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How many people can't travel because of work?


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well I must say I am in a situation right now where in the past years if you put in for vacation you were allowed,this school year I told my boss I was going on a vacation next school year and it was denyed,I have never taken a vacation during the school year so this would have been my 1st,I asked for a full week off with no pay,She has now changed all the policy's for the 2007-08 school year which I put mine in before this.

My cruise is paid for and my children have off this week,I can only afford this time of the year since I have 3 children and 1 leaving for college in the fall..needless to say my husband is the bread winner and this is when he can go..I was told"it's not fair for others that can not afford to go on vacation "Hello does that make sence????if they can't afford it then they would not ask for off,I am not in any way wealthy we have saved...this is our 1st cruise not to mention we have about 6 other families going...

\needles to say I am not sure what I will have to do,but come the following year I was leaving my workplace to return to school fulltime ,

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well I must say I am in a situation right now where in the past years if you put in for vacation you were allowed,this school year I told my boss I was going on a vacation next school year and it was denyed,I have never taken a vacation during the school year so this would have been my 1st,I asked for a full week off with no pay,She has now changed all the policy's for the 2007-08 school year which I put mine in before this.

My cruise is paid for and my children have off this week,I can only afford this time of the year since I have 3 children and 1 leaving for college in the fall..needless to say my husband is the bread winner and this is when he can go..I was told"it's not fair for others that can not afford to go on vacation "Hello does that make sence????if they can't afford it then they would not ask for off,I am not in any way wealthy we have saved...this is our 1st cruise not to mention we have about 6 other families going...

\needles to say I am not sure what I will have to do,but come the following year I was leaving my workplace to return to school fulltime ,

what kind of place to do you work? Is there a company rep you can speak with? It seems like changing the policy to cut you out isn't reasonable. Did I read that wrong? Do you have anything documenting you asking for the vacation the year before? Good luck.



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I feel like I must be the luckiest person in the world! I feel like my bosses are saints because I have never been denied a summer vacation with my kids. I have never had someone at work tell me that I have to cancel my plans because of work....


Has anyone here been told that they absolutely can't take a summer vacation with their kids because of work?


Wow...and yet you find it perfectly fine that kids can only take a vacation when the school says so. I find the irony of this to be really funny. You are on the other thread saying that Kids should not be allowed to take time off from school and here you are saying that you take time off whenever you want?


Do you think that is a good work ethic:rolleyes:


I am just teasing you....

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I work for a private school and the proof I have is my paper being turned down in March and then the new contract for this year stating there is no vacation time for 10 month employees...there is no union,the problem is here in my state public schools are off a certain week and our school does not close due to it being private...I was also told that if I Lie and go out sick she will investigate it my dh thinks since this place is run so god awful anyway I should not even care and just go on vacation,not to mention there are 3 people that go on vacation this week all the time.....this actually has started a big uproar because they pay us so little and people own timeshares that when they were hired told them they have certain weeks they need off ,we are so unapprectated at my job by the hire up's,I work in a school for disabled children and love my kids,we bust our backs for our Boss who knows nothing about these children or even cares but oh well the Boss can sit pretty and go on vacation when ever she pleases because she makes the big bucks...Sorry for ranting

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I work for a private school and the proof I have is my paper being turned down in March and then the new contract for this year stating there is no vacation time for 10 month employees...there is no union,the problem is here in my state public schools are off a certain week and our school does not close due to it being private...I was also told that if I Lie and go out sick she will investigate it my dh thinks since this place is run so god awful anyway I should not even care and just go on vacation,not to mention there are 3 people that go on vacation this week all the time.....this actually has started a big uproar because they pay us so little and people own timeshares that when they were hired told them they have certain weeks they need off ,we are so unapprectated at my job by the hire up's,I work in a school for disabled children and love my kids,we bust our backs for our Boss who knows nothing about these children or even cares but oh well the Boss can sit pretty and go on vacation when ever she pleases because she makes the big bucks...Sorry for ranting

I think if you want to make this the drop dead issue. Tell them you will be taking the time off because it is paid for. You will try to arrange for someone to work in your place but if they find it unacceptable, then you will need to turn in your two week notice 2 weeks before the cruise.


Do you think you could find another job? I find when people leave the company we are co owner of, they usually find another job with something better than they had with us, maybe time off, maybe pay, or maybe benefits of some kind. Good luck. I know you love your kids there but sometimes management needs a wake up call.



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I did tell her the cruise was paid for and still she did not care,also I asked for a week with no pay,it is cheaper to have a sub in my place then pay me for the week,I have no benefits with them and I am in school part-time for nursing but the 2008 school year I am hoping to go full-time,my Dh said maybe this is a blessing because I have a background in medical assisting and he would like me to go back into it or something in that nature at a local hospital so they could help pay for my schooling,it's just I was comfortable in my job to finish the next year but maybe it is ment to be,we never have gone on a cruise as a family,we have never taken a vacation with 6 other families and with college Tuition for my son in the fall I had to go with when it was cheaper to travel...

thanks for listning

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I did tell her the cruise was paid for and still she did not care,also I asked for a week with no pay,it is cheaper to have a sub in my place then pay me for the week,I have no benefits with them and I am in school part-time for nursing but the 2008 school year I am hoping to go full-time,my Dh said maybe this is a blessing because I have a background in medical assisting and he would like me to go back into it or something in that nature at a local hospital so they could help pay for my schooling,it's just I was comfortable in my job to finish the next year but maybe it is ment to be,we never have gone on a cruise as a family,we have never taken a vacation with 6 other families and with college Tuition for my son in the fall I had to go with when it was cheaper to travel...

thanks for listning

I feel like if one door closes god opens another one. They may have done you such a big favor by giving you this ultimatum. Maybe you could wait until 2 weeks before, give your notice and then start a new job when you get back. That way there wouldn't be a big financial problems.


I know my husband stayed in a job for 13 years that had him traveling 2 weeks a year at least. Finally he had the last straw happen and found a much better job.


Good luck. I hope to see you on the ship. What ages are your kids? I will be with my best friend (read near the beginning of this thread).



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which cruise line will you be on???I can not find it and when??we will be on a princess line in November

If you are asking me which one I am on, I will be on Carnival Triumph on Sept 1.




This is my second cruise. I went on HAL the first one. I am thinking of trying RCL next. I want to see what the difference is and what I like about each line.



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we are doing the carribean Princess,I have been on 2 cruises my whole life, 1st I was on a celebrity I think when I was a kid{ok well 17)then when I was preggers with my 2nd child my dh and I did a carnival cruise and loved it except for my swollen sunburnt legs...and big belly.

This one will be with my dh and 14 and 11 year old children,we were going to go last year but could not afford it because we have a 17year old son and we would have needed 2 rooms,but he is not comming with us since he will be in college and told us not to feel too bad because he is planning to do spring break in florida at our expense!!!!even though I will lose my job I am looking forward for a vacation...okay well it may be longer then I expected

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There are many that can't. Low seniority union workers for instance. Everyone puts "in" for vacation, highest seniority gets first choice. Individuals with lowest senoirity get last choice.


My husband and I are union workers, and it can get rather irritating. I've got 13 years with my company, so I rarely have my vacations denied, but he on the other hand only has 3 years, and it happens more frequently. We actually went to Vegas in June, and his department manager decided that he was going on vacation then too, and tried to deny my husbands vacation even after it was already approved by the store manager. :rolleyes: I'm also lucky too that the only person in my department who has senority over me is always willing to switch weeks if I need him to.


More so than work being the problem for vacations is his school. He's in his second year of law school so we can only vacation during holidays or summer, which is also when everyone with more senority at work wants to vacation too! aagh!

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..I never requested time off in the summer when most of the employees wanted off.


I worked in state government and wanted my time off in the winter. I live at the beach so I would never take time off at that time of year when our town is full of tourists and packed!! Also, I'd never cruise in summer to the Caribbean since I want to go there when it's cold here!!


Many years I traded my seniority with those who really wanted to be off to travel with their kids in summer.


My requests for fall and winter weeks were encouraged and yes, on occasion, I did take my son out of school to travel in November or February because it worked for ME.


My nephew is in the restaurant management business in NY. He gets three weeks vacation in July when the restaurant closes. Period. That's it. No other choices. Like it or find another job. He loves his job so he deals with it.


Thankfully, I retired at 50 and can go whenever I want but DH, who is younger than I just started a new business and absolutely, positively cannot travel in the summer since that is the busiest time of the year.


He will be off from January-April...it doesn't get any better than that!!!

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I live in Cancun and work with tourists so I can never take vacation when the season is busy. We are given a month of vacation and random days as we need them but it's just known that vacation season is out.


One of the other Managers took a vacation during Easter week and they didn't get paid, OUCH!

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Believe it or not, I used to work at a very well-known national travel agency (although I wasn't a travel agent...I worked in the auto-travel area doing domestic travel work...don't want anyone thinking I know more than I do! LOL)...Anyway, because our section of the office was so busy when the schools let out, we were not able to take any time off to travel during that time. And they almost wouldn't let me have my 7 night cruise honeymoon. Thankfully, I found my current job the month before my wedding and ended up getting three weeks off to finish what I was unable to get done for the wedding while still working at the last job as well as for taking the honeymoon.


Funny thing is, I took that job because I thought it would let me travel more...one would assume you could at a travel job. This was definitely not the case.

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I think if you want to make this the drop dead issue. Tell them you will be taking the time off because it is paid for. You will try to arrange for someone to work in your place but if they find it unacceptable, then you will need to turn in your two week notice 2 weeks before the cruise.


Do you think you could find another job? I find when people leave the company we are co owner of, they usually find another job with something better than they had with us, maybe time off, maybe pay, or maybe benefits of some kind. Good luck. I know you love your kids there but sometimes management needs a wake up call.




If you do that (quitting a job just before a planned cruise), when you start interviewing for a new job after the cruise, what do you say when they ask you why you left your previous job? And, how do you explain the gap in your resume? And, what do you use for health insurance during the time in between jobs?

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Believe it or not, I used to work at a very well-known national travel agency (although I wasn't a travel agent...I worked in the auto-travel area doing domestic travel work...don't want anyone thinking I know more than I do! LOL)...Anyway, because our section of the office was so busy when the schools let out, we were not able to take any time off to travel during that time. And they almost wouldn't let me have my 7 night cruise honeymoon. Thankfully, I found my current job the month before my wedding and ended up getting three weeks off to finish what I was unable to get done for the wedding while still working at the last job as well as for taking the honeymoon.


Funny thing is, I took that job because I thought it would let me travel more...one would assume you could at a travel job. This was definitely not the case.


How were you able to get 3 weeks off during your first month at a new job? Most companies in my field won't let you take off even a single day during your first year, which makes switching jobs very difficult.

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If you do that (quitting a job just before a planned cruise), when you start interviewing for a new job after the cruise, what do you say when they ask you why you left your previous job? And, how do you explain the gap in your resume? And, what do you use for health insurance during the time in between jobs?


With my type of work they will not even give a refrence anyway so they would not find out I could have said anything for the reason leaving but I also don't plan on just quiting,my boss now is starting to feel under presure I think because she has now ok'd others after the fact of not oking my vacation....she told me to resumit my paper work so we will see,but my plan with my job was if I left then I would be just go into another field parttime while I return fulltime to school for nursing which now I go parttime for.

I will keep you posted....

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I just got a new job and I start on Tuesday. After I was offered the job I entered into negotiations. The job was starting with no vacation for a year. I immediately said "I have already booked a family cruise for the first week of January." They had NO problem with it and said "Oh, that's fine. If it's booked there is nothing you can do. Just give me the dates that you will be out"

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I just got a new job and I start on Tuesday. After I was offered the job I entered into negotiations. The job was starting with no vacation for a year. I immediately said "I have already booked a family cruise for the first week of January." They had NO problem with it and said "Oh, that's fine. If it's booked there is nothing you can do. Just give me the dates that you will be out"


That could work depending on your situation. In my field, currently, it would be hard, for 3 reasons. One being that if I wanted to take time off right away, they would instead hire someone else who doesn't plan to take any time off. The second reason is that many companies are afraid to give you vacation time the first year, since they are afraid that you'll work 1 day, use your vacation time, work 1 more day, and then quit. And the 3rd reason is that it opens them up to discrimination lawsuits if another employee was not allowed to take a vacation but you are. Many people make a living by suing companies for things like this.


So, I guess it really depends on a lot of factors, such as the current state of the economy (it's not as good right now as many people think it is, since many people are underemployed), how competitive your field is, and how lawuit prone your field is.

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I just got a new job and I start on Tuesday. After I was offered the job I entered into negotiations. The job was starting with no vacation for a year. I immediately said "I have already booked a family cruise for the first week of January." They had NO problem with it and said "Oh, that's fine. If it's booked there is nothing you can do. Just give me the dates that you will be out"

I loved you film for your DH. I also checked out a few others on Utube. They are great.



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I loved you film for your DH. I also checked out a few others on Utube. They are great.







So, I guess it really depends on a lot of factors, such as the current state of the economy (it's not as good right now as many people think it is, since many people are underemployed), how competitive your field is, and how lawuit prone your field is.


To answer this, I would say it also depends on your negiating skills. I did agree to take the one week vacation without pay, so it's a win/win for all. I already had 2.5 weeks of vacation pay coming from the former employer so I will make out nicely in the deal.


In this case, I was very sure they wanted me for the position and they were willing to do what it took to secure me. I already had the offer when I began negotiating for the vacation. I head of someone who started negotiating during the INTERVIEW. Bad idea. :eek:

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  • 1 month later...

well I posted a few months ago about my job not letting me take off for my upcomming cruise,I am here to let you know that I gave notice and will be going back to school which will allow me to take off due to the fact that this was planned and paid for already!!!wahooo I hope:eek:

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  • 2 weeks later...
My husband and I have opposite work situations. I own my own business and can take off whenever I feel like it. My husband works at a car dealership where the more you work, the more you're respected. :rolleyes:


He gets ONE week a year vacation. He works 9am - 9pm EVERY day except Sunday the rest of the year. I HATE that he works so much.


I take the kids and go without him. I could seriously take a vacation every month and not think twice about it. He scoffs at the idea of one a year. :rolleyes:

OK I've changed my mind, maybe I don't want to swap lives. In Australia everyone gets 4 weeks leave a year - and in fact once you have worked for a company for 10 or 15 years (depends on the company) we get 13 weeks paid additional leave. That was to allow us to go back to visit the 'old country' (many Australians came from England) and it originally took 4 weeks to get to England by sea, it allowed 4 weeks there and then 4 weeks return. Plus most companies are now starting to offer paid maternity leave - only around 6 weeks but the government kicks in another $5000 per baby as a bonus.

I can't imagine one week's vacation a year!

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OK I've changed my mind, maybe I don't want to swap lives. In Australia everyone gets 4 weeks leave a year - and in fact once you have worked for a company for 10 or 15 years (depends on the company) we get 13 weeks paid additional leave. That was to allow us to go back to visit the 'old country' (many Australians came from England) and it originally took 4 weeks to get to England by sea, it allowed 4 weeks there and then 4 weeks return. Plus most companies are now starting to offer paid maternity leave - only around 6 weeks but the government kicks in another $5000 per baby as a bonus.

I can't imagine one week's vacation a year!


Are those extra 13 weeks a "one shot deal" or do you get that every year? If so, that is a pretty sweet deal. Not even the US governmental agencies give that kind of generous holidays to their workers, except for the schools.


In response to the original qestion: No I have never been refused time off for a family vacation during holidays over my entire career in the software industry. This has been true regardless of the company size - large company, small company, startup, etc. My travel schedule is more constrained by my kids school schedule. This is especially an issue for travel in Southern Hemisphere where summer largely coincides with school.

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