stand on our high horses and pass judgement on the intelligence and character of those who find themselves in this predicament, just because they weren't "smart" enough to predict their travel plans two years ago . . . well, I think we are above that, folks. :(

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OKAY people (too many of you to quote) . . . you're just being plain ol' mean here!! :mad:


Why do we assume that all of these people procrastinated? Do you really think that they've been planning their trip to Mexico for the past five years' date=' and just got around to the passport part of it last month? Many people have never even considered applying for a passport, because they have never even considered traveling internationally . . . until something comes up, then they do their research, find out the requirements, and obey them. Usually with ample time to spare, according to the information they are given. So why are we suddenly calling them lazy, stupid, spoiled . . . I could go on, but I think I'll just not. :mad:


And for those who believe that it's a simple matter to "just contact your Congressman" . . . I'm sorry, that's just not true. The backlog is now so extreme some members of Congress have had to tell their constituents that their hands are tied.


Yes, some of them probably procrastinated. No, I'm not completely convinced that this new proposal is the answer. But for us to stand on our high horses and pass judgement on the intelligence and character of those who find themselves in this predicament, just because they weren't "smart" enough to predict their travel plans two years ago . . . well, I think we are above that, folks. :(



Very well said. If the rest of the world were as perfect as some of these posters, we would all be free to travel without any "Papers".

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I agree with you. My nephew applied 12 weeks ago and is still waiting. The government should have had their act together before enacting the law.


If we waited for that to happen, we would have about zero laws.

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I'm with you. How many times have they amended/postponed these requirements? I know, it's easy for me to say, I've had my passport for years (long enough that I'm going to allow for at LEAST a year when I have to renew it!), but still . . .


. . . and yes, we have newbies sailing with us in December: we've told them to apply for their passports NOW.


Sorry to sound unsympathetic, but at what point do we ask people to take responsibility for their own decisions and/or ignorance?


Okay, I have my fire-retardant suit on -- fire away . . . :D




I total agree .... I told my DH that if he did not get his passport, he would be waving at the ship as it left San Juan (did not tell him he could actually use his birth certificate to travel by sea:) ) but it motivated him enough that he got it!!!!!

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Again I say too bad.

I absolutely agree Gordon. Why can't people just follow simple rules or laws? :rolleyes:


If someone wants to take a trip to Mexico but doesn't have a passport, then don't freakin' book it in the first place!

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Very well said. If the rest of the world were as perfect as some of these posters, we would all be free to travel without any "Papers".



I don't recall anyone stating that they were perfect but I have read many posts right here on Cruise Critic from folks that stated they were not going to purchase a passport until it was needed. Now they need one and guess what????:rolleyes:

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There is nothing that has been implemented by the Bush Admin that has been managed properly. Anyone with common sense would have realize the travel restrictions would result in millions of applications being submitted. As a result, the State Department should have realized the travel restrictions would result in millions of applications being submitted.


Thus, considerations should have been planned to handle the oneset of applications. This effort will at least limit the undue stress being placed on citizens. It should not be taking 14-20 weeks to process an application.

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Why is it that an obscure newspaper could print an article on their back page about the possibility of a toilet paper shortage next year, and within 48 hours the entire country would be hoarding, stockpiling and fighting over the stuff.


But yet, when every media outlet in the entire country starts talking about how a passport will be manditory in a year, then the government actually gives 2 extensions, people still don't listen and complain!!!!!

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Like I said, I didn't procrastinate at all, but mine expires in August. Requested a renewal in April....will I have it in time for a August trip...who knows now.


And by the way, the processing timelines were posted on the state department website. No where did it say, new or renewals would take 20 weeks!


If the schedule stated you would receive a passport in 8 weeks many people used that timeline as to when to apply. A lot of people do have faith in the government and have never heard the term "Katrina." I know,,,I know.. people without cars should have walked out of the city before the storm hit..but that's a different subject and board.


I think they should have extended the passport expiration for people with renewals this year or allowed us to have our own processing office.

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I was part of a group cruise that was organized in Sept 06. We all paid our booking fees and planned on a cruise in May 07. SEVERAL in the group waited until Jan and Feb to apply for a passport. One person applied in late Feb and hadn't received it by the time we sailed. This person had sent in the only certified copy of birth certificate and the only other certificate this person had was the complimentary copy that the hospital gives.


The luggage had already been loaded on the ship. The checkin reps called the captain of the ship and the decision to let this person on was his decision. I don't know the reasons he gave for not doing it, but this person was not able to sail with the rest of the group. The spouse had an expired passport and could have sailed, but of course declined.


The passport for sailing is not required, but we got ours in the event something happened out of country and we had to fly home.


On a second note, my DW and I have at least two copies of birth certs for ourselves and kids.


I don't know if it is the old Boy Scout in me or the ex-military, but I try to plan for the worse. If it happens I am prepared.

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No one is saying they are perfect, but I just wanna scream when I read something like this.


The change would help travelers like Judy and Darrell Green, of Rifle, Colorado, who are still waiting to hear whether their son-in-law's passport will arrive in time for a family vacation to Mexico to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary and Darrell's 60th birthday.

Sorry but it is not like a 40th wedding anniversary or 60th birthday just pops up. I go back to that statement I used to have in my office "Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part

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I don't recall anyone stating that they were perfect but I have read many posts right here on Cruise Critic from folks that stated they were not going to purchase a passport until it was needed. Now they need one and guess what????:rolleyes:


Agree, perfect was not the right word, but I think my point was made. And I hope you would agree that just because "many" have posted, we should not lump everyone into a general category because of them. I agree that some people do procrastinate and they will pay the price.

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Why is it that an obscure newspaper could print an article on their back page about the possibility of a toilet paper shortage next year, and within 48 hours the entire country would be hoarding, stockpiling and fighting over the stuff.


But yet, when every media outlet in the entire country starts talking about how a passport will be manditory in a year, then the government actually gives 2 extensions, people still don't listen and complain!!!!!



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I just read through this whole thread and no where does it state anything factual. 2.gif

Here is the link for those you actually need real information:


If you read the Government's information you will learn that the Passport requirement was not lifted. If you have not applied for a Passport you are out of luck. You must present your receipt of application, and the website provides a link to get the receipt, with you State issued ID.

This is for air and land travel. Now, if anyone knows if this will also apply for cruising I’m all ears. You see I’m one of those unfortunate travels whose Passport was set to expire near upcoming travel time. I allowed 6 months for my renewal and fully expected to have received my new Passport, but nothing yet.

So, was I supposed to renew my Passport years in advance?

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The point that many of the hardliners out here seem to overlook is that a lot of the folks who are stuck did follow the guidelines that were presented to them!


If you took twenty bucks to the store, and loaded up your cart with $18 worth of food, then you got to the checkout counter and they insisted on charging you $35 for it instead... how is that your fault? How are you supposed to know that the prices being charged don't match the stickers on the shelves? Sure others who are leaving the store cussing might give you a clue, but since you don't go to the store until you need to buy stuff, how would you know ahead of time that the rules have changed? The store doesn't seem to be telling anyone about their new pricing policy either!


That's a poor illustration, but the point is that despite some folks' due and diligent planning, the passport agency hasn't met the demand that they should have well known was coming.



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And I hope you would agree that just because "many" have posted (that they planned on waiting until passports were required), we should not lump everyone into a general category because of them. I agree that some people do procrastinate and they will pay the price.


The point that many of the hardliners out here seem to overlook is that a lot of the folks who are stuck did follow the guidelines that were presented to them! . . . despite some folks' due and diligent planning, the passport agency hasn't met the demand that they should have well known was coming.


Like I said, I didn't procrastinate at all, but mine expires in August. Requested a renewal in April....will I have it in time for a August trip...who knows now.


And by the way, the processing timelines were posted on the state department website. No where did it say, new or renewals would take 20 weeks!


Now, is this enough to stop the name calling?? Time will tell, I guess . . . :o

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Sorry but I don't agree with suspending anything. Folks have known long enough that passports were going to be needed and if they did not get them then let them stay home. Those waiting until the last minute to worry about this are now the ones paying for it. So be it.


Lets' see: I'm a democrat had I've had a passport now for six years.


But I can't understand for the life of me why you are getting on the case of people who followed the rules. When they applied for their passports they were told it would take "X" amount of time to get it. Why then are you punishing someone for following the designated guidelines?


I can see if someone turned in an application with a razor thin margin of error, but it appears that many of the people impacted turned in their applications months before they needed them ... with what at the time appeared to be plenty of time to get them back.


They did nothing wrong. Please get off their case.

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Lets' see: I'm a democrat had I've had a passport now for six years.


But I can't understand for the life of me why you are getting on the case of people who followed the rules. When they applied for their passports they were told it would take "X" amount of time to get it. Why then are you punishing someone for following the designated guidelines?


I can see if someone turned in an application with a razor thin margin of error, but it appears that many of the people impacted turned in their applications months before they needed them ... with what at the time appeared to be plenty of time to get them back.


They did nothing wrong. Please get off their case.



Thank you for stating this! I was beginning to feel like I was in the minority; some did wait to long, but it's not fair to lump everyone into this category!

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People have followed the published timelines and are not getting their passports in time. This is not their fault; it is the governments fault. Sure the deadline has been extended several times, but many people wouldn't even be aware of this if they had no plans to travel until recently. The old "poor planning on your part" adage should apply to the government, not those who followed the guidelines.


One other note: today the Miami Herald has a story on the situation that reports that THE BANKS ARE AT FAULT for all this. The claim is that the banks used to clear checks held one million applications (or clearance authorization) and dumped them on the passport agency all at once. I think there probably was something in the article about the grassy knoll as well!

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One other note: today the Miami Herald has a story on the situation that reports that THE BANKS ARE AT FAULT for all this. The claim is that the banks used to clear checks held one million applications (or clearance authorization) and dumped them on the passport agency all at once. I think there probably was something in the article about the grassy knoll as well!

Here's a link to the article:




The quote about the banks is:


The backlog in passport processing has caused delays of up to three months and ruined or changed the plans of some travelers. Earlier this month, more than a million requests for new passports were dumped at once on the facilities by banks contracted to clear application-fee checks, a senior State Department official said.

So it sounds like there was a big pile of applications that were being held by the banks that cash the payment checks. Crazy!



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