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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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I weighed in today and i lost 1 pound. i would have liked 2 but that is ok.:)



RB Bonzo / 2.4/9.2/14.4 to go! 9/14

NMCruzzin / 1.0/11/12.0 to g0! 9/17

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / +1 / 4.8 /13 to go! Friday 9/21

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1/13.5/3.5 to go wednesday sept 26

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0.5/7.5/13.5 to go Friday 22

swansonia 2/22/6 to go Sunday 9/23

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 2/13/7 to go! Friday 9/21

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

Donnerpumpking (Donna) 4/4/28 to go

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Well done Sheila.

I have not been posting much this week. Have been feeling a bit down. I wrote about it on RB's Daily WW chat thread.

WI tonight. Hoping for more than a pound loss to get me closer to my goal which was 1.5lbs a week but is behind that rate now. Not sure I will be able to meet the 10% challenge before my cruise on 5th November but at least I am heading in the right direction.



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Not sure I will be able to meet the 10% challenge before my cruise on 5th November but at least I am heading in the right direction.




Hey Cinnamon! You even said it - Your heading in the right direction - :D that's what is important!! I'm not going to hit my goal either (waaaa) But!

I know I'm doing better today then on July 16!!!! The pants I'm wearing to day tells me so!! And that's what counts!

Think of all the cyber LBYC buddies you've made - a Cruise just around the corner- your eating healthy foods - it's not so hot out side anymore, well ok, that's one of my favorite things about fall ;) - But your doing great! Don't be to hard on yourself, stay focused and be the best you can be - today!:D Hang in there girl!!

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Hear, hear Jean and Sheila...well said! I'm not going to meet my goal either but if I keep at it I'll be closer than if I give up right? Hang in there Cinnamon! I lose slowly too which can be frutrating but you are going downward and that's great progress!


:) Cherie

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despite not doing so well program-wise, my weight is essentially the same since last weigh-in 2 wks ago. Up .4. Was dead-even at official WW weigh-in yesterday as well.


RB Bonzo / +0.4/8.8/14.8 to go! 9/28

NMCruzzin / 1.0/11/12.0 to g0! 9/17

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / +1 / 4.8 /13 to go! Friday 9/21

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1/13.5/3.5 to go wednesday sept 26

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0.5/7.5/13.5 to go Friday 22

swansonia 2/22/6 to go Sunday 9/23

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 2/13/7 to go! Friday 9/21

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

Donnerpumpking (Donna) 4/4/28 to go

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1 pound for me this week. I know how you all feel about the weight not coming off as fast as you would like. I want it yesterday! But you are right about moving in the right direction. RB and Cinnamon, hang in there things will get better. Persistance wins the race!


Tomorrow will be hard for me. We are taking my son to dinner for his birthday, and his favorite place is a Brazilian grill. The waiters bring skewers of meat to your table and put in on your plate for you. There's also a buffet of salads and hot side dishes. It's wonderful, all you can eat, and not much that is low fat. I'm striving for moderation;) . Any suggestions would be great. It's kind of expensive too, so I always feel like I need to get my $$ worth.


Make it a great day!


RB Bonzo / +0.4/8.8/14.8 to go! 9/28

NMCruzzin / 1.0/11/12.0 to g0! 9/17

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / +1 / 4.8 /13 to go! Friday 9/21

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1/13.5/3.5 to go wednesday sept 26

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0.5/7.5/13.5 to go Friday 22

swansonia 2/22/6 to go Sunday 9/23

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/14/6 to go! Friday 9/28

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

Donnerpumpking (Donna) 4/4/28 to go

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Happy Friday All, the weekend is on its way!


I had a good weigh in losing 2 lbs this week. I'm now thinking the one pound increase last week must have been water weight since I came in with the 2lb loss this week. Little by little we will succeed!


Congrats to all the losers this week and those just holding, this too shall pass!! Have a great weekend everyone!




RB Bonzo / +0.4/8.8/14.8 to go! 9/28

NMCruzzin / 1.0/11/12.0 to g0! 9/17

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / -2 / 6.8 /11 to go! Friday 9/28

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1/13.5/3.5 to go wednesday sept 26

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0.5/7.5/13.5 to go Friday 22

swansonia 2/22/6 to go Sunday 9/23

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/14/6 to go! Friday 9/28

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

Donnerpumpking (Donna) 4/4/28 to go

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- it's not so hot out side anymore, well ok, that's one of my favorite things about fall ;)


NM, thanks for the encouragement but as to the weather, have you noticed I live in England! We didn't really have much of a summer this year although it was in the low 70s for a few days at the beginning of this month. Have the heat on now in the mornings and evenings. At least we don't get any extremes, not much winter snow any more. BTW what is LBYC. I am sure it is straightforward but I just can't work it out.


Thanks also to Beth and Cherie, and well done Cherie on your loss. I seem to be a bit stuck at the same time as RB. Last night at WI I had a STS. That means only half a pound off in 3 weeks!!!! I have decided to switch from Points to Core on WW to see if that will kick start things.


Onward and downward!


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RB Bonzo / +0.4/8.8/14.8 to go! 9/28

NMCruzzin / 1.0/11/12.0 to g0! 9/17

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / -2 / 6.8 /11 to go! Friday 9/28

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1/13.5/3.5 to go wednesday sept 26

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0.5/7.5/13.5 to go Friday 22

swansonia 2/22/6 to go Sunday 9/23

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/14/6 to go! Friday 9/28

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

Donnerpumpkin (Donna)4/12/20 to go


Happy Friday Everyone,


With every pound that comes off carefully, is a pound that is going to stay off!! It's a real pound/kilo, not water!! Go grab that pound of butter out of the fridge and realize, it's not on my thighs anymore!! :D


LBYC stands for Lose Before You Cruise! And I'm a working on it!! I usually wiegh in with you all on Sunday, but I'm going to be away from my computer, so I wieghed today and I am down 2 lbs!!


OOO! All you can eat buffet, sounds yummy! But go with your lesser of the evils! Lean grilled meats, salads with out those sky high calorie dressings, better yet bring your own! Eat your veggies, drink lots of water and eat a salad or some crispy apples before you go out. Realize that this time, YOU are worth taking care of and so be it, get your hearts worth instead of your moneys worth!!


You guys are such an inspiration to me!! And I'm grateful for how we all jump in and cheer for each other and pat each other on the back! And pick each other up when we get down on ourselves!


Take care and have a great weekend...enjoy each moment and live in it!


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Congratulations, Beth, Donna, and Cherie. Beth, fill up on as many veggies as you can at dinner. Lots of water. Have a great weekend everyone. I will be running my marathon on Sunday. Say prayers that I dont die( just kidding). I will post how i do when i get back.

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Hi everyone. Well i got through the maarathon. The last 5 miles were tough, but i did it. When i was finished i said " i wll never do that again" I am thinking a little differently now,we'll see. My legs are sore and stiff today. I am going to get a pedicure and a massage later this morning. Hopefully i will show a loss on the scale at weigh in on wednesday,but with my body who knows.:)

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YEEEAAAAA Sheila!!!!!!

Good for you!! I'm so glad you finished!

Bye Bye Cherie!!!!!! Have a Wonderful time! (We know she will-it's a Cruise! )

Donna - Keep Focused!- Your Doing Really well!!

This is such a great group of LOOSERS!!

This is Oct 1 - ok I know I'm not going to hit my goal on the 16th - but looking back at the ups and downs I've had - This challenge has still put me closer to where I want to be - then where I was! I'm Down 2 lbs and have 10 to go - can I get there BEFORE the Holidays? Hmmm I dunno - But I'm sure going to TRY!

RB Bonzo / +0.4/8.8/14.8 to go! 9/28

NMCruzzin / 2.0/13/10.0 to go, Monday 10/1

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / -2 / 6.8 /11 to go! Friday 9/28

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 0/6.0/18 to go! Monday 8/27

sam73 1/13.5/3.5 to go wednesday sept 26

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /0.5/7.5/13.5 to go Friday 22

swansonia 2/22/6 to go Sunday 9/23

2'n' Dianne 0.8/8.0/10 to go! Thursday 9/13

Beth (momonmeds) 1/14/6 to go! Friday 9/28

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

Donnerpumpkin (Donna)4/12/20 to go

Have a terrific week!



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Fantastic Sheila, well done. You must be very proud of yourself.

Have a great cruise Cherie.

NMC, that is wonderful. 2 pounds down and getting so close. You are more than halfway to the target.


Had my weigh and measure at Curves today. After going there for 2 months, I have lost 10lbs of which 6.17 pounds are fat. I presume the rest was water! However, I have lost 3.5 inches on my waist and inches off everywhere else. This is encouraging as the loss on the WW scales is slow but I know that my clothes are looser. My body fat is now 41%, down from 42% when I started. They use a body fat measuring machine which I think uses electrical impedence or suchlike. Anyway it is encouraging.



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Went to a big county fair this weekend, and while everyone else downed french fries and gravy, fried dough and cotton candy, I carried my water, and had grilled steak with peppers and onions sans bread! But I should gain 2 lbs just from all those wonderful smells!:eek: Next year, I'll be able to have "some"! Keep at it everyone!


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