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17 People robbed on Conquest Jamaica excursion


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I am 59 yrs old, have a masters degree, was a senior officer in the US military, took stat classes and fully understand we can make stats tell us pretty much what we want depending on how we arrange and interpret them. I merely pointed out that these particular stats made it seem the other info was not necessarily true. I get the feeling you interpreted my comments in a contect that they may not have been intended - so goes stats.

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hold up on the stat war.


I for one know how stats work out. They can change them up, by leaving certain crimes out, re-classifying a crim etc...


I'm sure this fellow does not believe that Jamaica is a safer country the the US. It may be on the same level as safe as some of ou geto's. (but, i would argue that as well)


Poverty plays an issue. In Jamaica the poverty is so low that they realy don't have anything to take from one another and we find that here in the states. The high crime area that I work we hardly ever receive report of a burglary or theft. The main complaints are people from outside the area, trying to by drugs get robbed, or a "jon" gets rolled by a prostitute. The locals in our poverty stricken parts of town are not the ones filing reports.


Just like in Jamaica, it is poverty striken. I am comfortable stating that many of the local victims in Jamaica fail to report a crime, unless it was very violent. This is why I fell like Jamaica's crime report statistics are invalid.


A true study. would be to take "per capita of toursit" that come to Jamaica or the US and see what the ratio of crime is directed towards toursit. Thanks

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If I have to take a plane to get back to Jamaica, I will, I loved it there. I do not want it removed from Carnival's itinerary (just in case they are reading).


Arguing on this site is not going to accomplish anything...:(

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Finish it.............."based on statistical data." Now you've got it correct and I'm still accurate. Thanks. Oh, and what's up with the eye rolling?


If you check the page you quoted, you will also find that Jamaica ranks above the U.S. in per capita murders and rapes. But all the statistics in the world still don't prove an apple is an orange. Jamaica isn't the U.S. or vise versa.

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Arguing on this site is not going to accomplish anything...:(


I agree.



Please close this thread to further discussion.


Leave the thread available for viewing by those who may not know what happened to these people, but the continued bickering is not necessary.

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Bluebonnet if in fact this thread does end.

Please keep us informed if you hear from your contacts at the Jamaican tourist board:)


Will do, all I have been told by Carnival as of yesterday is they have identified the other assailant but he has not been captured. It is hard for me to even believe the other assailant was killed because know I have a real understanding as to how corrupt the Jamaican government is.


It is too bad this discussion has become what it has become. Hope some have enjoyed themselves here on behalf of a tragic incident on 17 people trying to enjoy their summer vacation. By the way I think I can speak for all 17 of us it feels as if I went to hell instead of a Caribbean Cruise that should have been a vacation of a life time for my two daughters.


Please for those of you set on traveling to Jamaica please please be cautious. I can't preach to you not to go, you are all adults and can make those decisions for yourselves, just please be warned there are dangers there as in many other destinations!! I think we take so many things in life for granted and it takes a major crisis for some of us to realize that. I know believe life is precious!!!

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Fri Jun 22, 2007

Carnival Cruise Lines denies withdrawal rumours

f89d5ea_carnival%20cruise.jpg&width=100&height=100Operators of the Florida based Carnival Cruise Lines have dismissed rumours that the line will be pulling out of Jamaica due to security concerns.

Speculation was rife in the cruise and tourism industries that Carnival Cruise Lines which is responsible for 90 per cent of local cruise shipping business, would switch to Florida Keys.


The rumours came in the wake of last week’s robbery of a group of cruise visitors while on an excursion in rural St. James.


However Friday morning, Opposition Spokesman on Tourism Edmund Bartlett contacted officials of the cruise line who reportedly dispelled the rumours.


Mr. Bartlett said Carnival Cruise Line however expressed concern about the overall safety of the passengers while on tours.


“I regarded this as being so critical that I called Carnival immediately to ascertain what the true position was and while they were very strong in terms of their concerns about safety issues we are assured that the Carnival lines are not going to be withdrawn from Jamaica,” he said.


Mr. Bartlett adds that the cruise line will however contemplate a withdrawal if they are to be any further security breaches.


He warned that if Carnival were to pull out of Jamaica it would be devastating for the tourism industry.




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I would venture to say that if it was his littel girl, who has been raped of her since of security and traumatized beyond the imaginable...He wouldn't give a Sh.. about the tourist industry.


He stated that he will contemplate the withdraw if there are any further security breaches......Ask someone that is on the Conquest right now. I am sure there is someone there that were forced to pay money before they left a store. I bet there were several that were pressured with ilegal drug sales...just to name a few.


I think he may want to re-define a security breach. And don't say your going to something, unless your going to do it.


Carnival wil not consider pulling out of Jamaica until it is not profitable. No matter how many breaches in security.


Anyone that believes that crap is as foolish as I was when I believed the Cruise Director Mr. Price, when stated that only Carnival Shore Excursions are "Guaranteed Safe"



ALSO< The Cheif Purser, Cindy Rabbit, stated they were all ready contemplating pulling out of Jamaica due to the crime problems. This was also stated bt Neal (The jewelry goo roo)



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I agree the stupid statistical "you can get robbed int the US" agruements are moot. Thosa tha thave been and want to continue to go--I say go! What concerns me are the new cruisers who will blindly go into Jamaica without knowledge of safety issues. It is a kind of on-the-job-traiing where I would very much fault a cruiseline for putting me into, as I would trust my cruiseline to choose safe ports. For those who know about what atmosphere they will face in Jamaica & still wish to go, then I wish them well, but those who do not know should be a concern.


I just wonder what will have to happen in Jamaica before the cruiselines realize that something needs to be done, as in not patronizing a corrupt govenrment. In th emeantime, I will do as I haev in the past few years: avoid boooking a cruise that stops in Jamaica.

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protect ourselves. In many states, you may carry a weapon if you have a concealed carry permit, thus defend yourself! When out of country this is not an option. And, dealing with the justice system, or so-called justice system when you are out of country is very RISKY.





EXACTLY...not to mention that their police force is insufficient AND corrupt!!!

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If such things continue to happen in Jamaica, the cruiseships can decide to not stop there. Recall what happen to St. Croix when waves of crimes against cruisers occurred. All the major cruiselines pulled out. The suffered big time because of this.

While I had a good time in Jamaica with the private tour guide, some people have not. What I saw of the island was good and bad. The land and the water was like Eden. But I was sadden by how poor many of the people were.

Hopefully things will change, but if not, prehaps a year or two without cruiseships will cause a 360 turnabout.

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If I ever go to Jamaica again I will not get off the ship ! On our first cruise, one of our table mates meet his brother there that had flown in for the day. He was mugged at the airport !!!!!! That was 8 years ago !!!!!!

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While I don't feel the cruise line is responsible for the passenger's safety in port, necessarily, I do think it it their duty to provide port that are safer than Jamaica is sounding..why not pull out and go somewhere nicer where the cruise passengers can relax and enjoy their port?? I mean, that is a big part of cruising, seeing new places, so who wants to stay on ship on a port day?? I say, find somewhere safer! :eek:

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Well this certainly is an entertaining thread with everyone spewing off statistics. Well I'm a Canadian and therefore a 'tourist' in both the U.S. and Jamaica. Where do I feel safer as a tourist? I think the answer is clear. I have been in many big cities in the U.S. (Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles just to name a few). Was I ever approached (even late at night) to buy drugs...NOT...to give up my wallet and camera...NOT...held at gunpoint while taking an organized Gray Line tour...DEFINITELY NOT... I have been to Ocho Rios and Montego Bay...I was offered the "big bamboo" at least 15 times, ganja innumerable times, and someone tried to snatch my beach bag on my way back to the ship INSIDE THE PORT AREA. Our first time in Jamaica we stayed at an all-inclusive and decided to rent a car and travel around the island. We reached Montego Bay and parked the car. As soon as we got out of the car 3 men approached us and told us it would cost $75.00USD for them to watch the car. We told them we did not need anyone to watch the car. They said it's either the $75.00 or we would not have much of a car when we returned. These men had knives and they basically 'advised' us the car would either be vandalised or stolen. We got back in the car and went back to our resort (Half Moon). As we pulled away they started throwing rocks at the car and basically caused a few dents in the car. On our last cruise, we got off the ship to buy Blue Mountain coffee and I was advised by the local police in the port area that it was safe for us to walk to the nearby shopping centre (you would think they would know what they're talking about). Well..as we left the fenced in area, Jamaicans were jumping out of bushes and trees crowding us in and asking for money or trying to sell their 'wares'. They were pushy, aggressive and intimidating and you would think that if you politely keep repeating 'no thank you' they would leave you alone. Yeah right. Who needs the stress...heck we're on vacation. We're trying to relax and enjoy the local flavours..you just can't do that in Jamaica. We have been to many Caribbean islands and have never encountered the type of situations we encountered in Jamaica. We are choosing not to do any Western Caribbean cruises that encompass Jamaica as a port of call. That's a personal choice and I certainly don't believe in telling everyone else to stop going there. Many people love Jamaica and go back year after year. This is just my two cents worth as a tourist in both the U.S. and Jamaica.

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While I can't say how safe or unsafe Jamaica is (I've never been there), I just wanted to say how sorry I am to the families who had to go through all this.


I'm not usually one to make decisions based on other people's experiences, but I will definitely be avoiding Jamaica on any future cruises. There are a lot of other beautiful places out there that I would like to see, and while no place is completely safe, at least I would be able to enjoy myself without worrying.

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Do the Carnival employees leave the ship in Jamaica?


BlackJack2.............after we were robbed and back on ship and once we began telling our story, most all of the workers say how dangerous it is and the majority do not get off at that stop. You know if this had not happened I would have never known that even the workers choose to stay on board at that port. I found out the hard way!!

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Bluebonnet and Kenneth--

I am so sorry to here what happened to you guys. What a traumatic experience!!! We will be sailing on the Conquest in July and we had booked a shore excursion in Jamaiica --white water rafting, but after all of the stories we have heard and especially your stories plus a review about this particular excursion, we have opted to cancel that excursion. DH and DS were really looking forward to that excursion, but we have decided it is not worth our safety--we can do this in the states. I am not sure we will even leave the ship. There is one excursion Carnival offers which sounds somewhat safe (if that is even possible); a Catamaran snorkel and Docs Cave Beach, you board the catamaran right at the pier and they sail you to a couple of places to snorkel, sail you to Docs Cave beach (which I have heard that the local people are not on that beach--not even vendors) and sail you back to the pier. Any opinions on this excursion? I usually book my own excursions, but I know I won't do this in Jamaica, but heck what happen to you guys was on a Carnival sponsored excursion. :eek: I wish you and your families well.

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Thank you for posting this information.


I have 3 cruises booked over the next 18 months that will be going to Jamaica.


I have cancelled our private tours (even though the guide said he would be able to "personally guarantee our safety" not sure how he plans to do this)


We will stay on the ship when in Jamaica and I am hoping that Carnival will change this port before we sail.


Have a great day!

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Thank you for posting this information.


I have 3 cruises booked over the next 18 months that will be going to Jamaica.


I have cancelled our private tours (even though the guide said he would be able to "personally guarantee our safety" not sure how he plans to do this)


We will stay on the ship when in Jamaica and I am hoping that Carnival will change this port before we sail.


Have a great day!


We're sailing tomorrow on RCI and I would be really happy if they changed from Jamaica to Key West.

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Bluebonnet and Kenneth--

I am so sorry to here what happened to you guys. What a traumatic experience!!! We will be sailing on the Conquest in July and we had booked a shore excursion in Jamaiica --white water rafting, but after all of the stories we have heard and especially your stories plus a review about this particular excursion, we have opted to cancel that excursion. DH and DS were really looking forward to that excursion, but we have decided it is not worth our safety--we can do this in the states. I am not sure we will even leave the ship. There is one excursion Carnival offers which sounds somewhat safe (if that is even possible); a Catamaran snorkel and Docs Cave Beach, you board the catamaran right at the pier and they sail you to a couple of places to snorkel, sail you to Docs Cave beach (which I have heard that the local people are not on that beach--not even vendors) and sail you back to the pier. Any opinions on this excursion? I usually book my own excursions, but I know I won't do this in Jamaica, but heck what happen to you guys was on a Carnival sponsored excursion. :eek: I wish you and your families well.


SportsMama..........well I am probably not one to give unbiased advice on a Jamaican excursion. But you are right it might be one of the safest because it does not take you into interior Jamaica, and if the beach is more private like and no locals that part would be safer!! Good luck on your decision.

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Just adding a little local Jamaica "charm."


Have you ever noticed the people who are cleaning the streets near the dock in Ocho? Usually one or two people with about four or so policemen watching over them. They're cleaning the streets on their hands and knees. DH asked a policeman what was his crime and he was told "public urination." Seems like it's a problem in Jamaica.


Also, although we've never had a problem with locals in Jamaica, one of our tablemates had an interesting story to tell. A young, cute girl, on her honeymoon. She and her dh were offered drugs and declined. The said she was "snotted." What's snotting? Apparently the drug dealer came up to her and blocked one nostril and blew -- right onto her! :eek:

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