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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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swansonia ~ Way to go on the the 3lb loss! You had a great week!! :D


Annie ~ Good for you staying the same despite not have a terrific week. Today is another day though and I'm sure you will have a better upcoming week.


Beth ~ Yesterday was not good for me either but today is a new day and I've made a good start. I'm sure you will too!


Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!!

:) Cherie

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Congrats Swansonia, great loss.


Feeling miserable today with a rotten head cold. Treated myself to a small portion of DH's B&J ice cream. Would love a binge but I know it is not the answer. Just trying to eat only a few more things than normal on WW, not a whole load. Not sure if I will make it to Curves tomorrrow. Luckily I don't work on Mondays so I can carry on resting a bit.


Enjoy what's left of the weekend everyone,


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Sorry you are not feeling well Cinnamon; icecream usually helps me. When my girls were growing up and would be having a bad day we would get a bowl of icecream and pop in an eppisode of "I Love Lucy" to make us feel better:D If you have I Love Lucy in England, give it a try with the icecream:p Feel better soon and get back to curves.

Karen, good news on your 3lb loss. I hope I don't find it this week:D

Let's all try real hard to be lossers this week!


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It Sunday and time to give it up to you guys! But first, I know how your'e feeling Cinnamon, think I'm coming down with a cold also, yuck! Beth, small victories add up! Keep up the good work, I am an emotional eater and tend to "comfort" myself with food with my life turns topsy-turvey! Swansonia...YAY! Cherie you are so right, always each day we get and start again, thank you Lord!

I'm a happy camper...drum roll please...I've lost 4lbs! Woo Hoo! It's a good thing, cause I was getting a little crazy there, and thinking this whole diet thing is for the birds :p , but it's nice to see good results. Ok, I can do this another week...OK, maybe another day by day by day!;) Need to drink more water, and some where, some how, put more exercise in my life. Hope everyone is having a great end of summer weekend!


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Good Morning Losers! (that is just the strangest compliment!)

Wow...so many of you are doing so great! Keep up the good work! Welcome to the newbies! This started out to be just the best challenge for me, and it was great while I was loosing - however, I'm a bit stuck this weigh in. New scale, a loss in the family over Labor Day - and I'm such an emotional eater! BUT - It's Monday and I'm posting my stats and starting a new week of eating right, walking my puppy and just trying to get my act back together!

You guys are great - Keep on Keeping ON!

RB Bonzo / 2.8/11.0/12.6 to go! 8/31

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.6 /14.2 to go! Friday 8/31

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/7.2/10.8 to go! Wednesday 9/5

Beth (momonmeds) 1/8/12 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

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It Sunday and time to give it up to you guys! But first, I know how your'e feeling Cinnamon, think I'm coming down with a cold also, yuck! Beth, small victories add up! Keep up the good work, I am an emotional eater and tend to "comfort" myself with food with my life turns topsy-turvey! Swansonia...YAY! Cherie you are so right, always each day we get and start again, thank you Lord!

I'm a happy camper...drum roll please...I've lost 4lbs! Woo Hoo! It's a good thing, cause I was getting a little crazy there, and thinking this whole diet thing is for the birds :p , but it's nice to see good results. Ok, I can do this another week...OK, maybe another day by day by day!;) Need to drink more water, and some where, some how, put more exercise in my life. Hope everyone is having a great end of summer weekend!



Congrats on your 4lb loss Donna! :D Wow! you are doing fantastic! Don't forget to drink that water and get that exercise fit in.


:) Cherie

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Good Morning Losers! (that is just the strangest compliment!)

Wow...so many of you are doing so great! Keep up the good work! Welcome to the newbies! This started out to be just the best challenge for me, and it was great while I was loosing - however, I'm a bit stuck this weigh in. New scale, a loss in the family over Labor Day - and I'm such an emotional eater! BUT - It's Monday and I'm posting my stats and starting a new week of eating right, walking my puppy and just trying to get my act back together!

You guys are great - Keep on Keeping ON!


RB Bonzo / 2.8/11.0/12.6 to go! 8/31

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.6 /14.2 to go! Friday 8/31

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/7.2/10.8 to go! Wednesday 9/5

Beth (momonmeds) 1/8/12 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go


I'm sorry to hear that you have been having a difficult time of it lately Jean. It's so good to see your positive attitude this morning and I know you are going to rebound this week. Yeah!!


:) Cherie

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Yay! Son started school this AM -- and I started my AM workouts again.


Got worried this afternoon because the gym manager who arranges barter membership for me left his job suddenly -- but he called me, and said he told the new manager about our arrangement, so I should be okay (whew). I do have a gym in my building at home for the morning workouts, but I do love the big gym for their challenging classes.


So... cleansing weekend, lost another pound overall -- this goal is beginning to seem manageable... I'm nearly halfway there!!!


(((carmen))) -- didn't see you joined this board! How's it going?


Interesting looking at our numbers -- are all working on big (overall) weight losses. It's so great to be with fellow losers coping with similar situations and celebrating similar (small or large) goals. I really like this 10% approach -- breaks the goal into much more manageable chunks.


RB Bonzo / 2.8/11.0/12.6 to go! 8/31

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.6 /14.2 to go! Friday 8/31

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/7.2/10.8 to go! Wednesday 9/5

Beth (momonmeds) 1/8/12 to go!

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

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Yay! Son started school this AM -- and I started my AM workouts again.


Got worried this afternoon because the gym manager who arranges barter membership for me left his job suddenly -- but he called me, and said he told the new manager about our arrangement, so I should be okay (whew). I do have a gym in my building at home for the morning workouts, but I do love the big gym for their challenging classes.


So... cleansing weekend, lost another pound overall -- this goal is beginning to seem manageable... I'm nearly halfway there!!!


(((carmen))) -- didn't see you joined this board! How's it going?


Interesting looking at our numbers -- are all working on big (overall) weight losses. It's so great to be with fellow losers coping with similar situations and celebrating similar (small or large) goals. I really like this 10% approach -- breaks the goal into much more manageable chunks.


RB Bonzo / 2.8/11.0/12.6 to go! 8/31

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.6 /14.2 to go! Friday 8/31

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/7.2/10.8 to go! Wednesday 9/5

Beth (momonmeds) 1/8/12 to go!

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go


Congrats on the pound weight loss Denise!! :) Great too that you are back to your AM exercise program. It seems to be how you like it and that always makes it easier to get that exercise in. Keep up the good work!


I stumbled a bit having company for dinner last night darn it! Did pretty well with my meal but then didn't pass up that bowl of ice cream. Definitely put me over my calories and fat grams for the day. But today is a new day and I have had a good start so far.


Hope that everyone has a terrific day! March on!!


:) Cherie

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Hello All!


I hope that everyone is having a good week. :D Mine has been pretty good so far. I'm sticking to my diet and have been to the gym twice this week. I snuck a peek on the scale today and I've lost another pound but official weigh in isn't until Friday. It gave me motivation to stay on task though!!


I'm off to hit the gym again tonight. Good Night!


:) Cherie

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Hello All!


I hope that everyone is having a good week. :D Mine has been pretty good so far. I'm sticking to my diet and have been to the gym twice this week. I snuck a peek on the scale today and I've lost another pound but official weigh in isn't until Friday. It gave me motivation to stay on task though!!


I'm off to hit the gym again tonight. Good Night!


:) Cherie


I do that sometimes myself....Occasionally it has the opposite effect on me.:eek: ...I guess I think I have already lost a little, so I can stretch the limits a little...I don't think it is a conscious thing I do, but I have to wonder since that's happened a few times and in reflection I realize maybe I had a little more to eat than I should have....

My exercise is going well...I have been to the gym twice already this week and plan to go again tomorrow. That's a big step for me...;)

Good luck everyone!!!

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Stayed the same again this week. I have not been to good with my diet

so staying the same is ok.


RB Bonzo / 2.8/11.0/12.6 to go! 8/31

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.6 /14.2 to go! Friday 8/31

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 0/10/7 to go wednesday 9/12

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/7.2/10.8 to go! Wednesday 9/5

Beth (momonmeds) 1/8/12 to go!

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

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Hello Everyone,

It is so great to see all of those pounds coming off!. I had a bad couple of days. Open House was Tuesday night. Lots of stress. I came home and ate 3 pieces of pizza at 8:30. Last night was a friend's birthday party. I thought I was going to eat just a salad, but instead ate some of a Blooming Onion that another gal bought, wings and margarittas. I don't know why I sabatoge myself like that. Last week I lost 1.1 pounds, but now it is back with more to spare. I guess that is why most of us are in the mess we are. But as so many of you have said, today is another day. Hopefully I can get back on track. Our cruise is just 9 weeks away. I also have a long term goal of losing 60 pounds by the time I'm 60. Thanks for all of the support. It helps to know that others understand the challenge that weight loss is for some of us.



RB Bonzo / 2.8/11.0/12.6 to go! 8/31

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.6 /14.2 to go! Friday 8/31

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 , 1.1 11.6 to go 9/11

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/7.2/10.8 to go! Wednesday 9/5

Beth (momonmeds) 1/8/12 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go


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Sept 7th post 491


RB Bonzo /+3.2/7.8/16.1 to go! 9/7

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.6 to go! Monday 8/27

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.6 /14.2 to go! Friday 8/31

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /3/10.0/11 to go! Friday 7th

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/7.2/10.8 to go! Wednesday 9/5

Beth (momonmeds) 1/8/12 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go


Today Sept 13th


RB Bonzo / 2.8/11.0/12.6 to go! 8/31

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.6 /14.2 to go! Friday 8/31

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 , 1.1 11.6 to go 9/11

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10.0 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/8/12 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go


Okay I fixed mine for today on the Sept. 13th one. RB I think yours is the only one that needs changing, is that right?



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Nope that is definitely an older list. Here's the most recent (except for whoever changed the old one):


RB Bonzo / 2.8/11.0/12.6 to go! 8/31

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.6 /14.2 to go! Friday 8/31

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/7.2/10.8 to go! Wednesday 9/5

Beth (momonmeds) 1/8/12 to go!

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

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Okay then I will recopy on this one. RB you will need to change yours.




RB Bonzo / 2.8/11.0/12.6 to go! 8/31

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.6 /14.2 to go! Friday 8/31

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/8/12 to go!

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

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Hi All...actually I don't think that one is the most current either since that is my stats from 2 weeks back. Still it doesn't matter because I weigh in tomorrow and it will change and I'll get it up to date.


Like others here I tend to eat more when I'm stressed, especially if I'm at home being stressed! I don't give up though, just start over on a new day. It also helps to come here and see others doing well, it motivates me to get back on track. Thanks everyone!!


Here's hoping for a good Friday weigh-in!


:) Cherie

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Hi folks - July 2 I weighed in at 284 - this morning 242.5

This was done with a total change of diet - no cookies/ice cream/candy/soda/bread. Lots of veggies and fruit - very little meat other than chicken and some fish. Also some of my wife's Nutrisystem meals and the Hormel compleats meals.



Going on the Tahitian Princess 12./30/07

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I'll just update mine now - it is my weigh-in anyway. Sorry, folks, the chart got a little messed up somehow. When updating, please be careful to use the latest edition!



RB Bonzo / 2.4/9.2/14.4 to go! 9/14

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.0 to go! Monday 9/10

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.6 /14.2 to go! Friday 8/31

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1.5/10/7 to go wednesday8/29

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0/7.0/14 to go! Saturday 1st

swansonia 1/14/14 to go Sunday 9/2

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/8/12 to go!

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

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