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Very Disappointed


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Just visited Barbados on the AoS June 3 sailing. We were so disappointed! The people were not nice at all - starting from the steel band playing on the dock (pictures not allowed) down to the cab driver that tried to force us to take a tour.


My husband and I went downtown and were disappointed. At one store, I asked the price of a rum cake, we decided it was less expensive on the ship - the lady at the store got upset and asked us to leave - her exact words - "why you ask for price if you not going to buy? leave now". On the return cab ride to the dock, the cabbie asked it we'd like to take a quick tour - we said no, explained that we were tired and wanted to get our son back on the ship - he tried to insist and when we insisted otherwise he had to make a u-turn - we were already on the "tour".


Just a warning to all future visitors that the cabbies on the island are not nice, the locals are not very nice either (in my experience).

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Wow! I am sorry you guys had such an experience! I am NOT just saying this to try and counter you...to each his own...truly!!! But we were on the exact same cruise as you guys...and our experience on Barbados was 100% the opposite. Of all the islands we went to...Barbados was hands down my favorite!!! I thought everyone was SOOOOOOO nice. Our cab drivers were FANTASTIC!!!! Not pushy, they were cheap, and very professional! We enjoyed all the locals and had a terrific time in Barbados...and would go back in a heartbeat. Sorry, that you had such a bad experience....I totally believe that you did....we just had the exact opposite opinion...and loved Barbados!

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I was on the June 3rd cruise as well! I am sorry to hear you didn't like Barbados...we loved it. I think it has to do a lot with the excursion you take. We took the Thriller Turtle tour and were snorkeling, on a boat, or on a beach most of the day. If we hadn't booked an excursion...I would have been bored and probably not enjoyed it. My husband and I enjoyed Barbados, but we were very disappointed with Antigua...so I think it depends on personal preference and activities.

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I have to totally agree with laura29! Funny laura...we did the thriller thing too...but we did the one that left at 12:30...we just snorkled! We had a great time though! We also...had a great time in Antigua...like you said, often it depends on what excursion you do. We did another great boat tour with snorkling, lunch, and open bar in Antigua...it was a lot of fun too!

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  • 1 month later...

We were disappointed with Barbados too on our first visit there (when it involves an altercation on Payne's Bay with a jet ski rental man & questioning by the local police its safe to say we had a bad day)


BUT we are going to give Barbados another try....!

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aww thats so sad.... my first time visiting barbados wasnt that great of an experience.. i really didnt know what to do i didnt plan anything and the weather was kinda crappy!


but the second time i knew a lot and planned... i went to the boatyard and had a blast! =) just FYI if you decide to go next time=

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Very unfortunate you ran into a few bad apples that made your visit disappointing. We have ported in Bridgetown twice and spent a week there one time and Barbados is one of our favourite islands. Hope you give it another try.

We too disliked Antigua because of the aggressiveness at the dock but we would be happy to return.

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Rubelli -- Barbados is one of our favorite stops. But I know exactly what you mean about the gangster cabbies that ply their trade within the cruise terminal compound. They are flimflammers who ask unreal amounts of money for the shortest trip. (If you need a contract on your spouse, they can do it but probably would mess up the job.)

The thing to do is to exit the compund. There are regular cabbies aplenty there who will be happy to talk you downtown or nearby beach for $3. They may offer a tour also (what's wrong with that?) but for a reasonable price.

However, before you leave the terminal compound, visit a government tourism office there. They have free maps and can tell you what you are expected to pay a cabbie. They can recommend beaches, restaurants.

We had been to the Boatyard before so we wanted to try another beach. The tourism office recommended Brighton Beach, a deserted stretch of sand theoretically within a walking distance from the ship. It was fine, with free changing facilities and a restaurant, which rented beach chairs. We sat in shade, but I still got a terrible sunburn.

We are going back to Barbados in March. A nice place.

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Rubelli -- Barbados is one of our favorite stops. But I know exactly what you mean about the gangster cabbies that ply their trade within the cruise terminal compound. They are flimflammers who ask unreal amounts of money for the shortest trip. (If you need a contract on your spouse, they can do it but probably would mess up the job.)

The thing to do is to exit the compound. There are regular cabbies aplenty who will be happy to take you downtown or nearby beach for $3. They may offer a tour also (what's wrong with that?) but for a reasonable price.

However, before you leave the terminal compound, visit a government tourism office there. They have free maps and can tell you what you are expected to pay a cabbie. They can recommend beaches, restaurants.

We had been to the Boatyard before so we wanted to try another beach. The tourism office recommended Brighton Beach, a deserted stretch of sand theoretically within a walking distance from the ship. It was fine, with free changing facilities and a restaurant, which rented beach chairs. We sat in shade, but I still got a terrible sunburn.

We are going back to Barbados in March. A nice place.


I lived in the island for 9 years & you are absolutely correct. Like anywhere else, once you get to know the system & the lay of the land it is so much easier to deal with the unexpected.


We had a similar problem in Madiera & will not take a taxi from the harbour or airport if we can help it, or we do as the above post suggests - get a map before you leave home & walk away from the area. Barbados harbour is an easy walk to the down town core.


The tourist bureau has worked hard to educate their tourist industry not to hound tourists. I used to be hounded on the beach to buy things - I politely told them I lived on the island (which happened to be true) and they left me alone. Last time I visited in 2002 sales people had been told not to step on the beach at all. I found them almost over polite to the point of being unBajan which I thought lost the flavour of the island people - a shame.


Barbados has had to become tourist oriented since their staple crop, sugar cane, has been dying a painful death for years. Everything is imported so they have to find every means possible to bring the money back into the island.


Sorry you had a problem but as one of the posters suggests perhaps you hit an unlucky day. Now you know what to expect it will be better next time.

Best of luck


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  • 2 weeks later...
Just visited Barbados on the AoS June 3 sailing. We were so disappointed! The people were not nice at all - starting from the steel band playing on the dock (pictures not allowed) down to the cab driver that tried to force us to take a tour.


My husband and I went downtown and were disappointed. At one store, I asked the price of a rum cake, we decided it was less expensive on the ship - the lady at the store got upset and asked us to leave - her exact words - "why you ask for price if you not going to buy? leave now". On the return cab ride to the dock, the cabbie asked it we'd like to take a quick tour - we said no, explained that we were tired and wanted to get our son back on the ship - he tried to insist and when we insisted otherwise he had to make a u-turn - we were already on the "tour".


Just a warning to all future visitors that the cabbies on the island are not nice, the locals are not very nice either (in my experience).


I guess your visit was not the best, but I was there last year and loved it. Took a private van tour with another couple - wish I remembered the drivers name as I am returning in November and would love to use him again.

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Nope, lady, I ain’t buying it.


With only one post and no retorts, you are solely lacking creditability.


Barbados has enjoyed a 4-9% increase in tourism between 2000 and 2006.


In 2000, we had 439,000 visitors and in 2006 we had 628,000.


A slight increase in cruisers (2%), but the lion’s share of the increase was from new and returning visitors WHO LOVED THE ISLAND AND IT’S PEOPLE AND RETURNED TO HAVE A LONGER STAY.


Mr. Noel Lynch (minister of tourism) is quite proud, as he should be.


Please look at the other Caribbean islands, most have suffered a loss of tourists.


You are welcome to your views, but perhaps you judged us prematurely. Could I visit your hometown and decide about it, and it's people, in eight (8) hours? I think not.


There are always people that have a bad day. Everywhere. I guess that you just hit them all on your visit. Sorry.


I would wish that you’d give us another chance.


Barbados is the best island in the Caribbean and the people of Barbados are also the best in the Caribbean. How can you argue with two (2) BESTS?


Otherwise we wouldn’t have chosen it for home base.


Please try again. We’ll have a better attitude next time! :)



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After extensive reading on this web site and personally cruising 10 times on a wide variety of itineraries (including Barbados) I have learned one valuable lesson. That is that it's best to plan an excursion in port (private or thru the ship). Even if the excursion is a little lacking, at least you have spent the few hours you have seeing and experiencing something on the island. Getting off the ship and waundering around isn't necessarily the best way to spend your time unless you've been there before and know where you want to go. We did the 4 wd island safari and sail with catamaran and lunch and swim w/the turtles. Awesome experience!

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Nope, lady, I ain’t buying it.


With only one post and no retorts, you are solely lacking creditability.


Barbados has enjoyed a 4-9% increase in tourism between 2000 and 2006.


In 2000, we had 439,000 visitors and in 2006 we had 628,000.


A slight increase in cruisers (2%), but the lion’s share of the increase was from new and returning visitors WHO LOVED THE ISLAND AND IT’S PEOPLE AND RETURNED TO HAVE A LONGER STAY.


Mr. Noel Lynch (minister of tourism) is quite proud, as he should be.


Please look at the other Caribbean islands, most have suffered a loss of tourists.


You are welcome to your views, but perhaps you judged us prematurely. Could I visit your hometown and decide about it, and it's people, in eight (8) hours? I think not.


There are always people that have a bad day. Everywhere. I guess that you just hit them all on your visit. Sorry.


I would wish that you’d give us another chance.


Barbados is the best island in the Caribbean and the people of Barbados are also the best in the Caribbean. How can you argue with two (2) BESTS?


Otherwise we wouldn’t have chosen it for home base.


Please try again. We’ll have a better attitude next time! :)




Aye Barbados, Who bestowed this BEST PEOPLE, BEST ISLAND Thing on you? Self praise is no praise. My Old man is Bajan and I lived half my life there with the rest in T&T with small stints in St. Lucia and Calgary Canada.

I have visited every island in the caribean except Cuba & Guadoulpe and they all have something extra special that the other does not have.

Next time sell the Caribbean and dont try to steel a first prize:)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry the poster had a bad experience however I don't think you can honestly base such a stong opinion on a very short visit.

we have recently taken a break from cruising and have opted for land based vacations. The best choice we ever made was spending 2 weeks last Jan-Feb on this beautiful island. The Bajan people were so friendly and accomodating, the beaches were beautiful, we felt so safe we took local buses everywhere we went.


It's really unfair to form an opinion about the people of a country after meeting less then a handful.


For the rest of you people who are thinking about a cruise that stops in Barbados my advise is to go for it as I believe you won't be disappointed.




Rusty (tanner2305)

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My first trip was not the best either. I think it was because we were just going to go with the flow....I left thinking i didn't care much for that island.


Now, I am going back in the spring and also have learned from reading more here that you need to plan things....not just go with the flow.


We want a beach day that is all....I'll stay away from downtown...and I think we'll have a much better visit. So many people say how wonderful the island is and the people. I am going to give it another try.


So barbados where do you recommend we go?

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My first trip was not the best either. I think it was because we were just going to go with the flow....I left thinking i didn't care much for that island.


Now, I am going back in the spring and also have learned from reading more here that you need to plan things....not just go with the flow.


We want a beach day that is all....I'll stay away from downtown...and I think we'll have a much better visit. So many people say how wonderful the island is and the people. I am going to give it another try.


So barbados where do you recommend we go?



How adventurous are you?


Barbados is a little island with many things to see. Too many things for one short day.


I’d concentrate on just a few of our many highlights and leave the rest for another visit.


Have you seen Harrison’s Caves? A must-see.


How about the Wildlife Reserve? Nice if you like animals.


Our East Coast is another world…..I always plug it as I am so fond of it. Andromedia Gardens is there; St. Johns Parish Church; Bathsheba; Chalky Mount Potteries is up a mile from Bathsheba.


And going South from Bathsheba and Tent Bay on our East Coast you’ll find Conger Rocks, Ragged point, Bottom Bay and Sam Lords Castle. Beautiful spots.


Keep going another mile and you’ll find Crane Beach. My favorite.


Continuing SW, you’ll hit Oistins and back to B-town and the dock.


There is more on our West coast north of B-town that I’ll tell you about if you just want to confine your visit close to the dock, but the rest of the island offers so much more.


You have a few choices on how to access these spots: An organized tour; A private taxi tour; Public transportation.


I love the bus, but for the first or second-timer, a private cab tour is generally wonderful.


A 5-6 hour taxi tour would cost about US$125-150 for up to four (4) in the cab.


You would be able to see most, if not all, of the highlights.


Adventurous? The bus is US$.75 each but runs on island-time and is not for the feint-of-heart. Please note that it is safe, however.


An organized tour would be about US$90/pp and a car rental would be about the same.


My best wishes to you that you have a more enjoyable time on the island than your first visit. First impressions are not always correct impressions, yes?


If I can help further, please ask. :)


Bathsheba, East Coast Barbados


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We personally love the south Coast. If you want a fun beach day try Accra Beach. It's lively with food, drink and clothing booths right on the beach.

The beaches are beautiful in barbados. Depending on the day the beaches on the wouth coast tend to have some movement or waves (great for getting the boogie board out and riding the waves) whereas the west coast beaches tend to be mostly calm. We took the local buses everywhere for $.75 a trip. There are alos ZR vans that will pick you up anywhere on the main road and take you from one end of the island to the other for $.75. great deal and loads of fun.

I really hope you enjoy this visit to Barbaods.

good luck.



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Thank you Barbados and Rustynail!

I don’t mind taking the bus…I have done that before and have had fun.

I haven't seen or heard of the Harrisons Caves - can you tell me more about this? can we see them and still visit a beach?

I’m going to print out a map and mark your suggestions and figure it all out. I would rather go to a nice beach than a beach club. My DH would like to have a place he can have a snack and say “bucket of beer please”. Which beach would be the best for this? I’ll do some checking on the Accura Beach too.

The picture you attached was beautiful!

Thanks again for your suggestions and help!

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Hi Barbados, you mentioned Crane Beach being your favorite. Why is that?


Thanks in advance!


Try this link: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=258251 (Note: Pictures are copyrighted and not to be reproduced without my permission.)


It should answer all of your questions.


My best wishes for a wonderful time on the island. :)

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