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17 People robbed on Conquest Jamaica excursion


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No mention about the prior week at all to be exact. They mentioned that it was a safe place to go. During the shopping talk they said several time is was safe.


Now with them knowing what occured the prior week - WHY would you continue to say that it was safe? Why would you continue to go back to a place were people are in danger?


The was a prior post here where a guy took a ton of video (nice job) and also stated that they were almost mugged in Jamaica in March. This is only two incidents that we know of, I'm sure that there is more and I'm sure it won't be the last.

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The purpose of the OP was to warn fellow passengers how dangerous Jamaica can be.


It is not just dangerous, like every tourist on vacation should be aware of pick pockets kind of dangerous. Jamaica is dangerous, feel violated, terrorized and scared for your life dangerous. And as a tourist, this crime is being directed toward you.


For those of you that are on cruise ships going to Jamaica and worried about what tour to take - here is the answer - No tour is safe. I've been to Dunnes River Falls and for the woman who said she was scared when she got near the huts, you were right to be scared, I was accosted there and had to scream for my husband. Whoever said you didn't see the shopping there - how the heck did you get out? You have to walk by these huts to get out the gates.


For those of you thinking - I will just go to Sunset Beach since it is an AI resort. Think again. Had a very scary incident happen there as well.


In both cases, the crimes were reported to the management (and I will say that Sunset Beach was very proactive in trying to track down the man using their own security). However, in neither case were the incidents reported to the police. So those of you touting that Jamaican crime stats aren't very high, I can assure, only a small percentage is getting reported.


A few months ago, my SIL mentioned she wanted to take my nephews on a cruise next year. The first thing out of my mouth, was make sure the ship doesn't go to Jamaica, (of course, the second thing was she should use CC to help her research her trip!) We were at my nephews soccer game and two parents on the other side of me asked why I was so adament about Jamaica. They had been there on their honeymoon and thought it was beautiful. I proceeded to tell them our experience.


Fortunately, that is two groups I have managed to persuade to stay away from this dangerous place.


Not only do my sympathies go out to those that have returned from that Conquest trip, but I also applaud them for being concerned enough about future cruisers to voice their concern in this forum and make sure future cruisers are aware of the dangers.


But I think someone on this site said that CC only reaches about 3% of the cruisers out there. I encourage those you of you that take this message to heart to make sure you tell 2 friends outside of CC how truly dangerous this place is. If they tell 2 friends...so on.


My question is to those of you who insist that you should have the right to still go to Jamaica and the cruise lines should still keep going there. Assuming your ship is only filled with 3% informed passengers who know the danger in Jamaica - are you going to be the ones to inform these fellow passengers the risk they are assuming??? We already know the cruise line won't.


If the cruise lines keep going to Jamaica because you want to go there, do you bear any of the responsibility for the next group of children that are terrorized with guns and machettes?

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No mention about the prior week at all to be exact. They mentioned that it was a safe place to go. During the shopping talk they said several time is was safe.


Now with them knowing what occured the prior week - WHY would you continue to say that it was safe? Why would you continue to go back to a place were people are in danger?


The was a prior post here where a guy took a ton of video (nice job) and also stated that they were almost mugged in Jamaica in March. This is only two incidents that we know of, I'm sure that there is more and I'm sure it won't be the last.


So you were on the cruise that left on the 17th. I figured there would be no mention or harsher warnings about Jamaica. To many people or should I say corporations have too much money to lose. I think they told us they would revamp what they told the guests about Jamaica just to pacify us. We were all so angry on the ship regarding the lack of concern for tourist safety while in Jamaica, even after what had happened to us.

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Just returned from our W. Carib cruise aboard Carnival Triumph. Was in Ocho Rios on Thursday. Had an awesome time as usual in JA. Felt perfectly safe.

Most passengers left the ship.

We went to Nine Miles (Bob Marley's birth/resting place) which is a 1 hr 15 min drive from port. This was one of our favorite excursions on this cruise. More later on the excursions (Ports) board. Need to finish unpacking.

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One poster wrote:


But that said Jamaica and the vender's and street people are BEYOND aggressive, to the point where most people feel uncomfortable. In Ochoa Rios, walking from the port to the downtown, I couldn't go more that 20 feet without someone offering me drug, prostitutes, taxi cabs or Snorkeling trip (one guy offered all 4 at once I think) In the markets I feel like I'm under attack. At Dunn River Falls to get back to your cab/bus you need to walk through the gauntlet of vender's. And yes, at the market downtown when I turned down someone trying to get me into his shop he yelled at me "No Thank you, No Thank you! All you tourists know is No Thank you" to which I had a rather loud and obscene reply demonstrating some of the other words I knew!


Another wrote:


What made me uneasy in Ocho Rios was the look in the men's eyes when you made eye contact. There was a flat, dead look that made me realize that we are nothing to them but dollar bills. When you smile at people in other ports and say hello, they answer you in kind. In Jamaica they looked at us like they'd rather spit on us. They were lined up along the walk way into the shopping area at Margaritaville so we were face to face with them as we passed. It was not a good feeling to be looked at like that and since we've done the Dunns River Falls, I have no reason to go back to Jamaica. Our experience in Ocho Rios was not the smiling happy "Yeah Mon!" Or "Feeliing Irie!" depicted in commercials. Many of the houses we passed on our tour had high fences and razor wire along the top. Some of the housing we passed was nothing more than pieces of metal taped together with a piece of metal on top, it was extreme poverty.


But another writes:


Again, what the original poster was posting about and was upset about was that this was a Carnival excursion that a Carnival representative kept reassuring passengers that booking through them would be a safe option.


Taking a port off would be unrealistic (as stated multiple times on these boards), basically, crime happens most everywhere, although I usually don't pay to go on vacation to those spots... would I ever consider going to Newark NJ on vacation, let alone PAY big bucks to do it?... no... nor any other "bad" city in the US) It's bad enough I had to visit my dear grandmother in Newark for free when she lived there her whole life!


And this person writes the following absurd concept:


If this guy is a cop, he sure did not learn much. I work in law enforcement. I trust in myself and my family, well, some of them .


This former cop screwed up. I don't see how any cop with 17 years of police work could have been so blind. At a min., I would have asked "Does Carnival offer armed police escorts?" As soon as I heard "No.", my decision to visit Jamaica would have been made. A simple internet search would have told this cop that Jamaica had over 1,000 killings in the not to distant past. That alone should have been an answer.


Far be it for me to defend Carnival, but in this case they are no worse or better than any other cruise lines. They look out for their bottom line, and their liability. If they reduce liability by paying you off, they do so. If they feel paying for therapy is an admission of guilt, they don’t. The Super Shopper should be fired for saying “We guarantee your safety”. No one can do that, especially against a hi-jacking type robbery. Kenneth, the cop, kept his head. Give them stuff. It’s just stuff.


We’ve been on 27 cruises and have been in ports from Bora Bora to Istanbul, St. Petersburg, Oslo, Margarita Island, and Guatemala City. We’ve been on so many Caribbean cruises I can’t even count them. Yet in all that cruising, and on other trips, there are only a few places we truly didn’t feel safe. Ocho Rios, Jamaica was one of them. The first two quotes I cited were EXACTLY what Ocho Rios was like for us, walking from the cruise port to town with my wife, 11 year old, 2 year old and nanny. We were hassled all the way in and all the way back. We bagged going to the beach because my wife got so uncomfortable (her 6th sense for danger is pretty amazing). On the way back, one guy wouldn’t leave the nanny alone (she was dragging behind) so I got between them. He immediately started cursing at me and calling me a racist. I fought down the incredible desire inflamed by testosterone to beat the living tar out of him and instead put my ego aside to keep my family safe and defuse the situation and KEEP WALKING! I’m not Kenneth the Cop, but I can handle myself—and my wife reminds me to think with my head and not my ego—and that discretion is the better part of valor. At least the shopping mall next to Margaritaville Beach felt safe, like an oasis. (as an aside, an amazing thing happened: We ran into friends from the UK there—we were on the NCL Dawn and they were on an HAL ship that was delayed with engine troubles and they spotted us about to go into the mall! We had a lovely hour with them and salvaged something from a miserable port.)


I totally disagree with the statement that “crime happens anywhere so why single out Jamaica?” St. Croix became so dangerous cruise ships stopped going there. The economy collapsed and they had to BEG for aid to clean up their act—and St. Croix is a USA possession. If the ships abandon Ocho Rios, the economy there will collapse. The Caribbean jewelry chains and other nice stores will pull out and Jamaica will be left with the choice: Clean up or suffer.


We cannot make ships stop going there as one family. But we have NO intention of getting off the boat in Jamaica ever again. Two other islands that have had that effect on us are St. Lucia and Grenada. On both the people hassling you for money are very aggressive and obnoxious, but Ocho Rios is far worse and far scarier.


Tourism means $$$ and lots of it. Places that don’t bust their bottoms to keep tourists safe will lose them. Comparisons to NYC and other cities are meaningless. New York has population of 8 million people in the city alone and 25-30 million in the area. Yeah, tourism helps the economy, but it doesn’t ride on it. Sure, the cops want to keep tourists safe, but cannot. Being safe in a city means following the rules of safety.


Here’s two contrasting ports in one country, Mexico. Years ago we went to Cabo San Lucas on short trip—our first visit to Mexico, and, for years, our last. While it was very beautiful, we felt totally vulnerable, isolated and at the mercy of the locals. Cleaning crews went into the hotel rooms accompanied by an armed guard and the ONLY telephone was in the main building where “Pedro” charged you insane rates to call the US. More recently, we went to Cozumel. The place was a mess, devastated by the hurricane, but the people couldn’t have been nicer and more friendly—tolerating my lousy Spanish with patience and grace. A year later, we were there again and you wouldn’t recognize the place—unlike New Orleans Mexico had made a HUGE effort to rebuild. But one thing hadn’t changed: The people were as nice as ever. The cruise ships were lined up like cars at the Lincoln Tunnel at rush hour—there were at least 10 ships there—two or three Carnivals, at least two RCLs, etc. We had a WONDERFUL time.


Cozumel is going to get far more dollars out of cruisers than Ocho Rios ever will—because the attitude is so different.


Crime happens anywhere and everywhere. We were virtually hi-jacked on a private tour to Ephesus: “You want to see a silk factory?” “Sure!” BIG mistake—it was a rug dealer, isolated, in the middle of nowhere, and their prices were cheats “We are much cheaper than anything in Istanbul!” Garbage! We knew prices and this crooks were double what we could get in Istanbul. We were very lucky to get out of that—apparently the driver wasn’t in on the deal with the tour guide! When we came out and told him to head back to the ship, he started the minivan and we piled in before anyone knew what was happening! The guide came hot-footing it back to the van just as the driver was about to start rolling! The driver got a VERY nice tip as a result. Cunard refunded the cost of the tour since we had booked it through them—it was the only private tour we ever booked through a ship that went sour. Having been in Turkey a few times and having had other private guides, we know this was both a typical risk (“I know a better rug factory. My uncle/cousin/nephew will give you a great deal!” Riiiiiggghttttt!!!) but avoidable. We found a guide in Turkey that didn't pull that nonsense. We spent three amazing days with her discovering all sorts of things in Istanbul we never knew existed!


But Ocho Rios? If that’s the way the locals want to play the game, and the police are playing it with them, they can go to hell for all I care. I KNOW the police hunted down the perps and killed one. That’s good, but that’s ONLY because it happened on a plantation owned by a politician running for, (did you pick up on this?) MINISTER OF TOURISM! Talk about a black eye for HIM!


It’s our vacation—we don’t consider being robbed part of the package. I would very much like to see the lines eliminate Ocho Rios from their itineraries. Like St. Croix.

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For those of you thinking - I will just go to Sunset Beach since it is an AI resort. Think again. Had a very scary incident happen there as well.




Since Sunset Beach is also my activity of choice in MoBay, I would very much like to know what happened there.



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We are cruising on the conquest next march and it stops in Ja. I had a college roommate that is from there. She is from a well to do family (father owns business'). Would it be "safe" to call her and let her be our guide? Do you think we would be harrassed if she was with us? Otherwise, I am staying on the ship unless Sunset Beach is still ok. :confused:

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We are cruising on the conquest next march and it stops in Ja. I had a college roommate that is from there. She is from a well to do family (father owns business'). Would it be "safe" to call her and let her be our guide? Do you think we would be harrassed if she was with us? Otherwise, I am staying on the ship unless Sunset Beach is still ok. :confused:


We went on a tour that I booked myself online.. a catamaran tour left from Sandals resort stopped at M'ville.. we decided to stay at M'ville and took a cab back.. leaving the bar we were asked to buy things saying NO does work and we made it back to the ship no worries... What do you consider safe??? I felt safe both times I have been in MoBay.. so I really can't answer your ? You do what you think is best for you and yours.

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One poster wrote:




Another wrote:




But another writes:




And this person writes the following absurd concept:




I totally disagree with the statement that “crime happens anywhere so why single out Jamaica?” St. Croix became so dangerous cruise ships stopped going there. The economy collapsed and they had to BEG for aid to clean up their act—and St. Croix is a USA possession. If the ships abandon Ocho Rios, the economy there will collapse. The Caribbean jewelry chains and other nice stores will pull out and Jamaica will be left with the choice: Clean up or suffer.



Crime happens anywhere and everywhere. We were virtually hi-jacked on a private tour to Ephesus: “You want to see a silk factory?” “Sure!” BIG mistake—it was a rug dealer, isolated, in the middle of nowhere, and their prices were cheats “We are much cheaper than anything in Istanbul!” Garbage! We knew prices and this crooks were double what we could get in Istanbul. We were very lucky to get out of that—apparently the driver wasn’t in on the deal with the tour guide! When we came out and told him to head back to the ship, he started the minivan and we piled in before anyone knew what was happening! The guide came hot-footing it back to the van just as the driver was about to start rolling! The driver got a VERY nice tip as a result. Cunard refunded the cost of the tour since we had booked it through them—it was the only private tour we ever booked through a ship that went sour. Having been in Turkey a few times and having had other private guides, we know this was both a typical risk (“I know a better rug factory. My uncle/cousin/nephew will give you a great deal!” Riiiiiggghttttt!!!) but avoidable. We found a guide in Turkey that didn't pull that nonsense. We spent three amazing days with her discovering all sorts of things in Istanbul we never knew existed!


My statement (3rd) was one of the 4 or 5 that was quoted on one of the last posts... Although incorrectly and misinterpereted. I was defending the 2 original posters, Kenneth and bluebonnet about their plight and how this forum was turned around into, "which US city, country etc was worse than Jamaica" after many defended Jamaica in their comparisons... (and that's fine, as many had great experiences in Jamaica apparently)... I was only indicating and agreeing with hundreds here when they all said, "crime happens most everywhere."(since there were tons of references to other places "worse" than Jamaica according to many, many posters.. that could have gone on for months with the comparisons...:rolleyes: ) and referencing Newark NJ when someone used that as a comparison. I did NOT say, "crime happens everywhere so why single out Jamaica." Those last 5 words were not mine...and not in my original post/quote you copied from my originial) if you read it correctly) I've been saying all along that I would never go back, nor think it is safe, nor care if Jamaica is "singled out". It should be! I never defended it in this way. I only said what you stated below. "crime happens most everywhere", which was stated by the poster in one of his next paragraphs him/herself.


Phew...That said... I too have been to many Caribbean destinations... East and West...North and South...St. Croix included, and that was NOT one of our favorites BEFORE Jamaica... as well as Bermuda, the Mediterranean and Alaska, albeit not as many as this poster (27 was it?... not even close, but have never seen anything quite like what I saw in Jamaica) Jamaica is not safe, I wouldn't go back, I would warn everyone I meet to avoid it or else BE CAREFUL and be forewarned, and my sympathies go towards these 2 families who have posted about a most very unfortunate and horrible violent act committed against them and their families during a vacation in which they didn't expect this, let alone after the cruise line guaranteed their safety.

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Have been following this thread for several days and haven't posted. Really not sure how to word this as I posted on a similar thread a few years ago and the post was deleted.


My first journey to Jamaica was about 7 years ago as a news reporter for a Christian newspaper. I was in a group of about 25 journalists from Christian newspapers as we traveled areas around the capital city of Kingston. I was warned not to stray from the group at any time. As long as I was with the others and traveled with the mission group I would be safe.


We were housed at the downtown Hilton in Kingston. Being a nosey news reporter I decided to walk out of the hotel and venture out onto the street to see if it was really as bad as I had been told. I hadn't been out on the street more than two or three minutes before I was approached by men trying to sell me drugs. I was only a few yards from the entrance to the Hilton.


During the 4 days I spent in Kingston that trip I learned a lot about life in Jamaica. I traveled through prisons, leper colonies and actually watched families who live on a city dump scour for dinner from the dump. I also saw some of the largest rats I've ever seen in my life -- running through the hotel. I'm a farm girl from Ohio and have seen my share of rats in my life but never as big as those I saw in Kingston.


The guide for our trip was born and raised in Kingston and openly told us that crime was rampant in the country but explained it was due to the government in control. He explained it as a 2-class system, one class controls most of the money and the other class has none.


Got off a cruise ship in Ocho Rios a few years later knowing that I had to be careful where I walked and who I met. DH & I made the short trek to the shopping village there that was just getting started at the time. The walk to the guarded shopping area and the walk back to the ship convinced me that Ocho Rios is no different than Kingston in safety.


Jamaica is truly a beautiful island country and there are thousands of honest, hard working people there who could be helped tremendously by our cruise pax dollars. However, until the gov't of the island changes the poverty and the crime will no doubt continue.


It's sad.


In my heart I don't think any of the travel dollars we spend in Jamaica will change anything there and I don't think that the dollars we spend there will get back to the hands of the people who truly need our dollars to change their lives.


Just my 2 1/2 cents worth.




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This is scary. I've never been to Jamaica, and we are already booked on the Conquest for the 2/17/08 sailing. We are treating my in-laws who live right outside of Galveston to this cruise for their 25th wedding anniversary. I hope that something happens to either make the tourist areas more safe or that the port is changed before then. I would never forgive myself if something happened to someone on cruise that I was responsible for booking.


I encourage you not to worry about Jamaica, just heed the advice of experienced members here when getting off the ship. And do get off the ship. We went there last year, just my wife and I. We booked an independent tour that was an all day thing, got us away from the port towns and into the back country where you will see the truly nice people of Jamaica.


Do your research, book independent where there are only one or two people in an often unmarked (as in advertisements) vehicle with one tour guide, where there is no large crowd just screaming "tourists" and therefore no large target for would be thugs. Stolen property goes for only about 10% of its true worth, so thugs need a better chance at a "big score" for the risk to pay off. Credit Cards are easily canceled with little or no liability. Cash and property would be the main targets. A large tour bus provides just such an opportunity.


This is one instance where I disagree with "security in numbers" for the reasons stated above. Be smart and pay extra attention, look at everyone around you directly, let them know you see them and know what they look like and are doing. I'm not saying stare them down, just don't be afraid to look them in the eye and make firm eye contact. Don't wear jewelry or expensive items and keep you camera and bags small.


No Jamaica is not my favorite port of call and there is a lot of poverty, cons, and reports of crime. But it can be enjoyed, we are living proof. After Grand Cayman, this was one of the highlights of our cruise last year! It is some of the most beautiful country in God's creation!

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If I mixed up your post and intentions, I must heartily and humbly apologize.


I'm sorry if I mistakenly inferred something you never implied or said.


However, I still would like to see the cruise lines exert their enormous leverage on the island nation to clean up its act by boycotting it.

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If I mixed up your post and intentions, I must heartily and humbly apologize.


I'm sorry if I mistakenly inferred something you never implied or said.


However, I still would like to see the cruise lines exert their enormous leverage on the island nation to clean up its act by boycotting it.


Thanks Pirate... this "cookie" defends what she writes! (One can get a little lightheaded after reading and keeping 500+ posts straight)...Just don't like to be misquoted, that's all...:D

AND, I absolutely AGREE with what you are saying!!! Been saying that all along. If they boycott, they won't come! Then cruiselines will start listening??? hmmm... only time will tell. I know this cookie won't be cruising, flying, swimming to Jamaica any time soon until the island decides that their tourists are a priority to their economy and we aren't treated as if we are not welcome... AGAIN, NOT ALL JAMAICANS welcome us this way, but as a whole and as a tourist experience, for me, there are many more places to feel welcomed and spend my well earned money! Once was enough for me and my experience was not a horrible one... just that I, myself found Jamaica to be a one trick pony and would be afraid that my next visit might not be so lucky...

'nuf said here... I swore I wouldn't get caught up in this forum again around post #200... ahhhhh :eek:

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Doesn't anyone do research when they travel to a foreign country? Or, do most people just go totally ignorant of the customs and cultures of said foreign country.


I couldn't imagine travelling without doing at least a little research to know what to expect.

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The purpose of the OP was to warn fellow passengers how dangerous Jamaica can be.


It is not just dangerous, like every tourist on vacation should be aware of pick pockets kind of dangerous. Jamaica is dangerous, feel violated, terrorized and scared for your life dangerous. And as a tourist, this crime is being directed toward you.


For those of you that are on cruise ships going to Jamaica and worried about what tour to take - here is the answer - No tour is safe. I've been to Dunnes River Falls and for the woman who said she was scared when she got near the huts, you were right to be scared, I was accosted there and had to scream for my husband. Whoever said you didn't see the shopping there - how the heck did you get out? You have to walk by these huts to get out the gates.


For those of you thinking - I will just go to Sunset Beach since it is an AI resort. Think again. Had a very scary incident happen there as well.


In both cases, the crimes were reported to the management (and I will say that Sunset Beach was very proactive in trying to track down the man using their own security). However, in neither case were the incidents reported to the police. So those of you touting that Jamaican crime stats aren't very high, I can assure, only a small percentage is getting reported.


A few months ago, my SIL mentioned she wanted to take my nephews on a cruise next year. The first thing out of my mouth, was make sure the ship doesn't go to Jamaica, (of course, the second thing was she should use CC to help her research her trip!) We were at my nephews soccer game and two parents on the other side of me asked why I was so adament about Jamaica. They had been there on their honeymoon and thought it was beautiful. I proceeded to tell them our experience.


Fortunately, that is two groups I have managed to persuade to stay away from this dangerous place.


Not only do my sympathies go out to those that have returned from that Conquest trip, but I also applaud them for being concerned enough about future cruisers to voice their concern in this forum and make sure future cruisers are aware of the dangers.


But I think someone on this site said that CC only reaches about 3% of the cruisers out there. I encourage those you of you that take this message to heart to make sure you tell 2 friends outside of CC how truly dangerous this place is. If they tell 2 friends...so on.


My question is to those of you who insist that you should have the right to still go to Jamaica and the cruise lines should still keep going there. Assuming your ship is only filled with 3% informed passengers who know the danger in Jamaica - are you going to be the ones to inform these fellow passengers the risk they are assuming??? We already know the cruise line won't.


If the cruise lines keep going to Jamaica because you want to go there, do you bear any of the responsibility for the next group of children that are terrorized with guns and machettes?



PLease tell us what happened to you at Sunset Beach

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:D This kind of thing can happen anywhere. There is not a major city ANYWHERE in the world that does not have its "wild places." One should read the really fine print on the excursion folder; you will find that the line not responsible for anything:o at all. They do say they will help you rejoin the ship if you are left behind. That will involve the "Ship's Agent" and not the cruise line.

Some Ideas:

Don't carry your passport; cary a copy of the main page.

Carry only one credit card, your ship's card, and as much money as you are willing to give up.

If you take a camera or other expensive items, remember your Homeowners Policy may provide some coverage.

Give the Bandits what they want and try to remember as much as possible about their looks, weapons, etc.

Your life is worth a lot more than a camera.

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Thanks Pirate... this "cookie" defends what she writes! (One can get a little lightheaded after reading and keeping 500+ posts straight)...Just don't like to be misquoted, that's all...:D

AND, I absolutely AGREE with what you are saying!!! Been saying that all along. If they boycott, they won't come! Then cruiselines will start listening??? hmmm... only time will tell. I know this cookie won't be cruising, flying, swimming to Jamaica any time soon until the island decides that their tourists are a priority to their economy and we aren't treated as if we are not welcome... AGAIN, NOT ALL JAMAICANS welcome us this way, but as a whole and as a tourist experience, for me, there are many more places to feel welcomed and spend my well earned money! Once was enough for me and my experience was not a horrible one... just that I, myself found Jamaica to be a one trick pony and would be afraid that my next visit might not be so lucky...

'nuf said here... I swore I wouldn't get caught up in this forum again around post #200... ahhhhh :eek:


The funny thing is Jamaicans I've met OUTSIDE of Jamaica are some of the warmest, nicest people around. Here in NJ, the preferred nanny is almost always a Jamaican lady--and here legally, thankyou! Usually, their only failing is lack of a driver's license.


I just don't like being looked by a person the same way I'm looked at by a mosquito--something to consume, no more.

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For those of you that are on cruise ships going to Jamaica and worried about what tour to take - here is the answer - No tour is safe. I've been to Dunnes River Falls and for the woman who said she was scared when she got near the huts, you were right to be scared, I was accosted there and had to scream for my husband. Whoever said you didn't see the shopping there - how the heck did you get out? You have to walk by these huts to get out the gates.





The excursion we were on arrived at the dock on the beach so we left by the beach and we did not have to walk past the shops. There was a guy selling shells on the dock but we just walked by him and he did not bother us. Nobody bothered us at all there. It was called Cool Runnings Sail & Dunns River Falls and we booked it through Carnival.

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I'm curious now to experience Jamaica when traveling by cruise (heck, it gives me an excuse to take another cruise;)). I just got back this past week from a Sandals vacation in Ocho Rios...given my experience, I honestly can not believe I was in the same country as described by many on this board. I am not doubting anyone's experience, but I am leaning towards the notion that when ships are in port, all the vendors flock to the area and thus there may be a higher level of aggressiveness. I was in the vicinity of Ochi's port on a day when no ships were docked, and I was surprised at how empty everything was. Not once was I approached by anyone asking to buy anything.


Yes, there was extreme poverty... but I was extremely touched by the friendliness of the Jamaican people. While at Sandals, I crossed to "the other side" to take a look at the little makeshift craft area, where the locals would whistle at us to buy something. We talked with them and asked about their lives and bumped fists with RESPECT - they are human beings like us and are desperate to survive given their living conditions.


What happened on the Carnival excursion was absolutely horrible and inexcusable. But, I would hate to see Jamaica taken off of any cruise itinerary. I had nothing short of a beautiful experience there and was almost near tears when leaving because our shuttle driver told us we couldn't stay away too long so they wouldn't forget us. End of my story - just wanted to put forth a different experience than the "armpit of the Caribbean" rap that Jamaica is getting.

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What happened to you at Sunset Beach?


I had posted it on the CC site after my cruise in Jan 2006.




While it certainly wasn't the horror these 17 people went through, regardless - I've had 2 scary incidents occur to me that were bad enough. As far as I am concerned I never need to get back on another cruise ship going there again. No place is safe in this crime infested island.

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For those who have had wonderful experiences in Jamaica and therefore think it's not as bad as others depict (and let me say that I got lucky and had a good experience myself), I wonder..... if you were to walk through Baghdad and not get hurt, maybe even meet some very nice people who live there and appreciated your visit, would that mean Baghdad is a safe place that people shouldn't hesitate to visit? Or even take a stroll one night in a dangerous US inner city, chat with a couple of folks, get a bite to eat, and move on through without being hurt, does that mean it's not a dangerous US inner city neighborhood? Wouldn't both of these cases be a matter of you got lucky, but on any given day/night you might have lost your life? What I don't understand is that so many of you don't seem to understand that about Jamaica. It IS a beautiful place. But it IS a VERY dangerous, lawless place where the potential for you meeting with harm is VERY great. Go there if you wish, that's certainly your prerogotive, but be VERY VERY CAREFUL, but just as in Baghdad you never know when you're going to step on a landmine, in Jamaica you never know when someone is going to jump out from behind something with a gun or a machete. Just because it hasn't happened yet to you, only means that so far you've been lucky.

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