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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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Thanks Cinnamon, I think I will check out WW next week. I did pretty good today considering we had a going away party for our summer intern. Of course I made the cake, but I didn't have even a taste! It was hard though. I just passed the table and got a cheese stick for an afternoon snack. I had some grilled shrimp w/low carb coleslaw for dinner; but like I said. tomorrow we go to eat Mexican. I will try to not go overboard. Thanks again for your help.



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I seem to be stalling on my Atkins WOE and I have been thinking of changing to WW. Can anyone tell me more about WW? I am afraid I will be hungry all the time. Do those of you on WW stay hungry? Any advice would be appreciated.



Thanks Buddies!




Annie - As you probably figured out from my posts, I am a BIG fan of WW. I have tried Atkins and have lost weight on it, but the problem (for me, anyway) is that it is not practical for a long term lifestyle. That is WW's strength. You can eat anything (and, I do mean anything), so long as you plan for it and do so in moderation. I have no difficulty envisioning myself following this lifestyle for the rest of my life.


It is basically a low calorie, low saturated fat diet. Carbohydrates are allowed, but the plan encourages whole grain, high fiber options. Lean meats are also encouraged. As for the fattier cuts, you can have them, but in limited quantities.


Good luck with it

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Oh, I realize that I didn't answer your question about whether you are hungry all the time. Many people report when the first start the program that they have difficulty eating all of their points.


There are lots of very filling zero and low point foods to help you get through the hungry times and still stay on program. And, you get an extra allotment of points to use during the course of the week if you need them. I have not heard "always hungry" as a common WW complaint.

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WW is GREAT!!! DO IT>..


Remember when I said I usually ahve a hard time after about 3 weeks or so on a WOE plan?? even on WW.... well.. its happening now... I just want to EAT eat eat!! Im not hungry, just want to put something in my mouth all the time and chew... I do have to say, I dont have the want for bread or sugar.. its fruit that Im having a hard time with... I JUST LOVE those cherries.. and almonds...


OHHH can I DO this... will I ever be a lightweight again??? And I know too, Im not giving myself much time.. i got on the scales yesterday, and no movement this week.. monday is weigh in, maybe there will be a change.. im sure hoping soooooo..


Im having my own little pity party here.... :(


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Dianne, dont let the scale discurage yoy. I am one to talk i do it all the time. As women are bodies fluctuate day to day. I weigh my self everyday i know i shouldn't but it is just habit. One day i weigh myself i am up the next down. all that really matters is my real weigh in at ww. Actually feeling my clothes get looser is the most important. Dont give up, tou can do it. I remember that you are a hairdresser. So am I. Can you believe at 9:00 this morning i had already finished a whole wedding party of 7. Insane I started at the crack of dawn. came home to have breakfast and its back for mor updos:eek: Have a great weekend.

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Diane, I truly sympathise. I know how you feel, after 3 or so weeks of 'sticking to it' I tend to get the munchies. At least it is fruit and nuts for you. Much healthier than my binge a week ago of ice cream and cookies. Don't let the scales sticking get you down. I know I shouldn't but I can't help weighing myself everday. My scales only register whole pounds, so it is very silly especially as we can vary so much due to water balance and other factors.


So, I won't join you in your pity party. Please come and join me in my celebration of one whole week staying with my WOE plan. Like someone who has trouble with addictions, I am tackling it one day at a time. :)





My post coincided with sam73. We seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet! LOL

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Diane, I had an extra hungry day yesterday - those are good; they usually are an indicator of a significant weight drop. As your body gives up fat, it sends out signals for you to eat more.


The trick when that happens is to fill up on low-density foods like fruits, vegetables, soup, light popcorn - lots of bulk for amt of calories.


You can do this!

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Hi everyone,

I tend to save all of my ww flex points and use them on Fridays so I can go out and not stress too much about what I'm eating. It's kind of a "free" day, because of so many extra points. The problem is "free Friday" often turns into a "Free Weekend"... Anyway, I'm happy to report that I ate what I wanted yesterday, but I was right back on track today, and stuck to my plan. :D :D It helps tons to have my daughters doing this with me, and to have you all to report to. Anyway, have a great weekend everyone!



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Beth, on the UK system we don't have Flex points. If we want more at certain times we have to have less of our daily points beforehand to save up for the occasion and can 'earn' extra with exercise, although we are only allowed to eat 12 APs a week. This is probably good for me as I would tend to blow any Flex points too early in the week! :)



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AWEEEEEEEEEEEe.. THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU.... you guys are sooo wonderful.... thanks RB for letting me know about the body's messages.. i didnt know that.... maybe Im NOT eating enough.. hhhmmmmm well, we are going out in a little bit for bbq.. Im gonna have the chicken and maybe some cole slaw.....


I have to confess about this morning.. I helped my husband out by going to the local dounut shop and getting 3 dozen dounuts for his crew at Sears. they had a learning seminar and many of them came in that didnt even have to be there, but they had to learn this new system.. so here I go with the coffee pot, and dounuts and all the cups napkins etc... of course they werent all eaten, so i took them to my mother in laws, to which to my surprise she had fallen.... she was ok, but sore now. anyways, i broke down and had a dounut. with skim milk... lol OH MY GOSH... was that SOOOO GOOOOOOOOD!! oh wow!! I left an hour or so later, told her to put these in her freezer, and enjoy them later!!! So they are out of my sight... no more for me... Until next Sat evening.. im flying to Indiana for my brother and sister in laws 50th anniversary.. i will have a peice of cake im sure...but i will be good after that...


thank you too Shiela, Im glad to hear Im like others. Im not just alone here.And HOW in the WORLD can you be at work THAT Early my dear!!! THATS WORK!!! whew!!! I really give you credit where credit is DUE!!! and YES, my clothes are fitting differently.. so THATS good.. the weight is changing and shifting into other places....even the rear end is changing..:eek: lol Have you ever seen Martin Parsons?? the hairdresser/artist/showman/instructor etc that does the updo's???


WOOOOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOOOOOOO for Cinnamon!! You did sooooo good for staying 'legal'... AWESOME!!! Im gonna do that starting toinght... but i cant eat too much.. im afraid to....so, like you, 'one day at a time' it will be. Since, I guess Im addictive person....never new that, but I guess I am... :(


thanks again for your support.. this board really helps!!! thanks again to all my friends on here!!!


HUGS, Diane

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Thanks RB, no more dounuts for me.... TOOO SWEET!! whew!!!


weigh in tomorrow.. i feel a gain for some reason. had no bread, OR sugar, except that dounut, extra fruit and nuts, otherwise, was good...


the pants are looser tho!! THATS a plus and keeps me going....:)


will check in tomorrow night... have a good evenin y'all :D


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Hi everyone! It is Sunday night, so time to think about the week ahead. Congrats to everyone! I've read through, and it seems that everyone is staying close to their goals, and like it was stated, "donuts happen." So do Oreos and even sometimes ice cream :o It seems like every other weekend around here there is a birthday, with cake. Today I did have some cake, but I threw half the piece in the garbage instead of eating it all.


RachiLynn, you have great willpower! You have avoided a lot of temptations. It can be so hard to not finish something that tastes good, and sometimes even easy to mindlessly finish something that does not taste so good.


Diane, loose pants is a wonderful feeling!


Annie, ironically I found my WW points slider in a box today. I think I might join again... at this point I feel I might have to. Good luck, and let me know if you join, and how you are feeling with it. Subway sandwiches are a godsend on WW. Some like the turkey and ham, on wheat with just a tiny bit of mayo (and I have to get the cheese) and loaded with veggies with a nice big glass of water is like 9 points. My uncle told me this is how you are supposed to eat: Morning like a prince, lunch like a king, dinner like a pauper. In other words, medium sized breakfast, "big" lunch (biggest meal of the day) and a tiny dinner. A subway for lunch is a good option- just look at Jared *snort*


For myself I can say... baby steps. The first thing has been cutting back on portion size. For the last year (almost 2) I've been eating just so much food at each meal. Like I am just so hungry... so I've been eating smaller amounts at one time. This week my goal is to not buy lunch out at all from work (bring my lunch) OR- if I do, only on $2.49 sub of the day, and only the 6 grams of fat or less sub of the day. Um- I am also going to try going without any alcohol at all this week. We had two parties this weekend, and I drank at both of them. Ugh- empty calories and I feel kinda bloated and icky.


Lastly, I still have not exercised. :o I have a dress I wore for my wedding, and it (to me) looks like a "Titanic" dress. I'd love to wear it for formal night and take a picture by the rail of the ship, like Rose in Titanic. LOL I need to lose about 15 pounds for it to fit nicely, so... exercise sure would help my cause. I'm not even going to make any promises- but I'm going to try to get my arse on the treadmill this week.


Keep up the great work everyone!


PS- here is the dress... a picture of my and my hubby from our wedding day. I had icing on my nose!




I don't need to be skinny, but I'd love to lose the 20 lbs. I've gained since I got married! 20 lbs might not seem like a lot, but it sure is for a short person, which I am.

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Hello everyone, i hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I was pretty good considering we went to a festival yesterday. All kinds of food to try. me and my husband split things so we could try different things. My friend had cheescake on a stick dipped in chocolate. It looked so good, but i stayed away from that.:)

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Sheila, way to go with the willpower also! Oh- chocolate covered cheesecake on a stick.... Mmmmm... (insert Homer Simpson noises here.) I am going to our county fair this weekend. My husband, me and our three nieces. It is so fun to go to the fair with kids! I will make sure to sample, but only a little bit. It is the same foods every year, and I've been going for the last 30 years, so... not like I have not tried just about everything by now. Deep fried veggies and cheese is a big no no, but the grilled chicken gyros might be ok. ;) Now I'm hungry! LOL


There is a big plate of donuts and muffins in the kitchen here at work- and the apple fritter is still sitting there calling my name *sob* But, I have fruit. *sigh* I love apple fritters. Man!


Keep up the great work with the willpower everyone!




Hello everyone, i hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I was pretty good considering we went to a festival yesterday. All kinds of food to try. me and my husband split things so we could try different things. My friend had cheescake on a stick dipped in chocolate. It looked so good, but i stayed away from that.:)
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Good Morning 10%ers, I am very frustrated with my scales this morning; it goes up 2lbs then down 2lbs:confused: I am just going to say a no gain/loss week:rolleyes:

Thanks for the info on the WW. Ottergirl, I am a life time member of WW, but I joined long before the point system; it was about 30yrs ago so I have a lot to learn. I think I can re-join with out a joining fee? I will check the local group this week. I like the idea of being able to eat Subway and I have to have a glass of wine from time to time:p I wished I could see your picture, but all I see is a little box with an X at the top? But using the dress as an incentive to lose the 15-20lbs is a good idea. I weenied out and just bought a dress in a comfortable size 14, I don't have much confidence,huh? I was thinking you were the one getting married in a couple of months, I guess I had you mixed up with RachiLynn? Our group is getting so big! Anyway Ottergirl, keep up the good work.


Sheila, what restraint! I would have had to have a bite of that cheesecake on a stick....yuuum,mmmmooooo! I am like Phoo Bear, "I don't want to eat it, I just want to taste it" I have a friend who says if you are sitting you are eating; if you stand you are tasting....he-he-he, I do a lot of tasting from time to time!


Since my weight has not really changed last week I won't need to update the board:(


Oh yea, can any of you gals tell me what a normal WW day is like? I mean what a normal brk, lunch and dinner w/snacks would be. I like the idea of a medium brk, large lunch and small dinner. This just may work for me.


All for now.


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Good Morning!

I think this is the most current listing - and I just copied and pasted it on with my update, if I missed anyone's update - sorry!!! Please adjust as needed!

Only 1 lb for me this week - but 1 is good and I'll take it! Hang in there everyone with whatever your WOE is and keep the encouragement up - we all need it to reach our goals!



Friday, Aug 3

Name/Loss This Week/Total Lost in Challenge/LBS to Lose to get to 10%

RB Bonzo / 0.6 / 6.6/ 17 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.2 / 16 to go!

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

2n Dianne 3.0/3.0/15.0 lbs to go

Ppaxton 4.0 / 4.0 / 22 to go!

Carol 2.3/2.5/19 to go!

ebedore 0/4.0/20 to go!

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!


Have a terrific week!

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1 lb for me -- Its a start


Friday, Aug 3

Name/Loss This Week/Total Lost in Challenge/LBS to Lose to get to 10%


RB Bonzo / 0.6 / 6.6/ 17 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.2 / 16 to go!

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

2n Dianne 3.0/3.0/15.0 lbs to go

Ppaxton 4.0 / 4.0 / 22 to go!

Carol 2.3/2.5/19 to go!

ebedore 0/4.0/20 to go!

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!

Karen 1/1/19.5 to go

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I weigh in on Fridays so don't have a update today but wanted to congratulate all the 'losers' this morning. WAY TO GO!! I'm always happy to take a pound loss as I struggle to lose weight and any weight loss is a good one for me. Everyone is so motivated and working hard towards their goals. That's very inspiring!


Annie-my scale does that too, it's frustrating! Sometimes we just stay even but don't get discouraged. Hang in there! You didn't go UP so you are stilling heading down!


Keep up the good work everyone and have a terrific Monday!



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Hi Annie. Don't feel bad about fluctuating pounds. Water weight, time of the month, all that stuff makes a difference, and if you are exercising, that might make a difference too- building some muscles and losing some fat.


Um... other may be able to help you better, but at 150 lbs I think I could have like 22 points per day. I remember one thing I used to love to eat for BK was a homemade BK sandwhich. I would take two slices of low carb high fiber bread, lightly toasted, a teaspoon on light mayo, two slices of turkey bacon, and one "fried" egg- you know, the yold not broken, cooked in like a drop of olive oil. It was low in points and so so good. Those of you who love tomatoes (I don't) a tomato on here would be good too. Eggs are 2 points so what I would do is take one full egg and two whites and scramble them together with a tiny bit of meat (ham, turkey bacon, etc.) onions, mushrooms, and like a tablespoon of shredded 2% cheese- and one or two slices of that low carb high fiber bread... yummy! I don't know exactly how many points that would be- but probably about 8 I would think- if you used a tiny amount of spread on the toast, etc. It does add up quickly, but the less oil and butter you use, the more food you can eat. Some foods are free- you can search on-line and find some lists. Of course, bulking up your meals with veggies is a good solution.


Here is a site with some low points foods/snacks




If I remember right 150-174 lbs is allowed 22 points. It does add up quickly, and it is easy to slip up and use too many points at once, but at the same time it really does teach you how to eat properly.

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One more thought on WW, Annie - there are two different WOE plans. One of them is Flex Points, which is what most people follow. The other one might be more to your liking. It is called the "Core" plan, and it is very similar to South Beach. There is a list of "core" foods, basically lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (the whole grains part has limits and does not include bread). The core food list also includes healthy oils. You can eat those without a specific limit, but not to the point where you eat more than enough to keep you reasonably full. In addition to the core foods, you can eat a very limited amount of non-core foods.


The plan is great for people who don't like to do all of the tracking.

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Annie, I eat frosted shredded wheat with skim milk every day for breakfast, you would think i would get sick of them, i dont. For lunch i have a lean cuisine or smart one. I like the lean cuisines better. U sually its a 5 point meal. For dinner chicken and salad. Sometimes i will have anather llean cuisine, depends on how much time i have. I try to fill up on veggies, sometimes it is chicken with steamed vegies. Maybe a little rice or roasted red potatos. I take red potatos an dcut them in chunks, drizzle with olive oil, add parsley, garlic, pepper, and a little parmesan cheese, bake at 375 for 45 min. They are so good.

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