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Anyone trying this Alli system ????


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Well, I'm about ready to give up in the Alli myself. The last three mornings haven't been fun! :eek: I only took one pill a day at dinner for the last few days and my 'stomach' was a mess the next morning!!! Not the greasy problems that some people have but, just several bouts of the big 'D' !!! UGH..... I know I didn't go over my fat grams either so, I don't understand it. Now, I am very worried to continue taking them. I also got my . this week so, it could be another reason why my system is 'upset' but, geeeezzz... I also have stayed the same weight which is depressing. I think I'm gonna do the low fat, low calorie thing on my own and give my stomach a break. :(


Hope Cheryl's having a great time on her cruise but, I need her advice!!!!!!

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Hi Pam,


Sorry I haven't been around more. Have been staying away from the computer---my son has been a computer hog when he's been home. Funny to be a teenager these days when you don't even have to leave your living room to interact.


I joined Results Weight Loss last week. I think its locally owned and operated. Several of my friend had big success with it so I went ahead and joined. So far so good. It was very expensive but I think I need that to motivate me. Hardest part has really been eliminating the alcohol. We're drinkers and all of my friends are too.


I don't know what to tell you about the Alli. I guess listen to your body and you will know. I need to lose fifty pounds(or more) and I knew I couldn't take it for that long with such an upset stomach so I made the decision. You need to figure out if it was the pills or something else that was making you have the big D.


Cheryl should be back today. Hope she had a great time. She'll be able to help you.



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Well, good luck on your new program. I hope you have good results with it!


Yeah, I'm really bummed about the pills. I was hoping to have great results with them but, today is the first day without any 'problems' so, I am nervous to start with them again. Possibly start next weekend? Gonna see how I do on my own, I guess. I have to lose about 30 lbs. UGH.... And, to think I was there about a year ago. Unbelievable how fast I can GAIN!


I know how it is with teens and their computers. For that reason, my husband bought me a laptop of my own so, I can get on it whenever I want. - almost too covenient! ;)


Hope Cheryl had a great time. Can't wait to hear all about it! Marina, when/where is your cruise?? My sister and our husbands are celebrating anniversaries! My 20th is this Wed the 12th. I am going to the Party Store to find some fun decorations to decorate our doors when we get on board as a surprise!!

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This is how Alli has been working for me. I have used it for a little over a month and have lost 10 lbs. Since getting married I gained about 20lbs. Before I got married I worked out a lot. Now I just don’t have as much time. 30-60 minutes 5 times a week is all I can fit into my life. During the week I wouldn’t eat much but on the weekend we go out and I would eat enough to gain a little until I gained the 20 lbs. The first weeks on Alli it didn’t do much one way or the other until I had my ah ha moment. I wasn’t eating enough or the right proportions of food. My basic calorie requirement is 1596 calories. To lose weight I need to try for 500 less calories each day either from exercise or eating less. My ah ha came when I figured out not only was I putting my body into starvation mode (trying for 800 calories) I was not getting enough fat (30%) for Alli to work. So I bumped up my calories and my percent of fat. The first week I gained weight and then ever since I have lost 1-2 lbs a week. I am happy with this rate. I use fitday dot com to help me figure out my calories and that really helps. I can see by dinner if I need to eat more of one thing or another. I have never had any bad effects. A little gas and once after pizza and ice cream a little gurgling but nothing icky. Calorieking dot com is a good place to find restaurant nutrition information. I try to find out where we are going ahead of time and try to pick something out that fits in with what I can have. The restaurant meals are surprisingly high in fat and calories. But if I know that going in I can pick something else or eat a partial helping of something so that I stay within my goals. If you go to the Alli website on the message board under personal experiences there are some sticky notes that have very helpful ratios and the place to go to figure out how many calories you need to start with.

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No! Don't leave us! You need to let us know how you are doing! You're off to a great start!!!


I don't know where Cheryl is????


I haven't taken the Alli in almost a week now. :( I really want to start up again......ugh...just not sure. My 'system' is finally about normal. I have lost another 1.5 lbs and hit the 10 lb mark! I have to say, a lot of it was on my own, without the pill. I know I'd lose more with it though.

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Hey Pam, you're doing great!!!! 10 lbs is awesome!!! Can you feel it? I'm down another lb to make 4 in less than a week---I can feel it. My jean buttons are not cutting me and my underwear doesn't feel like its strangling me:)


I go for yet another weigh in tomorrow. The babysitting portion of the program is probably what I needed:).


Have a great day,


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Sorry it took so long to get back on-line..I just got back to work on Monday and had 286 emails to go through and catch up on my work (I'm the only one that knows how to do my job)!


Well..first off..Marina..it sounds like you had a ball at Disney! Getting picked for a show is a lot of fun, expecially for the newbies! Also, don't leave us just because your not on the Alli!! We want to know how you are doing on your new diet!!! Have you thrown away your pills? I would not mind giving you my address if you want to pass them on..I think you can be trusted not to tamper with them :-)..I can even send a self addressed stamped envelope so it won't cost you anything!


Pam..congrats on the 10 pounds!! That is quite an accomplishment!! I'm sorry to see you gave up on the Alli too, but you have to do what feels best for you. Every body is different and we process food, medicine all differently!


OK..now to my cruise :-):


We got diverted to Key West (went on a Pub Crawl through Carnival..got a drink at 5 different bars and a Key West t-shirt..all for $40..not a bad deal!


Our next stop was Grand Turk..have to say this one was the most disappointing :-( I expected a beautiful beach and all we got was dilapitated buildings and really no beach at all. The only positive thing was a MargaritaVille with a HUGE pool with swim up bar, etc. We ended up spending the whole day there, even with drinks costing $10 a piece..we had a OK time.


My favorite port EVER to date was Jamaica!! We had a private driver for 16 of us. We climbed Dunns River Falls (thank god for my cortison shot in my hip before hand), went tubing down a very fast river and even jumped off a cliff!! Our driver (Phil) took us to an authentic Jamaican Restaurant where we ate, jerk pork jerk chicken, sausage and sweet bread, drank 2 beers a piece (8 of us) and rum for a few people and the total bill was $116.00!!


Our last port was Grand Cayman. We swam with the stingrays, went snorkeling at a beautiful reef, went to the Turtle Farm, Rum Factory and toured the island, including Hell..I can now say I went to Hell and Back!!!


We had a great time and I only gained 1.8 pounds!! I stopped taking the Alli 2 days before the cruise and had no problems at all the whole week and started back on them this Monday.


I have to get back to work (still catching up) but will keep checking back :-)

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Wow Cheryl!! Sounds like you had a great time!!! Lots of fun excursions! I have never been to Grand Turk. Guess I don't really care if I ever do! lol


That's awesome that you are only up 1.8! I don't usually gain on a cruise either. I'm usually doing so much walking, swimming and moving that I usually stay the same. The last cruise, I lost 3 lbs!


Well, as for the Alli, I think I might try them again this weekend. (Thursday at dinner) I'll let you know how it goes. I really am happy with the ten lbs but, want to lose morrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeee!!! Did it feel good to 'strut' around in your bathing suit???? ;)


Marina! You are doing great!! Glad you are starting to 'feel' it! I am too. My capris are all getting too lose. Not quite down enough to get into my smaller ones but, I'm putting these in the dryer for a change and trying to shrink them a little. lol Keep up the good work!

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Wow Cheryl!! Sounds like you had a great time!!! Lots of fun excursions! I have never been to Grand Turk. Guess I don't really care if I ever do! lol


That's awesome that you are only up 1.8! I don't usually gain on a cruise either. I'm usually doing so much walking, swimming and moving that I usually stay the same. The last cruise, I lost 3 lbs!


Well, as for the Alli, I think I might try them again this weekend. (Thursday at dinner) I'll let you know how it goes. I really am happy with the ten lbs but, want to lose morrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeee!!! Did it feel good to 'strut' around in your bathing suit???? ;)


Marina! You are doing great!! Glad you are starting to 'feel' it! I am too. My capris are all getting too lose. Not quite down enough to get into my smaller ones but, I'm putting these in the dryer for a change and trying to shrink them a little. lol Keep up the good work!

Considering I had to wear the SAME bathing suit all week (some how I forgot to pack my other ones..lol)..I felt pretty good. Some of the people I cruised with this time as well as last Sept. said I looked skinnier..actually I was 2 pounds heavier than last year, but had they seen me 2 months agao, they would have had a heart attack!! lol

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Cheryl, I'd be glad to send you my unused supply. I also have the supporting book which was useless but I was going to put it in the trash today. Maybe you'll find out some interesting stuff. There are some good recipes but I actually have the cookbooks that they came out of. Send me you address. I'll be glad to send it to you. MSRoach3@aol.com


As for your cruise---you go girl. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Were you on the legend? Did you like the ship? BTW you are the ONLY person I know who had a good experience in Jamaica. That's a good thing---gives me hope. They all stop there one time or another.


We were in Tortola last year. That was a lot like Grand Turk I guess. Too bad.


A 1 lb. weight gain is fantastic!!!! What was your secret?


I'm going on my cruise at the end of the month. Adventure of the Seas--RCCL. We were trying to go out of Miami but it didn't work out.


Trying to get into a dress before we go.


My "babysitters" at the weight loss place tell me that they have "strategies" for me to be able to lose on the cruise. I don't know how they're going to get around my open mouth ...swill vodka/corona/wine/rum. It will be interesting to hear that strategy:).


Talk to you all later,


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Cheryl, I'd be glad to send you my unused supply. I also have the supporting book which was useless but I was going to put it in the trash today. Maybe you'll find out some interesting stuff. There are some good recipes but I actually have the cookbooks that they came out of. Send me you address. I'll be glad to send it to you. MSRoach3@aol.com


As for your cruise---you go girl. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Were you on the legend? Did you like the ship? BTW you are the ONLY person I know who had a good experience in Jamaica. That's a good thing---gives me hope. They all stop there one time or another.


We were in Tortola last year. That was a lot like Grand Turk I guess. Too bad.


A 1 lb. weight gain is fantastic!!!! What was your secret?


I'm going on my cruise at the end of the month. Adventure of the Seas--RCCL. We were trying to go out of Miami but it didn't work out.


Trying to get into a dress before we go.


My "babysitters" at the weight loss place tell me that they have "strategies" for me to be able to lose on the cruise. I don't know how they're going to get around my open mouth ...swill vodka/corona/wine/rum. It will be interesting to hear that strategy:).


Talk to you all later,


I can't email from home (other than on here) but I will send my home address tomorrow.


If you ever go to Jamaica, let me know and I will get you our drivers info. Phil was fantastic!


The secret..well..I didn't go to the breakfast buffet except once on my cruise. I had room service brought in and had raisin bran cereal, fruit and sometimes a 1/2 bagel or muffin.


I rarely ate lunch..ate once on the buffet and kept to chicken dishes, grilled veggies, but I did have ceasar salad a few times and even a couple slices of pizza. Normally I ate sushi at 5pm as a snack before dinner so I wasn't starving and eat everything in site.


Dinner..I tried to keep to seafood dishes, but I did eat at the Supper Club (oh my god..best dinner EVER). II always ordered dessert, but instead of eating the whole thing, I usually stopped after a few bites, just to say I had dessert. I was usually stuffed by then anyways!


I drank like a fiend..Capt. Morgan & diet coke, Sangria and tried to stay away from the Foo-Foo drinks (except the first day) as they have way too much sugar.


I'm glad to hear your weight loss program is working for you. I have to tell you, that my good friend Sue and I went on a diet around the same time. We both lost exactly the same amount 32 pounds. She did hers through Weight Watchers. Sometmes its easier when you know you have to weight in to watch what your eating so you won't be embarrased that you gained! I know the first time I lost 60 pounds, it was through Weight Watchers.


I have to tell you..I went to the doctor today for my check up on my blood test, my colesterol was down to 172 (from over 300) and all my other #'s were great! I do take Crestor, but I think alot of the changes came from diet and exercise. We can only help our body get better if we stick to it!


I'll email you tomorrow and thanks for being so kind to send them!!

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I know its early, but I'm a planner! We are already getting a group together to go to the Western Carib (going to try again) on the Legend (again). Its a 7 day cruise and the rate is around $533 a person. Plus you get $100 room credit, champagne & chocolates, and a free photo. Brings the cost down to around $450 for a 7 day cruise!! Let me know if anyone is interested!!

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You are too funny---you got the post cruise blues. Already planning for next year---I do that all the time!!!! 8/31 is too early for us to go. My parents aren't always here yet to watch the kids. Next year is my 20th anniversary and we may do something else(more extravagent)---if time and money permits. But thanks for the invite. Appreciate it. I will have the post cruise blues in October!


I always get the post Disney Blues too. We're trying to plan for another long weekend in December.


Got your address. Will send the stuff along probably next week. I need to find a box and go to the post office and the rest of this week is crazy---as I don't have taxes done and our accountant is hounding me for the info. I was very bad and lazy with my record keeping last year. I've got all the info but I didn't enter it on the computer. I'm paying now.


I'm in the scrapbooking/paper crafting business so your package may be very festive...just to warn you:). I love Mail Art.


Don't want any money, makes me feel less guilty to give them away rather than trash them.


I have a weigh in later so I'm trying not to eat too much today.....the games we play.


Pam, how are you? If you too want exciting mail send me your address. At least you can get a card.


Have a great day,


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You are too funny---you got the post cruise blues. Already planning for next year---I do that all the time!!!! 8/31 is too early for us to go. My parents aren't always here yet to watch the kids. Next year is my 20th anniversary and we may do something else(more extravagent)---if time and money permits. But thanks for the invite. Appreciate it. I will have the post cruise blues in October!


I always get the post Disney Blues too. We're trying to plan for another long weekend in December.


Got your address. Will send the stuff along probably next week. I need to find a box and go to the post office and the rest of this week is crazy---as I don't have taxes done and our accountant is hounding me for the info. I was very bad and lazy with my record keeping last year. I've got all the info but I didn't enter it on the computer. I'm paying now.


I'm in the scrapbooking/paper crafting business so your package may be very festive...just to warn you:). I love Mail Art.


Don't want any money, makes me feel less guilty to give them away rather than trash them.


I have a weigh in later so I'm trying not to eat too much today.....the games we play.


Pam, how are you? If you too want exciting mail send me your address. At least you can get a card.


Have a great day,


Whoohoo..I can't wait! My co-worker is into scrapbooking. She actually helped me make a book for my son and his fiancee for their baby shower. I was very proud of it..not sure if I will ever do it again..lol..it was expensive!!! lol


God luck on your weigh in..I know you will do great! How often a week do you weigh in?

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You are too funny---you got the post cruise blues. Already planning for next year---I do that all the time!!!! 8/31 is too early for us to go. My parents aren't always here yet to watch the kids. Next year is my 20th anniversary and we may do something else(more extravagent)---if time and money permits. But thanks for the invite. Appreciate it. I will have the post cruise blues in October!


I always get the post Disney Blues too. We're trying to plan for another long weekend in December.


Got your address. Will send the stuff along probably next week. I need to find a box and go to the post office and the rest of this week is crazy---as I don't have taxes done and our accountant is hounding me for the info. I was very bad and lazy with my record keeping last year. I've got all the info but I didn't enter it on the computer. I'm paying now.


I'm in the scrapbooking/paper crafting business so your package may be very festive...just to warn you:). I love Mail Art.


Don't want any money, makes me feel less guilty to give them away rather than trash them.


I have a weigh in later so I'm trying not to eat too much today.....the games we play.


Pam, how are you? If you too want exciting mail send me your address. At least you can get a card.


Have a great day,


I forgot to say that I have Disney Passes for my daughter and I, maybe we can hook up sometime in December when you know when your coming down and which park you will be in!

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Hi Marina! Good luck with your weigh in. I'm gonna start the pills again tonight. S L O W L Y..... see how it goes.


Our 20th was yesterday so, we had a real nice dinner out at a romantic Inn. Had a great filet mignon. Crab cakes for an app. Skipped the dinner roll and had a real nice salad. No dessert. Too full! It was a nice treat!


Went for a nice walk this am. The weather here in Ct. is beautiful. Starting to feel like fall. Sunny and 75 with no humidity. The mornings are actually nice and chilly for my walks. Are you and Cheryl still walking??


Wouldn't it be fun to all go on a cruise together someday??? I know we just started talking but, feel like you both have been friends for quite awhile!!! ;)


Marina, I'd love to get some mail from you!!! See how creative you are!!! Fun! I think you might have posted your email address a couple of posts ago? I'll use that to send you my address??? Thanks!

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Hi Marina! Good luck with your weigh in. I'm gonna start the pills again tonight. S L O W L Y..... see how it goes.


Our 20th was yesterday so, we had a real nice dinner out at a romantic Inn. Had a great filet mignon. Crab cakes for an app. Skipped the dinner roll and had a real nice salad. No dessert. Too full! It was a nice treat!


Went for a nice walk this am. The weather here in Ct. is beautiful. Starting to feel like fall. Sunny and 75 with no humidity. The mornings are actually nice and chilly for my walks. Are you and Cheryl still walking??


Wouldn't it be fun to all go on a cruise together someday??? I know we just started talking but, feel like you both have been friends for quite awhile!!! ;)


Marina, I'd love to get some mail from you!!! See how creative you are!!! Fun! I think you might have posted your email address a couple of posts ago? I'll use that to send you my address??? Thanks!

Pam..not sure if you read this or not, but we are already planning our next cruise for Aug. 31st on the Legend (out of Tampa). Its a 7 day cruise and goes to Cozumel, Belize, Costa Maya, Grand Cayman. Here is the info on it. When we get ready to book it..you only need to pay $25 to hold it and can make payment throughout the year..thats what I like about it!! I think we will have another large group going :-)


I know its early, but I'm a planner! We are already getting a group together to go to the Western Carib (going to try again) on the Legend (again). Its a 7 day cruise and the rate is around $533 a person. Plus you get $100 room credit, champagne & chocolates, and a free photo. Brings the cost down to around $450 for a 7 day cruise!! Let me know if anyone is interested!!

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Cheryl, I would love to do that but, we have plans to take the kids out west the beginning of July. Want to take them to Vegas to see the sites in the area and some shows. My son graduates in June from H.School so, might leave the trip up to him. (he might end up wanting a cruise) So pricey in June/July tho.... Also, the girls at work are starting to talk about an Aruba trip for 5 nights or so next October. Sorry, it would be fun though. Maybe someday??!!


Have you gotten rid of your sea legs? Sometimes I feel the boat still 'rocking' a week after the cruise! Are you back on track with your 'diet' and pills? Any TE's??


Have a great day!

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Cheryl, I would love to do that but, we have plans to take the kids out west the beginning of July. Want to take them to Vegas to see the sites in the area and some shows. My son graduates in June from H.School so, might leave the trip up to him. (he might end up wanting a cruise) So pricey in June/July tho.... Also, the girls at work are starting to talk about an Aruba trip for 5 nights or so next October. Sorry, it would be fun though. Maybe someday??!!


Have you gotten rid of your sea legs? Sometimes I feel the boat still 'rocking' a week after the cruise! Are you back on track with your 'diet' and pills? Any TE's??


Have a great day!

Aruba sounds fun!


I started back on track as soon as I got back on Monday. No problems at all! I'm hoping to lose at least another 15 pounds before going back to the doctor's in December. If I don't lose weight and exercise, I may be looking at taking pills as a pre-diabetic and I DONT want to do that! My mom became a diabetic at 40..I am hoping to avoid that!!!!!

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Lost four lbs total this week which is great for me. They've put me on a stricter diet now and upped my "metabolic accelerators". I've made a huge financial commitment to this so I hope it goes well. Can't say its been painless but you've got to do what you've got to do.


My mother has diabetes and I have a condition,PCOS, which puts me at a higher risk of getting it so I've also got that going on.


Pam, first let me congratulate you on your anniversary. I'm so glad you had a great dinner out. Twenty is a long time isn't it?


I'm envious of your cool New England temperature. I really miss fall in the Northeast. It was 96 here today and frankly I'm tired of it. They have all these gorgeous fall clothes in the stores. Only thing is you can't wear them til January.


Are you anywhere near Mystic? We'll be in Conneticut over Christmas I think. My husband's friends wife was hired as a minister at a church there. I'll find out where. Anyway, DH is devastated at the loss of his buddy moving to CT and is planning on visiting him over the holidays. I'm not sure logistically if we will be able to visit him but we're going to try. Wouldn't it be funny if you were close or went to that church. I'll find out later where exactly it is.


Cheryl, will keep you posted on Disney. How old is your daughter?


Must go make dinner,



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I skimmed thru the whole thread and am really leaning towards trying Alli. I had wanted to try it back when it 1st came out a couple months ago, but I think the price is what kept me from trying. Over the years I've spent so much money on "diet" plans, etc. I always lose weight, but I always put it back on again. Need to make permanent changes.


Celebrating my 23rd wedding anniversary this Saturday and then going to Vegas the next week. I think I'll plan on starting Alli when I get back. I had received an info pack about Alli in the mail a couple months ago and there is a lot of good info in there.


I think by knowing that I HAVE to follow a plan- or suffer side effects, it will keep me on plan.


Congrats to those of you who have lost so far and continued success. I'll check back in once I start and then keep you up to date on progress, etc.



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Welcome Jean and Happy Anniversary! Have a great time in Vegas. We went for the first time last June and can't wait to go again!!!


I started on the Alli again tonight at dinner. Didn't go over my fat grams. Hopefully I won't have problems with 'D' again! I've lost a little this week on my own. Maybe .5 lbs. I hope the Alli gives me a boost. It's true, taking it keeps you on track!


Marina, I am more in the northeast corner of Ct. Mystic isn't too far. A little more south. Only about 45 minutes. We go there alot. Actually, we talked about going tomorrow to a great outdoor restaraunt called Abbotts. Yummy lobster rolls by the water with boats etc... My sister lives in R.I. near Mystic. It is actually right in between my sister and I so, we meet there a lot! (did you get my email??)


Good luck with your success. You've done a great job so far! Keep up the good work!!

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