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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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Name/Loss This Week/Total Lost in Challenge/LBS to Lose to get to 10%

RB Bonzo / 0.2 /6.8/16.8 to go!

NMCruzzin / 2.0/11.0/12 to go! Monday 8/13

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.4 / 3.2 /14.6 to go! Friday 8/17

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /5.0 /21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 14.8 to go! Tuesday 8/14

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn +0.8/3.8/13.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.5/4.5/16.5 to go! Thursday 16th

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne +1.0/2.6/15.4 Wednesday 8/15 Gained a pound

Beth (momonmeds) 0/4/16 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!


Not sure if I've managed it but this should be an update with my stats copied in.



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Wow, it worked! Now all I've got to do is remember how I did it.

Pardon the inexpert PC use here. LOL


Had a bit of the munchies yesterday. Not too bad but I am struggling a bit with sticking to the WOE. However, I keep imagining being slimmer. The 10% goal would enable me to get back to the weight I managed 3 years ago which was the lowest for about 15 years (I am 55 now). My biggest challenge then will be to continue.


As a yo-yo dieter I have reached my current weight several times and put back the lost pounds on many occasions. This week I bought the new Monthly Pass at WW. This means that the money will be taken out of my bank account even when on the cruise in November. I am hoping that the financial incentive not to waste money will make me return after 3 weeks away. That has always been the danger time before. That and just giving up when the going gets tough!


Please excuse the ramble, but posting here does help my motivation. Reading of everyone else's success (and struggles) is great group therapy.


Onward and Downward all losers!!!


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Me, too, Cinnamon... losing focus has always been my downfall (usually after prolonged periods of no weight loss despite rigorous adherence to plan, followed by "carb creep" "fat creep" "protein creep" or "calorie creep" (depending on which plan I'm following... or NOT following... at the time).


Think I'm going to start posting on the post-menopause weight loss thread, too... there are a number of people who write about following their plans STRICTLY for three weeks with NO weight los, or loss of one pound, and yet they keep going and have overall losses of 20-30 lbs without losing focus. This is definitely the kind of support I need.


One reason I'm so excited about my current 30-day program is that it's the first time I've managed to stay this focused for more than 2 weeks in years. Don't know if it's the products, or just that I've changed, but it's really working for me. Sounds like the auto-withdrawal on the WW may put the financial incentive on your side!


Enjoy your upcoming cruise. I'm meeting fellow CCers from our October cruise roll call today for lunch; looking forward to it!


Have a good weekend,



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I too can sympathize with your dilemna. I can follow my dietician's plan (my son & dil are both dieticians) religiously and not lose a pound and even on occasion post a weight gain. After a plateau like that I just get discouraged and start gradually slipping off track until I'm back to my old habits. Of course I then gain any weight back that I lost. I'm in the menaposal situation (I'm 52) and I'm going to head over to that thread that you mentioned Denise because I could use a mental boost from women that seem to be having the same 1/2 pound to no loss each week yet stay focused.


It does help to come here and see how well that everyone is doing and how they stay on track despite the little setbacks they have. Have a good weekend everyone and great going to all the losers this week! Denise...have fun at lunch with your CCer buddies!


:) Cherie

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Hi everyone, today i tried on a dress that i bought 2 months ago. I tried the dress on when i bought it, it was tight, so i bought a size smaller. My husband looked at me like i was crazy seeming he was the one who could not get the bigger dress zipped. I told him it will fit me soon. Today i pulled out the dress thinking it would still not fit. It fit me perfectly:) I was so happy, it just goes to show sometimes you have to ignore the scale.

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Yay Sheila congrats on dress!!! I don't quite have the courage to buy something SMALLER yet, though I have been known to buy things that are tight...


Lunch with CCers was fun -- turns out they were friends who had cruised together before (I thought we were all meeting for the first time). A hard-partying crowd, showed me photos from their last cruise together, holding drinks bigger than they were!


I had a great lunch: spinach salad w/green apple, red onion, black olives, and walnuts, and 1 slice of pizza (we went to John's Pizzeria in manhattan where you have to order by the pie). Yum! Fits right in my plan; I'll have my meal replacement shake for dinner tonight (in fact, it's better to have the regular meal at midday rather than in the evening, but I do enjoy sitting down to eat dinner with my son, so I usually schedule it that way).


And, I went out to the gym before meeting them (killer spin class), and we walked over a mile and half to/from where we met, so WOEX is on target, too.


Now I must run and help my son organize his room. (I spent a bunch of time online posting photos from the lunch to our roll call and writing humorous tales as instructed by my fellow lunchers...)


See you all soon... keep going strong...



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Hi everyone, today i tried on a dress that i bought 2 months ago. I tried the dress on when i bought it, it was tight, so i bought a size smaller. My husband looked at me like i was crazy seeming he was the one who could not get the bigger dress zipped. I told him it will fit me soon. Today i pulled out the dress thinking it would still not fit. It fit me perfectly:) I was so happy, it just goes to show sometimes you have to ignore the scale.


Congrats Sheila! It is so satifying to fit in something that was once too small. Good for you!! All that hard work you do is paying off. :D


Denise you made great choices for your lunch! :) I would have been SO tempted to go off track and gorge! All that exercise you have gotten today has motivated me into getting on my elliptical....bye for now!


:) Cherie


:) Cherie

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And the support flows back and forth!


Cherie, you'll be happy to hear that my son worked with me pleasantly today on a hated chore. Thanks for being supportive about my expessing myself honestly. I am feeling better, and I guess he is, too.






That's great to hear Denise! It is always nice to have positive experiences with our children isn't it. Here's to continuing peace for both of you.


:) Cherie

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I have had such a struggle staying on WOE for the last few days...Can't really say why..just bad attitude, so I been eating too many carbs this week...and my goodness my feet are so swollen...I didn't really so on a binge or anything....well except the night I went to the Mexican resturant and ate tons of chips...But other than that it was a sandwich one day and yesterday a biscuit at breakfast...but anyway I am already to get back with it...But I definitely won't weigh in tomorrow unless my feet are better cause the water weight would really discourage me...Annie I think we need to stay with the Atkins plan, girl....I just love this thread!! Everyone is such an inspiration and it also makes me realize I am not the only one who struggles...


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Karen, don't lose heart. It wasn't a binge, just a hick-up.

I am on WW so have carbs daily in my points allowance. I can't imagine not having them. I tried a low Carb diet once and hated it. As you obviously know, the body needs water to store the carbohydrate and that is why the weight loss and gain can be so quick on the Atkins plan.

Monday tomorrow, a good day to think afresh.


Good luck,


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Thanks Cinnamon for the encouraging words!! I have done Atkins before and I know that any significant consumption of carbs will tack on the water weight...I am (obviously) getting a little tired of not being able to eat the carbs and am considering rejoining WW after my cruise next week...I lost a lot of weight on both plans, but I have to learn to keep it off!!! And I believe that WW is better at that part.. For now...I'm hanging in there....

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Swansonia, I hear ya girl! I went to the grocery today to stock up on my eggs and chicken cause I am going back to Atkins in the AM:cool: I tried the low calorie/fat this past week and I feel like a float in the Macy's parade:eek: I have been craving carbs all week and I had a little.....no a big cheat at our local Mexican place on Saturday. I brought some home and had a repeat this afternoon. My grandaughter came over to watch the new High School Musical tonight and I had to have a milkshake with her:rolleyes: soooo here I am feeling soooo bloated. I have slipped UP to another decade, so I have to get my head in this game. I plan to go back to the low carb starting in the AM. If you are getting board with the low carb, try visiting sugarfreesheila.com for some good recipes to make it interesting.

I know low carb is not for everyone, but I do feel better when I don't have all those bad carbs in my diet. It really is a matter of dicipline with any WOE, Atkins is just easier to do for me.


Congrats to all those who are loosers this week, I hope to add to the loss next week.


All for now.


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Annie, you made me laugh! I have been watching my Grand kids the last couple of weeks and have had some real food problems with all the goodies in the house. GD and I also watched the new High School Musical, now that the kids are gone, goodies are heading out the door and Red_notes.gif "I'm getting my head in the game" Red_notes.gif


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RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 2.0/11.0/12 to go! Monday 8/13

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.4 / 3.2 /14.6 to go! Friday 8/17

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /5.0 /21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 14.8 to go! Tuesday 8/14

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn +0.8/3.8/13.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.5/4.5/16.5 to go! Thursday 16th

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne +1.0/2.6/15.4 Wednesday 8/15 Gained a pound

Beth (momonmeds) 0/4/16 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!



Hi, Losers!


I'll weigh in twice this week, because I didn't weigh in last week while on vacation. Somehow, I managed to drop 1.4 - not sure if I deserved it, but I'll take it!!


Keep on losing!

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Good Morning 10%'ers!

Boy this is slow going - BUT! I will take a slow go then a no go, so I'm sticking with it!:) 10 more lbs by Oct 16 - RB this has been really a good one! My DH has also done pretty well and I think when he takes off his next 5 - that'll be it for him and then maintain, because I'll still be working on the end-of my 1st 10! ;)



RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 2.0/13.0/10 to go! Monday 8/20

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.4 / 3.2 /14.6 to go! Friday 8/17

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /5.0 /21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 14.8 to go! Tuesday 8/14

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn +0.8/3.8/13.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.5/4.5/16.5 to go! Thursday 16th

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne +1.0/2.6/15.4 Wednesday 8/15 Gained a pound

Beth (momonmeds) 0/4/16 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!

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Congrats RB and NMCruzzin on your weight loss!! You two are doing great! No matter what the loss the fact that it is gone for good is the best reward!


Hope the weekend went well for everyone and that your Monday is a good one!


:) Cherie

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Good morning all! Glad to hear about positive outcomes.


Yesterday was tough for me: home all day, no exercise, didn't accomplish much... ah well, I guess sometimes I need to "veg out" just like my teenagers (though it doesn't make me feel good, I must say). Still stayed pretty much on plan, and weight loss is moving forward: 1/12/13 to go.


I'm a little distressed because had to drop car at shop again (A/C "repair" only held for 4 days, must do again) and because it takes me so long to get to the shop after work, I have to miss my favorite Yoga class tonight... also, planning to meet friends for dinner so postponed my cleanse day til tomorrow, and that always makes me feel so good, I really miss it...


Ah well, it's only a day. At least I'm on track, even if I'm feeling like a bit of a couch potato -- and I did get a lot of exercise in on Saturday.


Sigh. Gray and overcast, too. At least it hasn't been boiling hot with my car's A/C out over the weekend! (Always trying to see the bright side...)


Best to all,



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Well done RB and NM

NM you are more than half way there. Fantastic.


I did nearly 2 hours hard housework this am followed by a Curves workout, so feel tired but pleased with myself.

Have stuck to the plan well over the weekend and it looks good till Thursday. Then after Weigh In we have dinner out with friends and family coming for the weekend. Will need all my discipline then.



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Then after Weigh In we have dinner out with friends and family coming for the weekend. Will need all my discipline then.




Hi Cinnamon!

Just remember - plan ahead for as many meals as you can and keep your WOE snacks at hand so you are prepared and will not be taking a step back after all of your hard exercise and work your doing! You can do it! :D After all these years the light has finally gone on in my head :o that you need to plan ahead to make the right choices and be prepared with snacks to get you on to the next meal if those crazy days come when you are least expecting!

Have a great time with your family and friends!

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Thanks for the encouragement NM.

I have been looking at my WW cookbooks for ideas. We are hoping on 2 picnic days but hte weather has been so awful here. It is a long weekend, with a Bank Holiday on Monday, hence my son and DIL coming down.

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Good Morning 10%'ers!

Boy this is slow going - BUT! I will take a slow go then a no go, so I'm sticking with it!:)


Jean - you are doing TERRIFIC! 2 lbs/ week for two consecutive weeks! And, 13 lbs in a very short time. Keep it up!

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Congratulations to all of you losers! I didn't have a great weekend, but I'm back on track today. We have a Mom's Back-to-School celebration breakfast at IHOP tomorrow. Trying to plan what I will eat now, maybe I won't be so tempted then. Let's make it a great week!


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Good Morning 10%'ers!

I guess every little bit counts



RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 2.0/13.0/10 to go! Monday 8/20

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.4 / 3.2 /14.6 to go! Friday 8/17

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /6.0 /20 to go! Tuesday 8/21

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 14.8 to go! Tuesday 8/14

ebedore 1/5.0/19 to go! Friday 8/10

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn +0.8/3.8/13.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.5/4.5/16.5 to go! Thursday 16th

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne +1.0/2.6/15.4 Wednesday 8/15 Gained a pound

Beth (momonmeds) 0/4/16 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!

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RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 2.0/13.0/10 to go! Monday 8/20

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.4 / 3.2 /14.6 to go! Friday 8/17

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /6.0 /20 to go! Tuesday 8/21

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 14.8 to go! Tuesday 8/14

ebedore 1/6.0/18 to go! Friday 8/17

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn +0.8/3.8/13.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.5/4.5/16.5 to go! Thursday 16th

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne +1.0/2.6/15.4 Wednesday 8/15 Gained a pound

Beth (momonmeds) 0/4/16 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!

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