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Night curfew time for teens?


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Give them a curfew at least if not for your peace of mind but for the fellow paxs.:D Kids are kids and no matter how well behaved they are things are different on vacation and meeting new people and feeling peer pressure can make even the best of kids make poor choices. I like the poster who said when I go to the cabin they go to the cabin, seems like a good rule as long as it is not too early. Or even a midnight curfew is fair, the ship is a floating city and many things can happen out there. Better safe than sorry. I say this because when I was kid we had a cabin in Tahoe and all of us kids would go to the lodge, meet boys, maybe drink a bottle of wine if one of us was able to get one w/out being caught and I still had a 12:00 curfew. At home though I was much better at following the rules, there was just something about Tahoe that brought out the rebel in me. Good luck.


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Actually, the 18 year old IS an adult. .


Not on a Carnival cruise ship, I just heard that until you are 21 years old, the person who brought you is responsible for anything you do.


Carnival even has a paper that you are supposed to sign? if you are bringing anyone 18 to 21, it states you are the responsible party.

If this 18 year old gets in trouble and is booted at the next port, guess who's going with them?


Does anyone know if this is true? i never heard of this before and always take 18 to 21 year olds, their my kids but they have different last names, no one has ever even asked if they are mine or not.


I understand they are not considered adults on carnival until 21 but i have never heard of a paper you sign.


I have heard this twice lately.

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My DD will turn 18 a few days before we leave on our next Cruise , this will be her 4th Cruise and she normally brings at least 1 or 2 friends with her . We have not had any problems with any of them, other than getting them up some mornings .

My standing rules are : Dinner with us every night , we preset check in times during the day as a courtesy to all involved , never actually set a Mandatory curfew - just make sure she knows that I have the utmost confidence in her decision making ability , that I know she is responsible , and all the praise I can give her , and sometimes it actually works !!! lol:D

The kids have a blast - if I did not trust her I would not take her , but I'm all to aware that they can do some pretty DUMB things periodically - which to them at the time seemed prefectly logical .

That's part of growing up .

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I'm of the school of thought that it depends on the kid, and I lean more towards not having a curfew. I NEVER had a curfew growing up. I told my parents when I'd be home, and if I was going to be later, I'd just call. My parents trusted me. As a result, I never felt the need to rebel. I have friends that were overprotective with them, and even now at 28-30, they are still out of control "because they can."


This is how my parents and I did things as well. They said as long as I didn't break their trust, I didn't have to have a curfew. I would always tell them what my plans were and when I would be home, and if my plans changed, I just had to call. I never felt the need to rebel either. I do think it depends on how trustworthy and responsible the teens are though. But I also believe they should be trusted unless they do something to break that trust. I think communication is really the key here. Discuss with them what they are planning on doing. Do you really want to say "just be back by 1" and have no idea where they are going or what they are up to?

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This is interesting....... DW & I are planning a Carnival Cruise with our Kids again. We just got off the Rhapsody of the Seas about a month ago. We have 4 kids ages 21, 19, 15 & 12. (DD is 15). Curfew on the Rhapsody was 1:00AM. Each nite on the Rhapsody ....Ship Security would roam the ship collecting all Teens under age 18 that was still out and escort them back to their cabin. DD was frustrated a little with this.... but she was getting tired anyway from the days events.


Of course my two older son's enjoyed the nitelife & clubs :D


I think if kids are behaving themselves it is OK to enjoy the ship......... BUT..... if kids are problematic they should be escorted back to the cabin & parents held responsibile for the kids actions.


And I know...... someday I might eat my own words.

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Ok, Ok, Ok, I get them problem too many choices and beliefs as to what a good curfew is or even if you should have one. I will help you all out. Just have them go to bed when I'm finished with the evening. Sounds great to me. But let me guess someone will have a problem with this simple solution. Hey it is just a suggestion. Have a great trip.

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When you cruise with teenagers do you set up a time when you want them back in the cabin for the night. We will be traveling with two 17 girls and one 18 year old boy. We are trying to come to some decision concerning a time.



No. there is no cerfew for teens. If so, my DD would have been in trouble a lot of times. She did not go to the cabin till 1 or 2 am and sometimes later.

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Just went through this on another thread. RCI has a 1AM curfew but if teens are well behaved it isnt enforced. (but it does state 1AM in your documents) *ok, found it for you guys, here it is:


From Royal Caribbean's website under Guest Conduct Policy: Curfews

Ship’s management reserves the right to enact curfews on an individual, group, or ship-wide basis, if in the sole judgment of the ship’s Captain, such steps become necessary to ensure guest or crew safety.



Parental and Guardian Responsibility

For purposes of this Guest Conduct Policy, a minor is defined as anyone under the age of 21. Parents and guardians are responsible for the behavior and appropriate supervision of their accompanying minor(s) throughout their vacation. This obligation applies during transfers to and from ships, inside

terminals, while onboard, at our ports of call, during shore excursions and at our private destinations. This responsibility applies at all times, regardless of whether the parents and guardians are physically in the company of their minor(s).




Again, those of us who have sailed RCI know if teens arent misbehaving and they act appropriately there is truly no problem. Give your kids some time limits anyway, whatever they might be, so they know you're interested and make them check in!!

Search CC this is a recurring thread with varied opinions on different ships as well as many facts!!

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Parents of teens can help out fellow cruisers by reminding them when they return to the cabins (whatever time that might be!) to be respectful of the other cruisers on their floor and keep the noise down. I don't mind teens being up late, but I do mind rowdy hallway behavior. We didn't give our son a curfew and he was always up and ready for the excursions! A day anywhere on a Caribean island beats a day in the sack!

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Ok that was frighening.


I knew that RCCL had a 1am curfew. While we were onboard Freedom they laid letters on the beds telling us about the curfew (didn't matter my girls were 7 and 3...no latenight parties for them anyway...lol)


Anyway, I just did a google search to see if Carnival had a curfew and I came upon a teen board that was talking about the different curfews on the different cruiselines and the teens were telling each other to stay away from RCCL until they were 18 and sail with Carnival cause there are no curfews. One teen wrote that the group spent the entire night in the theatre and the other teens said they spent the night "partying" in each others rooms. :eek:


Oh God help me when my girls are teens and I have to worry about my kids "partying" in someone's room. :eek: Yes I was a teen...not THAT long ago...lol...and I KNOW what that means.

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My teens set their own curfew because we got up pretty early every morning so they went to bed on their own. None of mine are real night owls and they know when I say it is time to get up there is no "just a little more time". They like their sleep!! Cindy


It's so much easier when your kids are like that isn't it?? :D

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I can understand the point of view from all you parents, but as one other poster said, what about the other passengers on the ship?. MY DW and I are seniors and the last time we sailed Carnival, on the Legend out of NY, the teens were running wild all over the ship at all hours of the night. On the night they had the midnight buffet, the teens were running up and down the corridors, knocking on cabin doors, throwing plates, bowls, and food all over the halls, the elevators. It was very disturbing, to say the least. I even wrote a letter to Carnival asking why there was no supervision at that hour of the night??

I can understand that all parents think their kids are angels and will not do anything wrong, but they will. As was said, the peer pressure is immense, and the kids just want to be 'cool' also. To be honest, we saw teens drinking from bottles on deck, making out in all corners and probably a whole lot more.

I am no prude, but when kids are disturbing other passengers and making THEIR cruise a bit worse, it's time to reign them in. There should be a curfew on all kids under 18 at some hour, set by the cruise line. that takes all the pressure off the parents to make that decision.

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There should be a curfew on all kids under 18 at some hour, set by the cruise line. that takes all the pressure off the parents to make that decision.


What there should be are Carnival employees who get hold of these type kids and explain to their parents that unless they're supervised better and get themselves under control, they're going to get thrown off the freaking ship. Only then will these idiot parents 'see' that their kids are not little angels.

What you said about taking pressure off parents is true and that sickens me. Since when did having to set boundaries become something that causes pressure??? It's our JOB.

Cruisinmama's post IS truly frightening.

Where are the parents??????

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There should be a curfew on all kids under 18 at some hour, set by the cruise line. that takes all the pressure off the parents to make that decision.


The only Pressure I see is the one when I have my hands wrapped around my kids neck if I ever see him/her acting like that.:D




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My point was that, after reading many of the comments here, there were several posts about kids who didn't need a curfew, and parents who didn't want to get into a 'fight' with their kids while on vacation about when to be in. If the crusieline sets limits and curfews, as RCCL does, then there are no fights, no hassles and EVERYONE knows the rules before they set foot on the ship.

I agree whole heartedly, the parents are the ones responsible, but how many parents are up at two in the AM, as this thread says, it;s OK for kids to be out that late as long as thy are not grumpy in the AM??.

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If the crusieline sets limits and curfews, as RCCL does, then there are no fights, no hassles and EVERYONE knows the rules before they set foot on the ship.


If the Cruiseline set limits and curfews, they would go out of business.


You really can't make the Cruiseline babysitters. I paid for this cruise and also paid for my kids to come with me. If they want to act up, they can find themselves up shi.t creeks river without paddles. I will leave them in Jamaica :D




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the last carnival cruise we were on, it was not the teens that were making the noise running up and down the hall at midnight and later. it was the little ones. from 8-12. Running screaming, yelling, laughing, talking loudly. As for the kids partying in other kids rooms, where were their parents? My DH and I are in the room by 1, if she is not there, we know she will be by 2 am. and I am usually still awake by then. So I know she is home safe. Plus i know where she hangs out, and I don't really worry about her. But at the same time worry about her. Does that make sense? But walkie talkies, or cell phones are good. sometimes cells don't work though, so the back up is the walkie talkie. And by the 3rd day, all I had to do was ask some of the crew if they had seen my DD, and they knew her and told me yes or no.

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Having been on only 1 cruise, I can't imagine not giving my kids a curfew.


Legend 6/3-10 we had DS17 & DD15. He walked in Club 02 & out the first night & didn't go back except to get his sister. She spent her time there.


Her curfew varied depending on day from 12 - 1:30 (on Grand buffet night when I knew lots of people would be about).


We took Walkie Talkies & as DS has to at home when riding his cycle, she had to let us know when she arrived anywhere, when she left, where she was going, etc. She knew that we would be spot checking on her. Fortunately DS17 is more like a DS35 and he took it upon himself while wandering to also look after her. He spent his cruise taking pictures & "laying in the heat".


We had only one problem when he figured out that someone had taken her Walkie Talkie & she was trying to get it back. Foul Language, screaming, etc. He immediately went to her aide & got a security person to go with him. Several drunk teen guys were harrassing her as she went to the bathroom. It was very public, lots of people in the area & all were ignoring.


I was a bit stunned at the many younger teens who were VERY obviously drunk in the evenings & the ones who were at the aft bar ice cream one day being WAY TOO overly 'touchy feely' in public & very vocal about it. I had to wonder where any parents were & if they cared.


Also, there were several younger kids - I'd guess 10 - 12 - each night who would sit in elevators & just ride them. LATE at night.

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WE just got off the Conquest. I have a 15yr old son. We also have been on Rhapsody of the Seas and I like the kids having a curfew. We saw soooooo many time kids running a muck up and down the hallways, by the casino, up & down stairs at 2 and 3am - it was crazy!!!


Yes they're on a boat, Yes they really have no place to go. But way tooooo many things happen on cruise ships and you are in international waters - so really what laws apply there.


I vote apply the curfew - I would rather be safe than sorry.

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My DD16 and her Best Friend 18 will be with us sailing 7/29. I have already talked to them together. They DO NOT have a curfew. However, I told them that if they wake me up when they come in, they DIE! Also, if I wake up in the middle of the night and they are not there, when I find them they DIE!.


Seriously, I trust both of them and they are relatively good girls(even the best kids can get in trouble). I will trust them on the ship as long as they show they can be trusted. If they missuse that trust, I will take it away. That is how I handle things of this nature at home!


Hopefully, it will be the best cruise any of us have had and will set the mood for the next cruise!;)

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Here's something ironic. On our last cruise hubby and I were out doing the casino and walking around and we couldn't find any of the kids. We wanted to chase them to bed early because we had a pretty intense early morning exursion planned for the next day. We couldn't reach them on their phone etc. I went to their room, used my key to open their door and flipped on the light expecting lord knows what. Well, did I ever get an earful from 4 already asleep kids who been in bed since 9 pm. Then I got the whole "don't you trust us" speech! :p When I asked them why they'd turned the ringer off on the phone they said it was so I didn't call and wake them up. (ringer has to stay on/Mom promised not to call as long as they let me know beforehand that they'd turned in)

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My DD16 and her Best Friend 18 will be with us sailing 7/29. I have already talked to them together. They DO NOT have a curfew. However, I told them that if they wake me up when they come in, they DIE! Also, if I wake up in the middle of the night and they are not there, when I find them they DIE!.


Seriously, I trust both of them and they are relatively good girls(even the best kids can get in trouble). I will trust them on the ship as long as they show they can be trusted. If they missuse that trust, I will take it away. That is how I handle things of this nature at home!


Hopefully, it will be the best cruise any of us have had and will set the mood for the next cruise!;)




No curfew? Gosh, I can't get into a good sleep till my girl is in for the night. :rolleyes:

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I set midnight as my children's curfew but it was negotiable if they wanted to do a certain activity but they had to tell me before hand what they were doing, where it was located and what time it was over. Then Dh and I made the decision together on whether they were going to be allowed to stay out later than midnight.

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If the Cruiseline set limits and curfews, they would go out of business.



Oh come on Fred, you know that's not true. RCCL has limits and curfews and they are far from going out of business. :D


And I couldn't sleep in my teen kids were out...NO WAY.


You guys are all scaring me. I am dreading the teen years already. :eek:

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My youngest DD who is 19, got a job this summer at a Holiday Inn Express. This past week every hotel within a 40mile radius has been booked solid due to some national soccer tournament or something.

Last night she came home totally freaked out. After the games were over and all the families came back, all the parents (these soccer families took up 115 out of the 130 rooms in this hotel) went straight to the bar and drank/partied from late afternoon and were still going at it at 11pm when her shift was over, and allowed the kids (middle school age) to run rampant throughout the hotel. They were doing the elevator thing, playing soccer in the halls, bouncing on beds, banging on walls and causing the poor hotel guests in the 15 room that were NOT part of this group a lot of misery. The poor kid dealt with complaints all night. The parents remained oblivious and didn't give a crap.

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