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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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The more stories you tell, the more it sounds just like Bailee and Wex. I'm thrilled things are working out great, not that I had any doubts. ;) I hope you have the best puppy raisers, cuz you deserve it. But you know what we all really want??? MORE PICTURES!!!!!!!!! :D


Cindy, in between the two dogs, Morey, my family, the holidays - Oh! Yeh and my job.....I keep forgetting to take pictures of these dogs. They're so funny together.

This morning I was getting ready for work and I heard this commotion in the living room.....apparently, Horton had been chewing on one of Brenda's toys, had in his mouth, while he was laying with his feet in the air, on his back and she was trying to get the toy away from him by dragging all 72 pounds of him, on his back, with the toy squeaking away in his mouth. It's something you just had to see.......it was so hysterically funny! I knew if I didn't re-direct these two that I would soon be missing some knick-knacks or a t.v. or something!

Boy, has my life changed!!! :D

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Back from a long day of travel and killing time. Turns out Sandy is allergic to several different types of dust mites, american cockroaches and red mulberry. I asked if I got my air ducts cleaned and took out the carpet if that would help, and I got a rather humerous reply. As in...if it was only so easy... Next step allergy shots and hopefully a better season. Poor thing is lying next to Rich as mean mommy would not feed her this morning and then took her to that place where they gave her all those shots....Actually she never holds a grudge and seems just fine after the excitement.


Her flank is shaved and marked from the skin test, her foreleg shaved from the IV...Bet she get's extra love and attention from the family on christmas.


Oh! Sandy! Poor baby! I hope they get the right antigen's to cure her problems and that will be the end of it!!!!!! Allergy shots for dogs.......Wow! Amazing!

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Sunshine, Don't you just hate it when people make noises and snap their fingers at your dog? :mad: Are they that ignorant? Who does that to a working dog? Thats one thing that makes John crazy. I'm so glad Mackey didn't let them bother him. He is just adorable! :D


We hope this coming year will be better for your family. We are also looking forward to alittle calmer less eventful year.


I could just body slam people who try to get my dogs attention and then ask me if they can pet him......Drives me nuts. But, I know I have to stay "nice"......when I really don't want to!!!!!!

Horton doesn't distract as easily as Brenda used to.....I'm so glad.

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Roz the stories about Horton and Brenny are just so funny. I'm so glad that they are getting along so well. It seems Brenny is taking to retirement really well. Of course she does have a good pal to stay home with all day. I was wondering what you are going to do with Brenda when you take your next cruise. It's a shame that you can't take them both, then again the rooms are pretty small.:eek:


I also hate it when people try to get Valentine's attention. People are so stupid sometimes. I have often wondered if they do that to dogs that work for the blind as that would be even more dangerous! I have to laugh Miss Valentine has a way of looking at people then gives them the don't talk to me look and turns her head. She was taught to ignor early in her career and I think she takes it to extreem. Such a snob. LOL


In case I don't get back on before that holidays I wish everyone the best for they holidays and the very very best for our fur babies.

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Roz the stories about Horton and Brenny are just so funny. I'm so glad that they are getting along so well. It seems Brenny is taking to retirement really well. Of course she does have a good pal to stay home with all day. I was wondering what you are going to do with Brenda when you take your next cruise. It's a shame that you can't take them both' date=' then again the rooms are pretty small.:eek:


I also hate it when people try to get Valentine's attention. People are so stupid sometimes. I have often wondered if they do that to dogs that work for the blind as that would be even more dangerous! I have to laugh Miss Valentine has a way of looking at people then gives them the don't talk to me look and turns her head. She was taught to ignor early in her career and I think she takes it to extreem. Such a snob. LOL


In case I don't get back on before that holidays I wish everyone the best for they holidays and the very very best for our fur babies.[/quote']


The very best to you and yours.

I swear these two black Labs are a comedy team.......Horton is all legs and ears and Brenda is all fur and love.

I give them both a Virbac Enzymatic chew after breakfast [these are great for clean teeth & gums.] I ask that they both sit and they MUST look at me and give me a "high-five!" Brenda is always first; she's calm, gentle and takes the chew with ease into her mouth. Horton is a raving, maniac; he sits very straight, like a soldier, stares at Brenda as she does what's asked and then he starts giving "high-fives" until it's looking like he's actually waving at me and, when his paw connects with my hand it's like a hammer! He grabs the chew from me [i start counting my fingers] and he heads for the living room, to make it to his bed before anybody else [brenda could care less about his bed, she likes the couch or the floor and he's been here long enough to know that!] Never-the-less, he high-tails it to the dog bed like his butt was on fire!!!!!

This beginning to every day is so wonderful and filled with so much delight, I can't help but start it with a smile on my face......even when I'm tired and just want to go back to bed, these two dogs fill my soul with happiness!!!!

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Everything here is good Cindy. Just trying to wrap everything up at work because I will be off all next week. Did you hear Fergunson got released

last week? That's one pup I thought would have graduated.


I don't know Fergunson but I imagine it must be very hard on Puppyraiser's when the dog that they've brought into their home as a very little puppy and worked daily with, hoping that one day this little creature will turn into a Service Partner, helping someone in need, only to see that it will become a pet.

It must be very sad for the family who gets so involved with working with the dog. Or, maybe they're thrilled that they can have the choice of keeping the released dog for themselves. I don't know but I've always been curious about this.

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I thought I had heard something about friends of yours wanting Fergi. I'm glad it all worked out. He is a great dog. Right now Danielle has Buffy and Buffy's raisers have Pascal. We will be watching Pascal for about four days next month when Buffy's raisers have to go out of town for a few days. That will be four dogs for us. :eek: But it's for good people and a good cause.


Oh! My! Gosh! I couldn't imagine 4 dogs........Good Luck!

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Here's our Horty in his tux that Auntie Cindy got for him. I threw in one of Wex so we can see the two together.


Cindy, thank you so much for posting the pictures of my boy. He definitely looks either scared to death or he's hating every minute of it......Wexy looks absolutely adorable and so happy to be in his tux.


I love the pictures...

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Those pictures are so cute. Wex looks so happy to be dressed up but I can't decide if Horton is trying to look sophicated or does not like the tuxedo. LOl:D


Wexy looks so happy and cute. Horty looks like he's saying' date=' "get this thing off of me!" [/b']


If he smiled liked Wexy we could see how much they look alike!!!!!

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I hope everyone had a great holiday, I have been way under the weather for a few weeks now. Its gotten bad not going anywhere and when I finally did Blitz was so excited it was embarrassing. My main issue right now is the VA care system and I have lodged a formal complaints and told by the Patient Advocate that he can't be held responsible for the actions of Docs. My main issue is I also have heel spurs in both legs and I finally lost it since its been a few months and the VA has canceled my appointments again. Well the reason for the canceling is now I don't have bone or heel spurs. I went to the ER at Keesler AFB and kinda made up a story and my condition to see if they come back with heel spurs; which they did. Moderate planier bone spurs with inflamed tissue all around the area since it has yet to be properly addressed. I went back the next day and my doc refused to talk with me and he went on vacation and forgot to also write up my prescriptions. With VA no other docs will write up prescriptions even if your doc has forgotten; so I have been a few days without my pain meds. I pray the detox or withdraws are finished now. Wow what a feeling of totally coming apart. I will be heading back on Tuesday to speak with the Director of the facility since the Patient Advocate and my Doc refuse to even look at the records to prove I do have the heel spurs; add on top of that the knee issues, DVT, and the vascular open soars I have a few issues. Yeah I'm upset, going to set up Tricare on Tuesday so I can have a local doc and get out of the VA system.


Sorry venting



Hope everyone had a enjoyable Holiday, considering my issues I did since my daughter stopped by and we exchanged gifts and chatted for a while.


Peace and Happiness in this Holiday Season to all my friends here....

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Guitarest, I am so sorry you are having problems with your VA care. That is BS that no one else can give you a prescription when your primary care doc forgot. It's in your records! :mad: It's good that your are going to talk to the Director. Go to his office and sit there until he talks to you. I suggest you also write your congressman. Tell him/her the problems you are having getting the proper treatment. Send a cc to the Director so he knows you are serious. Good luck!

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I hope everyone had a great holiday, I have been way under the weather for a few weeks now. Its gotten bad not going anywhere and when I finally did Blitz was so excited it was embarrassing. My main issue right now is the VA care system and I have lodged a formal complaints and told by the Patient Advocate that he can't be held responsible for the actions of Docs. My main issue is I also have heel spurs in both legs and I finally lost it since its been a few months and the VA has canceled my appointments again. Well the reason for the canceling is now I don't have bone or heel spurs. I went to the ER at Keesler AFB and kinda made up a story and my condition to see if they come back with heel spurs; which they did. Moderate planier bone spurs with inflamed tissue all around the area since it has yet to be properly addressed. I went back the next day and my doc refused to talk with me and he went on vacation and forgot to also write up my prescriptions. With VA no other docs will write up prescriptions even if your doc has forgotten; so I have been a few days without my pain meds. I pray the detox or withdraws are finished now. Wow what a feeling of totally coming apart. I will be heading back on Tuesday to speak with the Director of the facility since the Patient Advocate and my Doc refuse to even look at the records to prove I do have the heel spurs; add on top of that the knee issues, DVT, and the vascular open soars I have a few issues. Yeah I'm upset, going to set up Tricare on Tuesday so I can have a local doc and get out of the VA system.


Sorry venting



Hope everyone had a enjoyable Holiday, considering my issues I did since my daughter stopped by and we exchanged gifts and chatted for a while.


Peace and Happiness in this Holiday Season to all my friends here....


Sorry you're having so many issues with your health care. You deserve to be treated better. I hope you can stay strong and fight for your rights. It seems we all have to do that in one way or another in some area of our lives.


Maybe your children can help you with the "system" fighting.

I want to wish you the very best of luck with all of it and I do hope that your New Year is filled with better health and I hope that smiling comes easier to you.

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This is why I love posting here and reading your comments here; yall get me. Everyone here has a connection with someone who has a disability and as much as I hate to admit it, I am disabled also.


Thank you both, well today wasn't near as bad with the withdraws; yet the pain levels did impact my simple ability to walk around. I am calling the VA this morning to schedule a meeting with the director. So far I have followed my chain of command and hopefully they will at the very least listen to me.

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I hope everyone had a great holiday, I have been way under the weather for a few weeks now. Its gotten bad not going anywhere and when I finally did Blitz was so excited it was embarrassing. My main issue right now is the VA care system and I have lodged a formal complaints and told by the Patient Advocate that he can't be held responsible for the actions of Docs. My main issue is I also have heel spurs in both legs and I finally lost it since its been a few months and the VA has canceled my appointments again. Well the reason for the canceling is now I don't have bone or heel spurs. I went to the ER at Keesler AFB and kinda made up a story and my condition to see if they come back with heel spurs; which they did. Moderate planier bone spurs with inflamed tissue all around the area since it has yet to be properly addressed. I went back the next day and my doc refused to talk with me and he went on vacation and forgot to also write up my prescriptions. With VA no other docs will write up prescriptions even if your doc has forgotten; so I have been a few days without my pain meds. I pray the detox or withdraws are finished now. Wow what a feeling of totally coming apart. I will be heading back on Tuesday to speak with the Director of the facility since the Patient Advocate and my Doc refuse to even look at the records to prove I do have the heel spurs; add on top of that the knee issues, DVT, and the vascular open soars I have a few issues. Yeah I'm upset, going to set up Tricare on Tuesday so I can have a local doc and get out of the VA system.


Sorry venting



Hope everyone had a enjoyable Holiday, considering my issues I did since my daughter stopped by and we exchanged gifts and chatted for a while.


Peace and Happiness in this Holiday Season to all my friends here....



Guitarest, I was wondering where you were. Sorry to hear you have been under the weather. It burns me that our military men and women cannot get care that they need, yet we can spend billions of dollars to send some satellite to mars!!! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Don't get me started. :mad: I hope you can get somewhere with the director, otherwise us women will have to come down there and kick some VA a$$. :D

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I hope everyone had a good Holiday. John and I go to seperate places for the day. It's kinda wierd but it works out for us. Friday they came to make some changes to Johns wheelchair. New backrest, footrest and new castor wheels in the front. Well the new castors have shocks in them to give a smoother ride (Johns feet bounced off the footrest when wheeling), well the shocks made the front higher up and John felt like he was going to tip over. So the guy took them off and put old ones back on. 2 hours later one of them broke, the guy told me they were shot. So John had to get back in his old manual chair. :eek: Well he found out how out of shape he is and ended up hurting his shoulder. UGH! Besides he has a cold from the little rugrats. The cruise is in 2 weeks so let the crap begin! :D For some miracle, my son is ready to go. Mainly cuz I made him get all his clothes to my moms so I could wash them. All he has to do is put everything in his bag. Of course there is still tons for me to do. But things usually run smoothly as long as no men interfere! :D

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This is why I love posting here and reading your comments here; yall get me. Everyone here has a connection with someone who has a disability and as much as I hate to admit it, I am disabled also.


Thank you both, well today wasn't near as bad with the withdraws; yet the pain levels did impact my simple ability to walk around. I am calling the VA this morning to schedule a meeting with the director. So far I have followed my chain of command and hopefully they will at the very least listen to me.


Take your pain to another place......[inside your head]...give it to an enemy; douse it with fire retardant; throw it off a bridge - whatever you do don't let it consume you. "It" doesn't own you! I've been known to let my pain change my mood......I hate that!!!!!! Go hide somewhere and have a really good cry [i mean really good, where you can't catch your breath, your eyes look like watermelons and your nose has run all over your face].......then, come out and start living!!!! Those are the "Roz Cries".......they're so amazingly refreshing and soul building!


Don't make me come over there to slap you around! :eek:

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Guitarest, I was wondering where you were. Sorry to hear you have been under the weather. It burns me that our military men and women cannot get care that they need, yet we can spend billions of dollars to send some satellite to mars!!! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Don't get me started. :mad: I hope you can get somewhere with the director, otherwise us women will have to come down there and kick some VA a$$. :D


You got that right!!!!! :mad:

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I hope everyone had a good Holiday. John and I go to seperate places for the day. It's kinda wierd but it works out for us. Friday they came to make some changes to Johns wheelchair. New backrest, footrest and new castor wheels in the front. Well the new castors have shocks in them to give a smoother ride (Johns feet bounced off the footrest when wheeling), well the shocks made the front higher up and John felt like he was going to tip over. So the guy took them off and put old ones back on. 2 hours later one of them broke, the guy told me they were shot. So John had to get back in his old manual chair. :eek: Well he found out how out of shape he is and ended up hurting his shoulder. UGH! Besides he has a cold from the little rugrats. The cruise is in 2 weeks so let the crap begin! :D For some miracle, my son is ready to go. Mainly cuz I made him get all his clothes to my moms so I could wash them. All he has to do is put everything in his bag. Of course there is still tons for me to do. But things usually run smoothly as long as no men interfere! :D


2 Weeks, yippee! I wish I was going with you.

I never realized all that's involved with wheelchairs and keeping them in order for their users. Morey has a manual one that we keep in the back of the car for the occasions when he can't take "one-more-step!"

I imagine if a chair is getting used every minute of every day, it would require maintenance to keep it going! Especially if it were electric.

You are such a good mom. Or, should I say; you know when to take the path of least resistance and just "go with the flow!"

Cindy, if anyone is going to handle the "crap that will begin" it's going to be you! Good luck!

I finally decided that Horton is a big baby......that's why he has to bark at the folks outside our door or hackle every time he hears a car drive by or run for his bed with his chewy in his mouth [before Brenda sees him], he's such a "boy!" Such a baby!!!! I love him to death......but, boy is he different than Brenny. Viva-la-difference!!!!! :)

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WARNING: The Immigration Officials in Mexico are really clamping down on Service Dogs onboard Cruiseships. Personally, I think it's a good thing. It's going to finally get rid of the moron's who are bringing their pets with them and it will keep the true Service Dog ligitimate.

After arriving in your first Mexican Port, you will receive a phone call, in your cabin, at about 7:30am from the Purser or the Hotel Manager asking you to meet them, with your dog and all paperwork in one of the lounges or restaurants. No one will be allowed to disembark until your dog has been examined. An Immigration Officer will do a cursary inspection of your dog. He will check his eyes/nose/fur/paws and will ask you questions such as, "have you been around any livestock or poultry while in Mexico?" [no one's been allowed to leave the ship yet.....how could you?] Is your dog on Heartguard and Advantix? Where will you be visiting while in Mexico?

1. Have ALL your dogs paperwork, along with your Passport. Make sure your dog is free of parasites and that your dog has no skin rashes, check your dogs paws before you leave your room making sure that they're clean.

2. The authorities will confiscate your dog and put him in quarantine if there is any suspicious rashes or parasites found, or if your Vets paperwork is not filled out completely [the 3 year rabies vaccine is okay and should not have or will not expire while you're onboard.] If there is a problem, they make take your dog and you will have to come back and pay a large sum to retrieve him. Your dog will be placed in quarantine.

3. When asked if you will be visiting any ranch's/livestock or poultry while in their country ALWAYS SAY NO!!!!! And, PLEASE, DO NOT take your dog to any ranch's, farms or poultry farms, etc. And, the beach's in Mexico are swarming with fleas..........Your dog doesn't need to go on the sand either. Also, the city streets can have strays on them, be careful and aware all the time.

My suggestion: Keep him/her on the ship where it's clean and safe or have someone with you while you're out and about who can look out for the strays for you.

We travel to Mexico quite often with my Service Dog. I'm very careful where I go and I NEVER take risks by going where I'm not sure of my environment. I never took Brenda on the beach's in Mexico nor will I ever take Horton.

I like watching the Sea Lions, in Ensenada, from the ship's point of view, while Brenda is standing beside me getting the same amazing view. Without the worry of any strays or problems with flies/fleas or strays. ;)

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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WARNING: The Immigration Officials in Mexico are really clamping down on Service Dogs onboard Cruiseships. Personally, I think it's a good thing. It's going to finally get rid of the moron's who are bringing their pets with them and it will keep the true Service Dog ligitimate.


After arriving in your first Mexican Port, you will receive a phone call, in your cabin, at about 7:30am from the Purser or the Hotel Manager asking you to meet them, with your dog and all paperwork in one of the lounges or restaurants. No one will be allowed to disembark until your dog has been examined. An Immigration Officer will do a cursary inspection of your dog. He will check his eyes/nose/fur/paws and will ask you questions such as, "have you been around any livestock or poultry while in Mexico?" [no one's been allowed to leave the ship yet.....how could you?] Is your dog on Heartguard and Advantix? Where will you be visiting while in Mexico?


1. Have ALL your dogs paperwork, along with your Passport. Make sure your dog is free of parasites and that your dog has no skin rashes, check your dogs paws before you leave your room making sure that they're clean.

2. The authorities will confiscate your dog and put him in quarantine if there is any suspicious rashes or parasites found, or if your Vets paperwork is not filled out completely [the 3 year rabies vaccine is okay and should not have or will not expire while you're onboard.] If there is a problem, they make take your dog and you will have to come back and pay a large sum to retrieve him. Your dog will be placed in quarantine.

3. When asked if you will be visiting any ranch's/livestock or poultry while in their country ALWAYS SAY NO!!!!! And, PLEASE, DO NOT take your dog to any ranch's, farms or poultry farms, etc. And, the beach's in Mexico are swarming with fleas..........Your dog doesn't need to go on the sand either. Also, the city streets can have strays on them, be careful and aware all the time.


My suggestion: Keep him/her on the ship where it's clean and safe or have someone with you while you're out and about who can look out for the strays for you.


We travel to Mexico quite often with my Service Dog. I'm very careful where I go and I NEVER take risks by going where I'm not sure of my environment. I never took Brenda on the beach's in Mexico nor will I ever take Horton.


I like watching the Sea Lions, in Ensenada, from the ship's point of view, while Brenda is standing beside me getting the same amazing view. Without the worry of any strays or problems with flies/fleas or strays. ;)


Geeshhhh Roz, youre scaring me. We only get off at the port where the shops are and roam around for an hour or so. We would never take Wex to the beach in a strange country. I could understand that they could tell you that you couldn't get off, but can they take yopur dog off the ship? They would have to kill me before they would take the dog! :mad: I love when they call you down at 7:30 to see the dog. John isn't even out of bed yet. I guess they don't know what it's like to be handicapped. He doesn't just jump out of bed and throw some clothes on. Last time I took the dog down and explained the situation. There's a whole lotta stuff that happens before John leaves the room and it takes a couple hours. None of us really care if we get off, we are content to just enjoy the ship.

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Geeshhhh Roz, youre scaring me. We only get off at the port where the shops are and roam around for an hour or so. We would never take Wex to the beach in a strange country. I could understand that they could tell you that you couldn't get off, but can they take yopur dog off the ship? They would have to kill me before they would take the dog! :mad: I love when they call you down at 7:30 to see the dog. John isn't even out of bed yet. I guess they don't know what it's like to be handicapped. He doesn't just jump out of bed and throw some clothes on. Last time I took the dog down and explained the situation. There's a whole lotta stuff that happens before John leaves the room and it takes a couple hours. None of us really care if we get off, we are content to just enjoy the ship.


The phone call that came into the room at 7:30am caught me by surprise but certainly not Sunshine. She was up, perky and cute and ready to go. Me, I was dragging my weary self up to the restaurant, looking like something the cat dragged in! Brenda; she was shiny coated, clean pawed and ready with a tail wag!

The Mexican [or any other Immigration official, for that matter] authorities do not want your dog......but, if your dog presented with a skin rash that looked like it was oozing liquid and was contagious and had flea bites and ticks and had crusted dirt between its toes......I can promise you they would confiscate your dog!!!!! And, if the rabies vaccine was outdated; bye, bye doggie!!!!!

I feel the same way you do......."keep your hands off my dog and everything will be fine!" By the same token, I follow every warning and directive given for my dog so I know I'm standing in good stead when I present my him/her to any person in authority.

You, of all people do not have to worry about having a problem with Wexy. He's the example of everything you do right to cruise with a Service Dog. :)

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