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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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For sure, we had a really grand time.:) This was his 11th cruise and 3rd transatlantic. We are going again in October. Will fly to Venice, stay 4 days and then cruise home. This cruise is 17 days.


I am keeping my fingers crossed, the other cruises had such calm crossings. It is also our first transatlantic from Europe to the US and not the other way around.


We here in Ontario are under such heat and humidity........will be glad when it is over. I don't do humidity well or with "much grace.":(


How great...All the more reason for Ollie to get well soon!!!!!

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Cool picture, thats Blitz kryptonite he is cool with dogs, cats, even horses but ducks and all bets are off....


Something for you two to work on!!!! But, then again, how many times are any of us around ducks?


You'd sure have to stay away from some of the parks here in L.A. that are stocked with ducks. Of course, after a lot of visits Blitz wouldn't even be interested in them anymore!


Poor duckies!!!!!

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Going to take Cooler to the movies tomorow and then a return trip to the aquarium in two weeks. Bringing Mackey home tomorow evening. He'll get his first trip to the hospital for visits then. I can only imagine the "pupparazzi" when he shows up with his litte service dog vest. He'll be a tail wagging machine and get lot's of love. Want him to think going to the hospital is the best thing ever!!!! I have to double check his birthday, I think he is 13 weeks now. Can you picture a 13 week old golden retriever marching around the hospital. And I'll be right next to him with a ton of cleaning supplies!!!!

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Going to take Cooler to the movies tomorow and then a return trip to the aquarium in two weeks. Bringing Mackey home tomorow evening. He'll get his first trip to the hospital for visits then. I can only imagine the "pupparazzi" when he shows up with his litte service dog vest. He'll be a tail wagging machine and get lot's of love. Want him to think going to the hospital is the best thing ever!!!! I have to double check his birthday, I think he is 13 weeks now. Can you picture a 13 week old golden retriever marching around the hospital. And I'll be right next to him with a ton of cleaning supplies!!!!


Too cool; if I had the time I would love to do visits with Blitz. He is such a wonderful spirit lifter.


I felt so bad for him yesterday, he got soaked. We went to the store since the food supply at home was kinda low and my daughter told me she will be staying for two weeks. We left the house and it was dark and cloudy and raining north of us. Went into the store and Blitz made his rounds with me. Normally its OK to visit with his friends except yesterday it was real tough to walk. I don't have a clue whats going on with my right leg now; all I know is it makes walking unbearable now. My daughter wants me to go to the hospital er (either USAF or VA since I'm retired military) but I still refuse since I have a Rx Apt on Tuesday. We got through all the loving and shopping and while we paid for our items the bottom dropped out of the sky. This place is more expensive then Wal-Mart but its OK since they really do offer the small home town expirence. They asked if I needed help out to the car and normally I would say no but today I said yes. We headed out into the rain got to the car and poor Blitz looked like a drowned rat with huge teeth and huge feet. We got everything unloaded while Blitz was in the car; I got in the car and then Blitz did something so sweet. I sat in the car (its a feat since I am slow getting up or down) looked at my drowned rat who leaned over and started licking the rain water off my face. It was so cute and he is so calming, I tell ya I have such a connection with this pup.

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Hi, I haven't posted in forever. We were away for two months, then on a cruise to Spain, home in time to put the house up for sale and then Oz's accident.


He went to jump up on his chair and the mat slipped out from under him. He landed on his back and was paralazed in the back end. A racing trip into the emerg vet...he said it was a neurological injury. Spine so swollen the messages were not getting to the brain. He was given steroid shots, back to his vet the next day for another steroid shot and also the day after. Then on steroid pills for 10 day, followed by 10 days of non steroid anti-inflammatories. Those are finished on Sunday and we see the vet again Monday to talk about chiro plastics.


We have had to keep Oz on lead 24/7. But, he is much recovered with only what appears to be a slight weakness in the back right.


I think his accident took 10 yrs off my life. It was horrid watching him watching me and knowing he was in so much pain.


The only other option to the course of action we took was to take him to another city for spinal surgery with no promises of positive results and big risk.


So, I have been giving my little hearing ear partner major love, in addition to the usual love. He is the Best.



OMG what an awful thing! I'm so glad things worked out well. I can't imagine how scary that was.

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Wex had a busy weekend. Sat night we went to our puppy class and Wex had a ball! One of the puppy raisers worked him for the whole class and Wex did great. The guy calls him "a Cadillac" of dogs. He had a blast playing with the dogs at the end of class. There is one of the new puppies (3months old) that just loves Wex. Wex is so gentle with him and they play so nice together. Yesterday his puppy raisers were here from NJ. They came to the rehab to see us. They brought a seven month old pup they are raising. Again Wex had a blast. Boy did he need to get out some energy. Today we are going to CT to see mom and my son. I feel so guilty leaving John but this will prob be the only time I will be able to get home for a while. When John comes home Thursday I will not be able to leave him. Of course my son is thrilled he will get to see the dog. I'll be back tomorrow morning. John is doing good, today they will try him on some other foods. He is eating but still mostly pureed foods. Hopefully he will start eating better stuff before he gets home, cuz I'm not a pureed food cook. YUCK! Everyone have a great day. :D



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OK I need some help from yall. This is virgin territory for me since I am fairly new at this. OK I am a local manager fir a organization called SAV which provides dogs to Vets with PTSD. Well I have worked really hard to get this off the ground locally and this has gotten my name out locally being a expert on the proceedures of Servcie Animals.


So here is where I am asking for help, the VA approached me today while I was there for my appointments and asked if I could assist in getting a dog for a legally blind individual; but not in this area. I know many of you have mentioned CCI is there a point of contact or someone who I can speak with.





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OK I need some help from yall. This is virgin territory for me since I am fairly new at this. OK I am a local manager fir a organization called SAV which provides dogs to Vets with PTSD. Well I have worked really hard to get this off the ground locally and this has gotten my name out locally being a expert on the proceedures of Servcie Animals.


So here is where I am asking for help, the VA approached me today while I was there for my appointments and asked if I could assist in getting a dog for a legally blind individual; but not in this area. I know many of you have mentioned CCI is there a point of contact or someone who I can speak with.






Never mind found out CCI does not do Guide dogs

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Going to take Cooler to the movies tomorow and then a return trip to the aquarium in two weeks. Bringing Mackey home tomorow evening. He'll get his first trip to the hospital for visits then. I can only imagine the "pupparazzi" when he shows up with his litte service dog vest. He'll be a tail wagging machine and get lot's of love. Want him to think going to the hospital is the best thing ever!!!! I have to double check his birthday, I think he is 13 weeks now. Can you picture a 13 week old golden retriever marching around the hospital. And I'll be right next to him with a ton of cleaning supplies!!!!


So cute to picture a 13 week old pup ANYWHERE! But, in a hospital, what a sight. And, to see someone following close behind with litter bags and paper towels, even funnier!!! :p

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Wex had a busy weekend. Sat night we went to our puppy class and Wex had a ball! One of the puppy raisers worked him for the whole class and Wex did great. The guy calls him "a Cadillac" of dogs. He had a blast playing with the dogs at the end of class. There is one of the new puppies (3months old) that just loves Wex. Wex is so gentle with him and they play so nice together. Yesterday his puppy raisers were here from NJ. They came to the rehab to see us. They brought a seven month old pup they are raising. Again Wex had a blast. Boy did he need to get out some energy. Today we are going to CT to see mom and my son. I feel so guilty leaving John but this will prob be the only time I will be able to get home for a while. When John comes home Thursday I will not be able to leave him. Of course my son is thrilled he will get to see the dog. I'll be back tomorrow morning. John is doing good, today they will try him on some other foods. He is eating but still mostly pureed foods. Hopefully he will start eating better stuff before he gets home, cuz I'm not a pureed food cook. YUCK! Everyone have a great day. :D




Cindy, you're so lucky to have such a great connection with your puppraisers.


It sounds like John is coming along really well.....I hope he continues to get stronger and stronger. You're going to have your hands really full...I wish we lived closer, I'd be happy to help with something.


Please give John our very best wishes for a continued recovery.

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Never mind found out CCI does not do Guide dogs


Although CCI does not do Seeing Eye Dogs, they might be able to help you find an organization in your area [or in the area of the folks who need the assistance.] You can call 1.800.572.BARK and they may be able to help you.


Good luck, you're a great guy for being willing to help others.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I'm home this week. At my last physical exam my doctor found a heart irregularity and sent me to a Cardiologist [well, after more tests and more blood taken, then I care to mention], it was decided that I need to have a Cardioversion [electrodes hooked-up to my heart and my heart shocked into a more normal rhythm.]


I'm having this done on Thursday and am on blood thinners, Digoxin and Beta-Blockers. I feel like a zombie and find it easier to sit and do nothing rather than go to work.


Hopefully, after Thursday, I'll be a new woman and up and running like normal by next Monday.

Boy, when they talk about life changing on a dime......

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I'm home this week. At my last physical exam my doctor found a heart irregularity and sent me to a Cardiologist [well, after more tests and more blood taken, then I care to mention], it was decided that I need to have a Cardioversion [electrodes hooked-up to my heart and my heart shocked into a more normal rhythm.]


I'm having this done on Thursday and am on blood thinners, Digoxin and Beta-Blockers. I feel like a zombie and find it easier to sit and do nothing rather than go to work.


Hopefully, after Thursday, I'll be a new woman and up and running like normal by next Monday.


Boy, when they talk about life changing on a dime......


I feel your pain, I have been on rat poison (also known as comadin) since the mid 90's and even though I still had several blood clots and one pulmonary embolism. I actually could not feel the pulmonary embolism but I knew something was wrong. I was gasping for air and winded by doing simple things. Today I was at the VA for the better part or the day and when I leave I feel like I was rode hard and put up wet. I have had allot of problems with my right heel for almost two weeks so while I was at the VA they looked at it, I have Bone Spurs on my heel since I have been babying my left leg and the right leg is finally giving me warning signs and I was told to actually start using my cane more. Thank you for your kind words also, I really enjoy helping others and will continue to do so until I am unable to help any more.


I wish you luck for your Thursday results.



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I'm home this week. At my last physical exam my doctor found a heart irregularity and sent me to a Cardiologist [well, after more tests and more blood taken, then I care to mention], it was decided that I need to have a Cardioversion [electrodes hooked-up to my heart and my heart shocked into a more normal rhythm.]


I'm having this done on Thursday and am on blood thinners, Digoxin and Beta-Blockers. I feel like a zombie and find it easier to sit and do nothing rather than go to work.


Hopefully, after Thursday, I'll be a new woman and up and running like normal by next Monday.


Boy, when they talk about life changing on a dime......

so sorry to hear all this Roz. I hope you are feeling better soon. I know how hard it is when you are used to being the strong one and going going going to suddenly not feeling well. Keep us posted. I'll send you pictures later today. Should get some fun ones today.

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Cooler is going thru a phase. Forging like crazy. So our outing turned out to just a back to basics walk at heel. Made a lot of stops, turns and backs up, but finally she decided it would be much more fun to walk next to me.

Mackey is at my feet. Sleeping after getting me up at 430am. Oh well, part of puppy raising!

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Geez, I'm not online for a few days and I'm reading all kinds of things.


Roz, I hope that your test results/procedures turn out OK. Better to find issues and have them addressed before there are more problems.


Poor Oz too.


As for a guide dog, people from anywhere, from what I understand, can go to The Seeing Eye in Morristown NJ. That is where Ollie is from and in my husband's class, there were people from all over the country and Canada. There is also a group called Guiding Eyes for the Blind. I don't know much about them other than they are based in NY. There are a lot of puppy raisers for them in MD.


As for Harry Potter, I though the previous movie was much more violent and emotional than this one, even though it could have been much more so. My husband was annoyed that the end was not exactly the same as the book. It was a good movie and Ollie was a good boy during it.


Finally, my husband received a call from the surgeon today. All is good with Ollie! No indication that the cancer spread from the biopsy they took during surgery last week. He is definitely feeling better. Stitches come out on Thursday. And he is going to have a rude awakening when he goes back to his dried food next week. He is scarfing up the canned, easy to digest stuff they wanted him to eat.

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I feel your pain, I have been on rat poison (also known as comadin) since the mid 90's and even though I still had several blood clots and one pulmonary embolism. I actually could not feel the pulmonary embolism but I knew something was wrong. I was gasping for air and winded by doing simple things. Today I was at the VA for the better part or the day and when I leave I feel like I was rode hard and put up wet. I have had allot of problems with my right heel for almost two weeks so while I was at the VA they looked at it, I have Bone Spurs on my heel since I have been babying my left leg and the right leg is finally giving me warning signs and I was told to actually start using my cane more. Thank you for your kind words also, I really enjoy helping others and will continue to do so until I am unable to help any more.


I wish you luck for your Thursday results.




Jocko, thanks for the good wishes and I'm sorry that you're suffering so much.

Thank goodness you have a great family and Blitz to support you.

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so sorry to hear all this Roz. I hope you are feeling better soon. I know how hard it is when you are used to being the strong one and going going going to suddenly not feeling well. Keep us posted. I'll send you pictures later today. Should get some fun ones today.


Thank you. It's all pretty scary to me....but, I'm lucky to have Morey, my kids and Brenda right here with me.


Please send the pictures whenever you can. :)

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I'm home this week. At my last physical exam my doctor found a heart irregularity and sent me to a Cardiologist [well, after more tests and more blood taken, then I care to mention], it was decided that I need to have a Cardioversion [electrodes hooked-up to my heart and my heart shocked into a more normal rhythm.]


I'm having this done on Thursday and am on blood thinners, Digoxin and Beta-Blockers. I feel like a zombie and find it easier to sit and do nothing rather than go to work.


Hopefully, after Thursday, I'll be a new woman and up and running like normal by next Monday.


Boy, when they talk about life changing on a dime......


Darn you Roz, We didn't need another thing to worry about. Seriously, love ya and will be praying things go well. Please keep us informed. And I've been meaning to ask how your daughter is doing? Hope things have improved with her. John is doing well and looking forward to coming home Thursday. Even though I'm sure he will make it hell, I will be glad to have him home. :D



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I feel your pain, I have been on rat poison (also known as comadin) since the mid 90's and even though I still had several blood clots and one pulmonary embolism. I actually could not feel the pulmonary embolism but I knew something was wrong. I was gasping for air and winded by doing simple things. Today I was at the VA for the better part or the day and when I leave I feel like I was rode hard and put up wet. I have had allot of problems with my right heel for almost two weeks so while I was at the VA they looked at it, I have Bone Spurs on my heel since I have been babying my left leg and the right leg is finally giving me warning signs and I was told to actually start using my cane more. Thank you for your kind words also, I really enjoy helping others and will continue to do so until I am unable to help any more.


I wish you luck for your Thursday results.





OK that makes 3 sicknesses, we are done! I also hope things go well for you too. It sounds very painful!:eek:

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Geez, I'm not online for a few days and I'm reading all kinds of things.


Roz, I hope that your test results/procedures turn out OK. Better to find issues and have them addressed before there are more problems.


Poor Oz too.


As for a guide dog, people from anywhere, from what I understand, can go to The Seeing Eye in Morristown NJ. That is where Ollie is from and in my husband's class, there were people from all over the country and Canada. There is also a group called Guiding Eyes for the Blind. I don't know much about them other than they are based in NY. There are a lot of puppy raisers for them in MD.


As for Harry Potter, I though the previous movie was much more violent and emotional than this one, even though it could have been much more so. My husband was annoyed that the end was not exactly the same as the book. It was a good movie and Ollie was a good boy during it.


Finally, my husband received a call from the surgeon today. All is good with Ollie! No indication that the cancer spread from the biopsy they took during surgery last week. He is definitely feeling better. Stitches come out on Thursday. And he is going to have a rude awakening when he goes back to his dried food next week. He is scarfing up the canned, easy to digest stuff they wanted him to eat.



AWESOME CJ!!!!!! Just what we all wanted to hear!!! :D

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Darn you Roz, We didn't need another thing to worry about. Seriously, love ya and will be praying things go well. Please keep us informed. And I've been meaning to ask how your daughter is doing? Hope things have improved with her. John is doing well and looking forward to coming home Thursday. Even though I'm sure he will make it hell, I will be glad to have him home. :D




Cindy, I agree with you. Thanks for the good wishes and prayers.


My daughter came down from Eugene, Oregon with her whole family, my son [he lives in L.A.] came over with his family. There's people everywhere. My other daughter, in Livermore, is unable to come down because she's still suffering with CRPS and is unable to walk [thanks for asking about her.]


I've been so busy with the kids, I haven't had a chance to think about me. They'll all go with me to the hospital, on Thursday.


Poor Brenny, she's so exhausted from all the extra attention. Right now she's sleeping so hard, she's hardly breathing.


Everyone's gone home or back to their hotel for the evening and I can finally get a good night's sleep and some rest. I've been entertaining them for the past 3 days and they've been sleeping here. I love seeing them and I know they only mean well but it's all very tiring!


I'll let you all know how I'm doing on Friday.


Cindy, John is going to give you "hell", he's earned it and just seeing him in his own environment will be good for all of you......Please give him a big hug from Brenny and me!

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