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17 People robbed on Conquest Jamaica excursion


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For those who have had wonderful experiences in Jamaica and therefore think it's not as bad as others depict (and let me say that I got lucky and had a good experience myself), I wonder..... if you were to walk through Baghdad and not get hurt, maybe even meet some very nice people who live there and appreciated your visit, would that mean Baghdad is a safe place that people shouldn't hesitate to visit? Or even take a stroll one night in a dangerous US inner city, chat with a couple of folks, get a bite to eat, and move on through without being hurt, does that mean it's not a dangerous US inner city neighborhood? Wouldn't both of these cases be a matter of you got lucky, but on any given day/night you might have lost your life? What I don't understand is that so many of you don't seem to understand that about Jamaica. It IS a beautiful place. But it IS a VERY dangerous, lawless place where the potential for you meeting with harm is VERY great. Go there if you wish, that's certainly your prerogotive, but be VERY VERY CAREFUL, but just as in Baghdad you never know when you're going to step on a landmine, in Jamaica you never know when someone is going to jump out from behind something with a gun or a machete. Just because it hasn't happened yet to you, only means that so far you've been lucky.



Amen to that but I would add that Jamaica is not lawless, there are laws, they're just not enforced all of the time and some of those who are charged with enforcing the laws of the island are as corrupt as those who jump out in front of you to rob you of everything you are carrying.




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Actually, now that these last posts have been posted, I am intrigued to google and find out about their "government" and who is equivalent to our President or whatever/whoever their "leader" is. Do they have a President? hmmm... i have some homework to do, now that I am interested....:confused: Does anyone here know this? Whatever type "government" they have in place doesn't seem to be working well. :eek:

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Jamaica is not Baghdad, not even close. And yes, I do understand very well the dangers of being in a third world country. I am not denying that the rule of law is corrupted in Jamaica; I am not advocating that people should walk around with nary a worry. After reading many reports of people being harassed on this board, I was very cautious while I was there and will be more cautious the next time I go. I was expecting to be approached and was completely surprised that I did not encounter any harassment at all in the very areas that I had read about. Yes, I may have been lucky, but I am also lucky that I have not been shot dead in the streets of LA (like my cousin), killed in a car accident this morning and am in good health. As part of my job (federal investigator), I was at some pretty hairy places in some of the worst parts of LA the week I left for Jamaica, and I actually felt safer in Jamaica. Again, I am not advocating Jamaica as the safest place in the Caribbean...yes, it is necessary to be extra cautious in Jamaica but keep things in perspective. We've got a greater chance of being killed by heart disease or cancer than a Jamaican gunman.

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Actually, now that these last posts have been posted, I am intrigued to google and find out about their "government" and who is equivalent to our President or whatever/whoever their "leader" is. Do they have a President? hmmm... i have some homework to do, now that I am interested....:confused: Does anyone here know this? Whatever type "government" they have in place doesn't seem to be working well. :eek:



I'm not too knowledgable with how the whole government works, but I know Jamaica has a prime minister, Portia Simpson Miller. I believe the gov't is similar to Britain's (as it was once colonized by the British) and Queen Elizabeth is still recognized as Queen of Jamaica. Edited: Jamaica is a constitutional monarchy.


I think the gov't needs to clamp down on violence and promote better economic security. But, a lot of this has to do with remnants of colonialism - Jamaica is not a problem in itself, it is tied to globalization and world systems theory. If you google, you can find articles about Jamaica's debt to the World Bank and how richer countries (US) contribute to keeping Jamaica impoverished. Example being the US can sell cheaper milk to Jamaica, thereby preventing local farmers from growing own products ---> cycle of poverty and dependance.

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I'm not too knowledgable with how the whole government works, but I know Jamaica has a prime minister, Portia Simpson Miller. I believe the gov't is similar to Britain's (as it was once colonized by the British) and Queen Elizabeth is still recognized as Queen of Jamaica. Edited: Jamaica is a constitutional monarchy.


I think the gov't needs to clamp down on violence and promote better economic security. But, a lot of this has to do with remnants of colonialism - Jamaica is not a problem in itself, it is tied to globalization and world systems theory. If you google, you can find articles about Jamaica's debt to the World Bank and how richer countries (US) contribute to keeping Jamaica impoverished. Example being the US can sell cheaper milk to Jamaica, thereby preventing local farmers from growing own products ---> cycle of poverty and dependance.



Thanks for the education Wave... You answered a lot of questions with out me having to do my homework! I also enjoyed the pix of Jamaica you provided on your link. Sandals is definitely not the Jamaica we saw! It is its own little sanctuary in there! Beautiful. I would feel somewhat safe there, just not on the outside...:eek:

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Just a bit of FYI. Montego Bay was one of our ports this past week. We went with a large group, but we only went to Margaritaville. We were on the Rhapsody and a van came up and took us to the terminal where we all piled into another van and it took us down to Margaritaville (the strip where all the Mobay shops are). It was $4.00 per person each way.


We did not go anywhere else in Mobay. We weren't hassled by anyone but if they did approach us with something that they were selling all we said was "no thanks" and they walked away.


I don't think I'll cruise to Jamaica again, but if we do, I'll stay on the ship.

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I have several friends who own homes in Jamaica. I asked them about some of the things I have read on these boards, and all of them said that they have not encountered these kinds of problems. One stated that the worst people just hang out around the piers and bother the cruisers. These are all families with children who spend all of their vacations in Jamaica. They are not irresponsible people and they don't stay barricaded in their homes. I've never been to Jamaica so I wouldn't presume to judge the situation, but after listening to my friends, you would think we were talking about two entirely different places.


I would certainly hesitate to visit Jamaica based on the posts I've read here, but I also have to wonder if the whole island is just lawless anarchy as stated.

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For those who have had wonderful experiences in Jamaica and therefore think it's not as bad as others depict (and let me say that I got lucky and had a good experience myself), I wonder..... if you were to walk through Baghdad and not get hurt, maybe even meet some very nice people who live there and appreciated your visit, would that mean Baghdad is a safe place that people shouldn't hesitate to visit? Or even take a stroll one night in a dangerous US inner city, chat with a couple of folks, get a bite to eat, and move on through without being hurt, does that mean it's not a dangerous US inner city neighborhood? Wouldn't both of these cases be a matter of you got lucky, but on any given day/night you might have lost your life? What I don't understand is that so many of you don't seem to understand that about Jamaica. It IS a beautiful place. But it IS a VERY dangerous, lawless place where the potential for you meeting with harm is VERY great. Go there if you wish, that's certainly your prerogotive, but be VERY VERY CAREFUL, but just as in Baghdad you never know when you're going to step on a landmine, in Jamaica you never know when someone is going to jump out from behind something with a gun or a machete. Just because it hasn't happened yet to you, only means that so far you've been lucky.


Give us a break! Comparing Jamaica to Baghdad? We were in JA last Thursday. Had a wonderful time...Again! Check out our photos from the link below.

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I'm curious now to experience Jamaica when traveling by cruise (heck, it gives me an excuse to take another cruise;)). I just got back this past week from a Sandals vacation in Ocho Rios...given my experience, I honestly can not believe I was in the same country as described by many on this board. I am not doubting anyone's experience, but I am leaning towards the notion that when ships are in port, all the vendors flock to the area and thus there may be a higher level of aggressiveness. I was in the vicinity of Ochi's port on a day when no ships were docked, and I was surprised at how empty everything was. Not once was I approached by anyone asking to buy anything.


Yes, there was extreme poverty... but I was extremely touched by the friendliness of the Jamaican people. While at Sandals, I crossed to "the other side" to take a look at the little makeshift craft area, where the locals would whistle at us to buy something. We talked with them and asked about their lives and bumped fists with RESPECT - they are human beings like us and are desperate to survive given their living conditions.


What happened on the Carnival excursion was absolutely horrible and inexcusable. But, I would hate to see Jamaica taken off of any cruise itinerary. I had nothing short of a beautiful experience there and was almost near tears when leaving because our shuttle driver told us we couldn't stay away too long so they wouldn't forget us. End of my story - just wanted to put forth a different experience than the "armpit of the Caribbean" rap that Jamaica is getting.



Ah, c'mon!


If, when the cruise ships show up all the dregs come out from under their rocks and invade the port and stalk the tours then that IS the problem! That's PRECISELY why Jamaica is getting the rap as the worst place to go in the Western Caribbean.


Sure, I'll bet there's millions of nice, decent hardworking Jamaicans who don't hassle cruisers. But the numbers of hasslers is beyond ANYTHING we've ever seen elsewhere--and their aggressiveness is daunting. You may love Jamaica and may have met the really good folks, but I see it as an island out of synch with the other islands in the area.

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Ah, c'mon!


If, when the cruise ships show up all the dregs come out from under their rocks and invade the port and stalk the tours then that IS the problem! That's PRECISELY why Jamaica is getting the rap as the worst place to go in the Western Caribbean.


Sure, I'll bet there's millions of nice, decent hardworking Jamaicans who don't hassle cruisers. But the numbers of hasslers is beyond ANYTHING we've ever seen elsewhere--and their aggressiveness is daunting. You may love Jamaica and may have met the really good folks, but I see it as an island out of synch with the other islands in the area.


The Pirate is so right, thanks for a great post! I started this thread the minute I came off the Conquest to warn many others before the venture into unknowing danger as many have. Your CD will tell you how safe and great Jamaica is and you will no warnings whatsoever. Ask Bluebonnet or Kwilliams they wil tell you. I was offered drugs IN the Terminal building by a Port Security Officer. Yes, you can go to Jamaica and return safely, my family had a great a safe time doing the canop tour. However, when you have the relentless dribble that posters like Hedocouple that everything is perfect and great and we never had trouble, blah, blah, blah, then visitors will tend to let their guard down. This thread has been great in putting out what a armpit that Jamaica is and the danger of it. Yes, we had a great time in Jamaica and so will you IF you go straight to your destination and straight back and IF you have a guide/guard with you. That is not what anybody should expect or want in a tour, island excurion or shopping. You should came back from Jamaica as a visitor and not as a survivor as most all do. If you do go to Jamaica ask the simple question starting on Thursday to your fellow cruisers "HOW DID YOU LIKE JAMAICA". Watch the eyes roll and the frowns start. Very very few people enjoy Jamaica. So get your guard and go and hopefully you to will come back a survivor!

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The Pirate is so right, thanks for a great post! I started this thread the minute I came off the Conquest to warn many others before the venture into unknowing danger as many have. Your CD will tell you how safe and great Jamaica is and you will no warnings whatsoever. Ask Bluebonnet or Kwilliams they wil tell you. I was offered drugs IN the Terminal building by a Port Security Officer. Yes, you can go to Jamaica and return safely, my family had a great a safe time doing the canop tour. However, when you have the relentless dribble that posters like Hedocouple that everything is perfect and great and we never had trouble, blah, blah, blah, then visitors will tend to let their guard down. This thread has been great in putting out what a armpit that Jamaica is and the danger of it. Yes, we had a great time in Jamaica and so will you IF you go straight to your destination and straight back and IF you have a guide/guard with you. That is not what anybody should expect or want in a tour, island excurion or shopping. You should came back from Jamaica as a visitor and not as a survivor as most all do. If you do go to Jamaica ask the simple question starting on Thursday to your fellow cruisers "HOW DID YOU LIKE JAMAICA". Watch the eyes roll and the frowns start. Very very few people enjoy Jamaica. So get your guard and go and hopefully you to will come back a survivor!


Tell you what...Once you've been there as many times as we have then feel free to "dribble" all you want. We aren't the typical cruise traveler that runs off a ship spends a couple of hours and runs back on and then pretends to be experts of where they've been. We've traveled all over the world for a week or even three week periods. And when we do travel we NEVER let our guard down. Just like we NEVER let our guard down when we travel to places in the U.S. we're not familiar with. Just like last week when I walked from the Holiday Inn near the port to Walgreens. No one is putting a gun to your head and making you choose these ports. If you don't like it don't book it. Don't tell me I can't go. Last week hundreds of people got off the ship the day we did. And thousands each week will continue to do so without incidence.


Back in February 2 Canadian tourist were robbed and one KILLED in Alcapulco. Should we not cruise there anymore? There is nothing wrong with letting people know the dangers of traveling somewhere. But please don't make my decision for me.

P.S. Check out our photos of Nine Mile Jamaica from last week :D


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The Pirate is so right, thanks for a great post! I started this thread the minute I came off the Conquest to warn many others before the venture into unknowing danger as many have. Your CD will tell you how safe and great Jamaica is and you will no warnings whatsoever. Ask Bluebonnet or Kwilliams they wil tell you. I was offered drugs IN the Terminal building by a Port Security Officer. Yes, you can go to Jamaica and return safely, my family had a great a safe time doing the canop tour. However, when you have the relentless dribble that posters like Hedocouple that everything is perfect and great and we never had trouble, blah, blah, blah, then visitors will tend to let their guard down. This thread has been great in putting out what a armpit that Jamaica is and the danger of it. Yes, we had a great time in Jamaica and so will you IF you go straight to your destination and straight back and IF you have a guide/guard with you. That is not what anybody should expect or want in a tour, island excurion or shopping. You should came back from Jamaica as a visitor and not as a survivor as most all do. If you do go to Jamaica ask the simple question starting on Thursday to your fellow cruisers "HOW DID YOU LIKE JAMAICA". Watch the eyes roll and the frowns start. Very very few people enjoy Jamaica. So get your guard and go and hopefully you to will come back a survivor!


well said Pirate and Oak! Couldn't agree more... but within the quote above, this should tell you the "flavor" of Jamaica better than anything because you would think this is what we all should do to be "cautious and careful" right???!!! But poor bluebonnet and Kenneth DID just that... they and their families went "straight to your destination and straight back (straight back after hours of interrigation and questioning by police because of being attacked) and if you have a guide/guard with you. They sure did have a guide with them, all set up by Carnival...Wellllll....... unfortunately, that doesn't always work there either... so beware! AND I wouldn't tell people NOT to go, (silly since there will always be tourists who love it and travel there) I always "suggest" to people I know and give my personal reasons not to... I know I didn't know a lot about all of this prior. Glad this is here for future travellers. That's the reason this forum has over 500 posts and will go on forever as long as people suggest not to, and others suggest why they should...Keep in mind again, the reason for this forum as posted in post #1. It was a WARNING!

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J As part of my job (federal investigator), I was at some pretty hairy places in some of the worst parts of LA the week I left for Jamaica, and I actually felt safer in Jamaica.


Do you think maybe MOST people are a little less risk-tolerant than you and that although YOU felt safe in Jamaica, it may not be a good idea for others?



Give us a break! Comparing Jamaica to Baghdad?


Not comparing the two; it's called analogy. But once again, you miss the point which is just because you were safe that time, doesn't mean you will be the next. You just keep right on going to Jamaica, I just wish you'd quit encouraging others to do the same.

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This has been one of the best threads I have ever read. So many good ideas, and people wanting to help not only the victims, but those who might one day find themselves in Jamaica.



But,,,,,,,,, Comparing a port of call to Baghdad is a bit much. I know that you have since tried to explain yourself, but you also should know that at this moment there are brave men and women in Iraq who are reading this. I know for a fact they are. One is a place that some might not want to go to, and the other is a place where people have been ordered to go. Please don't compare.


Honey, if you are reading this from there, please get back on the boat. You don't have to fight, because this person said so.:mad:


For those who think I am being silly, so was that person.:)

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Do you think maybe MOST people are a little less risk-tolerant than you and that although YOU felt safe in Jamaica, it may not be a good idea for others?





Not comparing the two; it's called analogy. But once again, you miss the point which is just because you were safe that time, doesn't mean you will be the next. You just keep right on going to Jamaica, I just wish you'd quit encouraging others to do the same.


And when have I encouraged other's to go? We've just shared our experiences the same way other's have. BTW...We're going back for one week in Feb. 2008 :) And after seeing how Houston's crime rate is double that of the U.S. average I will definitely not vacation there. Again...My choice.

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And when have I encouraged other's to go? We've just shared our experiences the same way other's have. BTW...We're going back for one week in Feb. 2008 :) And after seeing how Houston's crime rate is double that of the U.S. average I will definitely not vacation there. Again...My choice.



ahhhhh.... let's not go THERE again! PLEASE! For the sake of all of us posters who have been here through hundreds of posts... analogies/comparisons.... we went through hundreds of cities, countries, islands etc here comparing them to Jamaica... Houston included... with people posting crime STATS from every nook and crannie on Earth.... let's not go there again.... :eek:

Hedo... have a great time in Jamaica again. Your choice... no one is disputing that. I just think a lot of posters here want to make sure that those who log on to this forum know the dangers. We all obviously found something attractive about Jamaica initially when we chose to go, but many of us soon found out it wasn't what we thought, learned more about it and thus feel the way we do. It was quite an ordeal for bluebonnet and kenneth to have to post and relive their experience in order for others to be educated about the dangers of Jamaica. And that's the key word here... danger... this forum started out as a warning, that's all...

Have a great 4TH OF JULY everyone... !!!

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Ah, c'mon!


If, when the cruise ships show up all the dregs come out from under their rocks and invade the port and stalk the tours then that IS the problem! That's PRECISELY why Jamaica is getting the rap as the worst place to go in the Western Caribbean.


Sure, I'll bet there's millions of nice, decent hardworking Jamaicans who don't hassle cruisers. But the numbers of hasslers is beyond ANYTHING we've ever seen elsewhere--and their aggressiveness is daunting. You may love Jamaica and may have met the really good folks, but I see it as an island out of synch with the other islands in the area.


I agree with you! If cruise ship pax are being specifically targeted, it is a HUGE problem...and I can see why people are hesitant to get off the ship. But IMO, there are 2 sides to this because cruise ship pax are not the only ones vacationing in Jamaica. By the end of my time at Sandals, I did not hear one complaint from anyone. Most people went out to Ochi, on tours, went to Dunn's River and went through the gauntlet of vendors there....nobody ever said they felt like they were in danger. Yes, people said the vendors were "interesting" and there was a high pressure to buy, but they did not feel so threatened that they would not come near Jamaica ever again and everyone I talked to wanted to return.


Obviously, Sandals is a sanctuary of sorts, so staying there would lead to bias...but I think the majority of people doing land vacations would not call Jamaica the worst place to go in the Caribbean and do not feel so dispassionately about it. If this was so, then there would not be two gigantic resorts currently being built near Ochi. Again, I'm just trying to present a different side because it seems to me that cruise ship pax are having an entirely different experience. Although it seems like I would be in the minority among cruise pax who like Jamaica, I know I am not in the minority of Sandals guests who like it. So it's all subjective - it is HORRIBLE if cruise ship pax are being targeted but to apply a blanket label, based on a cruise ship experience, to Jamaica is unfair because there are just as many land vacationers who feel differently.


And I do not think posters on here who like Jamaica have ever said it was perfect and to let your guard down. I wouldn't travel anywhere outside the resort alone and would take a taxi everywhere. Oakbend is right, it's unfortunate it's like this... but at the same time, I feel that it's unfair to say very few people like Jamaica when there are many people who do land vacations there and love it.

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And again, for those of you who missed my post back in the 400s... this is a link I found, written by Stefan who actually responded back here on this thread after noticing an unusually high number of hits on his site the day I posted it, so he tracked us down... A gentleman who works and lives in Jamaica... again, it's HIS warning... worthwhile to check out... for all of you newbies here on this thread who may have missed it...


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But,,,,,,,,, Comparing a port of call to Baghdad is a bit much. I know that you have since tried to explain yourself, but you also should know that at this moment there are brave men and women in Iraq who are reading this. I know for a fact they are. One is a place that some might not want to go to, and the other is a place where people have been ordered to go. Please don't compare.



Having come from a military family, and having worked for the Army for almost 10 years myself, I'm very much aware of that, but again, the POINT was that it's a dangerous place that on any particular day one may make it through safely when on any other day one might not, and the same is true of Jamaica. I don't think that point in any way diminishes the sacrifices that our brave men and women, or their families, are making.

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Although it seems like I would be in the minority among cruise pax who like Jamaica, I know I am not in the minority of Sandals guests who like it. So it's all subjective - it is HORRIBLE if cruise ship pax are being targeted but to apply a blanket label, based on a cruise ship experience, to Jamaica is unfair because there are just as many land vacationers who feel differently.


And I do not think posters on here who like Jamaica have ever said it was perfect and to let your guard down. I wouldn't travel anywhere outside the resort alone and would take a taxi everywhere. Oakbend is right, it's unfortunate it's like this... but at the same time, I feel that it's unfair to say very few people like Jamaica when there are many people who do land vacations there and love it.


But this is CRUISECRITIC.COM and the majority of people who are coming here are coming to find out what to expect on their CRUISE Vacation. I think you sum it up succinctly -- if you are staying at Sandals, you will have a different experience, but if you go outside the resort you "would take a taxi everywhere".

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I agree with you! If cruise ship pax are being specifically targeted, it is a HUGE problem...and I can see why people are hesitant to get off the ship. But IMO, there are 2 sides to this because cruise ship pax are not the only ones vacationing in Jamaica. By the end of my time at Sandals, I did not hear one complaint from anyone. Most people went out to Ochi, on tours, went to Dunn's River and went through the gauntlet of vendors there....nobody ever said they felt like they were in danger. Yes, people said the vendors were "interesting" and there was a high pressure to buy, but they did not feel so threatened that they would not come near Jamaica ever again and everyone I talked to wanted to return.


Obviously, Sandals is a sanctuary of sorts, so staying there would lead to bias...but I think the majority of people doing land vacations would not call Jamaica the worst place to go in the Caribbean and do not feel so dispassionately about it. If this was so, then there would not be two gigantic resorts currently being built near Ochi. Again, I'm just trying to present a different side because it seems to me that cruise ship pax are having an entirely different experience. Although it seems like I would be in the minority among cruise pax who like Jamaica, I know I am not in the minority of Sandals guests who like it. So it's all subjective - it is HORRIBLE if cruise ship pax are being targeted but to apply a blanket label, based on a cruise ship experience, to Jamaica is unfair because there are just as many land vacationers who feel differently.


And I do not think posters on here who like Jamaica have ever said it was perfect and to let your guard down. I wouldn't travel anywhere outside the resort alone and would take a taxi everywhere. Oakbend is right, it's unfortunate it's like this... but at the same time, I feel that it's unfair to say very few people like Jamaica when there are many people who do land vacations there and love it.


Great post Wavecruiser...I'm baseing most of my experience on land vacations to less touristy areas. We've walked many miles along the beaches of Negril and gone out to many restaurants as well. We have run into "hasslers" many times but a simple "No thank you Mon" is all it takes. Jamaica is certainly not for everyone. Most either love it or hate it. All I can say is be careful where ever your travels take you. I think I'm done with this thread ;)


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to: all cruisers

about 10 yrs. ago we were told by

our cabin steward not to get off the ship & we didn't.

when my son went there he didn't listen to us & went to the falls with his girlfriend. he's a big fellow who didn't feel safe, got his girlfriend and went back to the ship. he said he felt like he couldn't protect her.

if all passengers stayed on the ship they'd pull it off the

itinerary. this is not the first time this has happened.

lucky no one had a heart attack there. i'm especially sorry the children had to experience this.


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For the people that keep bringing up "Dangerous US Cities". Please tell me wich city that has approximately 3 million in population has had a year of 1800 plus murders like Jamaica. The BBC now considers Jamaica the Murder Capital.


Read the Jamaica Gleaner and see what they say about Jamaica.


They reported that St. James Parish (Where the Lethe Village Tour is operated) is the murder capital of Jamaica. Also, they talk about the excessive number of robberies and rapes that happen in St, James Parish.


St. James Parish in in the country for the folks that claim the country side is safer.


I just wish I had done this research before trusting in Carnival to do the research of their excursion. I would have NEVER taken my family there.


But then again, when you take your family to a theme park, do you investigate every ride and attraction before you ride, or do you have some trust in the theme park and believe that they would not put you in harms way? Theme parks shut down rides when there not safe. How about Carnival?


Here are a couple of sites:







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For the people that keep bringing up "Dangerous US Cities". Please tell me wich city that has approximately 3 million in population has had a year of 1800 plus murders like Jamaica. The BBC now considers Jamaica the Murder Capital.


Read the Jamaica Gleaner and see what they say about Jamaica.


They reported that St. James Parish (Where the Lethe Village Tour is operated) is the murder capital of Jamaica. Also, they talk about the excessive number of robberies and rapes that happen in St, James Parish.


St. James Parish in in the country for the folks that claim the country side is safer.


I just wish I had done this research before trusting in Carnival to do the research of their excursion. I would have NEVER taken my family there.


But then again, when you take your family to a theme park, do you investigate every ride and attraction before you ride, or do you have some trust in the theme park and believe that they would not put you in harms way? Theme parks shut down rides when there not safe. How about Carnival?


Here are a couple of sites:









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