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Anyone trying this Alli system ????


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:eek: A banana split is the same calories and fat as a salad!!!??? Holy cow! Let's all eat banana splits! rotfl


Reminds me of the cartoon I read today that said that a sundae is the same as a salad if you top it with a crouton instead of a cherry. :D


I behaved today and only had veggies for dinner tonight! Now if I can find something to eat tomorrow that will be in bounds. Have to go out of town for a seminar and the other people I'm with won't be eating diet food.


So did you behave all the time when you did this a few months ago, Dolphin, or did you cheat sometimes, too? (If you say to behaved I'll feel like such a hog! :rolleyes: )

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INeedAMaiTai, How are you doing? I just started a couple of days ago too. Having any TE's?? Not me, so far. (actually, the opposite!) Going out to an Italian Rest. tonight so, I've been online checking out their menu trying to figure out what to have. I think I'll skip my pill afterwards so I have less chance of TE's.


How's everyone else doing?

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INeedAMaiTai, How are you doing? I just started a couple of days ago too. Having any TE's?? Not me, so far. (actually, the opposite!) Going out to an Italian Rest. tonight so, I've been online checking out their menu trying to figure out what to have. I think I'll skip my pill afterwards so I have less chance of TE's.


How's everyone else doing?



I think I am doing well. I haven't had any sort of TEs either...and it is strange. I ate total crap last night, and nothing. I ate like four pieces of pizza, and expected the effects, but nope...nada. And then I splurged again a bit today so I feel like crap right now. Not only do I just feel bloated and gross, but I feel bad for letting myself down. Tomorrow will be better, and Monday will be even better than that.


How was the Italian food? What did you end up getting?

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Hi Liz!


I ended up getting shrimp scampi over pasta but, only ate my salad with a light dressing that I only used 1/2 of, skipped the bread that looked awesome, ugh, and then ate the shrimp and a few bites of the pasta. I really did well. Had a few glasses of wine throughout the night and that's it! It was a fun night and didn't feel too guilty. The scale went down another lb. this am so, I was happy!! I didn't take a pill with the dinner, just in case. Did you take it with your pizza dinner???


Have a good day today! I'm going to try to go for a walk. Kind of cold and windy outside but, maybe I'll bundle up and go! I live in Conn. -what about you?

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Hi Liz!


I ended up getting shrimp scampi over pasta but, only ate my salad with a light dressing that I only used 1/2 of, skipped the bread that looked awesome, ugh, and then ate the shrimp and a few bites of the pasta. I really did well. Had a few glasses of wine throughout the night and that's it! It was a fun night and didn't feel too guilty. The scale went down another lb. this am so, I was happy!! I didn't take a pill with the dinner, just in case. Did you take it with your pizza dinner???


Have a good day today! I'm going to try to go for a walk. Kind of cold and windy outside but, maybe I'll bundle up and go! I live in Conn. -what about you?



I did take a pill. I actually took a pill when I ate my dinner at 6:00, then I took another pill at 9:00 when I ate another piece of pizza. (I had three slices with dinner, and then another slice as a snack). I didn't exceed my three pills a day because I usually don't take one with breakfast because I eat a nonfat yogurt with a half a cup of all bran (it is so tasty, I even eat it for a snack during the day).


I so expected some sort of effect. I even stayed home to make sure I didn't stray too far from the bathroom. I just hope the scale is my friend on my weigh in day...lol.


Your dinner sounded excellent, and good for you!

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Just be careful because the TE's can show up as long as 48 hours after.


Alli worked good for me last fall when I did it for two months before my cruise. I lost almost 20 lbs. Wish I had never gone off it but, didn't want to take any chances before my cruise.


Went for my walk. Windy and cold but, it felt great!

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Wendy's Chicken BLT Salad has 650 calories and a whopping 44gms of fat!

The Mandarin Chicken Salad has 520 calories and 25gms of fat.

The Ceasar Side Salad has 80 calories and 9gms of fat.


Sparkpeople is the best free online resource if you're on Alli. It takes only seconds to enter your food and almost every possible food item is in there. (even alcohol). If something isn't you can enter it manually. Once food is entered you can see where you're deficient in fat, calories, carbs or protein.


Taking the few minutes a night entering my food has really kept me on track and reminds me to behave myself. Incidentally a Banana Split from Dairy Queen has 530 calories and 14gms of fat so that Wendy's Salad was the equivalent of a Banana Split and a small cone in calories which combined still have half the fat!

I have to agree about Sparkpeople. I think I have DolphinFan to thank for the suggestion earlier in these boards. I've been reading them for a while, but this is my first post. I have eaten fairly lowfat and healthy for about 15 years. I know I'm not huge, but approaching menopause and a slowing metabolism has caused me to pick up about 15 more pounds than I used to carry around!! I want to drop them by my July 5th cruise this year. I KNEW my fat totals were within the allowable (15 per meal) range, but the weight was still not coming off. Sparkpeople has helped me track the calories, too. I've lost about 4 pounds since I started putting in my meals 2 weeks ago. I love how all of the figuring is done for me! It has also brought to my attention that I am frequently LOW in protein. (No wonder my nails were so lousy.) Thanks to all of you great, encouraging posters. Keep up the good work.

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Still no TEs...YAY!!! Plus, I'm eating better today.


I was disappointed in sparkpeople, not at the actual website, but at the time when I was joining they wouldn't let me because I was breastfeeding. I think it would be great for them to create a place for that...just adding an additional 500 calories would be good. I did join, but didn't follow any of the program (I love the recipes though).


How's everyone else doing today?

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Hi Liz! Wondered how your first week went? Tomorrow (Thurs) evening will be one week on the pills for me. So far, I'm down 4! You hangin' in there? Any TE's? -not me...


P.S. I saw you on Ellen!!!! Too funny!!! lol She's so great. You're sooo lucky you got to meet her. I watch her everyday!!

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Hi Liz! Wondered how your first week went? Tomorrow (Thurs) evening will be one week on the pills for me. So far, I'm down 4! You hangin' in there? Any TE's? -not me...


P.S. I saw you on Ellen!!!! Too funny!!! lol She's so great. You're sooo lucky you got to meet her. I watch her everyday!!



I'm doing ok. I didn't lose anything this week, but I started my cycle so it made sense why all I wanted to do was eat, plus water weight. My body is trying to readjust itself. I just stopped breastfeeding, and my hormones are crazy, so I hope that once I can get myself on a regular schedule things will work out better.


That's so awesome!!! Congrats!!! Four more closer to your goal.


How the heck did you know that was me on Ellen? Or better yet, how did you put the two and two together? That's so funny...it was a blast.

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Hi Liz! I clicked on your name to see your baby's picture and ended up on your site that showed the Ellen clip. Sooooo funny! Ok, you gotta tell me, it looks like when everyone plays this game, their hair gets wicked pulled by the elastic! It looks like it is painful. LOL ??? I can't believe I actually 'know' someone that I can finally ask!!!!!


Well, stick to the pills. It will eventually come off. I had re-started the birth control pill in November and my appetite went crazy and I gained about 20 lbs!!!! My heart was racing and had wicked leg cramps along with some other side effects so, I took myself off. I feel much better now and feel more 'in control' of my food cravings!!! Gotta lose the 20 plus a bit more.


Hang in there and keep in touch!!!



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Hi Liz! I clicked on your name to see your baby's picture and ended up on your site that showed the Ellen clip. Sooooo funny! Ok, you gotta tell me, it looks like when everyone plays this game, their hair gets wicked pulled by the elastic! It looks like it is painful. LOL ??? I can't believe I actually 'know' someone that I can finally ask!!!!!


It hurt like hell!!! I ended up with bruises on my brow bones for the next couple of days. I would have built the whole thing differently. They hung the marshmallows too high, and the tube around the nose was round surgical tubing, and it should have been flat so it wouldn't roll. It was all worth it though. And just seeing Ellen up close was awesome!!!


I feel better today, diet wise. I totally wish I could go eat KFC or something right now, but I know that would be a bad decision...LOL.:o

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Yeah, I know what you mean about being in the mood for KFC or something. I left my salon tonight and could have taken a right to go get some fast food but, decided I didn't want any TE's so, I took a left and came home and made a salad with some leftover chicken breast. :rolleyes: I'm glad I didn't blow it.


Don't do it!!! ;) It's not worth it! Think about how gross you'll feel after.


Yeah, it looked like the tubing was round and kept rolling tightly over everyone's hair. Ouch! :eek: So cool to be on her show. I sit here alone each morning having breakfast, cracking up while I watch it!!!! lol


Have a good night!


Cheryl, how are you doing???

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:eek: A banana split is the same calories and fat as a salad!!!??? Holy cow! Let's all eat banana splits! rotfl


Reminds me of the cartoon I read today that said that a sundae is the same as a salad if you top it with a crouton instead of a cherry. :D


I behaved today and only had veggies for dinner tonight! Now if I can find something to eat tomorrow that will be in bounds. Have to go out of town for a seminar and the other people I'm with won't be eating diet food.


So did you behave all the time when you did this a few months ago, Dolphin, or did you cheat sometimes, too? (If you say to behaved I'll feel like such a hog! :rolleyes: )

When I was taking the Alli..I never cheated..really! I was afraid of TE's. I can't seem to get back on it on a regular basis..I now have 2 cruise coming up..the 1st one is the weekend just before my 7 day cruise and I have got to get on the ball!!!

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Yeah, I know what you mean about being in the mood for KFC or something. I left my salon tonight and could have taken a right to go get some fast food but, decided I didn't want any TE's so, I took a left and came home and made a salad with some leftover chicken breast. :rolleyes: I'm glad I didn't blow it.


Don't do it!!! ;) It's not worth it! Think about how gross you'll feel after.


Yeah, it looked like the tubing was round and kept rolling tightly over everyone's hair. Ouch! :eek: So cool to be on her show. I sit here alone each morning having breakfast, cracking up while I watch it!!!! lol


Have a good night!


Cheryl, how are you doing???

Awful! I'm not sure why I can't seem to get motivated back to dieting. I'm hoping that if you guys "kick my butt" and I have to be accountable I can do it again. So fire away..lol..


I pinky promise that starting Monday (want to go a few days on low fat diet before taking the Alli) I will be vigilent about taking them. I know once I do, I will stick to it..just can't seem to get going.

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Awful! I'm not sure why I can't seem to get motivated back to dieting. I'm hoping that if you guys "kick my butt" and I have to be accountable I can do it again. So fire away..lol..


I pinky promise that starting Monday (want to go a few days on low fat diet before taking the Alli) I will be vigilent about taking them. I know once I do, I will stick to it..just can't seem to get going.


Don't worry...you can do it! And what if you get TE's...I figure that if you get them, that is just extra calories going down the toilet. :D


It's so easy to snowball down to eating whatever, I know. Is there some sort of reminder that you can give yourself not to over eat? I have little things around the house and my office that keep me on track (as much as possible). I also would take whatever money that I would have spent on food (like fast food, lunch with coworkers, etc.) and buy myself some flowers. A tangible reward for being "good".

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Don't worry...you can do it! And what if you get TE's...I figure that if you get them, that is just extra calories going down the toilet. :D


It's so easy to snowball down to eating whatever, I know. Is there some sort of reminder that you can give yourself not to over eat? I have little things around the house and my office that keep me on track (as much as possible). I also would take whatever money that I would have spent on food (like fast food, lunch with coworkers, etc.) and buy myself some flowers. A tangible reward for being "good".

The fact that my blood pressure last Friday was 160/100 should be enough to get me motived. I know its due to lack of exercise and putting 20 pounds back on.


I AM going to start all over again with Alli starting Monday and will make sure I keep logging in here every day to make sure I don't "stray"..lol


I appreciate everyone's support..I turn 50 in October and REALLY don't want to be FAT in all my pictures..lol

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Cheryl, you can do this!! You totally motivated me the first time I did it. I am down 5 lbs already and it's only been a little over a week. I feel sooo much better with the scale going down instead of up!!!!!!! Once it starts to move in the right direction, it seems to really keep me motivated. I want to be able to fit into my smaller capris and other spring clothes! Just taking one or two a day makes me too nervous to even slip up a little! I finally enjoy going to bed hungry and look forward to my morning weigh in! ;)


Just think how much better you'll feel!!!!!!!

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I agree. As long as you are taking it correctly, and sticking to a lowfat diet, you won't get any of the side effects...at least that I have noticed. I've been on it for over a week, and haven't had any TEs; but I also have been watching what I eat (for the most part).

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Hi I'm new (to the whole cruise world and to Alli) Looking for some support and info. Background: Me (43) & hubby (46) are going on our 1st cruise in April 09 (I'm a plan ahead kinda gal). It is for our annive (no kids along!) I need to lose about 40 lbs to be back to where I was prekids (11.5 yrs ago)-where I want to be (which would still put me about 5 lbs over a WW goal weight) Started WW in the fall. Did good (-15) but then was sabotaged by the holidays. Now I'm at -13.6 and back on track. Started the alli pills last Tuesday. I don't weigh myself everyday so not sure how much I have lost. No Te's really yet. Here's my concerns: We are going away skiing next week. I will try to be good but it will be resort food for about 4 days and I am completely freaked out about having Te's on the mountain. My plan (if you think it is a good idea) is to stop the pills on Mon noontime (since we leave on Weds), eat as sensibly as I can while away and then start up when we get home. Does this seem like it will work? Will I wack-out my system with stopping and then starting the pills again? Please help! Thanks and I am so glad I found these boards (even if I don't make it here everyday!)

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Hi Newbiecruiser! Just wanted to mention that I think the plan that you've made with your ski trip and going off the pills sounds like it will work out just fine. Just remember to eat carefully before you come home and start taking the pills again. The only thing is, it seems like it is hard for some of us to get started once going off them. Maybe getting right back on this board and talking to us will help keep you going with it!! You can do it and we'll be here to help !


Have a great time skiing! I ski at Okemo in Vt a lot. Where abouts will you be going???

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