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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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Hi Annie,


I actually have both the DVD and the book, although I have not used the DVD at all. It's split up into 3 sections or chapters (if I remember correctly) and you can choose to do them all or only one or mix it up (on the menu screen).


There is some cardio, some weight/resistance band stuff (it comes with a resistance band), things like that.


I tend to stick with doing my cardio requirement at the gym or walking, and then I follow the BB book for all of the weight lifting/sit-ups/lunges type stuff.


So in conclusion, it doesn't seem to me like they were designed to work together, which is what I was hoping for. The DVD might be a good workout on it's own, though. If you did all the chapters it would incorporate cardio and training together.


Since I am doing the 24 week program in the book, I don't want to "interfere" too much with the reps and types of weight lifting-type exercising I'm doing. Although I'm sure it wouldn't be harmful, I do better when I stick with one thing. There are built-in rest days and some days I need that because my muscles are sore. :)


I hope this answers your question...let me know if I can answer any others!

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Congrats Rachielynn!!! i cant wait till i get to the 200 mark... 5 more lbs to go!! shhhhhh dont tell anyone what i weigh, maybe they forgot?....he he he...


Im still haning in there pretty strong...the will power is still there... cant wait to weigh in again on monday....my clothes are already feeling looser.. comfortable now, not as tight....


i will check in tomorrow. ya'all have a great wknd.. try your best to be good now.. ya hear???


see ya soon!

Diane :)

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Good Morning All,


Diane- I am thinking about you on those very public scales, you are very brave to do that. At our local WalMart there is a GNC store inside, they have a scale that prints your weight on a reciept not where everyone could see. I used to weigh in weekly and I kept the reciept in my purse to track my progress, maybe there is a GNC close to you? I think the Walgreens stores my have them too...just a thought. I may just start doing that again instead of fighting the Jeckle/Hyde scales up in my bathroom:rolleyes:


How's everyone doing this week-end?



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Good Morning All,


Diane- I am thinking about you on those very public scales, you are very brave to do that. At our local WalMart there is a GNC store inside, they have a scale that prints your weight on a reciept not where everyone could see. I used to weigh in weekly and I kept the reciept in my purse to track my progress, maybe there is a GNC close to you? I think the Walgreens stores my have them too...just a thought. I may just start doing that again instead of fighting the Jeckle/Hyde scales up in my bathroom:rolleyes:


How's everyone doing this week-end?




I agree with Annie, very brave of you Diane, I'd never do that. I'm going to check out my local GNC and Walgreens stores to see if they have those scales that print your weight. Can't say I ever noticed them when I've been in the stores but then I wasn't looking either. I'd like to have a 'paper trail' of my weight loss.


I hope that everyone has a wonderful and successful weekend!


:) Cherie

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Hi all,

RB suggested I take the 10% challenge when I posted on her daily board. So here goes.


After a bit of Maths (we weigh in stones over here) I weighed in at WW last Thursday at 209lbs. There. I've typed it. I don't normally let anyone know how much I weigh. Only started telling DH a year ago. He weighs very similar to me but is a bit taller. I know it is not necessary to tell you all my starting weight but I think it might help my motivation.


My next cruise is on November 5th. That gives me a little over 3 months to lose the 10% i.e. 21lbs or one and half stones. I have not been exercising much other than a bit of walking but have had to stop that at present due to a foot problem. On Monday morning I am going to check out Curves which are just starting up over here. I hope that 'chatting' here with fellow cruise fans will give me the fillip I need after a bad binge session this afternoon.


I will catch up on some of the previous posts now.



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Hey there Cinnamon!!!


Welcome to our nice little 10% challenge....there are so many nice people on here.. you will LOVE it...


As far as weighing myself.... i just get up thre and advertise my weight... as long as i see that arm move down each little bit every time im a happy camper... :) I didnt now about the scales in wallgreens... i gotta check that out... thats right across the street from where i weigh at!!! I surely would love to have that paper trail to watch!! hmm....


cinnamon, 2 weeks ago, i weighed in at 209, so we are pretty much the same... nobody knows you, and noone knows me!! its just a number...so post away every week.. my first week i lost 3 1/2 lbs i think it was... cant really remember.. but i know im down another pound, but monday is my weigh in date, the 30th, so i hope to be down 2 lbs this week... i can tell my clothes arent tight on me. and my T-shirts dont cling on my hips. they are hanging instead of clinging... GOOD ONE huh??? im sooo proud of myself....


and everyone else can do it too... oh, today, at work, a client brought in a home made banana bread and butter too!!! I was good tho, I declined the slice, and said, next time youbake I may just take ya up on it... but i cant do it now.. Was THAT good or what???? YESSSSSSSS !!!!! :D


a cute story, or i think it is...my boss is continually saying i lost this much weight this week, she eats like a little bird, very healthy, but we can all see she hasnt lost anything!!! i said to her my first week of my NWO, after i weighed, "i lost 3 1/2 lbs"!! oh she said, i lost 5 myself.... hhhhhmmmmmmm i was thinking....... well... this week, you can see where my cover up isnt tight around my hips, and I can even snap it all the way down now, down the front... i said to her today, "how long has it been since i could do this"???? her reply was, "a LONG time, Im not watching what i eat as closely as you" the little stinker... lol


you guys have a great wknd.. i will check in later....


Diane :D

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Hi Cinnamon, I am going on a cruise on Nov.4, so we have the same amount of time. I was achicken to post my weight when i first found this post. Then i got brave. Like Dianne says we dont know eachother, but this board has a lot of support. Good luck:)

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Welcome Cinnamon!

You are going to do great on your 10%!! :D You've weighed in and have a starting point - working on your exercise - have a program to stick to - Girl your on your way! Your up a few hours earlier :eek: then we are over here - but not to worry there are some night owls out and about on this thread! But if you have temptations, questions or just need a place to talk/post - do it! So many great helpers on this thread! :D

I'll be watching for ya!

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Thanks for the great welcome. Just had porridge with a grated apple this morning and am off to church shortly. A rare treat, we are having a steak for lunch. I just fancied some when I saw them in the supermarket. I will have a baked potato and lots of veg with mine.


I have lost 3.5lbs since returning from holiday so I don't expect major losses in any one week but I am hoping chatting here will stop me bingeing again.



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Welcome Cinnamon! You will certainly find support here with us loosers:p

This thread was the brain child of RB and what a great idea! It is just normal to start a diet and want to lose all the weight instantly, well that is not realistic and it leads to getting discouraged:( Taking it in 10% increments is more what you will actualy be able to lose, and it takes the preasure off of expecting too much.

I haven't typed my actual weight because I think my hubby is lurking around, he knows my login name, funny I don't know his:rolleyes: I am from the south here in the USA, we are notorious for fudging on our weight, age and hair color:p he-he-he. So DH if your out there this morning, I am 32 yrs old, I weigh 123lbs and I am a natural blonde:p

Cinnamon, please keep us posted on your progress!


How's everyone this mornig?

Jean- I hope we have good news in the moring, I stepped up my exersise this week-end. I walked 3miles yesterday and did 15 minutes of weights, I hope that helps.


Anyone else weighing in Monday? I know several of us are but I can't remember who.


All for now


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Thanks Annie.

I know what you mean about your DH reading this board. Mine does too but I have just put the general 'lose before you cruise' in favourites and I don't think he is interested in that. For many years I would not admit to him what I weighed. Then last year when I was doing well on WW (I slipped up again in the meantime) I decided to fess up to it. He puts on a few lbs when we cruise too, but doesn't seem to need to do much to get rid of them again. He could do with losing 10-15 lbs but I know that the motivation has to come from him. If I mentioned it he would blow a fuse and I know how much he loves to eat too.


I laughed about the hair colour thing. I am 55, DH is 62. He went grey sometime ago. I used to have highlights in my dark blonde hair, then lowlights to cover the grey, then about 8 years ago when my short hair started to go really grey I decided that I actually liked the colour that God was giving me and have been 'au naturel' since. My hair is now almost white. I wear it short and it saves a lot of time and money at the hairdressers by not having it coloured. I do take time to 'dress' it with wax etc, have it trimmed every 4 weeks and receive compliments about how nice it looks. It is very liberating and I can afford to indulge in a back and neck massage every month instead of hair colour.


I love your little faces but don't know how to put those in,


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Hello and good morning Annie and everyone!


Cinnamon~ welcome to our group! We are a very supportive bunch and I also find the people here an inspiration too. They are all so focused and working so hard towards their goals that it motivates me to do so as well.


I like the 10% increments too! It is a much more realistic goal for me to work for since I'm only trying to lose 25-30 lbs and lose weight so slowly anyway the 10% goal works so much better for me. I feel like I'm actually accomplishing something when I lose a pound or two and I never felt that before when attempting to lose. It was a great idea RB!


Exercise is always the most difficult thing for me to stay on top of. I did join a gym and it has helped me a great deal. I try to get there 5 days a week though this week I didn't accomplish that my goal is to get back to that starting tomorrow. I've heard that curves is a very good program. Is anyone else using that program here?


Annie ~ I weigh in on Fridays and actually stayed at the same weight last week. We should start one of those info pages ~ name, rank and serial number things ~ it might help us forgetful sorts keep everyone straight and also give the new folks a heads up on all of us. Only info you are willing to give of course! What do you all think?


Rachielynn ~ congrats on that pound loss! Good going!!


I'm off to take a morning walk. Hope that you all have a terrific day!

:) Cherie

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That was a good idea, Cherie - I'll start it and others can fill in their info as they see fit. Whenever somebody joins in or updates their numbers, they should find the last Info Page, cut and paste into a new post, and add or update their info.



Name/Loss This Week/Total Lost in Challenge/LBS to Lose to get to 10%


RB Bonzo / 2.8 / 6.0/ 17.6 lbs to go!

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I'm not sure if I am doing this right but here goes:




I lost 2.5 this week for a total of 5.5 since I started the challenge and 13lbs to go...is that right?


I'm not sure about the pasting and such; how will it work?


Confused here but 2.5 pounds lighter!!!!! I am officially in another decade!!!!!:D funny thing is I weighed 2.5 pounds lighter on the dial up scale (I say 2.5 because it could be 3lbs, it's hard to tell) but when I got on the digital scales they say I lost 4lbs! I am just going to stick with the 2.5lbs for now, I'm still not comfortable whith the jeckel/hyde personality of the digital scale:rolleyes:


How's the rest of you Monday weigh ins?


Have a good week ya'll!

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Monday July 30

Name/Loss This Week/Total Lost in Challenge/LBS to Lose to get to 10%


RB Bonzo / 2.8 / 6.0/ 17.6 lbs to go!

NMCruzzin / 2.0 / 8.0/ 15 to go!

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

Just copy this and paste on your Reply to Thread - and add your stats!

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Not sure how to do that stats thing. Also, do I take my starting weight from when I joined in , i.e. yesterday, or 2 weeks ago when I went back to WW after my cruise.


Big news today. I went along to Curves, had a sample workout and joined! It is costlier than someone here posted. £29 per month ($58) plus a joining fee of £59.5 ($119). I understand the prices are based on local factors and of course the cost of living is high here. That joining fee was a 'summer half price' offer too. Still, if I am going to tackle my weight and health I decided I must bite the bullet and do it. I did 2 circuits on the machines and it is harder work than it looks. I shall go back on Wednesday morning for my first full session.



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Good Morning All!


Congrats to you 10% losers! You are all an inspiration to me! RB/Cruzzin/Annie...great job!


Good for you Cinnamon for joining the gym. You are being proactive!!


RB Bonzo / 2.8 / 6.0/ 17.6 lbs to go!

NMCruzzin / 2.0 / 8.0/ 15 to go!

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso/0/1.2/17 to go!


Have a fantastic and successful day everyone!


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I didnt now about the scales in wallgreens... i gotta check that out... thats right across the street from where i weigh at!!! I surely would love to have that paper trail to watch!! hmm....



Since I want to weigh in a light as possible I'm going to be scaring people when I'm standing there buck naked:eek: :D



I love your little faces but don't know how to put those in,



Cinnamon, Not sure if anyone mentioned it? When you answer in the reply box there are faces too the right. Just click on the one you like and it will go where ever your cursor is, If you don't like it just click on it again and hit delete. I think you can have a total of 5 in your message. (That includes any in something you have quoted):)



Well everyone I went to Las Vegas for the weekend, and I wasn't awful but (And that's a big butt:D) I'm beginning again today! Weigh in is Wednesday afternoon.


Congratulations to all out losers.


Dianne (2n's)

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Dianne (2ns) you are so funny! Buck naked on the scale:eek:


You won't believe this, but I don't weigh naked! I make sure I have my bra on to hold everything up! I figure gravity will make them weigh more:D I am NOT kidding!


Glad you had a good time in Vegas, you should enjoy yourself when you are on vacation. Now back to work!:p

Hope everyone else is having a good Monday.

Annie:) (2ns)

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My name is Karen and I am an eataholic - LOL :)


I would like to join the 10% club. I have a 6 month timeframe.


I weighed in yesterday at 205.5 so I would need to lose 20.5 pounds.


Man what I wouldn't give to be back in the 170s/180s again.

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Welcome A board! :D Karen!

If you haven't - yet - read past pages of this thread! Lots of fun & funny people on here and if there's one thing we all want to do is - Get Rid of 10%! :D

What is your plan of attack? or Way of Eating? Exercising? Lots of variety on exercise here - Kick boxing Annie, I'm mostly a walker, very dedicated gym-sters and runners! Whatever it takes to get you up and moving!

Keep us posted on how your doing!

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