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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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Today I went out to buy a bathing suit- only cost me $28.00. Yeah, $28.00 to leave the bathing suit on the rack and instead buy a digital scale. Yikes... that was not an experience I want to repeat anytime soon. I've been putting off buying a scale, so now is the time.


I want to make a few suggestions about WW points. I prefer the flex points because I can eat what I want, and I do know how I am supposed to eat- good oils, lots of fiber, low fat dairy, etc. Here are two food items that I love.


The Morning Star Farms brand of "garden burgers" and other meatless products such as the chicken patties they offer. These are tasty and filling. I love the Italian basil pizza burger patty. It has about 6 grams of fiber and is only 2 points. It tastes delish- and seriously, I am picky about stuff like this. I can't eat it if it tastes bad- why bother? I don't like the Boca brand at all, and Morning Star farms are better than Gardenburger IMO. I think the others use a lot of soy, and these use a lot of veggies like mushrooms and stuff. I like the veggie burgers better than the ones that actually look like a hamburger, but maybe you would like them. The second product I love is the low carb wraps from La Tortilla Factory. One small wrap which is the size of a regular flour tortilla shell has 8 grams of fiber, 50 calories and 2 grams of fat- and on the WW points slider that registers as ZERO points. I like to heat up a MF veggie burger (2 pts) and crumble it in a wrap with 1 tbsp light mayo (1 pt) 2 tbsp shredded cheese (I approximate 1 pt) lettuce, cucumbers, etc.- and that is a meal, well can't forget the pickle on the side. Maybe you would like a half cup cottage cheese or some soup on the side. I still count the wrap as 1 point- just because it seems so substantial. The wrap alone is only 5 points (4 if you don't count one wrap) and that is a healthy filling meal for only 4 points.


I hope this is helpful to you. If not, just tell me to keep my cyber trap shut! LOL

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Hi there Everyone!!!


its nice to read everyones posts...and about WW too..... Its really not hard to do, ya just gotta write everything down.. a GREAT plan..


I went to the DR today for my 3 mo checkup. I wsa there 3 months ago, he keeps checking my cholesterol, and BP.. well im happy to say, everything was down!!! along with 10 lbs!!!! YEAHHHHHHH....

according to the scales at the grocery store, it hasnt moved... sooooooo.. whos right here???

bummer................:( thats OK, there is no gain....


my dr asked what i was doing, and i said no bread or sugar, etc. He said im doing everything right!! he was pleased with it....at least im under Drs care with the WOE....He did order a blood test for tiredness... im sleepy ALL the time...so hes checking for anemia.. i surely hope im not anemic!!


well yall.. thats it for tonight...

Yall keep up the good work, try not to weave out of line too far!!!

see ya tomorrow!!


Onward and Downward!!!

Diane :D

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OG: thanks for the tips; I'll try the Morning Star brands. I sometimes eat the Boca Burgers, but I'm not that crazy about them.


Diane: most people try to lose weight for appearance purposes, but improving health and fitness is the best reason, IMO. That is fantastic news!!

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Good Morning Everyone!

It is so inspiring to hear of everyones successes! I had a good week. I'm proud of myself. We had a winetasting party Sun. with 8 different horsdourves. Some of them, cheese, I could eat, but most were off limits. I didn't even taste most of the things. That was very hard since as a cook I always sample the food. Sometimes my samples turn into mini binges. So to make a long story short, I didn't do that and today my weight reflects that. A small victoy for most people, but for me this was huge. If I can just learn to eat like a thin person eats I will lose weight!


I'm keeping a daily journal about my weight loss to record my feelings and experiences. It helps me to go back and read what caused me to be successful and stay on my diet and why I relapsed. I once read a book called Diary Of A Far Housewife. In it the author chronicled her trials as she attempted to lose weight. I could really relate to so much of what she wrote. It is a good read.


Well I've rattled on long enough. Good luck to each of us! We can do it.


RB Bonzo / 0.6 / 6.6/ 17 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.2 / 16 to go!

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

2n Dianne 3.0/3.0/15.0 lbs to go

Ppaxton 4.0 / 4.0 / 22 to go!

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 0/4.0/20 to go!

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!

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I went to the DR today for my 3 mo checkup. I wsa there 3 months ago, he keeps checking my cholesterol, and BP.. well im happy to say, everything was down!!! along with 10 lbs!!!! YEAHHHHHHH....

according to the scales at the grocery store, it hasnt moved... sooooooo.. whos right here???

bummer................:( thats OK, there is no gain....

Diane :D



Hi Diane!

I bet you were one of the few patients coming out of the Dr's office with a big smile on your face! :D What a great boost to keep on the 10% journey!!! You go Girl!

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Name/Loss This Week/Total Lost in Challenge/LBS to Lose to get to 10%


RB Bonzo / 0.6 / 6.6/ 17 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.2 / 16 to go!

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

2n Dianne 3.0/3.0/15.0 lbs to go

Ppaxton 1.0 / 5.0 / 21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 0/4.0/20 to go!

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!


It's only 1 pound, but considering some things going on, I'll gladly take it!

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Name/Loss This Week/Total Lost in Challenge/LBS to Lose to get to 10%


It's only 1 pound, but considering some things going on, I'll gladly take it!


Hi Pat!

But just look at how 1 pound changes the numbers in 3 different catagories!!:D

And all in a good direction!

Keep up the good work!

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Good Morning Everyone!


Thanks so much for all the wonderful information about WW. Ya'll make it sound so good and easy! I know it's not easy or we all would be thin:p I will check out that site with the point chart at home later, it is being blocked here at work:rolleyes:


congrats to all with a loss, I am sorry I didn't add to that nuber this week, perhaps next week will be beter.


All for now.


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Well done to all those losing this week. We are doing great!!!!


I still haven't figured out how to copy and paste on my new PC.

If anyone else can put them in for me my stats are,


Name/loss this week/total loss/still to go


Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go


My weigh-in is on Thursday, so that is from last week. Hopefully it will be more this week. I am sticking carefully to my points and going to Curves 3 times a week. My home scales seem to have stuck at present so I will watching with baited breath at WW on Thursday.



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I believe this is the most recent list, Cinnamon I added you! Good luck at your WI. :)


RB Bonzo / 0.6 / 6.6/ 17 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.2 / 16 to go!

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

2n Dianne 3.0/3.0/15.0 lbs to go

Ppaxton 1.0 / 5.0 / 21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 0/4.0/20 to go!

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

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Name/Loss This Week/Total Lost in Challenge/LBS to Lose to get to 10%


RB Bonzo / 0.6 / 6.6/ 17 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.2 / 16 to go!

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

2n Dianne 3.0/3.0/15.0 lbs to go

Ppaxton 1.0 / 5.0 / 21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 0/4.0/20 to go!

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!


It's only 1 pound, but considering some things going on, I'll gladly take it!


Congrats on the pound lost!! Good going!!

:) Cherie

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Hi everyone!!


Its nice to see the lbs lost!!! Keep up that good work.. Im gonna do my best this next week. Im not gonna be here.. Im flying out of Orlando thurs morning for Indiana to see my brother and sister-in-law. Im gonna surprise them. They have no clue im gonna show up on their doorstep!! Its their 50th Wedding Anniversary!!!


Im gonna TRY to be as good as I CAN BEEEE!!!! My sister-in-law has a treadmill, and they live on a small hill, sooooooooooooooo Im taking my walking shoes with... maybe i can walk some....:)


Have a good weekend y'all, see you tues evening!!!


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Oooohhhhh Sheila!!! I feel your pain!!!!:eek: You would think the low fat and low calorie diet and all the running you do you would drop 5lbs a week! But remember, if you lose it fast you usually gain it back fast! So slow and steady.....I am trying to convince myself here:rolleyes: But any loss is good as long as it's gone forever! Hang in there girl:p



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Well i only lost 1/2 a pound when i weighed in today. better than a gain, but i am still dissapointed. my new stats 0.5/6.5/10.5. hopefully i will lose more next week.


Good going on the weight loss Sheila because any negative is a good one if it is gone permanently. I know those small loses are disappointing when you work so hard all week because I experience them myself but I just try to remember that all those 1/2lbs add up. You are doing so well and sticking to your plan and making those lifestyle changes which will help you reach your goal. Hang in there you are doing great!


:) Cherie

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Hi everyone!!


Its nice to see the lbs lost!!! Keep up that good work.. Im gonna do my best this next week. Im not gonna be here.. Im flying out of Orlando thurs morning for Indiana to see my brother and sister-in-law. Im gonna surprise them. They have no clue im gonna show up on their doorstep!! Its their 50th Wedding Anniversary!!!


Im gonna TRY to be as good as I CAN BEEEE!!!! My sister-in-law has a treadmill, and they live on a small hill, sooooooooooooooo Im taking my walking shoes with... maybe i can walk some....:)


Have a good weekend y'all, see you tues evening!!!



Diane~have a great time in Orlando!! See you when you return.

:) Cherie

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Cinnamon - You're welcome! Good luck at your WI!


Diane - Have a good time and try to keep exercising! That way, even if you go off a diet a little bit, you will probably stay near the same instead of a gain! :)


I will be weighing in again on Friday - I feel like I've had a good week, so we'll see where the pounds fall!


Sam73 - I've been having smaller losses lately as well, but any loss is a good one and will bring your closer to your goal. Good job!!!

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RB Bonzo / 0.6 / 6.6/ 17 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.2 / 16 to go!

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

2n Dianne 3.0/3.0/15.0 lbs to go

Ppaxton 1.0 / 5.0 / 21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 0/4.0/20 to go!

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6


Sorry I am so late in posting, but been having computer problems...or maybe it is user problems. :rolleyes: Could be either I guess... Hope everyone is having a good week. I have been a little "down in the dumps" this week, so I have been wanting to eat... I hate how that works....I feel encouraged after reading the posts here...Keep up the good work everyone....

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Swansonia~If you're last then I'm really late! Long as we get it here that's what counts. Hope you're feeling better, try to stay away from those comfort foods. BTW 3.0 is an awesome loss!!


Okay here we go;


RB Bonzo / 0.6 / 6.6/ 17 to go!

NMCruzzin / 1.0 / 9.0/ 14 to go! Monday 8/6

Annie 2.5/ 5.5 / 13 to go!

skertso / 1 / 2.2 / 16 to go!

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/ 15 to go!!

2n Dianne 3.0/3.0/15.0 lbs to go

Ppaxton 1.0 / 5.0 / 21 to go! Tuesday 8/7

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 15.4 to go! Tuesday 8/7

ebedore 0/4.0/20 to go!

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 0.4/1.4/15.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon/1.5/3.0/18 to go

swansonia 3/9/19 to go Monday 8/6

2n Dianne 0.6/3.6/14.4 Wednesday 8/8

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