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17 People robbed on Conquest Jamaica excursion


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We were on this cruise and first heard about the robbery the next day via an email received from home. A family member was very concerned, though they knew that the farthest we now venture from the ship is a taxi inside the terminal gates to the gates of Sunset Beach, a five minute ride from the ship.


This was our fifth trip to Jamaica in the last two years, four of which were to Montego Bay. Our first venture there left such a bad taste in our mouths that we had pretty much decided that we would remain on the ship if we ever went back. After reading such good things about Sunset Beach though, we gave it a shot next time around, and felt much safer partly due to the close proximity and not having to walk the gauntlet of "shop huts" outside the terminal.


We were last there just a month ago, and met a couple from a different ship on their honeymoon at a later port. They were robbed at gunpoint in Mo Bay and their brand new wedding rings among other things were taken. This after they hired a guide who left them on their own when they balked at the areas they were being escorted. They hightailed it back to the ship, refusing to stop until they got to the ship, not wanting to spend another minute there...not even to report the incident to local authorities.


Having been crime victims ourselves in the past, we are fully aware that it can and does happen everywhere. Jamaica is a beautiful country, but I would shed no tears whatsoever if it was taken off the itinerary. It is just not a safe place. My heart goes out to all the victims of this terrible ordeal.

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Wow that really is so scary, my heart goes out to all the families that were on that tour and robbed. I keep imagining it being my family, and how terrified I'd be.


Jamaica is one scary place, I went on a RCCL cruise but to Ocho Rios, we did Dunns River Falls while it was beautiful everything else about Jamaica made me feel uncomfortable, some lady was chasing me to braid my hair, i'm like no, thank you, she started actually pulling and grabbing my hair telling me to let her braid it, my mom and me were like oh my god we need to get back on the ship now, the people there are so nasty towards everyone, very scary :(

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I must be the "odd woman out" in regards to Jamaica. While I agree that this event was horrible, I believe that these things can and will happen anywhere. I spent a week in Jamaica about two years ago at a Sandals resort in the Whitehouse area (90 minutes SW of MoB). One day we hired a private driver to take our group of 8 to a zipline tour. I had prearranged the driver over the internet. We had also requested that he take us to a grocery store so that we could buy food for an orphanage that was on the way to the zipline tour. We went into MoBay, shopped at the grocery, back to orphanage to deliver food then to the zipline tour. Once at the zipline tour we realized that we had misunderstood the pricing and we didn't have enough money left from our shopping to pay for the tour. Our driver (A JAMAICAN!) paid for our tour telling us we could simply pay him back when we got to the hotel. Every person we encountered that day was delightful. These were not the resort staff that get paid to be pleasant, these were real people going about their daily business. I love Jamaica and wouldn't hesitate to visit at any opportunity. I do understand that others have had really scary circumstances and would not want to visit again. How nice to have a choice of where/how to vacation!

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I spent a week in Jamaica and had a good time. The only complaints that I had was that I went with a bunch of horny girlfriends, so everywhere we went the men were on us. :rolleyes: It was rather annoying.


I am going to Ocho Rios in a couple of months and I am not really going to do the tourist thing. I might hang out at Sandals or Sunset Beach and do a little bit of shopping.


I understand why people are afraid to go, but I am sure that things like this happen all of the time.

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There are two things in all these posts I just can't understand.


First, those who questioned if the OP's story was true have been proven totally wrong, but I've seen no apologies.


Second is this idea that Jamaica is "like any other port" and "it could happen anywhere just the same". Jamaica is NOT like other ports because the authorities there are part of the problem. The dope dealers work with the police there to arrest and get money from "rich Americans". If you want to question any part of the story we have heard, look at two things. The only source of the story about the one crook being shot is the Jamaican police, don't believe it. Also every news story says that "most" of the property was recovered and returned, but the OP and others say that is not true. Why? Because the police took their "cut". Note that there were no cameras left operational so that there could not be any photos of the criminals. Why? You figure it out. Jamaica is NOT like the other ports.


Oh yes, before you blast me for comments about the Jamaican police, I was in law enforcement for 31 years, including a stint as "Interpol" rep. No police agency I know of except the British would deal with Jamaica in any way, they are way too corrupt!


The only way to force Jamaica to clean up their act is don't go there.

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Thanks so much BlueBonnet for your posts and answers to questions. I know you feel you must do something. I am so sorry you and your children and Mother experienced this very very scary incident. As a Mother and Grandmother I would have been very fightened for my children if I experienced what you did. I know you feel glad you and your children are alive!!! My prayers are with you and your family.

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Bluebonnet, sorry to hear of your terrible experience and esp those children exposed to such horror. To think you were on a cruisetour blows your mind. I feel sure that CCL will be more than accomodating to you and your family if you choose to settle in that matter or contact an attorney to represent you in your misfortune.


We visited Ocho Rios last year and while it is beautiful on the island, i agree that the locals don't make you feel safe. Too many drugs. They out and ask you if you want some, why--- because the world knows that you can buy any drug you want there.


HoustnTX, i agree with you totally. Other posts have told of being pulled aside by the police, had drugs planted on them, etc.... I would hope the cruise lines would immediately pull all their ships from any Jamican port to exert what monetary pressure on Jamica to clean up their act.


Lastly, to those that flame each other on these boards - - i am sorry that you can be so judgemental to others simply sharing their experiences for others to learn from.. Yes, some do paint a bias picture, but those of us that love a place also tend to bias towards the rosey.. So,, let the boards continue and may your keyboard be more considerate.

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They did a story about the excurtion being robbed. DH mentioned it to me and I told him I had read it on CC first.


We leave Sunday 6/24/07 for our cruise out of Galveston...rhapsody of the sea...we plan on staying on the ship !! We will not get off at Jamaica...scared too now !! Wish Royal Caribbean would go back to Key West.:eek:

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I wanted to say thanks for the many kind words said on here today.

As for you all that wondered about the jitney driver, he was very shook up and I believe the 17 of us feel he had nothing to do with the robbery.


I am so sorry for you and your family and what you had to endure...We will learn from you all 17...we will not get off the ship on our 6/24/07 cruise.We were planning on going to Jimmy Buffet`s...but, now we won`t venture off the ship...I hope they don`t come aboard the ship :eek:

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There are two things in all these posts I just can't understand.


First, those who questioned if the OP's story was true have been proven totally wrong, but I've seen no apologies.


Second is this idea that Jamaica is "like any other port" and "it could happen anywhere just the same". Jamaica is NOT like other ports because the authorities there are part of the problem. The dope dealers work with the police there to arrest and get money from "rich Americans". If you want to question any part of the story we have heard, look at two things. The only source of the story about the one crook being shot is the Jamaican police, don't believe it. Also every news story says that "most" of the property was recovered and returned, but the OP and others say that is not true. Why? Because the police took their "cut". Note that there were no cameras left operational so that there could not be any photos of the criminals. Why? You figure it out. Jamaica is NOT like the other ports.


Oh yes, before you blast me for comments about the Jamaican police, I was in law enforcement for 31 years, including a stint as "Interpol" rep. No police agency I know of except the British would deal with Jamaica in any way, they are way too corrupt!


The only way to force Jamaica to clean up their act is don't go there.




Thank you so much for telling some of those who are naive here the way some places in the world work. Oh, and for those of you who think Jamaica is not as bad as places in the US, why not take a day trip to Kingston? Hey, you'll only be there for a day......that is if you survive.



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Jamaica is a beautiful place, and we've been there twice, on the same cruise, thanks to Hurricane Rita, so since we didn't have anything planned in MoBay, we stayed on the ship. My brother and sister-in-law go to Jamaica all the time and absolutely love it, but they stay on a resort. Obviously, lots of people go there and enjoy it. But I do not understand the "nothing happened to me so it can't be true" mentality. As so many posters have said, yes, robberies, etc. happen everywhere, but have you heard the term "crime rate"? Would you rather live in a town that had one murder 10 years ago or the one that has 10 murders every month? You could easily say murder happens everywhere, why not live there, right, but it's not just about where it happens, its about how often it happens, and in Jamaica, it happens a LOT. That's why I think the cruiselines should pull out. If people cannot enjoy a port with cautious relaxation, there's no point in going there.

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Well, one of my online friends (not from any cruise boards) was staying at a nice resort in Jamaica, and her family were the victims of violent crime including robbery and rape at knife-point. My dh has had hand-to-hand combat training and really knows how to take care of himself, but we'll opt to stay on the ship if we decide to take the CP.

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Although we enjoyed our time at Dunns River Falls, I have to say that Jamaica was the absolute dirtiest port we've been to, and we've been to many. I could not believe the garbage that was strewn around, everywhere you looked, but especially near the port area, right when you get off the ship. It seemed like they just did not care at all about making the area inviting to tourists, which on a grander scale tells me that they don't really care about us at all. If it were dropped off the cruise lines itin's, I wouldn't mind a bit.

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I have not read all the posts here, so please forgive me if I've repeated what another poster has already said.


My heart goes out to the people affected by this. I've never been robbed (I have been burgled, but there's a big difference), so I can't imagine what that was like. I sure hope people get the help and support they need to put this behind them.


Lots of posters keep saying (I'm paraphrasing) this kind of thing happened in Disney, in Miami, it can happen at home, etc.


What everybody needs to keep in mind is the crime RATE in places like Mo Bay (no, I've never been there. Have been to Ocho Rios, didn't like it). It would seem to be pretty high.


Of course, crime happens everywhere, but to compare what goes on in Jamaica to Disney is just ridiculous.


I would support the idea of ships pulling out of Jamaica until they wake up and fly right. The unfortunate aspect of that is that many innocent, hard-working people will be adversely impacted in the process.


Obviously, there is no simple answer. But, please, don't relate Jamaica's outrageous amount of crime to a once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence anywhere else. It's not right and it's not fair.



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Obviously, there is no simple answer. But, please, don't relate Jamaica's outrageous amount of crime to a once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence anywhere else. It's not right and it's not fair.


I think you are living with blinders on if you think crime everywhere else is a once in a blue moon situation. Latest statistics for the city of Miami where a lot of cruises originate shows an overall crime index of 7585.7 incidents per 100,000 people. The figure for Fort Lauderdale is 7557.6. The city of Hartford, CT, far removed from the cruise world and the insurance capital of the US had three murders in the last week. Crime happens everywhere but when it happens in a tourist area, the press is right there. I have spent time in Montego Bay, Ocho Rios, Runaway Bay and Negril. I have been out on the local streets and talked to the local people. Never have I felt threatened or afraid. Jamaica is a very beautiful island with a rich culture and very proud people. It is ashamed that people only see the port area and the tourist attractions. Care should be taken and you should be aware of your surrounding no matter where you walk whether it be MoBAy, New Your City or East Podunk (apologies to those of you who do live in crimeless East Podunk).

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Was the tour Guide EMPLOYED by Carnival or was it just the EXCURSION that was BOOKED by Carnival?


I realize that Jamaica, is a very poor area that has a high crime rate , but so are a LOT of other places.(the southside of Oklahoma City, for instance)


I Fail to see How/Why you THINK Carnival could/should be blamed for the criminal acts that was bestowed upon several passengers.


YES, it's Carnival's responsibility to Protect the passengers while OnBoard the ship or on any of Carnival Property.(if the criminal acts happened away from Carnival Property, how/why would Carnival be held responsible.)


MY Opinion, is that each person should be WARNED & AWARE that they are taking a RISK by getting OFF the ship.(if you took a taxi to NYC or Los Angeles & got out of the taxi & was robbed, would you blame the cabbie for dropping you off?)


As with nearly ANY city you go to.....You Enter At Your Own Risk!


Give me a Break.....Jamaica is an Armpit..Anywhere off the Ship is Dangerous....I would eat broken glass before going there again...(Been 3 Times)...I've been harrassed.......been offered Drugs, Prostitutes, seen a Knife Fight, Sold fake Blue Mountian Coffee, Vendors that are super annoying...It is sickening.....



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Was the tour Guide EMPLOYED by Carnival or was it just the EXCURSION that was BOOKED by Carnival?


I realize that Jamaica, is a very poor area that has a high crime rate , but so are a LOT of other places.(the southside of Oklahoma City, for instance)


I Fail to see How/Why you THINK Carnival could/should be blamed for the criminal acts that was bestowed upon several passengers.


YES, it's Carnival's responsibility to Protect the passengers while OnBoard the ship or on any of Carnival Property.(if the criminal acts happened away from Carnival Property, how/why would Carnival be held responsible.)


MY Opinion, is that each person should be WARNED & AWARE that they are taking a RISK by getting OFF the ship.(if you took a taxi to NYC or Los Angeles & got out of the taxi & was robbed, would you blame the cabbie for dropping you off?)


As with nearly ANY city you go to.....You Enter At Your Own Risk!


I agree with this statement. :cool:


But for the record I am from NYC and statstically, crime in NY is down. You should be more afraid to be in our Nations Capital where I live now. Anyways, I would go back to Jamaica, Ocho Rios, Dunn's River's Falls was beautiful. Sorry for the passengers who went through this experience though. I wouldn't blame Carnival either.

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Perhaps the reason this gets so much press is because the vics are tourist. Although there is alot of crime in other cities (i.e. Miami), I am almost willing to bet the vics in most cities are locals. And probably the perps are from their own neighborhood. I would like to give Jamaiica a chance but if my kids are with us, no way!

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I am so sorry for you and your family and what you had to endure...We will learn from you all 17...we will not get off the ship on our 6/24/07 cruise.We were planning on going to Jimmy Buffet`s...but, now we won`t venture off the ship...I hope they don`t come aboard the ship :eek:


Give me a break...This thread is getting ridiculous. Might as well stay locked up in your house. Jamaica receives over 1 million visitors every year. Recently a teenage girl was kidnapped from a Target parking lot in Kansas and killed. Should we stay away from all department store's? Tragically crime is random and can happen anytime anywhere.

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Yes this thread is sounding ridiculous. Why and how would the thieves come aboard the ship? :rolleyes: Please stay away from Washington, D.C. then. So much crime happens here every single day you wouldn't even believe.

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Thank you so much for telling some of those who are naive here the way some places in the world work. Oh, and for those of you who think Jamaica is not as bad as places in the US, why not take a day trip to Kingston? Hey, you'll only be there for a day......that is if you survive.




That's the thing....Let them set out on their own on foot.....:eek:


Things like Dunn's River Falls are a Blast and there are Senic Places.....but you can get that type stuff anywhere in the Carib. and in much safer Countries....

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