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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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Congrats to all of you losers this week .


I really blew it!!!! We started preplan for teachers this week. I started OK. I passed on the muffins and crosaunts. At lunch I ate Mexican. Not a good choice on a low carb diet, but it was the only thing available. Then I went out to lunch 3 days in a row. My son came to visit and we hit all of his favorite places. Sun. was my husband's birthday. Chocolate cake! 1st day of school on Mon. and pizza for dinner. Is it any wonder I gained 1.6 pounds this week!!!!


But today starts a new week and I'm back on track. I don't really regret what I did. I want to eat a piece of birthday cake. But 3 pieces were way too many! That's my problem. Once I start to cheat its hard to stop.



RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 2.0/13.0/10 to go! Monday 8/20

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.4 / 3.2 /14.6 to go! Friday 8/17

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /6.0 /20 to go! Tuesday 8/21

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6 16.4 to go! Tuesday 8/21

ebedore 1/6.0/18 to go! Friday 8/17

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn +0.8/3.8/13.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.5/4.5/16.5 to go! Thursday 16th

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2'n' Dianne +1.0/2.6/15.4 Wednesday 8/15 Gained a pound

Beth (momonmeds) 0/4/16 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!


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Thanks everyone for your congratulations and ongoing encouragement. This group is really great.


Montu6 - way to gain back your willpower. That is the hardest thing for me to do once I slip. Be really proud of yourself for getting back on the track!

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MONTYU6- I know what you are going thru, it seems like any celebration or acknowledgement requires some kind of culinary celebration:eek: I grew up not only in the south, but, southern baptist! I mean, every time we meet, we eat! I don't want to be stand offish when it comes to a celebration, and I have very litttle willpower when it comes to "just have a bite and that's it" but, we have to do this. If we just have a bite and get back on track; not only will that keep us from the "train wreck", it will teach us how to manage in the real world. I mean, chocolate cake and celebrations happen, we have to do everything in moderation. I think when we diet for several weeks we tend to go overboard when we cheat. I think we should allow ourselves a day a month to eat what we want and get right back on track. I'm sure the "experts" would dissagree with this plan, but I say it makes sense to me. I shared a time when I was soooo obsesed with my diet that I disreguarded my family, friends and my health. I don't want to be that person again, Sure I was thin, but at what cost. MY point is, we are human. Food is a pleasure to us, but we need to experience this pleasure with moderation. I have babbled on enough, ya'll know what I am saying.

Don't beat your self up over a cheat day. You have the rest of your life to get it right:cool:


Congrats to Jean and all the rest who were losers this past week.


I will be writing via "night time annie" CC has been blocked at my work:eek: "RATS" I guess I will get some work done now:p




By the way, I went back to low carb yestersday and I feel better allready. I guess that is what works for me.


All for now,


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MONTYU6- I know what you are going thru, it seems like any celebration or acknowledgement requires some kind of culinary celebration:eek: I grew up not only in the south, but, southern baptist! I mean, every time we meet, we eat! I don't want to be stand offish when it comes to a celebration, and I have very litttle willpower when it comes to "just have a bite and that's it" but, we have to do this. If we just have a bite and get back on track; not only will that keep us from the "train wreck", it will teach us how to manage in the real world. I mean, chocolate cake and celebrations happen, we have to do everything in moderation. I think when we diet for several weeks we tend to go overboard when we cheat. I think we should allow ourselves a day a month to eat what we want and get right back on track. I'm sure the "experts" would dissagree with this plan, but I say it makes sense to me. I shared a time when I was soooo obsesed with my diet that I disreguarded my family, friends and my health. I don't want to be that person again, Sure I was thin, but at what cost. MY point is, we are human. Food is a pleasure to us, but we need to experience this pleasure with moderation. I have babbled on enough, ya'll know what I am saying.

Don't beat your self up over a cheat day. You have the rest of your life to get it right:cool:


Congrats to Jean and all the rest who were losers this past week.


I will be writing via "night time annie" CC has been blocked at my work:eek: "RATS" I guess I will get some work done now:p




By the way, I went back to low carb yestersday and I feel better allready. I guess that is what works for me.


All for now,



We will all miss Daytime Annie. :p


Regarding allowing yourself a day each month to eat what you want - I mostly agree with you, but I'm not so sure that "whatever you want goes." I mean, if you're talking a full-out binge w/ a large bag of chips, an entire pepperoni pizza, followed by an entire frozen cheesecake eaten standing in front of the open freezer door, that would be a problem. But, if you mean a day when you'll permit yourself to eat foods that you wouldn't ordinarily have in moderation, then fine. And, I would say once a week, not just once a month.


I think it is harder, though, if you're doing low-carb, because it can hit you pretty hard.


The approach that I take is that I will plan the indulgence - I'll eat a little less on other days that week than I otherwise might, be sure to get plenty of exercise in on that day. If the indulgence is a night at a restaurant, then I'll be sure to eat very little earlier in the day - getting fruits, vegetables, healthy oils, and a little protein in - just the basic, nutritional necessities. And, I'll be sure to get some extra exercise in that day as well. I find that this approach enables me to keep losing but to not feel deprived.


The problem is when you allow the occasional indulgence to be more than occasional!

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:eek: My treats last week cost me dearly +3 pounds...I know this happens on the low-carb plan, but geez you'd think I binged and honestly I didn't....Oh well...I did enjoy those chips and salsa !!!:rolleyes: I am back on track since Sunday !!! And my cruise is only a few days away....MONDAY!!! Congrats to all the losers.

RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 2.0/13.0/10 to go! Monday 8/20

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.4 / 3.2 /14.6 to go! Friday 8/17

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /6.0 /20 to go! Tuesday 8/21

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6 16.4 to go! Tuesday 8/21

ebedore 1/6.0/18 to go! Friday 8/17

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn +0.8/3.8/13.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /1.5/4.5/16.5 to go! Thursday 16th

swansonia +3/7/21 to go Monday 8/20

2'n' Dianne +1.0/2.6/15.4 Wednesday 8/15 Gained a pound

Beth (momonmeds) 0/4/16 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!


Keep up the good work everyone...


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Hi everyone, i weighed in today and i lost 2 pounds. My new stats are 2/8.5/8.5to go.:)


Good Job Sheila! Lost and gone forever. Keep up the great work sticking with your plan.


I hope that everyone has a wonderful day with much success with your goals. I'll have a challenge today at a big birthday bash but I have a plan of portion control and hitting the gym bigtime.


Forward and downward everyone!


:) Cherie

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Sheila!!!! Way to go girl!!!! What you doin'? You keep up the good work!


RB- you said it! Of course I mean just a little indulgence in moderation. Yup, it does hit you hard when you are on low-carb, but you can recoup pretty quick too.


Here's to a good looser week-end for all of us!

I (unfortunatly) have a wedding cake to make for Saturday. I will be strong:p



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I enjoyed low-carb, but indeed, I couldn't cheat AT ALL or I fell asleep!! (Seriously, if I wanted ice cream or something, kids made sure I was IN BED with a SMALL DISH -- otherwise, I could fall asleep at the wheel, while walking, whatever! lol).


I just heard best description of this cleanse thing I'm doing:


It's a new food technology that is a full body cleanse system. It rids the body of impurities, and at the same time, as a side-benefit, people tend to release unwanted weight.


(That's why it's good for thin people like my kids and the fit folks at my gym as well as very overweight persons like myself). YOu can tell I'm really enjoying this, right? Stuff is yummy and the results are amazing. I have great energy, can eat widely (with moderation of course) and still keep losing weight.


Went out TWICE last week -- and TWICE again this week! -- and still losing weight (though probably less than if I didn't go out... but so what, I had been stuck at endless plateaus, I am so happy to lose one pound and still enjoy these AMAZING NYC restaurants I am fortunate enough to have friends take me to these past two weeks (YUM!) I am a seafood NUT and tonight I was in seafood HEAVEN, let me tell you.


Only thing I'm miserable about is car a/c repair dragging on for 3 days, I keep having to travel home and back and down and up and it eats up hours a day that I usually use for my workouts -- haven't worked out and I'm MISERABLE. Yes, I'm walking more, but believe me that doesn't make up for it. And then Friday I'm driving down to DC to visit my daughter, so that's 5 hours in the car (yuck)... but obviously why I have to do that A/C work, despite the expense...


Anyway, here's to finding the plan that works for us!


Best to all -




(Oh yeah: 1/12/13 to go... almost halfway there!!)

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Congrats, Sheila. Oh to be halfway!


I have weigh-in tonight at WW then going out for a meal. First time eating out since this new regime. I am going to take up the advice I read recently about the fact that you can have alcohol or more indulgent food, but not both. I like my food more than the booze, so although we are going out with a crowd who like to drink, I will be the designated driver and stick to water.


As I normally have my dinner before WI, it may show a false lightness by weighing first but that will just have to make me more determined next week!



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Okay everyone - I just had to report this because my husband could care less - he's 6'1" and 165 pounds! But I know you all will understand how important it is!


I got on the scale this morning and I was down another 3 pounds since my Tuesday morning weigh in (I think some monthly cycle stuff was effecting Tuesday, because I was good last week and even got to the gym.) Ok - the 3 pounds is great, but here is what really excited me - I am down to the next deci number! In other words, finally not only did my end mumber change, but so did the middle number!!!!


Okay now the hard part. This will be a tough weekend. My Uncle died on 9/11 - he was in the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. The small town where he grew up in Texas is opening a new elementary school and they are naming it after him. They've invited my family down for the "celebrations" and we are going. We'll mostly be there to support my dad. Both my granparents (his only other family besides us kids) and who still lived in this same small town in Texas, both died within 45 days of each other last year, so this will be a really emotional weekend. Can you say CHOCOLATE.


I won't be able to sign on while I am down there, but keep me in your prayers and send me good vibes to stay strong!

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Okay now the hard part. This will be a tough weekend. My Uncle died on 9/11 - he was in the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. The small town where he grew up in Texas is opening a new elementary school and they are naming it after him. They've invited my family down for the "celebrations" and we are going. We'll mostly be there to support my dad. Both my granparents (his only other family besides us kids) and who still lived in this same small town in Texas, both died within 45 days of each other last year, so this will be a really emotional weekend. Can you say CHOCOLATE.


I won't be able to sign on while I am down there, but keep me in your prayers and send me good vibes to stay strong!


Pat - first congrats on the mid-term loss!


That sounds like it will be a wonderful event - what a touching tribute! Try to focus on the family and the event, and remember that food is fuel, not comfort. Life can be described as a never-ending sequence of celebrations, stresses, and challenges, and the key to long term weight loss and maintenance is to learn how to move from one to the next without letting them undermine your goals. You can do it, and sending good vibes and well-wishes your way!

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Hello all….. I was surfing through the threads and came across this wonderful board. I just returned from a week sailing the Caribbean, and am set to go on a New Years cruise, but I can’t deny the excessive poundage that is accumulating! I always fell back on the excuse that my weight was due to the 4 kids I carried, but I know that I’m fooling myself. I love to cruise (probably because I love to eat), but each time we sail, I know I’m adding to my problem.

I hesitated posting here for fear of another disappointment, but I see you are all so supportive of each other (through ups AND downs), that I would like to give it a try. I read through a few posts, and don’t quite understand the “stats”. Ultimately, I have a HUGE goal, but I guess I should start with baby steps, because I’ve found that trying to aim for perfection just hasn’t worked for me.

I will start today by weighing myself (something I’ve avoided since returning from the Caribbean), and then check in with you guys. It will be fun if I have a successful week, I’m sure. I just fear getting through those UNsuccessful weeks!

My fingers are crossed. I’ll take a deep breath and here goes………………..

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Welcome to our humble home. Pull up a chair and a glass of water and join in.


I am so glad that you overcame your hesitancy. We are all in the same position, aiming at losing 10% of our body weight in a 3 month period. Even though you are starting later than most, you can still join in. I had 21lbs to lose at first and that is getting lesser each week. Of course, I really have another 30+ lbs to lose after that to get to a 'goal' weight, but the idea here is to tackle it in smaller stages, thereby making it more achievable.


Perhaps you could tell us what your 'diet' is. We tend to use the term WOE which means Way Of Eating and avoiding the dreaded 'd' word. I am on Weightwatchers, as is RB who started the thread. Some are doing Atkins type, others South Beach. Whatever works for you and your lifestyle. I have been a yo-yo dieter for years, especially since we now cruise twice a year and the pounds pile on then, so I understand your post-Caribbean struggle.


The stats are

Name/lbs lost this week/lbs lost in total/further lbs needed to reach 10% goal.


Perhaps you could also give us an easier name to call you by. :)


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Hi Carmen!

And a big welcome! - Just having the determination to just sit down and post on here is great 'baby step' - I know there are other regulars on here that stayed hidden a few days before posting - and now they are on the Stats Board and come back each week/ or more to post about gains and losses! I know it was just what I needed to get serious with other cyber weight loss buddies! :cool:

Cinnamon has some good tips and if you have the time to read on past pages you'll get a lot more tips and laughs - laughter burns calories! :D YAY!

Is there someone in your home that would give 10% a go with you? It can be a big help to have a buddy right there at the dinner table with you.

Keep coming back - it will help!


Pat- What a wonderful Celebration!! Have a great time with your Dad and just make the best WOE choices that you can with what is there and you'll be ok! Hang in there!

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Good evening all. Had weigh-in tonight and managed to lose 2.5lbs this week! Mind you, I had to weigh before eating as we went out with friends for a meal afterwards, so it is a little skewed as I normally have my dinner first.

Managed to make good choices at my first meal out in 5 weeks though. Chicken Breast 'roasted', wrapped in dried ham with a tomato based sauce, Colcannon potatoes (not oily at all) and lots of veg. Only had one course and no alcohol. Normally I would have been much less disciplined, so I feel quite pleased with myself. Please excuse the smugness. :) Stats now show I am one third of the way to 10%!!


RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 2.0/13.0/10 to go! Monday 8/20

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.4 / 3.2 /14.6 to go! Friday 8/17

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /6.0 /20 to go! Tuesday 8/21

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6 16.4 to go! Tuesday 8/21

ebedore 1/6.0/18 to go! Friday 8/17

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn +0.8/3.8/13.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /2.5/7.0/14 to go! Thursday 23rd

swansonia +3/7/21 to go Monday 8/20

2'n' Dianne +1.0/2.6/15.4 Wednesday 8/15 Gained a pound

Beth (momonmeds) 0/4/16 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!



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Welcome Carmen to our littl looser group:D It doesn't matter which WOE you have choosen, we are here to support each other. I am one of those "downs" people. I do ok for a few days and then I am skid row! I am glad to have found this thread because I have some accountability with my cyber friends. I wish you the best! Please let us know if we can be of help.

Cinnamon- congrats on your big loss last week!


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