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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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Hi, new to this thread. I got back from my last cruise 253 lbs in the middle of August 2007. (44 yr old male, 6'0", deskjob professional). Have been 240-256 for the past decade. Decided enough was enough.


Drifted down to 240 by the end of September, when I started an 8 week weight loss and nutrition class run by the licensed dietitian at my internist's medical group. The "drift" was helped by some hernia repair surgery and about 5 days on a liquid diet while in pain and recovering, and then a holiday fast day a week and a half later. Down to 217 by the end of that class the week before Thanksgiving, and yesterday was 207. Target was originally to get under 200, now wondering if I can get my body to go to 190, since my body mass index calculations still call me overweight at 199. Might actually take some formal night photos next cruise.


Portion control and making good choices and physical activity, everybody. I've been very public at work which keeps me accountable to all these folks, and the positive feedback motivates me to keep it going. None of these people knew me when I was the captain of the high school tennis team--but now at least some of them believe me when I tell them that I was on the tennis team.


My joints are creaky--don't jog, and I don't swim--lots and lots of walking, about 20 miles a week, sometimes a little more. And the holy trinity of oatmeal, broccoli, and salad well represented (and not salad weighed down with the sabotaging ingredients, just pure rabbit food, with salsa for dressing) in my food plan. Progresso Light Soups, heavier in sodium than ideal, but delicious and really low calories and filling.

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I am gutted this week. Have been to Curves 3 times and stuck pretty well to WOE but only managed to lose half of one of the 5 pounds I gained on holiday. My WW leader was very encouraging but it is a very difficult time of year. This is when I normally give up and go back to yo-yo-ing. I am determined not to do that this time. Even if I can't lose again till the New Year, at least if I stay the same it is better than gaining. Have been to Curves today and do not have any meals out for at least a week, so I will keep plodding on.


Welcome Newbies Plaidtink and logan1. We are usually a positive bunch here but it is tough near Christmas.


Congrats to anyone who loses in December!


Welcome back RB and well done on losing the gained pounds again. It is so hard to fess up when we have gained. If we all go through this together WE WILL SUCCEED!

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Good Sunday Morning everyone! Since the last time I weighed in, the full effect of Thanksgiving dinner had set in, my Birthday has been celebrated (over n over n over) :o, went on a cruise and I've been down with a cold since I got back. Ugh, talk about not wanting to step on the scale. I was fully prepared to post a gain, but happy see the scale with a minus sign on it.


Hang in there everyone, the Holidays are really tough, filled with all kinds of tempting goodies. Portion control is my downfall. I always set my sights on just maintaining, so we'll see what happens in the next few weeks.



RB Bonzo / +1.4/14.4/8.2 to go! 12/7

NMCruzzin -.5/12.5/10.5 to go, Mon 10/29

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0 / 1.8 /12.2 to go! Friday 12/7

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 1.8/24/0 to go! 10% goal reached Monday 11/12

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon / 1.0/13.0/8.0 to go. Friday 2nd November

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

Swansonia (the next 10%) 1/1/23 to go Sunday 12/2

2"n" Dianne -1.0/11.0/7.0 to go! Thursday 11/15

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)4.8/22.8/0 to go 10% goal reached Saturday 11/10

dblane (Diane) +1/7/10 to go 11/30

Aleson 0/6/9 to go 11/26

J&G (Gail) .2/9.4/11.6 to go 11/21

Carnival Pirate 0/4/12 to go 11/11

xrayjon +1.5/+.5/14 to go 11/30

BSQ 1.7/10.7/15.9 to go 12/9

gianna01 2.0/2.0/15.5 to go 11/10

Plaidtink 0.0/17.5/17/5 to go beginning 12/7

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Hi all....Had a great week last week....Couldn't believe my eyes so I stepped off and reweighed and it was true!!! -4 pounds.

RB Bonzo / +1.4/14.4/8.2 to go! 12/7

NMCruzzin -.5/12.5/10.5 to go, Mon 10/29

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0 / 1.8 /12.2 to go! Friday 12/7

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 1.8/24/0 to go! 10% goal reached Monday 11/12

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon / 1.0/13.0/8.0 to go. Friday 2nd November

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

Swansonia (the next 10%) 4/5/19 to go Sunday 12/9

2"n" Dianne -1.0/11.0/7.0 to go! Thursday 11/15

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)4.8/22.8/0 to go 10% goal reached Saturday 11/10

dblane (Diane) +1/7/10 to go 11/30

Aleson 0/6/9 to go 11/26

J&G (Gail) .2/9.4/11.6 to go 11/21

Carnival Pirate 0/4/12 to go 11/11

xrayjon +1.5/+.5/14 to go 11/30

BSQ 1.7/10.7/15.9 to go 12/9

gianna01 2.0/2.0/15.5 to go 11/10

Plaidtink 0.0/17.5/17/5 to go beginning 12/7

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Swansonia- You amazing loser! ;) 4 pounds - that's Great!

This 10% thing was such a great idea - Back in August! And because of it - I know that I weigh less now then I did in August - but Holy Cow! I'm having the hardest time with my last 13 lbs of my original 10%! I've lost and gained back the same 4 pounds so many times - I should have a whole new wardrobe on my Christmas list! LOL! But Determined - I AM - and I still know what my 10% goal is and when I hit it - I'll be in the RED too. Ok, so maybe it'll be after the first of the year - but if I can behave myself in the next 3 weeks - then the goal won't be so far away! So that's where I'm at. It's been awhile since I've posted here and it feels pretty good to get back on!

RB Bonzo / +1.4/14.4/8.2 to go! 12/7

NMCruzzin 13 to go, 12/11

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0 / 1.8 /12.2 to go! Friday 12/7

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 1.8/24/0 to go! 10% goal reached Monday 11/12

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon / 1.0/13.0/8.0 to go. Friday 2nd November

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

Swansonia (the next 10%) 4/5/19 to go Sunday 12/9

2"n" Dianne -1.0/11.0/7.0 to go! Thursday 11/15

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)4.8/22.8/0 to go 10% goal reached Saturday 11/10

dblane (Diane) +1/7/10 to go 11/30

Aleson 0/6/9 to go 11/26

J&G (Gail) .2/9.4/11.6 to go 11/21

Carnival Pirate 0/4/12 to go 11/11

xrayjon +1.5/+.5/14 to go 11/30

BSQ 1.7/10.7/15.9 to go 12/9

gianna01 2.0/2.0/15.5 to go 11/10

Plaidtink 0.0/17.5/17/5 to go beginning 12/7


Have a Great Week!

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Swansonia great going!


RB Bonzo / +1.4/14.4/8.2 to go! 12/7

NMCruzzin 13 to go, 12/11

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0 / 1.8 /12.2 to go! Friday 12/7

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 1.8/24/0 to go! 10% goal reached Monday 11/12

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon / 1.0/13.0/8.0 to go. Friday 2nd November

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

Swansonia (the next 10%) 4/5/19 to go Sunday 12/9

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)4.8/22.8/0 to go 10% goal reached Saturday 11/10

dblane (Diane) +1/7/10 to go 11/30

Aleson 0/6/9 to go 11/26

J&G (Gail) .2/9.4/11.6 to go 11/21

Carnival Pirate 0/4/12 to go 11/11

xrayjon +1.5/+.5/14 to go 11/30

BSQ 1.7/10.7/15.9 to go 12/9

gianna01 2.0/2.0/15.5 to go 11/10

Plaidtink 0.0/17.5/17/5 to go beginning 12/7


Have a Great Week!

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I got on the scales on Monday morning and I was 2# down from Friday, where I had stuck from the previous week. So I'm changing my weigh-in date to Mondays and see if it shows better. I NEED all the encouragment I can get. We are only 8 weeks till our cruise and I have at least 8 more to go to get to my 10% goal, and had hoped to go beyond that. Right now I'll be happy with the 8. So I happily post my 2# loss!!!:D


Way to go Swansonia, working on that next 10%, you are an inspiration!!


RB Bonzo / +1.4/14.4/8.2 to go! 12/7

NMCruzzin 13 to go, 12/11

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 0 / 1.8 /12.2 to go! Friday 12/7

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 1.8/24/0 to go! 10% goal reached Monday 11/12sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon / 1.0/13.0/8.0 to go. Friday 2nd November

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

Swansonia (the next 10%) 4/5/19 to go Sunday 12/9

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)4.8/22.8/0 to go 10% goal reached Saturday 11/10

dblane (Diane) 2/9/8 to go on 12/10

Aleson 0/6/9 to go 11/26

J&G (Gail) .2/9.4/11.6 to go 11/21

Carnival Pirate 0/4/12 to go 11/11

xrayjon +1.5/+.5/14 to go 11/30

BSQ 1.7/10.7/15.9 to go 12/9

gianna01 2.0/2.0/15.5 to go 11/10

Plaidtink 0.0/17.5/17/5 to go beginning 12/7

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I got on the scales on Monday morning and I was 2# down from Friday, where I had stuck from the previous week. So I'm changing my weigh-in date to Mondays and see if it shows better. I NEED all the encouragment I can get. We are only 8 weeks till our cruise and I have at least 8 more to go to get to my 10% goal, and had hoped to go beyond that. Right now I'll be happy with the 8. So I happily post my 2# loss!!!:D



WAY TO GO! It's so difficult to lose weight at this time of year and you lost 2lbs. Congrats and keep up the good work!


I'm so proud of those of you losing during the holidays. I envy you too! Keep it up, you should be so proud of yourselves!


Have a great day everyone!


:) Cherie

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Yay for you sister of mine!!! I wish I could say the same, I am chasing the same two pounds round and round!! I'll be good all day and then BAM! come home and "aw heck, why not eat this?" :( I so want to lose just a bit more in the next 8 weeks before my cruise!!! HELP!!!!!


Karen- there you go girl!!!! As my twin grandsons would say in the immortal words of Bob the Builder..."Can we lose it? Yes, we can!" (new words added by grammie:) )


Hang in there everyone, keep posting!!


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Well done to the losers. After my disappointment last week with only a half pound lost of the 5lbs I put on in November, I managed to lose 2 this week, so half way to getting back to pre-cruise weight. It will be very hard for the next 3 weeks with so many feasts in the offing. I am probably on a Damage Limitation exercise at present. I am not going to change my stats though until I can register a loss overall.



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I'm finally seeing a change! This week I lost 3 lbs!! Up until now I had been stuck at 175, the scale just wouldn't budge. I think checking into this board is really making a difference.


Congrats to everyone on their weight loss this week!

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Congrats to all the losers this week!! What an accomplishment during this time of year. I managed to lose one pound but this weekend we head into all the holiday parties. I'm really going to have to stay focused or I'm doomed to gain back the one pound I lost plus gain more!


RB Bonzo / +1.4/14.4/8.2 to go! 12/7

NMCruzzin 13 to go, 12/11

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.8 /11.2 to go! Friday 12/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 1.8/24/0 to go! 10% goal reached Monday 11/12

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon / 1.0/13.0/8.0 to go. Friday 2nd November

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

Swansonia (the next 10%) 4/5/19 to go Sunday 12/9

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)4.8/22.8/0 to go 10% goal reached Saturday 11/10

dblane (Diane) 2/9/8 to go on 12/10

Aleson 0/6/9 to go 11/26

J&G (Gail) .2/9.4/11.6 to go 11/21

Carnival Pirate 0/4/12 to go 11/11

xrayjon +1.5/+.5/14 to go 11/30

BSQ 1.7/10.7/15.9 to go 12/9

gianna01 2.0/2.0/15.5 to go 11/10

Plaidtink 0.0/17.5/17/5 to go beginning 12/7


Have a great weekend everyone!

:) Cherie

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Morning everyone. For me, it's been good getting back to routine after vacations and things. This morning I looged a 3.2lb loss, taking me past the halfway mark on this 10% gig. :) It's nice (and motivating) when things start to fit just a teeny bit better. Congrats to those that have posted losses this past week. plaidtink, I updated your numbers for ya, and congrats on the 3lbs!! A fantastic start for you.




RB Bonzo / +1.4/14.4/8.2 to go! 12/7

NMCruzzin 13 to go, 12/11

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.8 /11.2 to go! Friday 12/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 1.8/24/0 to go! 10% goal reached Monday 11/12

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon / 1.0/13.0/8.0 to go. Friday 2nd November

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

Swansonia (the next 10%) 4/5/19 to go Sunday 12/9

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)4.8/22.8/0 to go 10% goal reached Saturday 11/10

dblane (Diane) 2/9/8 to go on 12/10

Aleson 0/6/9 to go 11/26

J&G (Gail) .2/9.4/11.6 to go 11/21

Carnival Pirate 0/4/12 to go 11/11

xrayjon +1.5/+.5/14 to go 11/30

BSQ 3.2/13.9/12.7 to go 12/16

gianna01 2.0/2.0/15.5 to go 11/10

Plaidtink 3.0/3.0/14.5 to go 12/14

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Another week, another pound....I am happy for each and every loss this time of year!!


RB Bonzo / +1.4/14.4/8.2 to go! 12/7

NMCruzzin 13 to go, 12/11

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.8 /11.2 to go! Friday 12/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 1.8/24/0 to go! 10% goal reached Monday 11/12

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon / 1.0/13.0/8.0 to go. Friday 2nd November

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

Swansonia (the next 10%) 1/6/18 to go Sunday 12/16

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)4.8/22.8/0 to go 10% goal reached Saturday 11/10

dblane (Diane) 2/9/8 to go on 12/10

Aleson 0/6/9 to go 11/26

J&G (Gail) .2/9.4/11.6 to go 11/21

Carnival Pirate 0/4/12 to go 11/11

xrayjon +1.5/+.5/14 to go 11/30

BSQ 3.2/13.9/12.7 to go 12/16

gianna01 2.0/2.0/15.5 to go 11/10

Plaidtink 3.0/3.0/14.5 to go 12/14


Happy Holidays!! Hang tough....New Year's and new starts are headed our way!!!


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Down .6 this week


RB Bonzo / -0.6/15.0/7.6 to go! 12/16

NMCruzzin 13 to go, 12/11

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.8 /11.2 to go! Friday 12/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 1.8/24/0 to go! 10% goal reached Monday 11/12

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon / 1.0/13.0/8.0 to go. Friday 2nd November

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

Swansonia (the next 10%) 1/6/18 to go Sunday 12/16

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)4.8/22.8/0 to go 10% goal reached Saturday 11/10

dblane (Diane) 2/9/8 to go on 12/10

Aleson 0/6/9 to go 11/26

J&G (Gail) .2/9.4/11.6 to go 11/21

Carnival Pirate 0/4/12 to go 11/11

xrayjon +1.5/+.5/14 to go 11/30

BSQ 3.2/13.9/12.7 to go 12/16

gianna01 2.0/2.0/15.5 to go 11/10

Plaidtink 3.0/3.0/14.5 to go 12/14

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Can't believe I am 1 lb down this week, especially since I have indulged on several pieces of fudge (I love fantasy fudge the recipe on the back of the marshmellow creme jar)and Christmas cookies, but have been really trying to watch portion control at my meals. This really gives me the incentive to watch what I eat this week. At work its hard because we always seem to have some sort of goodie on the breakroom table everyday. :( I/We can do this!

Had 7 inches of snow in Michigan, I need sunshine and tropical breezes. Who's next up for a cruise? We aren't until February, anyone going before us?


RB Bonzo / -0.6/15.0/7.6 to go! 12/16

NMCruzzin 13 to go, 12/11

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.8 /11.2 to go! Friday 12/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 1.8/24/0 to go! 10% goal reached Monday 11/12

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon / 1.0/13.0/8.0 to go. Friday 2nd November

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

Swansonia (the next 10%) 1/6/18 to go Sunday 12/16

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)4.8/22.8/0 to go 10% goal reached Saturday 11/10

dblane (Diane) 1/10/7 to go on 12/17

Aleson 0/6/9 to go 11/26

J&G (Gail) .2/9.4/11.6 to go 11/21

Carnival Pirate 0/4/12 to go 11/11

xrayjon +1.5/+.5/14 to go 11/30

BSQ 3.2/13.9/12.7 to go 12/16

gianna01 2.0/2.0/15.5 to go 11/10

Plaidtink 3.0/3.0/14.5 to go 12/14

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Hey folks - I chimed in months ago and have been lazy - I am off on my Tahiti cruise next week - started in July at 284 lbs and today I weighed in at 220 - I sincerely doubt that after losing over 20% I can keep it up - I would love to hit 200 but it will never happen.

Hopefully I don't gain too much back on my cruise !

Congrats to all here.

Merry Xmas/Hapy New Year



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Congrats Larry on your loss! And, if you set your mind to get down to 200 I'm sure you can do it. You'll have plenty of cheerleaders here! :)


I'm still stuck and not losing anything. A few people have mentioned that I probably need to eat more. (always a strange concept with dieting--lol) After the holidays I have a session with a personal trainer at the gym, so hopefully she can help me get something kick started again.


We're traveling for the holidays, so it may be awhile before I check back in...Happy Holidays everyone!!


RB Bonzo / -0.6/15.0/7.6 to go! 12/16

NMCruzzin 13 to go, 12/11

Annie 2/7.5 /11 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.8 /11.2 to go! Friday 12/14

1''n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 3.5 /9.5 /16.5 to go! Thursday 8/30

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6, 2.6 , .9 ,12.7 to go 9/4

ebedore 1.8/24/0 to go! 10% goal reached Monday 11/12

sam73 3.5/17/0 to go 10% goal reached Wednesday 10/24

RachieLnnn 0.8/7.8/8.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon / 1.0/13.0/8.0 to go. Friday 2nd November

swansonia 3/28/0 to go 10% goal reached !!!! Sunday 10/21

Swansonia (the next 10%) 1/6/18 to go Sunday 12/16

Beth (momonmeds) 2/15/5 to go! Friday 10/26

Empress (Denise) 1/12/13.2 to go

canadianfam (Carmen) 3/3/17 to go

donnerpumpkin (Donna)4.8/22.8/0 to go 10% goal reached Saturday 11/10

dblane (Diane) 1/10/7 to go on 12/17

Aleson 0/6/9 to go 12/18

J&G (Gail) .2/9.4/11.6 to go 11/21

Carnival Pirate 0/4/12 to go 11/11

xrayjon +1.5/+.5/14 to go 11/30

BSQ 3.2/13.9/12.7 to go 12/16

gianna01 2.0/2.0/15.5 to go 11/10

Plaidtink 3.0/3.0/14.5 to go 12/14

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Amazingly I managed a 2lb loss this week despite having 2 large festive meals, a few snacks I shouldn't have had, and only getting to the gym once. I am now only half a pound above my pre-vacation weight.


Merry Christmas all you losers, enjoy the food and drink and just plan on damage limitation.



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