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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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OK Folks...

I'm back from Ocho's matriculation. He's now a college boy. What an emotional day Friday was. But veteran puppy raisers tell you that you did a good job and raised a confident pup if when they lead him away, he doesn't look back. Ocho did not look back. Now we wait for the progress reports we will get on the last Wednesday of every month. Here is a picture of Ocho in his matriculation cape. We put in for another pup to raise. Hopefully we will get him at the end of December or early January.

[IMG]http://i689.photobucket.com/albums/vv260/Disneykidsdad/OchoMatriculation.jpg[/IMG] Edited by DisneyKidsDad
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[quote name='DisneyKidsDad']OK Folks...

I'm back from Ocho's matriculation. He's now a college boy. What an emotional day Friday was. But veteran puppy raisers tell you that you did a good job and raised a confident pup if when they lead him away, he doesn't look back. Ocho did not look back. Now we wait for the progress reports we will get on the last Wednesday of every month. Here is a picture of Ocho in his matriculation cape. We put in for another pup to raise. Hopefully we will get him at the end of December or early January.


What a fabulous photo of Ocho - I'm going to own up now it made me cry - for all the right reasons!

DKD you've done a brilliant job! What a handsome chap he is - he just looks so confident and so ready for his next challenge. Fabulous! :D. Great stuff DKD. Our mutual friend sends his best wishes too! :)
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Mornin' all:
Quam: Nice to see you! Glad you are feeling better and looking forward to feeling good, then great! Hope the new doctor can help you along the way.

DKD: OMD, definately tears. What a handsome boy he is. Reminds me of my Reno Boy. Glad he passed with flying colors. Like we doubted it. At least you will get weekly pupdates and then a new little one, how exciting that must be. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[quote name='S.S. Cruisers'][SIZE=3][COLOR=seagreen]Mornin' all:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=seagreen]Quam: Nice to see you! Glad you are feeling better and looking forward to feeling good, then great! Hope the new doctor can help you along the way.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][COLOR=seagreen]DKD: OMD, definately tears. What a handsome boy he is. Reminds me of my Reno Boy. [U][COLOR=red]Glad he passed with flying colors.[/COLOR][/U] Like we doubted it. At least you will get weekly pupdates and then a new little one, how exciting that must be. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=blue]He hasn't passed Quam. He just now started advanced training. He can "wash out" at any time now for a multitude of reasons. Some can be health reasons and some can be trainability reasons. It's a waiting game now. :)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[SIZE="3"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Sorry, I thought he was all ready, now it dawns on my pea brain that you guys get them ready for their training class. Duh, thus puppy raisers. I am really not this dense, just have so much on my mind and it is going in 15 different directions. So, good luck to Ocho, you have had the best puppy training you could get! [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[quote name='fairbourne']Oh yes, we've had our share of duvet cat puke as well! :eek:[/quote]

Thank you----I had a cat puke on my RUG this morning. :p
Hope everyone has a great day. Happy Veterans Day.
Off to my painting get together but just talking for me----I don't feel like painting today.

What a great picture of Ocho.----The tears rolled here too.

Hello to all of you, don't want to forget anyone.
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[quote name='Insuregal']

[B][COLOR=red]Roz, will you be able to take both Brenda and Horton with you for the holidays? Do you drive there so you can load both furry kids and "head out on the highway lookin' for adventure"? [/COLOR][COLOR=indigo]Yes, I'm taking both my darlings with me. I'll be staying in a pet friendly hotel in Redding CA for one night and then I'll continue the drive into Oregon. It'll be tough but I think Brenda will enjoy the trip with Horty and me. It'll be hard to put her ramp in and out of the car myself.....but, she's so worth it.[/COLOR][/B]

Thank you everybody for all the cyber hugs! They are very much appreciated. Cyber hugs back to all of you! Beckie[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Beckie, I'm keeping positive thoughts for you. and Cyber Hugs feel so good, don't they? :)[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I've been so lucky with both my dogs. They've stayed on the food that CCI gave them; Eukanuba, although Brenda has now switched to a Senior variety. She's thriving on it and Horty seems to be doing good. I'll keep my fingers crossed.[/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='rangeley']
Roz, You will have a great Holiday with your family. I know it will be hard without Morey but you will be fine. Love ya girl!

We will be going to Johns sisters for the Holiday. Lee is not getting along with his father so he might be coming with us. Hopefully they will resolve things but you never know.

Next week my cousins from various states will be coming down to have lunch with my mom and aunt. They try to do this every year. There was 6 brothers and sisters and my mom and aunt are the only two left. It's nice to see them all for a few hours.[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Thanks, Cindy. You have a wonderful plan with your family. Enjoy each other.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]We're having a genuine heatwave here in L.A. It's going to be 90 degrees this week. I hope it stay warm for next week's travels.[/B][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#4b0082]Where my daughter lives, in the mountains of Eugene, it can snow and get might cold!!!!! :cool:[/COLOR][/B]
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[quote name='SemperPup']howdy all!

thanks [roz] for inquiring after my & rex's well-being. yup, all six feet/paws are squarely back on the ground--and going along to get along, doin' the best i/we can--like most all of us do.

this forum is great, but it's evolved beyond just "cruising with a service dog" ... it's like a small town, and the honorable 'roz' in the mayor! although there is a ton of good knowledge embedded in the years of conversation--finding the info is kinda like lookin for a needle in a haystack--or maybe 'a diamond in the rough is better descriptor.

information like: a couple months ago, [COLOR=red][B]when roz was faced with the 'challenge' of an awkward 'box placement' on star princess.[/B][/COLOR]
anyhow--seems like princess has the best 'loyalty' program, far as i can see. i know this may not be the right 'place' for a question about loyalty programs, but there is a lot of knowledge about cruising on this forum, so i may as well ask:

does carnival (princess, hall, et al) have any sort of 'equivalence' like rccl does?

also, when i 'sailed' solo and pay double for the 'honor' ... i got two points for the loyalty program.

[COLOR=indigo][B]I'm the "Founding Mother" but if you want to call me "Your Honor", that's fine! ;)[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I get what you're saying about having to thumb through a lot of pages to get your answer.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]My suggestion: Just ask the question again. What I did when Princess gave me a hard time onboard the Star is what I always reiterate to all of you: STAND YOUR GROUND AND INSIST! That doesn't mean you have to be rude or unpleasant.......Just INSIST! They moved the potty box but did remove it too soon on debarkation day. [/B][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#4b0082]I suggest that you remind the Purser's Desk before the end of your cruise that you want the Pottybox to remain in place until you leave the ship, for your dogs comfort. What if there were an emergency and everyone had to stay onboard longer, what is your dog supposed to do?[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I prefer Princess and their Loyalty Program is one of the best. I don't think they "share"; such as if you cruise Princess a lot will your credits be able to be transferred from Princess to Carnival or vice/versa. Maybe someone else can answer that.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]Also, if you book as a solo on Princess you do get credit towards to 2 cruises and get bumped into a higher rewards category faster.[/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='MCDW']Misty and I have been together a little over 24 hours. She is very obedient, walks on my left side.............even when I forget and put her on my right side, she scoots behind me and comes up on my left side. The trainers worked with her on the left side.

I was told to leave her in her crate for 30 minutes and she was fine. She entertained herself with her bone.

A habit she has is licking my face....I am trying to break her of the habit, by putting two fingers across my mouth and saying No. She appeared to be catching on early this evening. I will keep working on it with her favourite reward for not licking.

She is on Pro-Plan.......you know, the one with dried beef and some type of kibble....funny, she eats the dried beef and walks away from the other stuff.

I took her into the long hallway to do obedience work and when we were finished I threw a ball.......she can play ball. She ran and got it and brought it back 4 times. But, then I got Busted. Apparently, we are not suppose to be playing with our dogs yet. Hey, I am deaf and must have missed that part of the lesson..........that's my story and I am sticking to it.:p

My good friend emails me every day with darling Oz updates. He is doing fine she says. Apparently, he puts himself to be at 10pm. It's so odd, because he never went to bed until I did. I can hardly wait to see him, I miss him so much. Oz is a cuddler, Misty not so much........but maybe that will come along.

I forgot how tiring training is, so will end this now and hit the hay....Colleen[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Wonderful news. Sounds like you and Misty are on the right track. She'll become more "cuddly", as soon as she learns that that's what you like to do.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I'm so glad that Oz is doing well. I'm sure you're missing him. Soon Misty will fill that void for you.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]Isn't training a workout!!!!! Eat well and get lots of rest when you can. I can't wait to hear more about it all.[/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Quampapetet']Just checking in! So mad to hear that one of our members has to retire their dog in another home! I could never do that, it would hurt too much! :(

I'm glad so many of you are cruising (just had one or are planning one)! And that Roz did hers! I don't have any cruises planned, just land/air trips. I did a quick NYC business trip last month for a conference and my service dog and I enjoyed it. She especially loved all the people-watching the city allows for, as she loves doing that. :)

We've downsized for now into an apartment that allows pets, so I bought a Porch Potty for our patio deck for her to potty on not only due to the idiot lady who lets her dog off-leash in the parking lot/front of building/sidewalk (and no apology when her dog came right up to mine and bothered her) but due to my disabilities. It is very small for my dog at 2' x 4', but it works. I bought a better brand of faux grass for it for better drainage, though. Thankfully, since she was used to her faux grass potty I use on cruises, I didn't need to train her for this potty.

I am doing okay health-wise, better than where I was a year ago, but am getting a new doc soon because my other one wasn't great.

I cannot believe it is almost Thanksgiving already!! Happy holidays to everyone! :)[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Quam, it's good to hear from you. I'm glad you're hanging in there. As we all are![/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]Doesn't it stink that Colleen's Org. made her re-home her retiring dog. I think she's made a good plan and I'm sure she'll see him and visit as much as she can.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]It sounds like your faux grass is working good for you. I love the stuff. Although Horton is using Doggie And The City,a business that provides a 5x5 box with sod, which is changed every two weeks [by them.]. They provide everything and Horton is so happy. I don't have to subject him traffic, other dogs issues, etc. I'm so thrilled I found them.[/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='DisneyKidsDad']OK Folks...

I'm back from Ocho's matriculation. He's now a college boy. What an emotional day Friday was. But veteran puppy raisers tell you that you did a good job and raised a confident pup if when they lead him away, he doesn't look back. Ocho did not look back. Now we wait for the progress reports we will get on the last Wednesday of every month. Here is a picture of Ocho in his matriculation cape. We put in for another pup to raise. Hopefully we will get him at the end of December or early January.


[COLOR=indigo][B]Oh! My! Big tears for this handsome boy! It's a long process and I know you'll let us all know how he's doing.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]You must be missing this boy so much and I don't blame you one bit. Good job, my friend![/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='trudle']Thank you----I had a cat puke on my RUG this morning. :p
Hope everyone has a great day. Happy Veterans Day.
Off to my painting get together but just talking for me----I don't feel like painting today.

What a great picture of Ocho.----The tears rolled here too.

Hello to all of you, don't want to forget anyone.[/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]I adore my dogs, you all know that......But, Dog poop and puke is such a deal breaker for me, when I'm starting my day! I lose, what is a charming personality so quickly!!!![/B][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#4b0082]Feel well dear lady.[/COLOR][/B]
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=indigo][B]Thanks, Cindy. You have a wonderful plan with your family. Enjoy each other.[/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=indigo][B]We're having a genuine heatwave here in L.A. It's going to be 90 degrees this week. I hope it stay warm for next week's travels.[/B][/COLOR]

[B][COLOR=#4b0082]Where my daughter lives, in the mountains of Eugene, it can snow and get might cold!!!!! :cool:[/COLOR][/B][/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]OMG! When you try to type before the staff meeting at work, this is what happens. I'm sorry for the typo's but you know what I meant, right?[/B][/COLOR]
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=indigo][B]OMG! When you try to type before the staff meeting at work, this is what happens. I'm sorry for the typo's but you know what I meant, right?[/B][/COLOR][/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=blue]Better call your IT guy in. Looks like there might be a short between the keyboard and the floor. :D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[quote name='DisneyKidsDad'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=blue]Better call your IT guy in. Looks like there might be a short between the keyboard and the floor. :D[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Honeychild, if you saw how tall I was, you'd realize that there's nothing "short" between my keyboard and the floor!!!!![/B][/COLOR] :p
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[quote name='trudle']Thank you----I had a cat puke on my RUG this morning. :p
Hope everyone has a great day. Happy Veterans Day.
Off to my painting get together but just talking for me----I don't feel like painting today.

What a great picture of Ocho.----The tears rolled here too.

Hello to all of you, don't want to forget anyone.[/QUOTE]

Just what you need first thing in the morning! :eek: well, I found some under the bed, you know when you can smell it, but just can't work out where the smell is coming from .... And after checking all the bottoms, (long haired cats! I know too much information!), there it was, proud in a pile, and all around looking totally innocent! At least the dogs, try and clean up! Well there's no point in good food going to waste, now is there? In the mind of a Labrador anyway! Yuck!

I do hope you're not reading this over your morning coffee!

Trudy - you told us you were going for a scan, I do hope it went well for you. :) hugs to you:)
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=indigo][B]Honeychild, if you saw how tall I was, you'd realize that there's nothing "short" between my keyboard and the floor!!!!![/B][/COLOR] :p[/QUOTE]

My Lady Mayoress Roz - you know Semper pup referred to us as a town. Thank goodness he didn't tell us we are a village - cos you know what every village has!!! :p:D.
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[quote name='wizard-of-roz'][COLOR=indigo][B]Honeychild, if you saw how tall I was, you'd realize that there's nothing "short" between my keyboard and the floor!!!!![/B][/COLOR] :p[/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=4][COLOR=blue]So you mean that if we ever met, you would be the first woman, ever, that I would see "eye to eye" with? :eek:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Just what you need first thing in the morning! :eek: well, I found some under the bed, you know when you can smell it, but just can't work out where the smell is coming from .... And after checking all the bottoms, (long haired cats! I know too much information!), there it was, proud in a pile, and all around looking totally innocent! At least the dogs, try and clean up! Well there's no point in good food going to waste, now is there? In the mind of a Labrador anyway! Yuck!


I do hope you're not reading this over your morning coffee!


Trudy - you told us you were going for a scan, I do hope it went well for you. :) hugs to you:)


S T O P!!!! It figures I'd be reading somthing like this on the day that I decide to have cottage cheese for breakfast!!!!! :(

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