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Don't bother lugging the dressy clothes on the Summit


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Just back from a great trip to Alaska, including a cruise on Summit. I will post a review shortly, but just had to mention one really annoying thing. Just so you know, we are a fairly young family who are typically casual dressers, but feel it appropriate to dress accordingly when the occasion or invitation calls for, meaning suits/tuxes/nice dresses for formal events, including for our kids. Well, on our cruise last week there were several people in the Cosmopolitan Dining Room on formal night in jeans, including many at the table right next to ours. Even others not in jeans wore very casual clothes (i.e. baggy pants, t-shirts, flip-flops, etc.). What was even more bothersome than the way they dressed was Guest Relations shrugging it off with a response along the lines of "they need to eat too - we can't not let them in" - even though there are other dining options available for those who do not feel like dressing up.


If the cruise lines have this attitude about formal nights and convey this to the passengers than what is the point of having it at all? Packing for 5 people for a trip that lasted over two weeks, I would have been more than happy not having to take those extra dress clothes that only needed to be worn for a few hours on a couple of nights of our trip.


Anyway, just had to vent - will post more about trip soon...

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Thanks for the heads up, I will hope it is an isolated event. We sail on 9/10 on the Summit and I bought a Tux on EBAY for the trip to fit in with what we expect to be a dressier crowd. If our trip holds to yours Celebrity will hear a bear roar...:mad:



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I really don't mean to worry anybody, and would still do what is "right" and how you feel comfortable. Even my 9 year old son wore his tux (remnant of his James Bond costume from last Halloween). And I will say that when we cruised on the Summit in April in the Caribbean, the crowd was definitely neater and better dressed. So, I would hope that what we experienced is not the "norm." However, I do think that if the cruise lines are going to have a dress code, then they should be ready to enforce it so that the rest of us don't start slacking off. Looking back on our pictures, formal night was a nice evening out for us all - certainly made for some nice pictures, and would hope that Celebrity does not ruin the atmosphere of the evening by not enforcing their own "rules" about dress. I can say that they never once enforced the rule about no jeans or shorts in the Cosmoplitan. On the non-formal nights there were lots of people dining in both.

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I was wondering if they lost their luggage, also! On our last cruise there was a couple who never got their luggage. I saw them at the Captain's party in casual clothes, and I felt so bad for them. We would have lent out some formal clothes to them if we were the same size, but we were not.

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Don't dress down because some people on the cruise don't dress according to the "suggested" attire. DH and I would be comfortable in formal wear even if we were the only ones dressed in suggested attire.


I don't understand what is happening in America. We went to an upscale restaurant Friday night to celebrate my birthday and dressed appropriately. At least half of the patrons were in blue jeans. At one table for 8, all young men, one was wearing a red t-shirt and baseball cap which he kept on during the entire meal. There were no more than 2 other couples in jacket with collared shirt and the woman in dressy clothes. I called the next day and told the manager that I thought it was an upscale restaurant. But with people dressed for a baseball game I did not feel that the restaurant was upscale, even though their prices were. Also told them we would not be back. We drove by another upscale restaurant that night and men were leaving wearing jeans. I drove by a church the other day and saw people in jeans. We held a reception for DH's parents anniversary in Oklahoma last year at one of the hotels. Would you believe that people attentended in jeans, shorts, t-shirts, etc. With this behavior on land what can we expect on a cruise?


At least when we have dinner in Toronto, people are dressed appropriately.

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I would like to think they lost their luggage too. I would of had dinner in my cabin or another restaurant though. I would be highly uncomfortable in jeans anytime in the dining room.


Doesn't it just make you want to police the dress code yourself? A little peer group pressure? We could shame them into doing the right thing! Nah, probably just have another drink and complain about it when I get back to the message board. LOL

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On the Summit this past March, the majority of the people were "dressed" appropriately on formal nights. I certainly would not follow the lead of the few ignorant people who are oblivous to suggested dress codes. Ignore them.


I think it would be very difficult for the staff on these ships to deny entry to the dining room (I wish they would) but they are put in a very awkward position. The cruise line puts out "suggested" dress codes each evening -- but I'm not sure how you enforce it. Those people who don't follow the dress codes paid the same amount of money for their cruise as you and I did. This has always been a touchy subject.


As already mentioned -- there are alternatives to eating in the main dining room -- I wish these people would use it.

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I hope you had a great time in spite of passengers’ attire. But focus on the night you and your husband had. You both dressed up and had an upscale dining experience. Those dressed in jeans did not.

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I have to agree with BB5953 --- focus on your good time and not on what everyone else is doing. I personally don't enjoy lugging dressy clothes on a cruise but I do enjoy looking at the obvious pleasure that those who do like to do that get. As long as people are clean and well mannered who cares what they are wearing. Please don't let your dinner be ruined by what someone at the next table is wearing. Enjoy your own good time and let them enjoy theirs.

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Do you ever switch on an old movie about college days and find the men in suits and the girls in dresses? Well, people - those days are over.


Yes, we can all lament on how dress in the US has changed to such a casual way of life, but - really - it's over already. The change has occurred and we won't be going back to dressing up - ever.


And, if the management of Celebrity has decided that it will not enforce the dress codes, we all have a choice to make - put up with it or find another cruiseline.


Personally, I am not going to waste a precious moment of my cruise experience worrying about what others are wearing. Heck. Until I got on these boards, I never even considered how others were dressed would affect my cruise. :confused:

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We definitely did not let how others dress affect our fun. However, as others have mentioned, it's just some common sense and "respect" that is called for if you don't feel like dressing up and following the dress code. I doubt with the number of people that were dressed down that this was a case of lost luggage, and when we have been unable or not wanted to dress up then we either get room service or eat in one of the more casual areas - the whole tenth deck is for casual dining, so it's not like anyone is going to starve. During dining times, you can also order anything off the Cosmopolitan menu through room service, so it's not like you're stuck with just pizza.


Anyway, hopefully this will not become more common and as I said, it certainly won't ruin our good time, but it is too bad that so many feel that it's okay to do as they feel in spite of dress codes.

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When I first started cruising in 1988 they did deny you entry to dining room if you were not dressed correctly and you stayed dressed that way the entire nite or were asked to leave the shows or lounges. Yes society is dressing down because everyone has the attitude "I'm not going to let it bother me" no I won't either but if something is not said it will not change. As someone mentioned earlier it will not change back and yes it won't with that attitude. If restaurants and dining rooms on the ships would take a stand then maybe, just maybe, it would change.

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...At least when we have dinner in Toronto, people are dressed appropriately.
Hi Dee, I don't want to disappoint you, but, sadly, the dress code is deteriorating in Toronto, too. Slowly, but the slide is becoming noticeable. :( I still do my part, though, and I expect my adult children to dress up, too. :)


BTW, what part of Rochester are you from -- I have family scattered all over there?



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When I first started cruising in 1988 they did deny you entry to dining room if you were not dressed correctly...
My memory goes back to the days when a person 'dressed up' to visit the doctor's/dentist's office or just to go shopping!:eek: It wasn't all bad. :D


...you stayed dressed that way the entire nite or were asked to leave the shows or lounges...
On a Mediterranean cruise I was escorting in 1997, I had a discussion about this with a group of teenaged Pathfinders (12-15 yr old Girl Scouts). At the beginning of the cruise, they couldn't see why we had to stay dressed up all night. By the end of the cruise, they were thanking me for advising them to stay dressed up all night. One girl described the dressing up experiences as "I just felt so special and good about myself." :)


...If restaurants and dining rooms on the ships would take a stand then maybe, just maybe, it would change.
I sure hope so.


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That was THEN this is NOW...... it is no ones business what other people wear to dinner,, :(


And when they are allowed entry into the Dining Room what are you going to DO ABOUT IT ???? :confused: ,,,,, Leave,, Protest,, Make a scene,, Cry,, start a FIGHT,,,, CROAK,, :confused: ,,, Folks,,, get a life TIMES have CHANGED..:D

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There was an episode of The Sopranos, early on, when Tony went ballistic on a guy for wearing his baseball cap in a nice restaurant. "Take your hat off. They don't sell hot dogs here, Tony says, "they pulled the bleachers out of here years ago." He gives the guy the evil eye until the cap is removed. Then Tony turns to the guy's girlfriend, says "how you doin'", and returns to his table only to send the young couple a bottle of Montepulciano.


My wife and I love dressing up on cruises. It does make us both feel special, like the occasion is truly worth something. And this experience is added to when others are dressed up as well. If a few people lose their luggage, so be it. Or if they decide they're not comfortable in formal wear, who am I to say 'no'? I've had the shoe on the other foot twice.


Once, on Constellation, we had reserved an AquaSpa treatment on a formal night, for in between dinner and the late show / grand buffet. And yes, we did get a few nasty looks when walking in a public area in t-shirts and shorts on our way back from the spa. That was out of line, but I certainly did not let it ruin my experience -- if those people allowed my being out of formal attire for a brief spa interlude ruin their experience, that's their problem.


Another time, I was working a function for a non-profit in LA. The occasion was a barbecue at the musical 'Oklahoma'. We were all in western wear -- jeans, hats, etc. I'd gotten caught up in the spirit of the whole thing and forgotten to remove my hat when entering the theatre itself. "Take your hat off!" an older woman barked at me, as if I were her son. I did so, but let her know that I was doing this out of decency for all, and that her tone and attitude were unwarranted.


Terry, I'll confirm that for Ottawa as well. Unless you're dining at one of the 'power' establishments, it's an extremely casual town. And I'm fine with smart casual, but when it becomes t-shirts and caps, why not just stay home or go to the beach?

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Hi Dee, I don't want to disappoint you, but, sadly, the dress code is deteriorating in Toronto, too. Slowly, but the slide is becoming noticeable. :( I still do my part, though, and I expect my adult children to dress up, too. :)


BTW, what part of Rochester are you from -- I have family scattered all over there?




Hi Terry,


We live in a suburb, Honeoye Falls/Mendon. DH works for Kodak. We are going to spend the weekend of 9/4, our Labor Day Holiday in Toronto. We have afternoon tickets to Cirque. Then back to our hotel and we will dress for dinner. Haven't decided where yet. We haven't been to Toronto as often as we used to with the long boarder waits now.


We were at one of Montreal's finest restaurants. It had a dress code, jackets for men. Patrons who came in not dressed according to the code they seated in the back by the kitchen.

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We were at one of Montreal's finest restaurants. It had a dress code, jackets for men. Patrons who came in not dressed according to the code they seated in the back by the kitchen.


Guess it wasn't Schwartz's... though I like to sit back by the kitchen at Schwartz's, to really get that smoked meat aroma. :)

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When CC was young it was fun to beat the dead cloths horse... but, the thrill is gone...


So, on your cruise to the rustic wilds of Alaska, "several" people wore jeans on formal night and "others" wore other kinds of inappropriate evening wear.


"Several" may mean as many as 8-9 (1%), and "others" may be a couple of times that number...


Let's see, the cosmopolitan dining room seats 800-900 people. I like maintaining tradition too, but really, if in Alaska (or anywhere else) only 3% opt out on formal night then formal ware has won by a landslide!

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It's nobody's business if someone dresses on formal night in jeans/shorts/cutoffs with tee-shirt/tank top with sneakers/flip-flops...So what!!! It's their cruise...why should they care about anyone else??? It's all about themselves and not anyone else!!! These pax are making a definite statement...They don't care about anyone or anything but themselves.


So What if Celebrity is trying to create an elegant atmosphere onboard their ships...So what if 95% of the pax enjoy a more refined atmosphere...Get a life!!! The rest of you pax should just shut up when you are confronted with abject ignorance and egocentric behavior. How dare you people exercise your good taste, good judgement and good manners!!! Keep it to yourselves and by all means don't come on these boards to complain about slobs in the dining room on formal night because they know their rights and it's none of your business!!!


(I will continue to dress appropriately and look at those other pax with mild surprise and amusement on their ignorance and poor manners. My example of good taste and decorum will speak volumes for me without me uttering a word.)





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I'll be the first to admit...the folks do not dress up as much on an Alaskan cruise...especially in the summer. If X won't enforce the dress code then the only way to make your statement is to dress appropriately. If more pax dressed appropriately then you would hardly notice the minority of pax who did not.



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