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Anyone trying this Alli system ????


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Hey Ladies!


Ok, so I had a REALLY rough last few days. My Sister with her 4 VERY young children came to stay for 5 days to visit from AZ. We had lots of fun and cooked ALOT, every meal actually. Everything was all the good homemade stuff. I did great! I stuck with my usual's, didn't cheat or even want to. My poor computer never seen any action those days! I simply had no time. I got 2 notices from the Alli site that I missed my "Check in" day.


I weighed myself about 3 days ago and I was down 7 pounds. A couple of weeks and 7 pounds? I am happy with that! I have been doing GREAT. Still no problems at all. I normally do not take the breakfast pill. The meal is not worth taking it for. I take it lunch and dinner and still take my Multi-Vitamin at night along with a fiber pill that Cheryl recommended. Everything is VERY normal. Just like always. No issues at all. I'm kind of disappointed I got off the bike riding regimen the last few days. So much going on, its been hard to ride in the mornings and afternoons. I went a couple miles tonight and it felt darn good!


When I say I don't indulge, I really mean it. Sometimes I want a home baked cookie or something sweet. I normally just pass. I was at the grocery store today and wanted a darn kit kat so bad! I bought it and drove home enjoying the heck out of it! It was the first time I had something like that in almost 3 weeks. It tasted soooooo good, but I could go without for another 3 weeks and not miss it. I still have stayed far away from any type of sodas (my previous weakness). It has been a piece of cake. I think if I drank one now, I would get sick from the sweetness. Things are going really great. I feel very proud of myself for staying strong and sticking with a goal. I have also taken up drinking Ice Tea when we are out if that's all I can get. Coffee is another thing in the morning I now kind of enjoy. Just one mug full with some fat free creamer. Makes me feel fuller to.


Anyway's, welcome new girls! You will get lots of great help and advice on this board. I too, am so happy to have found it. These girls here are GREAT!


Cheryl, will you please share that list you have with me also? I do not have Excel on my computer. Is it possible to send it another way? If so, my email is TheHollandsx4@aol.com

Have a great night everyone. I am going to weigh myself in the morning again and I will check in with you guys to tell you my progress. :)

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Hi Keesha! You are doing AWESOME!! 7 lbs is great! You must be starting to feel it in your clothes now, too! You seem to really have found the routine that works for you! Stick with it. It's great that you could resist temptation when your sister and her kids were with you! Sometimes that is the hard part, when there's visitors around and you need to figure out what/where everyone is going to eat.


Keep up the good work and keep us posted!!!!


Have a great day!


Pam :)

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Hi Keesha! You are doing AWESOME!! 7 lbs is great! You must be starting to feel it in your clothes now, too! You seem to really have found the routine that works for you! Stick with it. It's great that you could resist temptation when your sister and her kids were with you! Sometimes that is the hard part, when there's visitors around and you need to figure out what/where everyone is going to eat.


Keep up the good work and keep us posted!!!!


Have a great day!


Pam :)



Hey Pam! I think your doing awesome too! It seems we all have our own little ways to make it work. I want to exercise more. I think my progress would sky rocket if I did more than just ride a bike. I do feel it in my clothes. Unless its all in my mind.... hahahaha


Yes, it was really hard with company. Even cooking dinner for my family. I still cook them great meals, I don't want to deprive them just because I'm watching what I eat. Every so often, I take a bite of what they are having, boy its always sooooooo good!

My San Francisco trip is in 2 weeks. I am going to still take my pills at each meal. I think I am disciplined enough now and don't worry about anything. I have had NO issues to deal with, so I am not scared to take them while on a trip. HOWEVER, in a few weeks when my cruise comes up..... I WILL NOT BE TAKING ANY PILLS!!!!!!!!! :-)

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Nahhhh, I'm not gonna be taking any pills on my cruise next month either. I think I would make good decisions but, I'd be too afraid that there were too many hidden fats and then I'd have problems. I don't want to spend a day in the cabin and miss a day at the beach!! ;)


Have you been to Samana in the Domincan Republic?? I'm trying to figure out what to do there. Probably a nice beach!! ? Any ideas??

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I don't have a scale at home, but there's one here in the office. I forgot to weigh myself on Friday, but I'm pretty sure I know just about what my weight was. I think I've already lost a couple of pounds and I'm just taking one pill with my evening meal during the week.


Worst thing for me is having cereal for breakfast. I'm absolutely STARVING in a couple of hours. When I was low carbs/high protein I didn't have that problem. And if I got hungry, I just had a handful of nuts and I was ok until my next meal. Like I said, I'm a natural Atkins sort of eater but I just didn't want to do full-on Atkins again. I did that about 5 years ago and did lose about 15 pounds. The weight has gradually crept back up, but I attribute that more to my inactivity and the fact that this just seems to happen to us women when we hit late 40s/early 50s.


Had Kashi cereal this a.m., small chicken ceasar salad for lunch and will have a low-fat frozen something tonight with a pill.


Still having some issues with gas, which I hope will subside! Maybe my body just isn't used to roughage! :o

Try eating a snack between meals, fruit, veggies, yogurt and pretzels. I try to eat something every 2 hours.

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Hey Ladies!


Ok, so I had a REALLY rough last few days. My Sister with her 4 VERY young children came to stay for 5 days to visit from AZ. We had lots of fun and cooked ALOT, every meal actually. Everything was all the good homemade stuff. I did great! I stuck with my usual's, didn't cheat or even want to. My poor computer never seen any action those days! I simply had no time. I got 2 notices from the Alli site that I missed my "Check in" day.


I weighed myself about 3 days ago and I was down 7 pounds. A couple of weeks and 7 pounds? I am happy with that! I have been doing GREAT. Still no problems at all. I normally do not take the breakfast pill. The meal is not worth taking it for. I take it lunch and dinner and still take my Multi-Vitamin at night along with a fiber pill that Cheryl recommended. Everything is VERY normal. Just like always. No issues at all. I'm kind of disappointed I got off the bike riding regimen the last few days. So much going on, its been hard to ride in the mornings and afternoons. I went a couple miles tonight and it felt darn good!


When I say I don't indulge, I really mean it. Sometimes I want a home baked cookie or something sweet. I normally just pass. I was at the grocery store today and wanted a darn kit kat so bad! I bought it and drove home enjoying the heck out of it! It was the first time I had something like that in almost 3 weeks. It tasted soooooo good, but I could go without for another 3 weeks and not miss it. I still have stayed far away from any type of sodas (my previous weakness). It has been a piece of cake. I think if I drank one now, I would get sick from the sweetness. Things are going really great. I feel very proud of myself for staying strong and sticking with a goal. I have also taken up drinking Ice Tea when we are out if that's all I can get. Coffee is another thing in the morning I now kind of enjoy. Just one mug full with some fat free creamer. Makes me feel fuller to.


Anyway's, welcome new girls! You will get lots of great help and advice on this board. I too, am so happy to have found it. These girls here are GREAT!


Cheryl, will you please share that list you have with me also? I do not have Excel on my computer. Is it possible to send it another way? If so, my email is TheHollandsx4@aol.com

Have a great night everyone. I am going to weigh myself in the morning again and I will check in with you guys to tell you my progress. :)

You are doing great!!! Sometimes you just have to splurge once in a while. As long as you get back on track you should be ok.


Glad to hear your not having any problems taking the pill. Its weird how some people just can't seem to take it without stomach problems.


I will send you my checklist as soon as I get off here. I've been pretty busy at work (Budget Time) and have not had as much free time as I'm used too..lol. Next week everyone will be gone from the office and I will probably LIVE on here so I don't fall asleep at my desk!!!

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Okay everyone - this will be the ultimate test . It's our {Canadian} Thanksgiving this weekend!!!!You know what that means. Turkey, stuffing ,gravy oh I just can't go on.:o I 've promised myself I'm going to be good - not great , but good. We'll see. Wish me luck.;)

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Copper6606, Good Luck!!! You'll do fine. Just have a small taste of your favorite things. In weight watchers we learned to just eat the things that you wouldn't have for a 'regular' dinner. Such as stuffing, candied yams, gravy, etc.... but, just have a tiny bit!!! Mashed potatoes and dinner rolls you can have any old night! Drink plenty of water too. Last Thanksgiving, I filled my plate with veggies and put the fattening stuff around the edges. Maybe go for a nice walk afterwards??


Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

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Hi Guys! Good to find you! I have been using Alli for 3 months now, and it is certainly helping. Down 25 lbs before I went on cruise in September. I didn't take any then, but continued working out - gained 7 #. Have lost 4 of that since I've been back. It is something that I think I can keep up without too much difficulty.


Here are some things that work for me:


Breakfast: South Beach bar during week - Grapenuts & banana on weekends (a kind of treat)


Lunch: apple, cheese, and/or nuts


Dinner: glass of red wine, salad (usually Dole kit - with full fat - variety of kinds) and frozen dinner. (new HC Steamers are my favs) add a little fresh grated Parmesan. Fruit (berries,grapefruit, melon) for dessert.


Extras: Chocolate-covered Altoids. 7 cal ea. The mint really cuts down on cravings. Sometimes treat with Skinnycow ice cream sandwich. Sometimes I have a piece of Lindt chocolate.


I have never had any TE. I know my diet is not balanced throughout the day, but evening is when I would prefer to save my calories. I think we all have to do what works best with our lifestyle. Anyone else have any ideas or good suggestions? I loved reading all your stories.:)

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Hey Wormy! Welcome! Glad to hear that you are doing so well! You'll get the last 3 off from the cruise soon, I'm sure!!! Keep up the good work.


I lost another 2.5 this week! Woo Hoo! I'm happy. Down about 17 in 8 wks. Not bad. Wish I had started it sooner!


Here's a question for everyone (ok, the woman) I've always been VERY regular with my period but, I was one day early (not too uncommon) last month and this month, I am 5 days late so far!!! Anyone else having trouble with this? I posted a question on mialli and the moderator seems to think that it's not a side effect and that it is probably just the weight loss and exercise change. The only thing is, I've done similar changes when I did W.Watchers before. It's not that new to me...


I'm really bummin' cuz now, I'm all messed up for my cruise in 4 weeks. UGH! (and NO, I could not be pregnant! Husband took care of that 2 1/2 years ago) ;) Any thoughts??


*How's it goin' Keesha???

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Hey Wormy! Welcome! Glad to hear that you are doing so well! You'll get the last 3 off from the cruise soon, I'm sure!!! Keep up the good work.


I lost another 2.5 this week! Woo Hoo! I'm happy. Down about 17 in 8 wks. Not bad. Wish I had started it sooner!


Here's a question for everyone (ok, the woman) I've always been VERY regular with my period but, I was one day early (not too uncommon) last month and this month, I am 5 days late so far!!! Anyone else having trouble with this? I posted a question on mialli and the moderator seems to think that it's not a side effect and that it is probably just the weight loss and exercise change. The only thing is, I've done similar changes when I did W.Watchers before. It's not that new to me...


I'm really bummin' cuz now, I'm all messed up for my cruise in 4 weeks. UGH! (and NO, I could not be pregnant! Husband took care of that 2 1/2 years ago) ;) Any thoughts??


*How's it goin' Keesha???



Hi Pam,


Yeah... pregnant is what always comes to peoples minds! Mine, like yours took care of it LONG ago... I know what you mean when your not worried about that! lol.

Mine are NEVER regular to begin with. I don't know what to think in your case. Very Odd though. With my luck, I will be on mine during my Cruise.


Things have been going just OK. I was down 8 pounds 2 days ago and haven't stepped back on the scale. I have not done as great on the food selections. We have eaten out a few times. I have taken what I could get. I feel like I stuffed my face a little to much once. We went to the Cheesecake Factory AND The Melting Pot over the weekend. OH MY........ did I have a stomach ache after eating both times.


I will start full throtle tomorrow morning hitting it hard without any looking back. I still am on the same routine, lots of Bike riding, playing LOTS of Tennis and NO NO NO NO NO Soda! I'm going to weigh myself in the morning and see what my weekend damage was. I hope its not to bad. I really have done so well, until the weekend that is........ I was thinking of joining weight watchers as well as what I'm doing now. Whats your thoughts?


How about you? 17 pounds is REALLY something to be proud of. Your doing awesome Pam.


Any word from our friends Cheryl and Marina? Whats everyone else been up too?

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Hi Keesha! How did your weigh in go this am?? It's good to start with a clean slate once in awhile. You'll do fine! Did you take a pill while eating at The Cheesecake Factory and the Melting Pot?? How did your system handle it? Any TE's??


Good luck today. It does feel good to see the scale going down and not up. Just thinking about the scale is keeping me on track. I weigh myself every am and pm. lol


Marina should be back on soon. I think she was getting home this weekend. Hope she had a blast on the cruise!!!!!!! ?????


Cheryl, where are ya????

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Hi Keesha! How did your weigh in go this am?? It's good to start with a clean slate once in awhile. You'll do fine! Did you take a pill while eating at The Cheesecake Factory and the Melting Pot?? How did your system handle it? Any TE's??


Good luck today. It does feel good to see the scale going down and not up. Just thinking about the scale is keeping me on track. I weigh myself every am and pm. lol


Marina should be back on soon. I think she was getting home this weekend. Hope she had a blast on the cruise!!!!!!! ?????


Cheryl, where are ya????

Hey Pam,


No way did I take the pill while eating out this weekend!! LOL. I would be terrified. I really ate way to much. So, I planned on skipping it for those 2 meals. I did weigh in this morning. I'm so disappointed to say that I was 1 1/2 pounds MORE! It was the Chicken and Biscuits as the Cheesecake Factory, I just know it!!!


I need to work EXTRA hard this week.

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Welcome to everyone who is new since I went away last week. Had to read the past couple of posts to catch up.


Had a wonderful vacation!!!!!! We were gone ten days and I was ready to come home---which for me is a sign of a good vacation. I ate so much, drank so much, and basically partied like a rock star. I am way too old to party like a rock star ---btw---. I'm up six pounds---LOL. I showed no restraint!!! I know alot of it is fluid retention---at least I'm hoping before my weigh in on Wednesday.


We were on the Adventure of the Seas--RCCL---. I'd been on it before. Its a beautiful ship but I don't know if I'd go from Puerto Rico again.


They sat us at a table with all honeymooners in their twenties. It was interesting being with that age group. They were all great and we enjoyed their company very much even though we didn't have a lot in common. One couple however never got ANY of their luggage. I gave her some extra makeup and toiletries and offered clothes as did the other women. She didn't take the clothes. I felt really bad for her but she didn't seem to mind all that much. I would have had a breakdown.


We had a great balcony cabin in the back of the ship. We really liked being back there because we didn't get any through traffic and it was very quiet. Had a great cabin attendant who made lots of towel animals twice a day.


Lots more to tell but I've got to go start the laundry:(


Quick things----quaker oats makes grea rice cakes with a drizzle of chocolate. They are great when you want a sweet snack and instead of a candy bar. My kids even like them.


Pam,--- when I diet my cycles also get crazy. I think its the changes in the body chemistry that does it. Lets face it---I think at a certain age EVERYTHING affects our hormones. I was also worried that I would have my period on vacation despite much palnning but it didn't happen. Hooray!!!


Talk to you all soon,


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All my hormone-producing bits were surgically removed about 20 years ago. I stayed on HRT until about 2 years ago and have been trying to get by taking the OTC supplements. Finally decided they were doing NOTHING and just stopped. Surprisingly, I think I'm actually waking up due to night sweats fewer times/night!


So, I started Alli on Friday 9/28 at night and took 3 on that Saturday and Sunday, then went to only taking a pill with my evening meal. Forgot to take one at lunch this Saturday because I went in to work, so 2 on Sat, and 3 yesterday. Decided that since I was having no real TE, I'd just go ahead and start taking 3/day, starting today.


Since I neglected to weigh myself before I started :eek: I'm not positive what my beginning weight was, but I know within 1-1/2 pounds. Looks like I'm down 4-1/2 pounds so far. I'll take that! My goal was only 10 pounds before the cruise, and that's 70 days away!


I'm still concerned that I'm just replacing all the fat with carbs, which will only be stored as fat anyway, since I'm so sedentary. And I miss my cheeseburgers.




But, so far, so good. I can do this!

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Pam, don't let your cycle mess up your cruise. You can just continue taking your pills (if you take them) thru the whole time. Just don't take the fake pills for a week. I used to do this all the time. Even went 9 months without it once. This was years ago. Now they say it's alright to do this!!!:rolleyes:

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Welcome back Marina!!! Glad to hear that you had a good time!!!! How was the weather on the islands that you went to? Nice and sunny and hot?? We were on The Adventure of the Seas a few years ago. Stayed at The Intercontinental in Puerto Rico for a couple of nights first. Had an AWESOME time there. Cool little restaraunts to walk to nearby. Otherwise, I wouldn't want to stop in P.Rico on a cruise. Not a whole lot to do there on a day trip, IMO. What was your favorite island on this cruise??? And, what did you do there??? Did you guys go to Barbados??


Well, I still haven't gotten 'it' yet..... it will be a week late tomorrow. I called my dr and got a couple packs of birth control pills to start taking so that if I do have it on my cruise, it will be light. But, I have to wait to get it before I can start taking them. My sister mentioned skipping the placebo pills in the pack also. Hmmm.. never did that before. It's no big deal? (thanks Wormy!)


Keesha, you'll lose the pound or so that you gained. No problem! Take the pills and you'll be fine!!!


NCTribefan, You're doing great, keep it up!!!!

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Okay everyone - this will be the ultimate test . It's our {Canadian} Thanksgiving this weekend!!!!You know what that means. Turkey, stuffing ,gravy oh I just can't go on.:o I 've promised myself I'm going to be good - not great , but good. We'll see. Wish me luck.;)

How did your weekend go? Good thing about dieting is if you fall off the track there is always another day to get back on!!

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Hi Guys! Good to find you! I have been using Alli for 3 months now, and it is certainly helping. Down 25 lbs before I went on cruise in September. I didn't take any then, but continued working out - gained 7 #. Have lost 4 of that since I've been back. It is something that I think I can keep up without too much difficulty.


Here are some things that work for me:


Breakfast: South Beach bar during week - Grapenuts & banana on weekends (a kind of treat)


Lunch: apple, cheese, and/or nuts


Dinner: glass of red wine, salad (usually Dole kit - with full fat - variety of kinds) and frozen dinner. (new HC Steamers are my favs) add a little fresh grated Parmesan. Fruit (berries,grapefruit, melon) for dessert.


Extras: Chocolate-covered Altoids. 7 cal ea. The mint really cuts down on cravings. Sometimes treat with Skinnycow ice cream sandwich. Sometimes I have a piece of Lindt chocolate.


I have never had any TE. I know my diet is not balanced throughout the day, but evening is when I would prefer to save my calories. I think we all have to do what works best with our lifestyle. Anyone else have any ideas or good suggestions? I loved reading all your stories.:)

How many calories are you eating? It looks like its under 1,000. Do you find yourself hungry all the times? Doesn't the nuts bother you taking the Alli? That was the one thing I hated giving up (addicted to pistacio's!).

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Hey Wormy! Welcome! Glad to hear that you are doing so well! You'll get the last 3 off from the cruise soon, I'm sure!!! Keep up the good work.


I lost another 2.5 this week! Woo Hoo! I'm happy. Down about 17 in 8 wks. Not bad. Wish I had started it sooner!


Here's a question for everyone (ok, the woman) I've always been VERY regular with my period but, I was one day early (not too uncommon) last month and this month, I am 5 days late so far!!! Anyone else having trouble with this? I posted a question on mialli and the moderator seems to think that it's not a side effect and that it is probably just the weight loss and exercise change. The only thing is, I've done similar changes when I did W.Watchers before. It's not that new to me...


I'm really bummin' cuz now, I'm all messed up for my cruise in 4 weeks. UGH! (and NO, I could not be pregnant! Husband took care of that 2 1/2 years ago) ;) Any thoughts??


*How's it goin' Keesha???

Dieting and exercise will mess up your body clock. I know your husband was "fixed" but have you taken a pregnancy test just in case? My cousin actually got pregnant 2 years after her huband was "fixed"..it has happended!

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Hi Pam,


Yeah... pregnant is what always comes to peoples minds! Mine, like yours took care of it LONG ago... I know what you mean when your not worried about that! lol.

Mine are NEVER regular to begin with. I don't know what to think in your case. Very Odd though. With my luck, I will be on mine during my Cruise.


Things have been going just OK. I was down 8 pounds 2 days ago and haven't stepped back on the scale. I have not done as great on the food selections. We have eaten out a few times. I have taken what I could get. I feel like I stuffed my face a little to much once. We went to the Cheesecake Factory AND The Melting Pot over the weekend. OH MY........ did I have a stomach ache after eating both times.


I will start full throtle tomorrow morning hitting it hard without any looking back. I still am on the same routine, lots of Bike riding, playing LOTS of Tennis and NO NO NO NO NO Soda! I'm going to weigh myself in the morning and see what my weekend damage was. I hope its not to bad. I really have done so well, until the weekend that is........ I was thinking of joining weight watchers as well as what I'm doing now. Whats your thoughts?


How about you? 17 pounds is REALLY something to be proud of. Your doing awesome Pam.


Any word from our friends Cheryl and Marina? Whats everyone else been up too?

I'm here..lol! Last few weeks at work have been kind of crazy. Budget time and actually had to work..lol. Everyone in my office is now gone for the whole week on a working retreat. I get to stay here and man the phones. Pretty easy week for me..yeah! Actually have been catching up on all my old TV shows I missed (on the copmuter).


Glad to hear about everyone's weight loss. Took me a while to really get back in the swing of things and to start taking the pills again. I'm down 2 pounds (pre-cruise) so pretty happy about that!

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Welcome to everyone who is new since I went away last week. Had to read the past couple of posts to catch up.


Had a wonderful vacation!!!!!! We were gone ten days and I was ready to come home---which for me is a sign of a good vacation. I ate so much, drank so much, and basically partied like a rock star. I am way too old to party like a rock star ---btw---. I'm up six pounds---LOL. I showed no restraint!!! I know alot of it is fluid retention---at least I'm hoping before my weigh in on Wednesday.


We were on the Adventure of the Seas--RCCL---. I'd been on it before. Its a beautiful ship but I don't know if I'd go from Puerto Rico again.


They sat us at a table with all honeymooners in their twenties. It was interesting being with that age group. They were all great and we enjoyed their company very much even though we didn't have a lot in common. One couple however never got ANY of their luggage. I gave her some extra makeup and toiletries and offered clothes as did the other women. She didn't take the clothes. I felt really bad for her but she didn't seem to mind all that much. I would have had a breakdown.


We had a great balcony cabin in the back of the ship. We really liked being back there because we didn't get any through traffic and it was very quiet. Had a great cabin attendant who made lots of towel animals twice a day.


Lots more to tell but I've got to go start the laundry:(


Quick things----quaker oats makes grea rice cakes with a drizzle of chocolate. They are great when you want a sweet snack and instead of a candy bar. My kids even like them.


Pam,--- when I diet my cycles also get crazy. I think its the changes in the body chemistry that does it. Lets face it---I think at a certain age EVERYTHING affects our hormones. I was also worried that I would have my period on vacation despite much palnning but it didn't happen. Hooray!!!


Talk to you all soon,


Welcome back! Glad to hear you "partied like a Rock Star"! Sounds like you had a great time! Are you still rocking with the boat? I know it takes me a day or two to get adjusted.

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All my hormone-producing bits were surgically removed about 20 years ago. I stayed on HRT until about 2 years ago and have been trying to get by taking the OTC supplements. Finally decided they were doing NOTHING and just stopped. Surprisingly, I think I'm actually waking up due to night sweats fewer times/night!


So, I started Alli on Friday 9/28 at night and took 3 on that Saturday and Sunday, then went to only taking a pill with my evening meal. Forgot to take one at lunch this Saturday because I went in to work, so 2 on Sat, and 3 yesterday. Decided that since I was having no real TE, I'd just go ahead and start taking 3/day, starting today.


Since I neglected to weigh myself before I started :eek: I'm not positive what my beginning weight was, but I know within 1-1/2 pounds. Looks like I'm down 4-1/2 pounds so far. I'll take that! My goal was only 10 pounds before the cruise, and that's 70 days away!


I'm still concerned that I'm just replacing all the fat with carbs, which will only be stored as fat anyway, since I'm so sedentary. And I miss my cheeseburgers.




But, so far, so good. I can do this!

Whatever you do, don't try the Veggie Burgers to take care of your cheesburger cravings..lol..I did it (ate one at Burger King) and it only made the cravings worse..lol..it was like eating cardboard..yuck!

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